Friday, December 9, 2005
Great Opportunities to Save Unborn Babies, Parental Rights and our Soul!
Happy Advent All,
The end of the year is fast approaching and there is a way you can help save unborn babies and parental rights in Oregon. Believe it or not, one out of every four abortions are paid for with your tax dollars. Now, you can actually use some of your taxes to help prevent abortion rather than pay for them. You can do this by using the "Political Tax Credit". This allows a married couple to give up to $100 to a qualified political committee (singles can give up to $50) AND receive EVERY PENNY BACK when your tax return is filed. The deadline is December 31st, the same amount will simply go to the state government, if you don't act.
I would suggest that a wonderful place to guarantee the best results for the Culture of Life is to Help the OREGON RIGHT TO LIFE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE. They are one of the most effective political groups in the state and they only work for candidates who are pro-life. In addition, ORTL-PAC is sponsoring a statewide Parental Notification ballot measure for the November 2006 election. Your political tax credit is an excellent way to help this ballot measure.
IT'S EASY - Just mail a check for $100 or $50 to Oregon Right to Life PAC before Dec. 31st. You can add your occupation or when they get your check they'll just contact you. (The Secretary of State is asking for this). Mail it to ORTL 4335 River Road N., Salem OR 97303. You'll have a great New Year supporting a great organization who loves LIFE.
Now about saving our Souls. There's still time to wash them clean!
Pope authorizes plenary indulgences marking Vatican II anniversary
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- To mark the 40th anniversary of the close of the Second Vatican Council, Catholics can receive a plenary indulgence for taking part in any public or private devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Pope Benedict XVI authorized the special Dec. 8 indulgences to encourage the faithful to carry out the council's teachings on peace, justice and charity, said U.S. Cardinal J. Francis Stafford, head of the Apostolic Penitentiary, a Vatican court dealing with indulgences and matters of conscience. The pope expressed his hopes that all the church would be united with him and their "common mother," Mary, on Dec. 8, so that the faithful "may be strengthened in their faith, follow Christ with greater dedication, and love their brothers and sisters with more ardent charity," said the cardinal. The Vatican published the cardinal's statement announcing the indulgences and outlining the requirements for receiving them Nov. 29. Dec. 8 is the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. An indulgence is a remission of the temporal punishment due for sins committed. "A plenary indulgence is the full remission of all temporal punishment (time spent in purgatory) due to sin in one's entire lifetime up to that point. It may be applied to oneself or to the dead by way of suffrage."
The gift of plenary indulgence may be obtained under the usual conditions:
sacramental confession
Eucharistic Communion
prayer in keeping with the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff
The three conditions may be fulfilled several days before or after the performance of the prescribed work; it is, however, fitting that Communion be received and the prayer for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff be said on the same day the work is performed.
The soul must be completely removed from attachment to any form of sin, on the forthcoming solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, by the faithful if they participate in a sacred function in honor of the Virgin, or at least offer open testimony of Marian devotion before an image of Mary Immaculate exposed for public veneration, adding the recitation of the Our Father and of the Creed, and some invocation to the Virgin."
The document concludes by recalling that faithful who "through illness or other just cause" are unable to participate in a public ceremony or to venerate an image of the Virgin, "may obtain a plenary indulgence in their own homes, or wherever they may be, if, with the soul completely removed from any form of sin, and with the intention of observing the aforesaid conditions as soon as possible, they unite themselves in spirit and in desire to the Supreme Pontiff's intentions in prayer to Mary Immaculate, and recite the Our Father and the Creed."
It's been interesting to look up ways to receive this wonderful grace. Here's one site that might be of interest.
Missionary - For people all over the world searching for God and truth: may they encounter the Lord Jesus.
General - For all men and women: may they come to an ever deeper understanding of their dignity, granted them by the Creator in his plan.
God Bless and Happy Gaudete (Gaw-day-tay) Sunday (Latin pronunciation for the word that means Rejoice!)
The Lord is Coming!
" Stop entertaining those vain fears. Remember it is not feeling which constitutes guilt but the consent to such feelings. Only the free will is capable of good or evil. But when the will sighs under the trial of the Tempter and does not will what is presented to it, there is not only NO fault but there is VIRTUE." Padre Pio (Saint Pio of Pietrelcina)
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Member of Catholic Media Coalition - "Inline with the Church, online with the world"