
Friday, June 6, 2008

"barred from burial in blessed ground"/Archdpdx Marching in Gay Pride Parade, Again!

Dear Catholic Advocates,

Saturday, June 7th there will be the second scandalous "ordination" of a woman at Ecumencial Ministries of Oregon affiliated Zion United Church of Christ, Gresham. Those Oregon women involved will suffer the pains of excommunication, by default, anyways, if Archbishop Vlazny decides to ignore this cancer with formal proceedings. It's called a "latae sententiae' .
They will be "barred from burial in blessed ground, or having a funeral in a Roman Catholic Church."

The women in his Archdiocese, Toni Tortorilla already "falsely ordained" and her partner Ruth, will lose standing in the Roman Catholic Church and of course, the "sacraments" of Eucharist, marriage, confession, baptism, holy orders, last rites, confimation are null and void to those fool enough to go along with these pretend rites.

 No matter how well meaning the people are who are attending these "ceremonies', that are grave sins, are strictly forbidden. This is the decree from Archbishop Raymond Burke of Saint Louis, Missouri when three women from his Archdiocese decided to participate in a fake ordination and didn't heed Church Teachings or his warning stated below.

The Archbishop Burke warned the women, who proceeded with being "priestesses" with this statement, thus safeguarding the Deposit of Faith of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church and preventing more misunderstanding for the Faithful (aka, those Catholic who follow the teachings of the Church).

"Statement Regarding Those Involved in Attempted Ordinations of November 11, 2007 Archbishop Raymond L. Burke has issued the following statement regarding Patricia Fresen, Rose Hudson, and Elsie McGrath:

"As Archbishop of St. Louis, it is my responsibility to safeguard the unity of the Catholic Church and protect the souls of the faithful. I have communicated with Ms. Fresen, Ms. Hudson, and Ms. McGrath, and informed them that if they participated in an attempted female ordination, they would be excommunicating themselves from the Catholic Church.

In the apostolic letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, Pope John Paul II reaffirmed that the Catholic Church has no authority to confer priestly ordination on women. This teaching is to be held definitively by all the faithful as belonging to the deposit of faith.

Because they participated in the attempted ordination, Church law requires me to publicly declare the excommunication. The situation is sad for the whole Church. It is cause of great concern for me as archbishop. Please join me in praying that both will be reconciled with the Church and that the great harm which has been caused to the Church, with the help of God's grace, will be healed."

The Zion United Church of Christ, Gresham also contains the office of Community of Welcoming Congregations a pro-homosexual group that Catholic Churches in Oregon belong to with no apparent public condemnation from the Archdpdx.

On June 14 and 15 the Catholics will participate in the Portland (Gay) Pride Parade and ceremonies once again.

The Catholic Coalition of the Community of Welcoming Parishes include: St. Andrews - Monsignor Charles Lienert pastor. This church has participated in the parade for years. Monsignor Lienert was rewarded with this title, giving confusing signs to loyal Catholics.  Cat Willett director of Office of Justice and peace attends this church.

St. Francis of Assisi - Rev. Robert Krueger/Administrator, contact for National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Ministries - Knows Fr. Schexnayder who came to St. Philip Neri for pro-homosexual workshop in May.

St. Philip Neri Paulist Parish (created Disciples in Mission), Fr. Richard Colgan, CSP where Fr. James Schexnayder homosexual activist had workshop last year, he's part of NACDLGM as above.

Journey/Koinonia Catholic Community - Had homosexual "marriage" ceremonies Cat Willett director of Office of Justice and Peace advertised in their newspaper. The Archdiocese turns their back on these events even after the bankruptcy, it would seem foolish, but maybe we are the fools. Remember Saul Alinsky and his agenda. More about this later.

Here's what we as the Catholic Faithful can take comfort matter what happens in Oregon.

Breaking News Vatican cracks down on attempts to ordain women Vatican City, May 29, 2008 / 02:29 pm

 (CNA) -- The Vatican declared today that any women who attempt "ordination" or any bishops who attempt to "ordain" women are automatically excommunicated from the Church by their actions. The decree from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is said to be absolute, universal and immediately effective. The decree, which was published in the Vatican daily L'Osservatore Romano, comes in the wake of several women attempting to be "ordained" as Catholic priests.

The most recent attempt to ordain a woman occurred on May 4 in Winona, Minnesota, when Kathy Redig participated in a ceremony of ordination. Bishop of Winona Bernard Harrington responded to the news of Redig's purported ordination by saying it made him "very, very sad."

The bishop also said that "She, by her actions, has excommunicated herself."

Another occurrence of attempted ordination occurred in St. Louis, Missouri, on Nov. 11, 2007. The ceremony involved a German woman named Patricia Fresen conducting a would-be ordination ceremony at a St. Louis synagogue. Fresen used the formula and rite of a Catholic ordination to "ordain" as priests two St. Louis-area women, Rose Hudson and Elsie McGrath.

The attempted ordination caused Archbishop Raymond Burke of the Archdiocese of St. Louis to declare the three women excommunicated for taking part in an attempted ordination of women to the priesthood. The archbishop said the excommunication was part of his "solemn duty" to protect the faith and unity of the Church.

Archbishop Burke, who is regarded as one of the foremost experts on canon law, explained that this type of situation has been addressed before. In August 2002, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith also excommunicated two women who had taken part in an invalid ordination ceremony, he said. Patricia Fresen, the archbishop said, had "formally and directly engaged" in founding a "new and separate sect" called Roman Catholic WomenPriests USA.

The decree from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith also mentions that it applies to all people in communion with the Catholic Church, including any bishops or women who are members of the Eastern Churches.

Anyone who incurs this excommunication can only be received back into the Church by the Apostolic See, the decree says. The declaration, which is signed by Cardinal William Levada, concludes by saying that it is absolute, universal and immediately effective upon its publication in L'Osservatore Romano.

Translated text of the Decree: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith General Decree regarding the crime of attempting sacred ordination of a woman. 

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, to protect the nature and validity of the sacrament of holy orders, in virtue of the special faculty conferred to it by the supreme authority of the Church (see canon 30, Canon Law), in the Ordinary Session of December 19, 2007, has decreed:

Remaining firm on what has been established by canon 1378 of the Canon Law, both he who has attempted to confer holy orders on a woman, and the woman who has attempted to receive the said sacrament, incurs in latae sententiae excommunication, reserved to the Apostolic See. 

 If he who has attempted to confer holy orders on a woman or if the woman who has attempted to receive holy orders, is a member of the faithful subject to the Code of Canon Law for the Eastern Churches, remaining firm on what has been established by canon 1443 of the same Code, they will be punished with major excommunication, whose remission remains reserved to the Apostolic See (see canon 1423, Canon Law of the Eastern Churches). 

 The current decree will come into immediate force from the moment of publication in the Osservatore Romano and is absolute and universal. "


May the hearts of those who's responsibility is to safeguard His sheep be opened to the Truth of doing hard things for the Kingdom. "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven." Matthew 7:21-23