
Thursday, February 24, 2005

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Dear Pro-Life Advocates, The theme at Oregon Catholic Conference's Advocacy Day was "A Place at the Table." Having advocates for the unborn invited would be considered a sequel to "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" It's pretty obvious that the unborn haven't been a priority and this year there are six bills protecting them and their mothers that will be ignored, with one exception. A letter from the OCC was given for HB 2020 the Unborn Victims of Violence Act aka Laci and Connor Peterson's Law in a show of support, but only if the death penalty is kept from being applied for the second murder, if applicable. The reason for not even giving a letter in support of the other bills was because they might not be successful. I pointed out that they had worked for eight years for a State Earned Income Tax Credit and aren't the twelve thousand plus unborn Oregonian lives taken each year by abortion worth their effort. No response. On the bright side, there were at least thirty unborn advocates, many that had never been to an Advocacy Day. This showing demonstrated to the Bishops and the Conference that the unborn deserve a voice and a "Place at the Table". The Conference invited a busload of Sisters from a Seattle Peace and Justice committee otherwise, we would have filled up most of their seats. The Oregon Catholic Conference works very closely with the Justice and Peace Ministry of the Archdiocese. They both work very closely with the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. On March 19th there is a Peace Together Reflection Day at the University of Portland. Their keynote speaker, Dr. Diana Hayes, has this to say about pro-life advocates: "I find it very ironic that the very people who are "pro life" (in terms of before the fetus becomes a human child outside of the womb) are the very ones who are so pro-capital punishment and so pro throwing-the-book at children. But they do nothing with these children from the day they're born until something happens. Especially if they're born into poverty (which too many of our children today are being born into, because of the over-stressed lives of their parents) we simply ignore all of that. We ignore the reasons for perhaps why they're acting out in such violent ways -and just kill them too. So they murder and we murder. That's my take on the whole thing --and neither action is legitimate or moral." This is just a taste of what's in store for us at the Day of Reflection. The Justice and Peace Committee has an on-line survey and this will dictate the direction our parishes will go. How can the Church in Oregon breathe with one lung? How can we make decisions as a Church that costs everyone in the pews money, yet are vilified and kept from participating in the process. Their vision cannot be 20/20 without us. The abortion issue grounds people. It is the foundational issue of the Life Issues. Life Issues are NOT all the same. We can make a difference for the Catholic Church in Oregon. It is already beginning. God Bless, Carolyn Wendell “We shall be called to account not only for every idle word, but also for every idle silence.” St. Ambrose V.O.C.A.L. Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385

Saturday, February 19, 2005


Dear Advocates for the Unborn, The House Judiciary Committee is holding it's first hearing during the 2005 legislative session on the Speaker’s Unborn Victims of Violence bill (HB 2020). Testimony on behalf of HB 2020 will include Ron Grantski – Laci Peterson’s father! Mr. Grantski is traveling from California to urge Oregon Legislators to recognize the deaths of both women and unborn victims of violence. Testimony will be taken from the general public, if there's time. This will be held at 8:30 am, which will conflict with the OCC Advcacy Day somewhat. This is where discernment comes in. We need to pray to the Holy Spirit and see where we're needed. There will also be a PRESS CONFERENCE at 11:00am, all are welcome, Ron Grantski will be here also. This should be over at 11:30am, in time to get to St. Joseph's for lunch and conversation. Let's pray that the Oregon Catholic Conference has these on their agenda. 2005 Session - Culture of Life House Bills - HB 2020 - UNBORN VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE ACT/The Laci and Connor Peterson Law Expands criminal homicide to include causing death of unborn child. Provides exceptions for lawful abortions and acts committed by pregnant women. HB 2531 - CLINIC REGULATIONS Includes medical facility operated substantially for purpose of performing abortions in definition of ambulatory surgical center. (In Oregon, veterinary hospitals have more regulations for dogs than abortion clinics have for women) HB 2532 - INFORMED CONSENT aka WOMEN'S RIGHT TO KNOW Requires information to be given to pregnant female 24 hours prior to abortion. Specifies information health care provider must provide to obtain informed concent. Requires Department of Human Services to provide information about assistance services, abortion procedures, medical risks and fetal development and viability. Requires health care providers to report to Center for Health Statistics on compliance with Act. Requires reporting of induced termination of pregnancies as fetal deaths. Requires Director of Human Services to impose civil penalty on person who willfully fails to comply with Act. Prohibits Center for Health Statistics from disclosing identity of health care provider without provider's consent. Authorizes Speaker of House of Representatives and President of Senate to appoint members of Legislative Assembly to intervene in action challenging validity of Act. (Oregon Health Department lobbied AGAINST this bill in 2002 and testified with Planned Parenthood and NARAL) HB 2401 - DECLARES STATE POLICY RELATING TO ADOPTIONS/SUPPORTS MARRIAGE Requires Department of Human Services, Oregon licensed adoption agency or approved child-caring agency of this state that may consent to adoption of child to give preferences to prospective adoptive parents who are married over those who are unmarried or same-sex partners. Requires department or agency to give preference to prospective adoptive parents who live in this state over those who live outside this state. Provides exceptions. (relatives, etc. CW) HB 2550 - FETAL PAIN AWARENESS ACT Requires physicans to inform pregnant females considering abortion about fetal pain and to report on abortions performed. Requires Department of Human Services to publish information about fetal pain. Authoritizes Center for Health Statistics to adopt rules to facilitate physican reporting. Authorizes private action for damages for violation of information requirements of Act. Requires physicians to report to center on compliance with Act. Requires reporting of induced terminations of pregnancies as fetal deaths. Permits Speaker of House of Representatives and President of Senate to appoint sponsor of Act to intervene in action challenging validity of Act. Creates crime of unlawful abortion reporting. Punishes by maximum 30 day's imprisonment, $1,250 fine, or both. HB (NUMBER UNAVAILABLE) PARENTAL NOTIFICATION OF ABORTION FOR MINOR DAUGHTER (Oregon Health Department lobbied against this bill in 2002 and testified with Planned Parenthood and NARAL) GO TO THE LEGISLATIVE WEBSITE FOR INFO ON WHEN HEARINGS FOR THESE OTHER HOUSE BILL COME UP. We are called to be faithful and not to worry about the success of anything that Christ has put before us. We have been called to bring common sense back to our home and our State. Learning about "How a bill becomes a law" might be something we wouldn't necessarily desire on our own, however, our lives are really not our own. They were paid for with a Price. Join us for Holy Mass at 7am at St. Joseph in Salem. Let's offer this as a Lenten Sacrafice in reparation for lack of True Justice owed our Lord Jesus Christ and for the life of Terri Schiavo to be spared and placed in the arms of her devoted family. Dear Lord Jesus Christ. Please protect us as we work to protect the helpless that have no voice. God's Blessing and Strength for us all, Carolyn Wendell “We shall be called to account not only for every idle word, but also for every idle silence.” St. Ambrose V.O.C.A.L. Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Oregon Catholic Conference and My Thanks!

Dear Advocates for Life, The Oregon Catholic Conference material came in the mail today. There was no mention of any lobbying on their part of HB 2020 the Laci and Connor Peterson Law. The only thing under "Advocacy for Life" is HB 2101, which is regarding Homeland Security. Declares state policy relating to adoptions. Requires Department of Human Services, Oregon licensed adoption agency or approved child-caring agency of this state that may consent to adoption of child to give preferences to prospective adoptive parents who are married over those who are unmarried or same-sex partners. Requires department or agency to give preference to prospective adoptive parents who live in this state over those who live outside this state. Provides exceptions. (relatives, etc. CW) The Marriage Team Date: Monday-February 21 Time: 8:30 A.M. Room: 357 Public Hearing and Possible Work Session HB 2020 Expands criminal homicide to include causing death of unborn child. Invited Testimony Public Testimony Staff respectfully requests that you submit 25 collated copies of written materials at the time of your testimony. Persons making presentations including the use of video, DVD, PowerPoint or overhead projection equipment are asked to contact Committee staff 24 hours prior to the meeting. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the prayers and support for my family. I would love to share YOUR stories someday (with permission of course) to uplift, comfort and educate. We are truly one family in Christ. God Bless, Carolyn Wendell “We shall be called to account not only for every idle word, but also for every idle silence.” St. Ambrose V.O.C.A.L. Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385

Urgent Prayer Request for a MIRACLE!

Dear Friends, It's been a long time since I've sent an update on Terri Schaivo there were so many ups and downs in her case. Now, her life is at stake and it's time to fast and pray to save her. No matter how small the sacrifice, they can all contribute to a miracle. Please read Father Pavone experience. He just visited her, Terri is also a Roman Catholic. Here are some phone numbers you can call: Archibshop Vlazny 503-234-5334 or email him at and Bishop Vasa 541-388-4004 or email him at Her feeding tube will be removed by Feb. 22nd without Divine intervention. Go to for an update. Terri Schiavo Fr. Frank Pavone National Director, Priests for Life > > She is not dying. She has no terminal illness. She is not in a coma. She is > not on life- support equipment. She is not alone, but rather has loving > parents and siblings ready to care for her for the rest of her life. She has > not requested death. > > Yet a battle rages regarding whether Terri Schindler-Schiavo should be > starved. She has sustained brain injuries and cannot speak or eat normally. > Nevertheless, the only tube attached to her is a small, simple, painless > feeding tube that provides her nourishment directly to her digestive system. > > Her legal guardian is her husband, who already has another woman -- by whom > he also has children. He wants Terri's feeding tube removed. Of course, he > could simply allow her to be cared for by her parents and siblings, and get > on with his life, but he refuses. > > I have had two opportunities to visit Terri, most recently on the first > Sunday of February. > I have been able to talk to her, to listen to her struggle to speak, to > watch her focus her eyes and smile and attempt to kiss her parents. I have > prayed with her, blessed her, and assured her that she has many friends > around the country and around the world, who love her and want her to enjoy > the same protections we all enjoy, even when we're wounded. > > News articles have recently characterized Terri's situation by saying that > some want to "keep her alive against her husband's wishes." But Terri is not > dying. What does "keeping her alive" mean, if not the same thing as keeping > you and me alive -- that is, by giving us adequate food, shelter, and care? > > Some say that Terri's family should "let her go." But this is not a matter > of "letting her go," because she isn't "going" anywhere. If, however, she is > deprived of nourishment, then she would slowly die in the same way that any > of us would slowly die if we were deprived of nourishment. It is called > starvation. > > If the courts permit that to happen, then why should that permission apply > only in Terri's case? There would be no way to limit it to her case alone. > Countless others would follow, and their deaths would be described as > "letting them die" instead of "killing them." > Where, indeed, does the state get the authority to starve people? Court > decisions permitting this lack all authority, as Pope John Paul II teaches > in "The Gospel of Life" > (section 72). These decisions cannot be obeyed, because they are not binding > on the conscience and are in fact acts of violence. > > At the present time, there are two simple things you can do. Educate your > neighbors about this situation. Visit our website,, > and click on the "Terri Schiavo" link. Second, contact anyone you know in > Florida and ask them to encourage their Governor and state legislators to > continue doing everything possible to save Terri's life. > > For more information on this crucial case, visit our website, > If you want educational cards on Terri's situation, > contact our orders department at, or by calling > 888-PFL-3448, ext. 237, or by writing Orders Department, Priests for Life, > PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314. _____________________________________________________________________________ The need for an ADVOCATE when admitted into the hospital is VITAL. Don't sign ANYTHING without reading it first. "Living wills" are different from hospital to hospital. Have someone you trust completely and has a clear moral knowledge of Church teaching. I will set up a forum for "Advanced Directives" to protect you and your loved ones. It's vital, educational and will change your life. May God give wisdom to those who have control over Terri Schiavo and love conquer all. God Bless, Carolyn Wendell "We shall be called to account not only for every idle word, but also for every idle silence." St. Ambrose V.O.C.A.L. Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385

Friday, February 11, 2005

Oregon Catholic Conference Advocacy Day is $10 and.....

Oregon Catholic Conference Advocacy Day is $10 and..... Dear Friends, A quick note - the cost for the Advocacy Day is $10. This covers the cost of breakfast goodies, lunch and a packet of information to help understand the issues and how the Legislature works. VOCAL would be happy to pay for any Advocate for the Unborn if you have a tight budget. Just let me know. REMEMBER! • Archbishop Vlazny and Bishop Vasa will be there! • Advocacy Day happens every two years! • It'a a holiday - President's Day! • The babies need you! • You CAN make a difference for the Culture of Life! There is also a meeting at 8:30am for testimony regarding HB 2020 the Unborn Victims of Violence/Laci & Connor Peterson Law. If you'd like a fact sheet please let me know and I'll send one to you. Any citizen can speak to the committee. You need 25 copies of your talk to hand out and speak for the voiceless! God Bless, Carolyn Wendell “We shall be called to account not only for every idle word, but also for every idle silence.” St. Ambrose V.O.C.A.L. Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Lent and Lobbying

Lent and Lobbying Dear Friends, Lent is upon us. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen might call this a "Return to Nothingness"; "God made us out of nothing...nothing at all...and it is well for us to occasionally recall that fact." The reality of this "nothingness" came our family this Ash Wednesday. John Paul Tamiian, beloved son and grandson had died before he was born this morning. At seventeen weeks gestation, weighing only nine ounces, John Paul was already well-loved and a future with him pictured in our minds. Let us pray for all families who have lost children at any age. They are precious in His sight. The reality of the personhood of these little ones is common sense, yet we need to constantly battle the Culture of Death and their ideology. To help the Culture of Life in Oregon we have an opportunity to make our values known through the Oregon Catholic Conference Advocacy Day. Archbishop Vlazny and Bishop Vasa Invite You to: Presidents’ Day - Monday, Feb. 21, 2005 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM "Issues 2005" Advocacy for Life + Advocacy for the Poor Advocacy for the Elderly + Affordable Housing Refundable State Earned Income Tax Credit Start the day in Salem at the State Capitol, Room 50 Register at 8 a.m. Program begins at 8:30 a.m. (Coffee and donuts provided) Please pre-register by phone. 503-233-8387, fax: 503-235-2630, or email: Please make checks payable to Archdiocese of Portland, 2838 E. Burnside St., Portland 97214 For more information please call 503-233-8387. FYI Please encourage the OCC to support HB 2020 the Laci/Connor Peterson bill that gives personhood to the unborn. You can phone Archbishop John Vlazny 503-234-5334 Bishop Robert Vasa 541-388-4004 or email More information will be coming as the House/Senate Bills start coming in. Thank you for your support for Life in Oregon. God Bless, Carolyn Wendell “We shall be called to account not only for every idle word, but also for every idle silence.” St. Ambrose V.O.C.A.L. Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385