"I tell priests and bishops what to do." Strong words and shocking to those at a Southern Oregon meeting in Spring 2007. Her words, even in jest, were not appropriate.
The actions of Mary Jo Tully had/has many faithful Catholics wondering what's going on. When she was hired by then-Archbishop William Levada in 1999, she helped him define her role. She was one of two women chancellors in the U.S. Normally a chancellor is a priest or deacon and there are guidelines regarding their duties. It seems women are treated differently than men.
She was in charge of many things, but right now we'll concentrate on Ballot Measures 66 & 67 from the Oregon election of
The Archdiocese, not through the Oregon Catholic Conference the lobbying office but the Office of Justice and Peace says Yes on 66 and 67. Mary Jo is the director of that office.
It's not so much the "yes" (although I believe a NO vote is more prudent) but the alliances that were exposed in this process the problem. Plus, we weren't given an opportunity to express ourselves or know what was going on.
Attachment #1 - Mary Jo Tully's name is listed with "Defend Oregon" and "Tax Fairness Oregon", who paid $500 to be in the voter's guide since they didn't have the 1000 names to be in the "Vote Yes on 66 and 67' and therefore couldn't get in for free. Remember, non-profits won't have to be taxed, like the church.
Connecting More Dots: WHO ARE THEY, REALLY?
Tax Fairness, Defend Oregon and Our Oregon all have the same address and phone number.
Tax Fairness Oregon Mission Statement
George Soros' Moveon.org's political arm Democracy in Action..is in the web address of Tax Fairness Oregon.
Democracy in Action Links to Pro-Aborts and Church Dissidents. Democracy In Action's mission - To "Wire the Progressive Movement." You'll see Faith in Public Life and ACORN Saul Alinsky group and Catholic Alliance a dissident group just to name two.
Now, notice how Mary Jo Tully signed the Tax Fairness "Religious Leaders" list first and then five minutes later our Archbishop did the same. A week later, Matt Cato, newly hired Office of Justice and Peace director signed a week later.
113Thu Nov 19 17:44:24 EST 2009 Matt Cato
114Thu Nov 19 17:49:24 EST 2009 Archbishop Vlazny
93Thu Nov 12 20:54:42 EST 2009Chancellor Mary Jo Tully
*It is fair and just that those who continue to prosper greatly should give back a little more of their income to support the public services that have made their prosperity possible. The responsibility of the wealthy to the poor and to the common good is a principle deeply rooted in the texts and teachings of our religious traditions." Tax Fairness Oregon Statement
SO....What's going on...?
Pro-Life Action of Oregon www.prolifeactionoregon.org put in a call to the Archdiocese upon hearing that both Planned Parenthood and NARAL were urging supporters with big money to vote yes, the Archdiocesan Chancellor Mary Jo Tully replied, “That’s not a bad thing is it?”
After being asked whether the archbishop knows about Planned Parenthood and NARAL’s lobbying efforts, Chancellor Tully replied, “No, I don’t think he knows.”
See. http://prolifeactionoforegon.org/2010/01/06/planned-parenthood-leads-tax-increase-lobby/
Statements IN FAVOR in your VOTERS' PAMPHLET which you should receive in the mail:
Page 16, bottom of right column: Planned Parenthood and NARA
Page 28, middle of right column: Ecumenical Ministries (Catholic Archdiocese is a member)
Page 73, both columns: Ecumenical Ministries and NARAL
With this action they aligned the Catholics of western Oregon with Planned Parenthood, NARAL National Abortion Rights Action League, Basic Rights Oregon (homosexual lobby) but that's not all.
Mary Jo Tully is on the Board of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. That is the biggest problem we have as Catholics in Oregon.
Western Oregon Catholics are now aligned once again, with ultra-liberal, progressive values, but now it's so obvious, it's blatant and stomach-turning. These NOT the values of the Roman Catholic Church.
So we see that January 25, 2010 the Archbishop endorses Measures 66 & 67.
We pray that Mary Jo Tully can get some new friends and not be so outspoken about her role. It is very unnerving that not ONE of the churches we associate with are pro-life , REAL pro-life protecting unborn white babies, brown babies, black babies, every baby.
"In accord with the knowledge, competence and preeminence which they possess, they (laity) have the right and even at times a duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church, and they have a right to make their opinion known to the other Christian faithful, with due regard for the integrity of faith and morals and reverence toward their pastors, and with consideration for the common good and the dignity of persons." (Canon 212, P3)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
A follow-up: "FAITH" moves mountains and meetings, opening up a can of Archdpdx worms....
Dear Advocates for Life,
A big thank you to Faith, the young mom who took action against the "honoring Roe V Wade Happy Hour" by a simple phone call to a Salem area restaurant to let her voice be heard. See for letter http://vocalblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/open-letter-of-pro-life-action-by-young.html
Faith emailing her story to The Bill Post Show at KYKN in Salem set pro-life troops into action with phone calls of their own to the restaurant. Look at the "No host nibbles" ad created to show these women what it looks like to us what they're celebrating.
They were going to be made into handouts at the picket.
The owner of the Marco Polo Restaurant in Salem cancelled the pro-abort women's "Happy Hour". To support this positive step, many pro-lifers dined at the Marco Polo on Roe V Wade Friday, January 22nd. There was a mood of happiness and gratitude.
So.....where did these pro-abort women and men go? Announcing on their website www.oregonwomenlead.com they headed to the Salem YWCA. Why the Y? Because it's pro-abortion. Yes, the YWCA Young Women's Christian Association is linked pro-abortion groups and supports FOCA http://www.lifenews.com/nat4620.html . Some went to picket the Y before going to the restaurant when we found out where the meeting was. (it's monthly, so our works cut out for us.)
HERE'S the CAN of WORMS...
The YWCA's Salem website has a Catholic connection with Saint Francis Shelter (Salem), Saint Joseph Shelter (Mt. Angel), and Saint Vincent de Paul linked as "community partners."
When this venue changed, Mary Jo Tully, the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Portland was contacted by a concerned Catholic about these Catholic connections with the abortion prone YWCA. She didn't seem concerned about this.
One reason why Mary Jo Tully probably isn't concerned is because of the Catholic Charities/ YWCA/Archdpdx/Bill Gates etc. connection. There is a $12.5 million building for Catholic Charities to dedicate in Portland in early February. It will be called the CLARK FAMILY CENTER. Well named because the Clark family gave almost $3 million to the building. http://www.sentinel.org/node/9936
Maybelle Clark (she died in December) has her foundation named on the YWCA PORTLAND website http://www.ywca-pdx.org/trusts.html and Mike and Tracey Clark her relations, are also big donors to the Y. I'm sure that Mrs. Clark didn't know the huge change in the YW. Now her Catholic beneficiaries know and I hope that they take action to stop funding this organization.
Catholic Charities was so excited that Bill Gates gave them $750,000 for the building. Bill and Melinda Gates are pro-abortion. Have we sold out? Dennis Keenan the director for over 20 years will get a great office to help the poor and hungry. Why such great digs if we want to eliminate these things? They will have a big to do that costs $125 each.Who but the rich can go to this?
Something is very wrong. Should Catholic organizations take money from pro-aborts? It seems like there is something else that Bill Gates is giving to and not the Catholic Church's mission. The building will house more than Catholic Charities projects. They give hardly anything for Life in Oregon. Rachel's Vineyard's is from Priests for Life with a half-time woman hired to do post-abortion workshops. And we don't know all the other organizations that will have fancy offices and again possible connect Catholics with non-Catholic groups.
There's no reason for Catholic groups to be connected with pro-abortion organizations. It's way overdue to cut ourselves off from connections that use the Catholic name to get funds. Even if they do "good works".....the Faith seems to be dead.
Let's pray that Mary Jo Tully takes some action. Hanging around rich people all the time is not healthy for the soul and big fancy buildings inflate the ego. We have more to say about this feeling of the regular folks being pushed to the side. The plot thickens.
Thanks again Faith for your faithfulness and Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and not how people might take your actions. You have made the world a better place with your courage.
God Bless you and yours,
Matthew 4:4 - Jesus answered, "The scripture says 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God'."
6:19-21 - "Don't pile up treasures on earth, where moth and rust can spoil them and thieves can break in and steal. But keep your treasure in Heaven where there is neither moth nor rust to spoil it and nobody can break in and steal. For wherever your treasure is, you may be certain that your heart will be there too!"
6:24 - "No one can be loyal to two masters. He is bound to hate one and love the other, or support one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and the power of money at the same time."
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Member of the Catholic Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World". www.catholicmediacoalition.org
Member of Reform Catholic Campaign for Human Development www.reformcchdnow.com
Friday, January 15, 2010
Open Letter of Pro-Life Action by Young Catholic Mom....and warning to us/Loving Haitians and the Unborn
Dear Advocates for Life,
January is pro-life month and I was contacted yesterday by a young Catholic mother of four, under seven, who shared an experience we all can learn from. I applaud her as a standard for all young mom's, busy with children and protecting their eternal souls and challenges making a budget stretch and knew it was the right thing to step up and speak out for the unborn.
Here is the letter she has allowed me to share, sent to Bill Post, from KYKN 1430 am . He apparently is someone that she feels cares and respects.
Dear Bill,
I am a regular listener to your radio show and recently had an experience that bothered me. I'd like your opinion. Yesterday I picked up Salem Monthly to peruse and lo and behold, saw this advertisement.
Oregon Women Lead
invites women to honor the
37th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Friday, January 22, 2010 from 5-7 PM
at our inaugural monthly Pro Choice Happy Hour
Speakers: Bonnie Heitsch, Lori Warner,
& Jacqueline Zimmer
The Founders of Planned Parenthood in Salem
enjoy your choice of Delish' no host nibbles
Britta 503-399-9099 or Cindy 503-588-8713
Marco Polo Restaurant 300 Liberty St. SE Salem
300 Liberty St. SE Salem
Lots of easy parking
Now, I am an Oregon woman and I see nothing to celebrate in the tragedy of Roe v. Wade. I think they should rename "Oregon Woman Lead" - "Oregon Lead Women"- because any woman who believes that she, or anyone else has a right to kill the life in the womb must have a heart made of lead.
I was sickened at the thought of these women munching on their "delish nibbles" at a Happy Hour celebrating such a tragedy.
So, I did what any "normal" prolifer would do. I first called the organization. One line was busy, the other seemed like a woman's personal voice mail. Then, I called Marco Polo restaurant and asked to talk to whoever was responsible for reservations. I believe I talked to the owner of the restaurant, and English was not his first language.
I talked very calmly and clearly, saying that I wanted to voice my objection to the pro-abortion group that was meeting there on the 22nd. He did not seem shaken, and seemed to understand what I was talking about. He said that they treat everyone equally, and asked for my name and phone number. I calmly explained that I believed that having this group celebrate at this business was equivalent to hosting Ku Klux clansmen, or a Nazi organization. These people were meeting to plot the destruction of more human life; and I wanted to be a voice for life. He could not have been threatened by my phone call unless he completely misunderstood what I was saying. We hung up cordially; or so I thought.
About 45 minutes later I got a phone call saying "Is This Faith?" (my first name) I said, "Yup!" and they hung up. An hour later a policeman called, saying some "goob" had called a restaurant- it was a possible prank. I told him that I did indeed call a restaurant to voice my complaint over an organization that was meeting there. He wanted to make sure that there wasn't going to be a protest. I told him that I should not be getting contacted by the police for making a simple phone call, and if there was a protest that would be an entirely different matter, and the police should deal with that if that happened. He then wanted my full name and date of birth. He treated me as if I was a threat and a problem, and would not let me finish a sentence without trying to interrupt me. You know, as if someone else was in the room and he wanted to act as if I was yelling or acting beligerant. He finally said "I'm hanging up now", and did.
I feel as if my rights are being stripped away; as if being pro-life suddenly nullifies my voice. My name is now under a case number- I am filed away- to be dealt with as they see fit.
After this happened I looked at my children and for the first time REALLY started worrying about what kind of world they will inherit. The fight has become personal now. If people don't see life as a gift and treasure in itself; anyone is expendable. The aged, the handicapped, any children over the one child limit, or anyone who doesn't agree with the government, the list can go on and on. The leap from a woman's right to kill the life within her to the government forcibly taking that life is very short.
God bless you in your fight for what is right and most respectful to human life- it is a comfort to have you on the air.
(VOCAL held back last name and contact info but I'll forward any messages to her. )
The website also has a picture of Kate Brown, Secretary of State, the head of Planned Parenthood and Susan Castillo, Superintendent of Oregon Schools. Planned Parenthood is firmly entrenched into the schools leading more kids to their door to prey on them.
Let us remember those in Haiti, suffering and dying. We pray for them and cry for them. They are far away and we can't see them, but we love them. Just as we pray and cry and love the unborn. Let us pray for those Oregon women who have hardened their hearts into "lead".
There are opportunities to rally for life this Sunday at Pioneer Courthouse Square from 2 until 3 sponsored by Oregon Right to Life http://www.portlandproliferally.com
and remember the march with Precious Children of Portland before the rally...go to http://sites.google.com/site/preciouschildrenofportland/home/walkandrallyonjanuary172010
Thank you Faith for being faithful to your name and your Lord and your children.
The Most Important Person
on earth is a mother. She
cannot claim the honor of
having built Notre Dame
Cathedral. She need not. She
has built something more
magnificent than any
cathedral–a dwelling for an
immortal soul, the tiny
perfection of her baby’s
body ... The angels have not
been blessed wtih such a
grace. They cannot share in
God’s creative miracle to bring
new saints to Heaven. Only a
human mother can. Mothers
are closer to God the Creator
than any other creature; God
joins forces with mothers in
performing this act of
creation ... What on God’s
good earth is more glorious
than this: to be a mother?
– Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty
God Bless you and yours,
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Member of the Catholic Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World". www.catholicmediacoalition.org and www.reformcchdnow.com
January is pro-life month and I was contacted yesterday by a young Catholic mother of four, under seven, who shared an experience we all can learn from. I applaud her as a standard for all young mom's, busy with children and protecting their eternal souls and challenges making a budget stretch and knew it was the right thing to step up and speak out for the unborn.
Here is the letter she has allowed me to share, sent to Bill Post, from KYKN 1430 am . He apparently is someone that she feels cares and respects.
Dear Bill,
I am a regular listener to your radio show and recently had an experience that bothered me. I'd like your opinion. Yesterday I picked up Salem Monthly to peruse and lo and behold, saw this advertisement.
Oregon Women Lead
invites women to honor the
37th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Friday, January 22, 2010 from 5-7 PM
at our inaugural monthly Pro Choice Happy Hour
Speakers: Bonnie Heitsch, Lori Warner,
& Jacqueline Zimmer
The Founders of Planned Parenthood in Salem
enjoy your choice of Delish' no host nibbles
Britta 503-399-9099 or Cindy 503-588-8713
Marco Polo Restaurant 300 Liberty St. SE Salem
300 Liberty St. SE Salem
Lots of easy parking
Now, I am an Oregon woman and I see nothing to celebrate in the tragedy of Roe v. Wade. I think they should rename "Oregon Woman Lead" - "Oregon Lead Women"- because any woman who believes that she, or anyone else has a right to kill the life in the womb must have a heart made of lead.
I was sickened at the thought of these women munching on their "delish nibbles" at a Happy Hour celebrating such a tragedy.
So, I did what any "normal" prolifer would do. I first called the organization. One line was busy, the other seemed like a woman's personal voice mail. Then, I called Marco Polo restaurant and asked to talk to whoever was responsible for reservations. I believe I talked to the owner of the restaurant, and English was not his first language.
I talked very calmly and clearly, saying that I wanted to voice my objection to the pro-abortion group that was meeting there on the 22nd. He did not seem shaken, and seemed to understand what I was talking about. He said that they treat everyone equally, and asked for my name and phone number. I calmly explained that I believed that having this group celebrate at this business was equivalent to hosting Ku Klux clansmen, or a Nazi organization. These people were meeting to plot the destruction of more human life; and I wanted to be a voice for life. He could not have been threatened by my phone call unless he completely misunderstood what I was saying. We hung up cordially; or so I thought.
About 45 minutes later I got a phone call saying "Is This Faith?" (my first name) I said, "Yup!" and they hung up. An hour later a policeman called, saying some "goob" had called a restaurant- it was a possible prank. I told him that I did indeed call a restaurant to voice my complaint over an organization that was meeting there. He wanted to make sure that there wasn't going to be a protest. I told him that I should not be getting contacted by the police for making a simple phone call, and if there was a protest that would be an entirely different matter, and the police should deal with that if that happened. He then wanted my full name and date of birth. He treated me as if I was a threat and a problem, and would not let me finish a sentence without trying to interrupt me. You know, as if someone else was in the room and he wanted to act as if I was yelling or acting beligerant. He finally said "I'm hanging up now", and did.
I feel as if my rights are being stripped away; as if being pro-life suddenly nullifies my voice. My name is now under a case number- I am filed away- to be dealt with as they see fit.
After this happened I looked at my children and for the first time REALLY started worrying about what kind of world they will inherit. The fight has become personal now. If people don't see life as a gift and treasure in itself; anyone is expendable. The aged, the handicapped, any children over the one child limit, or anyone who doesn't agree with the government, the list can go on and on. The leap from a woman's right to kill the life within her to the government forcibly taking that life is very short.
God bless you in your fight for what is right and most respectful to human life- it is a comfort to have you on the air.
(VOCAL held back last name and contact info but I'll forward any messages to her. )
The website also has a picture of Kate Brown, Secretary of State, the head of Planned Parenthood and Susan Castillo, Superintendent of Oregon Schools. Planned Parenthood is firmly entrenched into the schools leading more kids to their door to prey on them.
Let us remember those in Haiti, suffering and dying. We pray for them and cry for them. They are far away and we can't see them, but we love them. Just as we pray and cry and love the unborn. Let us pray for those Oregon women who have hardened their hearts into "lead".
There are opportunities to rally for life this Sunday at Pioneer Courthouse Square from 2 until 3 sponsored by Oregon Right to Life http://www.portlandproliferally.com
and remember the march with Precious Children of Portland before the rally...go to http://sites.google.com/site/preciouschildrenofportland/home/walkandrallyonjanuary172010
Thank you Faith for being faithful to your name and your Lord and your children.
The Most Important Person
on earth is a mother. She
cannot claim the honor of
having built Notre Dame
Cathedral. She need not. She
has built something more
magnificent than any
cathedral–a dwelling for an
immortal soul, the tiny
perfection of her baby’s
body ... The angels have not
been blessed wtih such a
grace. They cannot share in
God’s creative miracle to bring
new saints to Heaven. Only a
human mother can. Mothers
are closer to God the Creator
than any other creature; God
joins forces with mothers in
performing this act of
creation ... What on God’s
good earth is more glorious
than this: to be a mother?
– Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty
God Bless you and yours,
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Member of the Catholic Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World". www.catholicmediacoalition.org and www.reformcchdnow.com