
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Cardinal George, CCHD withdraw support after immigrant coalition backs same-sex marriage

This article connects us because we are embroiled as our former Archbishop, now Cardinal George, is with the same type of  Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) groups in Oregon.

The questions arise in the Archdiocese of Portland with the groups that were chosen for Oregon Catholics year after year having connections that are anti-Catholic.  Fungible funding using money donated for a "good" thing, frees up more money to be used for "bad" things.

Catholic collection plate money supplies salaries and CCHD donations challenge justice.

CWN - July 31, 2013
Cardinal Francis George of Chicago has defended the Catholic Campaign for Human Development’s decision to cease to fund the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) after the group announced its support for same-sex marriage, a Chicago news radio station reported.

After several local politicians condemned the decision in a half-page newspaper advertisement, Cardinal George issued a response.

“Donors to the CCHD give to this anti-poverty organization with the understanding that their money will be passed on to organizations that respect the teachings of the Catholic faith,” he said. “Organizations that apply for funds do so agreeing to this condition. On May 23, the ICIRR board broke faith with its member organizations when it publicly supported so called ‘same-sex marriage.’”

“For its own political advantage, it introduced a matter extraneous to its own purpose and betrayed its own members, who were not consulted,” he continued. “The CCHD had no choice but to respect the unilateral decision of the ICIRR board that effectively cut off funding from groups that remain affiliated with ICIRR. Without betraying its donors or the Catholic faith, the Catholic Church’s long-standing work for immigrant groups and for immigration reform remains intact.”

Cardinal George also responded to the politicians’ charge that “Church leaders have decided to use immigrants and those who seek to help them as pawns in a political battle.”

“Because the signers of the letters are Catholic, they know that in a few years, like each of us, they will stand before this same Christ to give an account of their stewardship,” said Cardinal George. “Jesus is merciful, but he is not stupid; he knows the difference between right and wrong. Manipulating both immigrants and the Church for political advantage is wrong.”

Pope on Gays Drives Media Wild

Bill Donohue, of the Catholic League, comments on media reaction to remarks made by Pope Francis on homosexual priests:

The pope speaks about materialism for one straight week in Brazil before millions of people, and his formal comments garner 74 news stories on Lexis-Nexis. 

He speaks off-the-cuff about homosexual priests before a handful of reporters on the airplane going back to Rome and his remarks trigger 220 news stories. One might logically conclude that the pope broke some new ground with his comments on gay priests. But he didn’t.

Wait. Catholic Teaching isn't against being a homosexual, just promoting it?
When asked about homosexual priests, Pope Francis said, “If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge him?” He added that “The problem is not having this orientation. We must be brothers. The problem is lobbying by this orientation….”

Pope Benedict XVI, responding to the homosexual scandal in the Catholic Church (one more time—less than 5 percent of the cases of priestly sexual abuse involved pedophilia), did not make it impossible for gays to enter the priesthood; he simply made it more difficult for those who were practicing gays to enter. Pope Francis said nothing to contradict what his predecessor said. And by addressing the gay lobby, he was clearly speaking out against what the late Father Andrew Greeley called the “lavender mafia.”

About ten years ago, I was interviewed by David France for a book he was writing, Our Fathers, about gays in the Catholic Church. Here is a selection of what I said: “I don’t think most Catholics would care if their priest is gay or straight, to tell the truth. I think the issue for them is whether he can live up to his vow of celibacy. I’d take a chaste gay priest any day over a promiscuous straight one.”

France was ecstatic, much the way reporters are now with the pope. In both instances, their eudemonia is a reflection of the way they stereotype orthodox Catholics.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Portland archdiocese responds to Pope Francis' refusal to judge gay people

Monday morning, Pope Francis made headlines by saying during an in flight press conference that he would not judge gay priests.  Portland's Catholic archbishop, the Most Rev. Alexander K. Sample, was out of town Monday and could not be reached for comment, according to Bud Bunce, a spokesman for the archdiocese. Sample is speaking at a canon law conference in La Crosse, Wis.

Bunce said Pope Francis' remarks should be viewed in context, and they do not represent a change in official Catholic teaching on homosexuality.

First, the context. Bunce said the pope was talking about a Vatican investigation of a monsignor that some had said "had a homosexual lifestyle." Francis said the investigation found no relevant evidence.
"That's how he gets up to the statement," Bunce says. Francis is quoted as saying, "If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?"

"That states the position the church has had for a long time," Bunce says. "It's nothing new."
Official Catholic teaching considers homosexual acts – not people – "intrinsically disordered" and holds that sexual activity between men and women should occur within marriage.

"The catechism of the Catholic Church says everyone should be treated with respect, that no one should be marginalized," Bunce said. "Essentially, that's what Pope Francis is saying."

-- Nancy Haught

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The "Gals", plus Friend of "Women Priests" in Oregon Finally Dismissed from Priesthood.

 Here is some information on the four "womenpriests" we have in Oregon.  This was written in 2012 and never posted until now in 2013. 
Ex-Father Roy Bourgeois finally.   Roy Bourgeois went to Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon member churches to speak.  People from the Archdiocese were seen in the audience. 

Please read the link for info.  He's still around.  The gals love him in his disobedience.  Like him, they have found their niche in it.

Below is information on Toni Tortorilla the first "womenpriest" in Oregon and a friend of the Archdiocese of Portland.  She started a group called "Sophia Christi" a "church with women officiating at baptisms, weddings, confession and worst of all "communion". 

All of these "sacraments" are null and void. 

Toni and friends are probably very nice and fit in with the "old guard" that are still with Archbishop Sample. 

We pray that this influence does not travel far.

Name: Toni Tortorilla, M.Div.
Description of identity as a women priest/feminist minister: I am a Roman Catholic Priest serving two communities in Oregon, one in Portland and one in Eugene. These communities are ecumenical and inclusive, reaching out to the marginalized, alienated, disenfranchised and recovering, to members of the LGBT communities, and to progressive Catholics and others who long for a welcoming and affirming spiritual home.
Email: and
Website: and

Phone: (503) 286-3584  Mailing Address: 5658 N. Denver, Portland, OR 97217
Location of services:The Sophia Christi Catholic Community gathers in two locations:
Portland, OR: The 2nd Sunday of the Month at 5 p.m. Mass is held at the Northminster Presbyterian Church, 2823 N. Rosa Parks Way
Eugene, OR: The 2nd Sunday of the month at 4 p.m. Mass is held at the First Congregational Church UCC, 1050 23rd Street.

 I am also available by invitation; Spiritual Direction and Counseling at above listed address.
Description of Services and/or Ministry:
University Park United Methodist Church, Portland, OR monthly Mass on second Saturday of each month at 5pm. In Eugene, OR. For information on dates and times of Masses please contact Kathy at Sacramental ministry including: Reconciliation, Anointing of Sick and Dying, Weddings, Funerals Guest preaching Spiritual Direction, Mentoring, Pastoral Counseling Retreats, Spiritual Recovery Groups/Workshops
 Other Information:
Licensed Professional Counselor with a private practice in Portland, OR. Northwest Regional Representative for WOC's Ministry of Walking With Women Called

Toni Tortilla. Accepted, seemingly, more than Catholics who want to follow the Magisterium

Same-Sex Marriage - Oregon History Project › home  Historical Records
Mar 12, 2004 – This marriage license, photograph, and wedding announcement document the marriage of Toni Tortorilla and Ruth Broeski on March 12, 2004.

Ruth Broeski is also a "woman priest". 

Name: Rev. Sandra De Master
Website: and  Also, see us on Facebook.
Description of identity as a woman priest/ feminist minister: See "Journey to Holy Orders" link on our website for the full story!
Phone: (503) 857-0762
Location of Service and/or Ministry: McMinnville Coop Ministries- Main Sanctuary, 544 NE 2nd Street, McMinnville, OR 
Description of Service and/or Ministry: The Lumen Christi Inclusive Catholic Community celebrates mass every Sunday at 5 pm.
Name: Rev. Suzanne Thiel
Phone: (503) 784-3330
Location of Service and/or Ministry: Markham House, SW Portland  
Description of Service and/or Ministry: The Markham House Ecumenical Community holds liturty on Sundays at 11:15 a.m. Offered sacrificial ministries: Anointing of the sick, Recociliation, Funerals, Memorial services 

Ruth Broeski

Earlier Posts Regarding this issue. 

Apr 14, 2011
(A year later) Unanswered letter to Mary Jo Tully re: "Father Roy Bourgeois evening, an Archdpdx problem." This year old letter put lots of pieces together regarding the disobedience to Church teaching we have in the ...
Apr 07, 2010
If that wasn't enough, when alerted to the fact that Call to Action NW was having "Father Roy Bourgeois", an excommunicated priest, speak at the Ecumenical Minisitries of Oregon affiliated Central Lutheran Church in PDX and ...
Feb 18, 2012
Feb 18, 2012
might also priest warns something state denmark culture life calendar precious children year later unanswered re father roy bourgeois evening problem linkwithin archdpdx letter you like portland archdiocese portland an from ...
Sep 24, 2008
(one to go in Oct) and the welcoming of dissident priests Fr. Richard Rohr and Father Roy Bourgeois just recently and now Sr, Simone Campbell, SSS with Saul Alinsky/Faith in Public Life affiliated NETWORK. At the Fr. Roy ...
Jun 07, 2011
Jun 07, 2011
"The None Story" Part two - Sisters of Holy Names Support Women's "Ordination" ... He understands that the women behind the Portland event have a list of grievances, but he thinks "ordination is at the bottom of it all." ...
Apr 14, 2011
Apr 14, 2011
He was later latae sententiae excommunicated. On March 18, 2011, Fr. Bourgeois was given a letter from the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers notifying him that he had 15 days to recant his support for women's ordination or he ...
Sep 10, 2008
Sep 10, 2008
The "ordination of two women" was in an EMO church and one of their "Member Congregations" is the Metropolitan Community Church: a homosexual church. What in the world is this bankrupt Archdiocese doing?

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Holy Mass Cheatsheet.

Do you have any more guidelines that aren't listed?  Please share them.

Friday, July 26, 2013

WYD Pope: Kids, Make a “Mess” in Your Dioceses. Are Adults Allowed? :-)

RIO DE JANEIRO—Pope Francis showed his rebel side on Thursday, urging young Catholics to shake up the Church and make a “mess” in their dioceses by going out into the streets to spread the faith.

 It’s a message he put into practice by visiting one of Rio’s most violent slums and opening the Church’s World Youth Day on a rain-soaked Copacabana Beach. Francis was elected Pope on a mandate to reform the Church, and in four short months he has started doing just that: He has broken long-held Vatican rules on everything from where he lays his head at night to how saints are made.

 He has cast off his security detail to get close to his flock and his first international foray as Pope has shown the faithful appreciate the gesture. Dubbed the “slum Pope” for his work with the poor, Francis received a rapturous welcome in the Varginha shantytown, part of a slum area of northern Rio so violent it’s known as the Gaza Strip.

 At home in slums The 76-year-old Argentine seemed entirely at home, wading into cheering crowds, kissing people young and old and telling them the Catholic Church is on their side. “No one can remain insensitive to the inequalities that persist in the world,” Francis told a crowd of thousands who braved a cold rain and stood in a muddy soccer field to welcome him.

 No amount of peace-building will be able to last, nor will harmony and happiness be attained in a society that ignores, pushes to the margins or excludes a part of itself.” It was a message aimed at reversing the decline in the numbers of Catholics in most of Latin America, with many poor worshippers leaving the church for Pentecostal and evangelical congregations. Those churches have taken up a huge presence in favelas, or shantytowns such as Varginha, attracting souls with nuts-and-bolts advice on how to improve their lives.

The Varginha visit was one of the highlights of Francis’ weeklong trip to Brazil, his first as Pope and one seemingly tailor-made for the first pontiff from the Americas. Surprise encounter The surprise, though, came during his encounter with Argentine pilgrims, scheduled at the last minute in yet another sign of how this spontaneous Pope is shaking up the Vatican’s staid and often stuffy protocol.

 He told the thousands of youngsters, with an estimated 30,000 Argentines registered, to get out into the streets and spread their faith and make a “mess,” saying a church that doesn’t go out and preach simply becomes a civic or humanitarian group.

“I want to tell you something. What is it that I expect as a consequence of World Youth Day? I want a mess. We knew that in Rio there would be great disorder, but I want trouble in the dioceses!” he said, speaking off the cuff in his native Spanish.

“I want to see the church get closer to the people. I want to get rid of clericalism, the mundane, this closing ourselves off within ourselves, in our parishes, schools or structures. Because these need to get out!”

Apparently realizing the radicalness of his message, he apologized in advance to the bishops at home.

 Read more:

Anarchist Priest to Speak in Archdiocese of Portland at Ecumenical of Ministries of Oregon Church

Catholic priest-reformer Helmut Schuller brings message to Portland

The Rev. Helmut Schuller, controversial within the Catholic Church because of his support for reform, comes to Portland Aug. 4. (Austrian Priests' Initiative ) 
VOCAL This "reform" means women priests, married Roman rite clergy, same sex everything, etc. abortion if it is considered "woman health".  Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon is not good for the Archdiocese of Portland to belong to.
Welcome in Oregon

By Nancy Haught, The Oregonian

A controversial Catholic priest who was banned from speaking in a Catholic Church in Boston last month will speak at a Protestant church in Portland on Sunday, Aug. 4.  The Rev. Helmut Schuller of Austria, a reformer concerned about the shortage of ordained Catholic clergy, will talk about possible solutions from 2 to 4 p.m. at Central Lutheran Church in Northeast Portland. A free-will offering will be collected.

Schuller, who was vicar general for Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schƶnborn from 1995 to 1999, was dismissed because his views were at odds with church authorities. The Vatican stripped Schuller of his title of "monsignor" in 2012.  He is pastor now of a small rural parish near Vienna. He was a founder of the Austrian Priests' Initiative and their 2011 "Call to Disobedience."

Schuller and members of the priests' initiative oppose the consolidation of parishes, support a greater sacramental role for lay people and advocate new thinking on remarried Catholics and same sex couples. The reformers favor the ordination of women and married men and increased transparency within the hierarchy of the church.

"Priests are losing the chance to walk with members of their communities through their daily lives," Schuller said in an interview this week in the National Catholic Reporter. "This is about more than compassion. It is about companionship and solidarity with laypeople."

He called for "a new teaching model on sexual relations" to guide pastoral care of Catholic couples.
"Our teaching should concentrate on the quality of relationships, not the form," Schuller said. "Rather than condemn remarried Catholics or same-sex couples, we should be asking: How are they living in relationship? Are they respecting one another's dignity? We have to respect that people want to live together, that they feel responsible for one another and that they care for one another."

In the United States, the Catholic Church is coping with an ongoing shortage of priests and parish closures, even as the number of Catholic believers grows. Figures from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University show that
In the Archdiocese of Portland, the Most Rev. Alexander K. Sample, the archbishop of western Oregon's 415,725  Catholics, ordained eight men to the priesthood June 8. As of June 26, 11  of the archdiocese's 124  parishes shared a priest, according to Bud Bunce, a spokesman for the archdiocese. Four parishes have priest moderators who preside over Masses and celebrate the sacraments while someone else, often a trained lay person, oversees other pastoral duties within the parish.

Schuller's first U.S. speaking tour began July 16 in New York City, where 250 people turned out to hear him speak in Judson Memorial Church, a historic Protestant church in Greenwich Village.

The following night in Boston, where Cardinal Sean O'Malley had barred Schuller from speaking at St. Susanna Parish, more than 500 people gathered to hear him at a nearby Unitarian Universalist Church. A spokesman for O'Malley told the Boston Globe that it is archdiocesan policy to ban speakers from Catholic sites if their views are "contrary" to official church teaching.

The only remaining Catholic setting for Schuller's tour was Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia. A spokesman for the archdiocese said the priest would not be allowed to speak at a parish or in an archdiocesan setting. Chestnut Hill College is a Catholic school run by the Sisters of St. Joseph. About 350 people squeezed into the room to hear Schuller's speech on campus on July 19.

Archbishop Sample did not wish to comment on Schuller's visit to Portland, Bunce said.

Schuller's speaking tour, called "The Catholic Tipping Point," is sponsored by several Catholic reform groups, including Call to Action, CORPUS, Voice of the Faithful and the Women's Ordination Conference.
The Northwest chapter of Call to Action, which has invited other Catholic reformers to speak in Portland, invited Schuller to speak at Central Lutheran Church, their ordinary meeting place. While organizers expect mostly lay Catholics to attend Schuller's lecture, they are inviting Catholic priests to meet with him informally, according to Nancy Barrett-Dennehy
Schuller will speak in Seattle at 7 p.m. on Aug. 5  at First United Methodist Church, 180 Denny Way.
-- Nancy Haught

The Pope with a Chotki

This striking photograph from WYD shows Pope Francis clearly wearing a chotki around his wrist—something I can’t recall seeing with any other pope.
What’a chotki?  It’s a kind of “prayer rope,” similar to the rosary, used by the Orthodox and Eastern rite Catholics.
From Wikipedia: 
When praying, the user normally holds the prayer rope in the left hand, leaving the right hand free to make the Sign of the Cross. When not in use, the prayer rope is traditionally wrapped around the left wrist so that it continues to remind one to pray without ceasing. If this is impractical, it may be placed in the (left) pocket, but should not be hung around the neck or suspended from the belt. The reason for this is humility: one should not be ostentatious or conspicuous in displaying the prayer rope for others to see.

During their tonsure (religious profession),[4]Eastern Orthodox monks and nuns receive a prayer rope, with the words:
Accept, O brother (sister) (name), the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:17) in the everlasting Jesus prayer by which you should have the name of the Lord in your soul, your thoughts, and your heart, saying always: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.”

Orthodoxy regards the prayer rope as the sword of the Spirit, because prayer which is heartfelt and inspired by the grace of the Holy Spirit is a weapon that defeats the Devil.

Among some Orthodox monastics (and occasionally other faithful), the canonical hours and preparation for Holy Communion may be replaced by praying the Jesus Prayer a specified number of times dependent on the service being replaced. In this way prayers can still be said even if the service books are for some reason unavailable or the person is not literate or otherwise unable to recite the service; the prayer rope becomes a very practical tool in such cases, simply for keeping count of the prayers said. However, among some monastics - hesychasts, for example – this replacement is the norm.

The history of the prayer rope goes back to the origins of Christian monasticism itself. When monks began going into the deserts of Egypt, it was their custom to pray the entire 150 Psalms every day. However, because some of the monks were unable to read, they would either have to memorize the psalms or perform other prayers and prostrations in their stead.

Thus the tradition of saying 150 (or more) Jesus Prayers every day began.
The western Rosary is sometimes said to have the same initial origin.

The invention of the prayer rope is attributed to Saint Pachomius in the fourth century as an aid for illiterate monks to accomplish a consistent number of prayers and prostrations in their cells.

Previously, monks would count their prayers by casting pebbles into a bowl, but this was cumbersome, and could not be easily carried about when outside the cell. The use of the rope made it possible to pray the Jesus Prayer unceasingly, whether inside the cell or out, in accordance with Saint Paul‘s injunction to “Pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17).

It is said that the method of tying the prayer rope had its origins from the Father of Orthodox MonasticismSaint Anthony the Great. He started by tying a leather rope with a simple knot for every time he prayed Kyrie Eleison (“Lord have Mercy”), but the Devil would come and untie the knots to throw off his count. He then devised a way—inspired by a vision he had of the Theotokos—of tying the knots so that the knots themselves would constantly make the sign of the cross. This is why prayer ropes today are still tied using knots that each contain seven little crosses being tied over and over. The Devil could not untie it because the Devil is vanquished by the Sign of the Cross.
Among other things, I think this shows the pontiff’s affinity for the Eastern rite churches. He used to regularly concelebrate the Divine Liturgy with Ukrainian Greek Catholics and this year took the historic step of having the Ecumenical Patriarch attend his papal installation—the first time that’s been done in a thousand years.

Thank you for this article.
 Deacon Greg Kandra

Saturday, July 20, 2013

‘Heads should roll’: Pro-life leaders react to U.S. Bishops agency’s funding of abortion giant PSI

"Somebody has to get fired over this,” said Austin Ruse, president of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM). “We fight groups like PSI all over the world and now we find our own church funds them. It's disgusting and for one I am bone-weary of these types of revelations. Heads should roll."

BALTIMORE, Maryland, July 19, 2013 ( - Pro-life leaders are expressing outrage after revealed Thursday that the U.S. Bishops’ foreign relief agency is funding a leading abortion-marketing firm.

Catholic Relief Services is distributing a two-year $2.7 million grant to Population Services International (PSI), which networks and trains local providers throughout the developing world to offer “safe abortion.”
"Somebody has to get fired over this,” said Austin Ruse, president of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM). “We fight groups like PSI all over the world and now we find our own church funds them. It's disgusting and for one I am bone-weary of these types of revelations. Heads should roll."

Fr. Shenan Boquet, president of Human Life International, said he finds it “incomprehensible” that an organization like PSI was deemed worthy of Catholic funds.

PSI’s “primary mission has always been to promote contraception, abortifacient drugs, condoms, and even surgical abortion,” he said. “Like many other population control groups in the mid-1990s, they started to rebrand their mission as being about 'health', using more positive language and adding malaria-prevention programs to their portfolio. But this should not confuse anyone as to their purpose.”

Judie Brown, president of American Life League, said the news was “not surprising.” “Catholic Relief Services has historically been advocates, although not publicly – behind the scenes – advocates of population control in the Third World,” she charged.

Brown’s point was echoed by Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute, who said CRS implicates itself in population control by the very fact that it receives over two thirds of its funding from USAID.

“CRS knows very well what the principal purpose of USAID is. And it tries to, in various ways, to massage that purpose, and avoid being implicated in the purpose of population control,” he said. “As far as I’m concerned, they know who’s paying their salaries, and that’s why the money goes to CARE, that’s why the money goes to PSI, that’s why the money goes back and forth to other population control agencies, because that’s what their masters in the federal government demand of them.”

“This (CRS Catholic Relief Services is not an agency of the institutional Catholic Church. This is a separate aid agency, which, because it receives two thirds of its funding from the U.S. government, is Catholic in name only,” he added. “No man can serve two masters.”

The grant

The $2.7 million grant to PSI is part of a Global Fund-backed project run by CRS in Guinea to combat malaria. The funds are disbursed over the two years of the project’s initial phase, from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013.

When LifeSiteNews questioned CRS about the grant, they initially claimed PSI had merely acted as a vendor by selling them mosquito nets, but when presented with more information, the Catholic agency acknowledged that the abortion giant is taking a decidedly more active role.

“To be clear, now that we have had more time to talk with staff involved in the project, the money did not go specifically to purchase the nets but rather to implement other parts of the grant which is focused on distributing 3 million nets and making sure they are properly used to save thousands of lives by preventing malaria,” Michael Hill, CRS’ Senior Writer, told LifeSiteNews on Thursday.
PSI, he said, is leading the project’s mass media marketing campaign as well as “training and overseeing community health workers” and “community organizations.”

Though the Catholic agency stressed that PSI’s role was restricted only to malaria prevention, concern over the grant is heightened by the fact that PSI describes its work on malaria as “deeply intertwined” with its “reproductive health” agenda.

“Reproductive, maternal and child health and malaria are all deeply intertwined, affecting poor and vulnerable populations in rural areas together,” the organization wrote in a program description [link] for a USAID-funded project in Madagascar running from 2008-2013.

“Success (or failure) in one area, such as malaria, can free up resources to focus on other areas, or drag down progress.”  (Fungible Fundin

Integrating these programs, they add, “offer[s] many opportunities to reach target audiences.”
As LifeSiteNews reported Thursday, PSI’s “reproductive health” agenda is heavily abortion-focused. On its own webpage, the firm explains that it “works to increase access to WHO-approved medical abortion drugs,” and mentions its provision of medical abortions in Cambodia and Nepal, noting that in Cambodia it launched the country’s “first safe medical abortion drug, known as Medabon.”

The firm markets a “safe abort kit” in India as a part of a project that aimed to “facilitate … over 200,000 safe abortions using medical abortions” from 2008-2013 by focusing “both on the demand and supply side” of the medical abortion market.

At a “maternal health” conference in Tanzania on January 16, 2013, a PSI employee delivered a talk titled “Creating the misoprostol market”. (See video here.)

Numerous job ads are accessible online showing PSI seeking to fill various roles in its campaign for globally-accessible abortion. Among them is one seeking a candidate with “clinical proficiency [in] surgical and medication abortion.”

For more evidence of PSI’s work in the abortion industry view Thursday’s LSN report.

CRS willing to go to ‘third level of hell’, just not the tenth
LifeSiteNews initially began investigating CRS’ relationship with PSI because the Catholic agency’s IRS filings for 2012 showed that they had given PSI a grant of $9,588 for “agriculture.”

But it turns out that CRS has a history of working with PSI going back at least over a decade. A page on the website of the Centers for Disease Control describes a safe water initiative in Madagascar, with an implementation date of April 2000, that CRS partnered on with PSI and CARE. On PSI’s website, CRS is listed as a partner in Zambia, Haiti, and Guinea. According to PSI’s webpage on Guinea, CRS partnered with them on a measles vaccination program there during 2009.

CRS has defended similar grants in the past, such as its multi-million dollar annual donations to the pro-abortion group CARE, by arguing that the funds are given only for projects in line with Catholic teaching and are not fungible because of the way the grant agreements are established.

But the Catholic agency has also said that it would never give a dime to Planned Parenthood. “We would never partner with Planned Parenthood,” communications director John Rivera told LifeSiteNews last year. “We’ve given this a lot of consideration, and there’s a threshold in terms of what the focus of an agency is, and the preponderance of their work.”

In Thursday’s report, Michael Hichborn, director of American Life League’s Defend the Faith Project, said that CRS, in funding PSI, “might as well be funding Planned Parenthood.”

Judie Brown, ALL’s president, slammed the funding policy. “If you read Dante, there’s the ten levels of hell,” she said. By the policy’s logic, she said, “CRS is willing to go to the first, second, and third level of hell. They’re just not willing to go to all the way to the tenth.”

“The underlying philosophical bent of all of those organizations is ridding the world of poor people,” she added. “It’s just that they’re pecking order of how they get that done is a little bit different. The underlying philosophy is exactly the same.”

“CRS should not be collaborating with any of the population control agencies funded by USAID, which means all of the agencies that receive money for ‘family planning,’ ‘reproductive health,’ and ‘population stabilization,’” said Mosher. “They are not as well known as Planned Parenthood, obviously, but they are all cut from the same cloth.”

John Smeaton, chief executive of the UK’s Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), said CRS’s claims that their multi-million dollar grants to groups like CARE and PSI are not supporting their evil actions are utterly false.

“Firstly, CARE and PSI's knowledge that, year after year, CRS will give them millions of dollars for ostensibly ethical projects enables them to budget and plan ahead for their unethical activities,” he said. “Secondly, receiving millions from CRS helps whitewash their reputations in the wider world and entrenches their presence in the countries where they operate.”
“Lastly, there are legions of pro-life/pro-family Catholic initiatives which desperately need funding, such as MaterCare International, the Billings Ovulation Method and Culture of Life Africa,” he added. “CRS' millions for CARE and PSI should be given to them instead."

A plea to the U.S. Bishops

According to Brown, the problems at CRS are “something that we’ve tried to call attention to the bishops for a long time.”

“The longer the bishops remain in denial, the more obvious this population control aspect of CRS is going to become. Because they have nothing to lose, they have nothing to fear,” she cautioned.
In her view, the issues are so deep that an attempt at reform simply wouldn’t be enough. “What has to happen is that the USCCCB itself has to dismantle this organization completely,” she said. Unfortunately, she added, “I just don’t see that happening.”

Mosher urged action from individual bishops in their dioceses. “What we need in the United States is for a number of bishops to … say that until these problems with CRS are cleared up, they will not be taking a collection for CRS,” he said. “They will be encouraging Catholics in the U.S. to give to authentic Catholic charities.”

“If you sup with the devil, you need a long spoon,” said Mosher, but “there is no spoon long enough to sup with this particular devil.”

“This particular devil is in the business of destroying human life and any agency that’s supposed to be Catholic must not have anything to do with that agenda.”

Contact info:
Cardinal Robert Sarah
Pontifical Council "Cor Unum"
Palazzo San Pio X
V-00120 Vatican City State
Phone: +39-06-69889411
Fax: +39-06-69887301 or +39-06-69887311
Find contact information for all U.S. Bishops here.
Readers may also comment on Catholic Relief Services’ Facebook page.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Communion. A relfection by Archbishop Alexander Sample.

Most Rev. Alexander Sample
Archbishop of Portland

Since receiving the pallium from the hands of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, on June 29, I have been asked more times than I can count what the moment meant for me. Both before and since traveling to Rome to receive the pallium I have reflected deeply on that question. What is the essential symbolism of that simple woolen band that I now wear on my shoulders at solemn Mass?

The word that keeps coming back to me again and again is “communion.” The pallium, which is given to metropolitan archbishops from all around the world as a symbol of their jurisdiction, is much more about communion and service than about power and authority. It is about communion with Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Trinity, communion with brothers and sisters in the Church throughout the world, and of course communion with the successor to St. Peter and head of the college of bishops, the Pope.

As I lined up to process into the magnificent Basilica of St. Peter in Rome, I was standing between an archbishop from Bolivia and another from the Fiji Islands, and across from me in the procession was an archbishop from Nigeria. Here we were, new archbishops from all over the world, and yet we were one — we were in communion with each other in the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. And walking in procession behind us was the successor to St. Peter, as the choir sang the “Tu es Petrus” — “you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church.”

One of the great gifts that the Second Vatican Council gave to the Church was a renewed emphasis on an ecclesiology of communio. This means that we understand the Church as a communion of believers, diverse in culture and experience, yet completely united in the bonds of faith, hope and love. This theology of communion flows from our understanding of the Church as the Body of Christ, so eloquently described by St. Paul the Apostle. We are many and individual members of the Body of Christ, but we form a unity and our place in the Body is at the service of that unity.

The dictionary defines the Latin term communio as “communion” or “mutual participation.” I particularly like this second meaning. We participate with one another in the communion of the Church, and there is a mutuality to our communion, so that we complement and in a real way help and serve one another. This is so important to the vitality and effectiveness of the Church’s mission to proclaim and witness to the Gospel.

The reception of the pallium was not at all about me as an individual person. It was about the communion of the Archbishop of Portland, and through him the whole Church in the Province of Portland (Oregon, Montana and Idaho) with the universal Church, visibly represented by the Pope. It was about our unity with the rest of the Church and our oneness of faith under the guidance of the chief shepherd of the universal Church, Pope Francis.

This spirit of communio is something that we must also experience and faithfully live here in our own local archdiocesan Church in western Oregon. What is experienced on a universal level in the Church throughout the world is also reflected in our communion of faith, hope and love in the Archdiocese of Portland. Under the pastoral care, loving guidance and governance of the local shepherd, namely your Archbishop, we must be people of communion, a people of unity for the sake of the mission entrusted to us by Jesus Christ.

Oftentimes, we do not see beyond the boundaries and lived experience of our own local parish communities. They become the whole of our Church experience, and our sense of communion with the rest of the archdiocesan and universal Church is diminished or even disappears. But we are Catholics, not congregationalists. Without this profound sense of communion with the rest of the Church, especially with our bishop and the Holy Father, we risk becoming a closed local community that can even stray from an authentic understanding of teachings of Christ and the sacred Tradition that has been handed on to us across 2,000 years from the Apostles themselves.

As I now shoulder the pallium, it is my profound hope and prayer that together we will be able to build among us a greater and more profound communion of faith, hope and love as a local Church in western Oregon.
Jesus once said that “every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand.” (Matthew 12:25)

May we come to not just profess but also live what we say in the Creed: “I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.”

Monday, July 8, 2013

Humor at St. Peter's expense.

Karl Rahner, Hans Kung and Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger all die on the same day, and go to meet St. Peter to know their fate. 

St. Peter approaches the three of them, and tells them that he will interview each of them to discuss their views on various issues.

He then points at Rahner and says "Karl! In my office..." After 4 hours, the door opens, and Rahner comes stumbling out of St. Peter's office. He is highly distraught, and is mumbling things like "Oh God, that was the hardest thing I've ever done! How could I have been so wrong! So sorry...never knew..." He stumbles off into Heaven, a testament to the mercy of Our God.

St. Peter follows him out, and sticks his finger in Kung's direction and "Hans! You're next..." After 8 hours, the door opens, and Kung comes out, barely able to stand. He is near collapse with weakness and a crushed spirit. He, too, is mumbling things like "Oh God, that was the hardest thing I've ever done! How could I have been so wrong! So sorry...never knew..." He stumbles off into Heaven, a testament to the mercy of Our God.

Lastly, St. Peter, emerging from his office, says to Cardinal Ratzinger, "Joseph, your turn." TWELVE HOURS LATER, St. Peter stumbles out the door, apparently exhausted, saying, "Oh God, that's the hardest thing I've ever done..."

By the way,

The pearly gates is an informal name for the gateway to Heaven according to some Christian denominations. It is inspired by the description of the New Jerusalem in Book of Revelation 21:21. 
The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate being made from a single pearl.[1]

The image of the gates in popular culture is a set of large, white or wrought-iron gates in the clouds, guarded by Saint Peter (the keeper of the "keys to the kingdom"). Those not fit to enter heaven are denied entrance at the gates, and descend into Hell.[2]

Pope Francis Tidbit from Reader

from Tiago,

I lived in Argentina from 2007 to 2010. Most of porteƱos (VOCAL those who live in the port city) are not believers but everyone knew who Bergoglio (now renamed as Francis) was and even though his dispute against the government he was respected by everyone.

I trust in his intentions in reforming the church, and I am positive he has the strength and the intelligence to do in spite of his age.

Good luck Francis! 

Pope Francis's general prayer intention for July 2013 is "That World Youth Day in Brazil may encourage all young Christians to become disciples and missionaries of the Gospel."

And It Begins: Tribunal Director – Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon

This post is VOCAL's take on the Year of Faith in the Archdiocese of Portland under our new Archbishop.  For decades the "Years of Alinsky" have driven this Archdiocese.  Priests that have lost their way had been leading us and some still do.

Laity has the task of asking questions of those that are paid by our collection plate monies regarding the errors that they encounter.  No longer can we just "wait and see".  As in the secular world around us, we can see how that attitude has served the people.  Souls are most important.

For the time is, that judgment should begin at the house of God. And if first at us, what shall be the end of them that believe not the gospel of God?     I Peter 4:17  Douay-Rheims Bible


Law, FT Employee

Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon (Portland, OR)

Tribunal Director

The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon is looking for an experienced Tribunal Director with a thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of Canon Law. Applicants must be familiar with Church documents related to canon law, Tribunal procedures in first and second instance, and be able to conduct theological/pastoral analysis as well as prepare and present accurate and concise reports and recommendations.

Candidates must have a licentiate (JCL) in Canon Law. Minimum 2-4 years’ experience in similar position, including supervisory responsibilities, or any equivalent combination of education and experience which demonstrates the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the above described essential functions. Practicing Catholic with a valid driver’s license required. Bilingual in Spanish preferred.

Religious and clergy interested in applying must have the consent of their diocese or superior prior to submitting their application. Pay range is $62K to 72K DOE. Interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume or curriculum vitae to detailing how their education and work experience makes them the ideal candidate.

From the Archdiocese Website:

The ministry of the Tribunal is varied. We work with those preparing to marry, as well as those seeking healing and release from a marriage that did not prove to be lasting, in which a partnership did not take place as the Church understands it. We provide research on a number of issues within Church law, and we provide education and support to priests, parish ministers, and other members of our wider Church community. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013