
Friday, May 5, 2006

Archbishop's Challenge to PROTECT OUR TEEN DAUGHTERS

Dear Friends, Oregon's Catholic priests have received a letter from the Archbishop and the Oregon Catholic Conference for a go-ahead to have petitions signed and collected for the Parental Notification Ballot Measure at all parish functions and on church property. The grassroots movement is depended on to get the needed qualified registered voters, so that this measure can be put on the November ballot. Some have considered working on this an extension of Lent, where we have to keep ourselves focused on this issue to PROTECT OUR TEEN DAUGHTERS and LIFE that God Almighty created. The PROTECT OUR TEEN DAUGHTERS COMMITTEE needs your help to contact your pastor, make sure that he has received the packet and encourage him to speak from the pulpit regarding the collection of signatures. Then we need folks to have petitions signed before and after masses, make it a family, bible study, Altar Society, YLI, CDA, Knights of Columbus, etc., project. Contact your friends in and out of church too. What about the library? We need to move outside of our comfort level and collect those signatures. Set a goal, 50,100, 200 or a competition to see who gets the most. There are lives at stake! Attached is the letter from the Archbishop for you to see, if you haven't already had the opportunity. It is encouraging. Let's help the Culture of Life grow. If you need petitions, table signs, explanations, ANYTHING to help you in this effort to stop the trafficking of our/your teen daughters by the pro-abortion efforts supported by our tax dollars, PLEASE let me know, or call the campaign at 503-390-3645. The abortion lobby wants to make money from abortions and baby body parts. The destruction is left to the parents, grandparents and people who love them. Let's put some sanity back into Oregon. Almost thirty states have parental notification laws. This safeguards girls in abusive families, so a judge is involved if is parental abuse, instead of letting the girl back into the situation; it safeguards girls involved with older men who are guilty of statutory rape and as Archbishop Vlazny states in the attached letter "allows parents to be an integral part of their daughters' lives at a most crucial moment." If we all work together we can get this on the ballot and into law. The deadline for signatures is June 15th. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn "What I do you cannot do; but what you do, I cannot do. The needs are great, and none of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful." - Mother Teresa- VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 Member of Catholic Media Coalition - "Inline with the Church, online with the world"