
Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Archbishop Vlanzy came to the defense of the Holy Father and the Church last week by asking for a boycott of the Oregonian by his priests.. Please read the link if you haven't already.
AB Vlazny Asks Priests to Boycott

If that wasn't enough, when alerted to the fact that Call to Action NW was having "Father Roy Bourgeois", an excommunicated priest, speak at the Ecumenical Minisitries of Oregon affiliated Central Lutheran Church in PDX and would use Zeller's Chapel of the Roses parking lot for this event, the Archdiocese reacted strongly.
Call to Action Slips? Through

"Father" Roy just called for the resignation of the Holy Father because of the recent scandals
 Why No Boycott of pro-woman's ordination Roy Bourgeois
This on the heels of Archbishop Vlazny's Oregonian cancellation boycott.

According to Call to Action, if Zeller's allowed the parking lot to be used for this event, the Archbishop would call for a boycott of Zeller's. The Call to Action folks might be confused because when Fr. Roy came in 2008 staff from the Archdpdx was present.

The anti-Catholic event includes two "women priests" from Oregon. One Toni Tortorilla, is a long time friend of the Archdpdx and worked for the Griffin Center and the Catholic Counseling Center at one time. The other gal is Sandra DeMaster from McMinnville who apparently has served as a pastoral associate for many years in a priestless parish. Suzanne Thiel and Ruth Broerki ("married" to Ms. Toni Tortorilla) are the other two self professed "women priests" in Oregon. Women "Ordained" at Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon chruch

Zeller's was an innocent in this event and has allowed Central Lutheran Church use it's parking facilities for the Call to Action meetings for a long time. They had no idea that this anti-Catholic group was involved. Their kindness was being used. Now, Call to Action NW is very upset. They might picket Zeller's.

To support these actions by the Archbishop and Zeller's please give them a call of support. Maybe this is a move forward for a break in the Archdiocese of Porltand and Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon's long sorted history. Their affiliates are pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, liberation theology, enviromental theology churches. We have no business supporting them...but that's another email.

Since these events are being held, "women ordinations" etc, in EMO churches and not Roman Catholic ones, the Archbishop has no power, it seems. Even though EMO "advertises" very proudly that the Archdiocese of Portland is an affiliate, but dissents on most moral grounds with us, we still keep paying them money to belong.
Ecumnenical Ministries of Oregon

Archbishop Vlanzy contact info:
2838 East Burnside Street
Portland, OR 97214-1895
(503) 234-5334
His secretary's email:

Zeller's Chapel of the Roses
2107 Northeast Broadway Street
Portland, OR 97232

We have to be vigilant to keep our Church safe. We are the Church Militant on earth and are called to action, the action of TRUTH. Let's encourage our Archbishop in his Holy Boldness. Now if he would just.....

Jesus says,
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:7-10