
Friday, August 29, 2014

La Raza Out of Catholic Campaign for Human Development.(a good thing) CCHD Recipients Still Lopsided for Same-Sex Marriage.(a bad thing)

A local nonprofit that works on behalf of immigrant workers said Tuesday it refused to cut ties to another Latino group that supports same-sex marriage, cost it a $75,000 grant from a Roman Catholic organization.

The Voz Workers' Rights Education Project, a Northeast Portland group that connects Latino immigrants with jobs, said it was a finalist for a top grant from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. But last month, the group said, the conference told it to sever ties with the National Council of La Raza, one of the nation's leading Latino rights groups, because the council advocates same-sex marriage.

"Our board felt like what they were asking us to do was take a position on marriage equality," said Ranfis Villatoro, Voz's development director. Voz has never taken a public stance on the issue, he said, although it does offer services to gay and lesbian couples. Therefore, the board voted last month to reject the grant.

The grant would have been a significant chunk of the nonprofit's $310,000 annual budget.

"By making this decision, we run the risk of decreasing staff size and decreasing hours," Villatoro said.

The group mostly helps male Latino immigrants who are struggling to find work in Portland, Villatoro said, including some who are undocumented or have criminal backgrounds.

An official in the Conference of Catholic Bishops' Washington, D.C., office who said his name was Tony but declined to spell his last name, said he didn't have enough information to comment. Calls to the local office in Portland were not returned as of Tuesday evening.

The Catholic group is a leading proponent of national immigration reform and has urged Congress to adopt a new legal path to citizenship. Most recently, the group has called on President Barack Obama to allow a flood of unaccompanied minors to remain in the U.S.

Aside from same-sex marriage, La Raza has many of the same beliefs. The group routinely lobbies for a variety of national issues, including comprehensive immigration reform.

La Raza announced its support for same-sex marriage in 2012, around the same time as Obama and the NAACP. On the local level, it provides training and resources for nonprofits to help Latino immigrants.

"They're kind of multifaceted, technical assistants if you will," said Victor Merced, executive director of Hacienda, a Northeast Portland-based nonprofit that helps provide housing for low-income Latino families. "They're very powerful."
(  VOCAL notes Hacienda CDC was also apast  recipient of CCHD part of the Office of Justice and Peace. )

Hacienda also receives grant money from the Catholic Bishops group, Merced said, and leaders from the local chapter recently questioned him on Hacienda's relationship with La Raza. Once he explained that La Raza does not require affiliates to agree with its political ideology, the questions stopped.
Leaders from the local chapter seemed embarrassed that they had to ask in the first place, he said.
Voz, on the other hand, was dealing with leaders at the national level.

Now, Voz plans to hold a news conference at its work center on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard on Wednesday with leaders of Oregon AFL-CIOBasic Rights Oregon and other civil and immigrant rights' groups who have come out in support of Voz.

"They have made a really tough decision to uphold their values of justice and equality," said Jeana Frazzini, the executive director of Basic Rights Oregon. So far, Basic Rights has received nearly $10,000 in pledges from LGBT groups to support Voz.

"We're very concerned," said Oregon AFL-CIO President Tom Chamberlain. "That work center is about some of the lowest-paid workers in the state that, for a number of reasons, can be taken advantage of."

Voz, founded in 2000, has received two grants from the Catholic organization before. It was unclear what led to the conference's decision.

"I just don't see how this litmus test is going to be helpful going forward," Merced said. "It's just kind of ridiculous."

-- Ian K. Kullgren


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Archdiocesan Office of Justice and Peace Promoting Balanced Advocacy?

Matt Cato
Matt Cato
VOCAL Reminder:  Pope Francis: Abortion is an “Unspeakable Crime,” Right to Life is Central Human Right

The Office of Life, Justice and Peace doesn't have Life in it.  We need to have a balance.
National Right to Life: U.S. Senate Democrats launch push for “the most radical pro-abortion bill ever considered by Congress”  The unborn need a voice as well as an increase in the Federal Minimum Wage does.

From Catholic Sentinel:

The Archdiocese of Portland’s Office of Life, Justice and Peace has been urging Catholics to contact federal lawmakers on certain issues during the summer legislative recess, which ends Sept. 7.

An email sent out earlier this summer by office director Matt Cato asked recipients to seek humane action on the unaccompanied migrant child crisis. The office also asked Catholics to push for an increase in the Federal Minimum Wage. On local matters, the office is seeking support for a voter referendum that allows Oregon Drivers’ Cards for undocumented immigrants.

The Catholic Church is advocating on behalf of increased protections for migrant children and their families who are arriving in the United States.

“The poor and the vulnerable hold a special place both in Scripture and in the Catholic moral tradition,” the email said. “Throughout his mission Jesus held children in particular in high regard. We have a special obligation to ensure that children are given the protection and support due to them.”

Regarding the driver’s card debate, the office said: “The Catholic Church holds the values of welcoming the stranger, supporting families, and respecting the innate dignity and rights of all people very highly.”

Monday, August 18, 2014

Common Core’s Growing Unpopularity

Common Core’s Growing Unpopularity

by Phyllis Schlafly
August 13, 2014
The highly acclaimed school standards called Common Core are becoming so unpopular that they may soon be politically untouchable. The critics are piling on from Glenn Beck to the Wall Street Journal, with senior academics and activist parents in between.
The latest is a detailed criticism of the mathematics standards by a prize-winning math professor at the University of California at Berkeley, Marina Ratner. It is refreshing that her criticisms are very specific and include examples of assignments that parents can see are ridiculous.

Professor Ratner was alerted to the stupidity of Common Core by looking at the homework assigned to her grandson in 6th grade Berkeley middle school. Fractions are taught by having the kids draw pictures of everything such as 6 divided by 8, and 4 divided by 2/7, and also by creating fictional stories for such things as 2/3 divided by 3/4. A student who gives the correct answer right away and doesn’t draw a picture or make up a story loses points.
Ms. Ratner concluded that Common Core is making simple math concepts “artificially intricate and complex with the pretense of being deeper, while the actual content taught was primitive.” The bottom line is that Common Core is inferior to the current good California standards, and the $15.8 billion spent nationally to develop and adopt Common Core was a gigantic waste.
College ready? That’s another deceit. Math experts are saying that Common Core standards are not preparing students for colleges to which most parents aspire to send their children.
The Common Core History Standards have just become available. Real scholars say they are a “stealthy” plan to teach kids a leftwing curriculum.
Scholar Stanley Kurtz says that the new plan for teaching American History is spelled out in the SAT college entrance and Advanced Placement exams. They pitch out “traditional emphasis on America’s founders and the principles of constitutional government” in favor of a leftist “emphasis on race, gender, class, ethnicity.”
According to Kurtz, “James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and the other founders are largely left out of the new test unless they are “presented as examples of conflict and identity by class, gender, race, ethnicity, etc.” The text of the new AP U.S. History exam has been closely guarded, revealed only to a few certified AP U.S. History teachers who are sworn to secrecy.
Parents who are attentive to their children’s studies and homework have been up in arms against Common Core for many months. Now Common Core has become such a big issue that it’s beginning to bring the politicians into line with what the public is demanding.
Indiana was the first state to show the political power of the anti-Common Core movement. The activist moms defeated a superintendent of education and several legislators on this issue.
Oklahoma made the biggest splash when the state legislature voted to repeal the state’s earlier endorsement of Common Core. The governor signed the repeal, but the unelected state board of education impudently filed suit to nullify the repeal, and then the Oklahoma state supreme court wisely upheld the elected legislature’s repeal.
South Carolina’s Governor signed a bill repealing that state’s commitment to Common Core. North Carolina’s Governor signed a more modest bill authorizing the state school board to tweak the standards.
The state of Texas, under Governor Rick Perry, was smart enough to be one of the five states that never signed on to Common Core in the first place. But now the pressure is on to force Texas to use the new AP U.S. History Exam anyway, and Texans claim that is illegal under state law.
Louisiana was one of the original 45 states that endorsed Common Core before the standards were even written. But one day Governor Bobby Jindal actually read his son’s Common Core math homework, was shocked, and then issued an executive order to block its implementation in Louisiana.
Two more Governors have just seen the light and turned against Common Core. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced that he wants the state legislature to repeal the standards when it reconvenes in January, and Governor Gary Herbert of Utah ordered his attorney general to conduct a review of the controversial standards.
Hoping to line up the support of teachers, the Gates Foundation education chief is now urging states to wait two years before using Common Core tests to make decisions about teacher performance.
Like many do-gooders, Bill Gates is obsessed with the problem of inequality. However, Common Core’s way of trying to overcome inequality is by dumbing down all U.S. students and pretending, like the Lake Wobegon kids, that all children are above average.
Reacting to the growing opposition to Common Core, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the biggest money bag for Common Core, is now urging states to have a two-year moratorium on all states and school districts about to make any high-stakes decisions based on tests aligned to the new standards.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Bill Gate's Common Core Coming to Portland Catholic Schools...Opinions welcome

The Portland Archdiocesan Catholic Schools will be part of the Portland school system.  This was set up before Archbishop Sample was installed.  He needs information to get a handle on what Common Core does and means for Catholics.  Bill and Melinda Gates are using money for Catholics souls on foundational teachings of the Church.

If you don't have a child or grandchild or a child you love in the Portland Catholic schools, it wouldn't be long for things to reach to your school.  If you have no children but would like them to have a chance to stay Catholic please write and let your voice be heard.

If you have a strong opinion regarding Common Core implementation in the PDX Catholic schools please send a letter to Bob Mizia, Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese and a copy of this letter to Archbishop Sample.  If you have to choose go with Archbishop Sample.

Bob Mizia, Superintendent of Schools         The Most Reverend Alexander Sample
2838 E Burnside St.                                        2838 E. Burnside St.

Portland, OR 97214                                        Portland, OR 97214

Dear Bob,                                                         Your Excellency,

 Cardinal Newman Society article

EXCLUSIVE: National Catholic Educational Association Gets Gates Foundation Grant to Promote ‘Common Core’ in Catholic Schools

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation paid the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) more than $100,000 to support teacher training and materials on implementing the Common Core school standards, The Cardinal Newman Society has discovered.
The $100,007 grant made in September will only fuel division over the NCEA’s public encouragement for Catholic schools to adopt the Common Core standards, despite serious concerns about the standards’ academic quality and impact on schools’ Catholic identity.
The revelation comes even as The Cardinal Newman Society and other Catholic groups and dioceses—led by the National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools (NAPCIS)—are co-sponsoring a meeting in New Jersey with Catholic school superintendents, principals and educators to discuss concerns about the Common Core, a controversial education reform movement funded largely by the Gates Foundation.
Yesterday the Newman Society released a survey of principals from the top-ranked Catholic high schools in the Society’s Catholic High School Honor Roll, that found that the principals oppose Catholic schools rushing to adopt Common Core without careful analysis.
Patrick J. Reilly, president of The Cardinal Newman Society, will appear on EWTN’s “The World Over with Raymond Arroyo” on Thursday at 8 p.m. ET to discuss the survey and concerns about the Common Core.  The show will be repeated Friday at 1 a.m.and 9 a.m. ET, Sunday at 7 p.m. ET, and Monday at 10 p.m. ET.
The NCEA recently launched a revised website for its Common Core Catholic Identity Initiative (CCCII), which offers resources and advice to Catholic schools planning to adopt the controversial Common Core standards.  In addition to the Gates Foundation grant, sponsors of the CCCII include William H. Sadlier, Inc., a leading Catholic textbook publisher, and Riverside Publishing, a national testing company—which potentially could reap large profits from the Common Core’s adoption by Catholic schools.
The Gates Foundation has also made grants to other Catholic entities to promote Common Core.  This year it granted $248,343 to DePaul University for Leading with Algebra, described by the University as “a partnership between DePaul and the Chicago Public Schools to support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in algebra for grades 6-8.”  And in 2010, the Gates Foundation granted $556,006 to the Cristo Rey Network, in part to implement Common Core in the nationwide network of Catholic schools.
The Gates Foundation has come under fire from Catholic and pro-life organizations for its substantial “family planning” grant program to encourage the use of contraceptives in developing countries.
Last year, Melinda Gates publicly dissented from Catholic teaching on contraception.  According to, she told attendees at a Berlin conference that “as a practicing Catholic,” and “in the tradition of the great Catholic scholars,” it is “important to question received teachings,” in particular “the one saying that birth control is a sin.”

Although the Gates Foundation claims neutrality on abortion, its grantees include a number of abortion advocacy groups and even the International Planned Parenthood Foundation, which is responsible for abortions worldwide.  Other grantees have included the Guttmacher Institute, Population Action International, the Population Council and the United Nations Population Fund.
Catholic Education Daily is an online publication of The Cardinal Newman Society. Click here for email updates and free online membership with The Cardinal Newman Society.
- See more at:

EXCLUSIVE: National Catholic Educational Association Gets Gates Foundation Grant to Promote ‘Common Core’ in Catholic Schools

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation paid the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) more than $100,000 to support teacher training and materials on implementing the Common Core school standards, The Cardinal Newman Society has discovered.
The $100,007 grant made in September will only fuel division over the NCEA’s public encouragement for Catholic schools to adopt the Common Core standards, despite serious concerns about the standards’ academic quality and impact on schools’ Catholic identity.
The revelation comes even as The Cardinal Newman Society and other Catholic groups and dioceses—led by the National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools (NAPCIS)—are co-sponsoring a meeting in New Jersey with Catholic school superintendents, principals and educators to discuss concerns about the Common Core, a controversial education reform movement funded largely by the Gates Foundation.
Yesterday the Newman Society released a survey of principals from the top-ranked Catholic high schools in the Society’s Catholic High School Honor Roll, that found that the principals oppose Catholic schools rushing to adopt Common Core without careful analysis.
Patrick J. Reilly, president of The Cardinal Newman Society, will appear on EWTN’s “The World Over with Raymond Arroyo” on Thursday at 8 p.m. ET to discuss the survey and concerns about the Common Core.  The show will be repeated Friday at 1 a.m.and 9 a.m. ET, Sunday at 7 p.m. ET, and Monday at 10 p.m. ET.
The NCEA recently launched a revised website for its Common Core Catholic Identity Initiative (CCCII), which offers resources and advice to Catholic schools planning to adopt the controversial Common Core standards.  In addition to the Gates Foundation grant, sponsors of the CCCII include William H. Sadlier, Inc., a leading Catholic textbook publisher, and Riverside Publishing, a national testing company—which potentially could reap large profits from the Common Core’s adoption by Catholic schools.
The Gates Foundation has also made grants to other Catholic entities to promote Common Core.  This year it granted $248,343 to DePaul University for Leading with Algebra, described by the University as “a partnership between DePaul and the Chicago Public Schools to support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in algebra for grades 6-8.”  And in 2010, the Gates Foundation granted $556,006 to the Cristo Rey Network, in part to implement Common Core in the nationwide network of Catholic schools.
The Gates Foundation has come under fire from Catholic and pro-life organizations for its substantial “family planning” grant program to encourage the use of contraceptives in developing countries.
Last year, Melinda Gates publicly dissented from Catholic teaching on contraception.  According to, she told attendees at a Berlin conference that “as a practicing Catholic,” and “in the tradition of the great Catholic scholars,” it is “important to question received teachings,” in particular “the one saying that birth control is a sin.”

Although the Gates Foundation claims neutrality on abortion, its grantees include a number of abortion advocacy groups and even the International Planned Parenthood Foundation, which is responsible for abortions worldwide.  Other grantees have included the Guttmacher Institute, Population Action International, the Population Council and the United Nations Population Fund.
Catholic Education Daily is an online publication of The Cardinal Newman Society. Click here for email updates and free online membership with The Cardinal Newman Society.
- See more at:

EXCLUSIVE: National Catholic Educational Association Gets Gates Foundation Grant to Promote ‘Common Core’ in Catholic Schools

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation paid the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) more than $100,000 to support teacher training and materials on implementing the Common Core school standards, The Cardinal Newman Society has discovered.
The $100,007 grant made in September will only fuel division over the NCEA’s public encouragement for Catholic schools to adopt the Common Core standards, despite serious concerns about the standards’ academic quality and impact on schools’ Catholic identity.
The revelation comes even as The Cardinal Newman Society and other Catholic groups and dioceses—led by the National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools (NAPCIS)—are co-sponsoring a meeting in New Jersey with Catholic school superintendents, principals and educators to discuss concerns about the Common Core, a controversial education reform movement funded largely by the Gates Foundation.
Yesterday the Newman Society released a survey of principals from the top-ranked Catholic high schools in the Society’s Catholic High School Honor Roll, that found that the principals oppose Catholic schools rushing to adopt Common Core without careful analysis.
Patrick J. Reilly, president of The Cardinal Newman Society, will appear on EWTN’s “The World Over with Raymond Arroyo” on Thursday at 8 p.m. ET to discuss the survey and concerns about the Common Core.  The show will be repeated Friday at 1 a.m.and 9 a.m. ET, Sunday at 7 p.m. ET, and Monday at 10 p.m. ET.
The NCEA recently launched a revised website for its Common Core Catholic Identity Initiative (CCCII), which offers resources and advice to Catholic schools planning to adopt the controversial Common Core standards.  In addition to the Gates Foundation grant, sponsors of the CCCII include William H. Sadlier, Inc., a leading Catholic textbook publisher, and Riverside Publishing, a national testing company—which potentially could reap large profits from the Common Core’s adoption by Catholic schools.
The Gates Foundation has also made grants to other Catholic entities to promote Common Core.  This year it granted $248,343 to DePaul University for Leading with Algebra, described by the University as “a partnership between DePaul and the Chicago Public Schools to support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in algebra for grades 6-8.”  And in 2010, the Gates Foundation granted $556,006 to the Cristo Rey Network, in part to implement Common Core in the nationwide network of Catholic schools.
The Gates Foundation has come under fire from Catholic and pro-life organizations for its substantial “family planning” grant program to encourage the use of contraceptives in developing countries.
Last year, Melinda Gates publicly dissented from Catholic teaching on contraception.  According to, she told attendees at a Berlin conference that “as a practicing Catholic,” and “in the tradition of the great Catholic scholars,” it is “important to question received teachings,” in particular “the one saying that birth control is a sin.”

Although the Gates Foundation claims neutrality on abortion, its grantees include a number of abortion advocacy groups and even the International Planned Parenthood Foundation, which is responsible for abortions worldwide.  Other grantees have included the Guttmacher Institute, Population Action International, the Population Council and the United Nations Population Fund.
- See more at:

The Gates Foundation paid the National Catholic Educational Association more than $100,000 to support teacher training and materials on implementing the Common Core school standards. 

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation paid the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) more than $100,000 to support teacher training and materials on implementing the Common Core school standards, The Cardinal Newman Society has discovered.

The $100,007 grant made in September will only fuel division over the NCEA’s public encouragement for Catholic schools to adopt the Common Core standards, despite serious concerns about the standards’ academic quality and impact on schools’ Catholic identity.

The revelation comes even as The Cardinal Newman Society and other Catholic groups and dioceses—led by the National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools (NAPCIS)—are co-sponsoring a meeting in New Jersey with Catholic school superintendents, principals and educators to discuss concerns about the Common Core, a controversial education reform movement funded largely by the Gates Foundation.

Yesterday the Newman Society released a survey of principals from the top-ranked Catholic high schools in the Society’s Catholic High School Honor Roll, that found that the principals oppose Catholic schools rushing to adopt Common Core without careful analysis.

Patrick J. Reilly, president of The Cardinal Newman Society, will appear on EWTN’s “The World Over with Raymond Arroyo” on Thursday at 8 p.m. ET to discuss the survey and concerns about the Common Core.  The show will be repeated Friday at 1 a.m.and 9 a.m. ET, Sunday at 7 p.m. ET, and Monday at 10 p.m. ET.

The NCEA recently launched a revised website for its Common Core Catholic Identity Initiative (CCCII), which offers resources and advice to Catholic schools planning to adopt the controversial Common Core standards.  In addition to the Gates Foundation grant, sponsors of the CCCII include William H. Sadlier, Inc., a leading Catholic textbook publisher, and Riverside Publishing, a national testing company—which potentially could reap large profits from the Common Core’s adoption by Catholic schools.

The Gates Foundation has also made grants to other Catholic entities to promote Common Core.  This year it granted $248,343 to DePaul University for Leading with Algebra, described by the University as “a partnership between DePaul and the Chicago Public Schools to support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in algebra for grades 6-8.”  And in 2010, the Gates Foundation granted $556,006 to the Cristo Rey Network, in part to implement Common Core in the nationwide network of Catholic schools.

The Gates Foundation has come under fire from Catholic and pro-life organizations for its substantial “family planning” grant program to encourage the use of contraceptives in developing countries.

Last year, Melinda Gates publicly dissented from Catholic teaching on contraception.  According to, she told attendees at a Berlin conference that “as a practicing Catholic,” and “in the tradition of the great Catholic scholars,” it is “important to question received teachings,” in particular “the one saying that birth control is a sin.”

Although the Gates Foundation claims neutrality on abortion, its grantees include a number of abortion advocacy groups and even the International Planned Parenthood Foundation, which is responsible for abortions worldwide.  Other grantees have included the Guttmacher Institute, Population Action International, the Population Council and the United Nations Population Fund.

EXCLUSIVE: National Catholic Educational Association Gets Gates Foundation Grant to Promote ‘Common Core’ in Catholic Schools

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation paid the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) more than $100,000 to support teacher training and materials on implementing the Common Core school standards, The Cardinal Newman Society has discovered.
The $100,007 grant made in September will only fuel division over the NCEA’s public encouragement for Catholic schools to adopt the Common Core standards, despite serious concerns about the standards’ academic quality and impact on schools’ Catholic identity.
The revelation comes even as The Cardinal Newman Society and other Catholic groups and dioceses—led by the National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools (NAPCIS)—are co-sponsoring a meeting in New Jersey with Catholic school superintendents, principals and educators to discuss concerns about the Common Core, a controversial education reform movement funded largely by the Gates Foundation.
Yesterday the Newman Society released a survey of principals from the top-ranked Catholic high schools in the Society’s Catholic High School Honor Roll, that found that the principals oppose Catholic schools rushing to adopt Common Core without careful analysis.
Patrick J. Reilly, president of The Cardinal Newman Society, will appear on EWTN’s “The World Over with Raymond Arroyo” on Thursday at 8 p.m. ET to discuss the survey and concerns about the Common Core.  The show will be repeated Friday at 1 a.m.and 9 a.m. ET, Sunday at 7 p.m. ET, and Monday at 10 p.m. ET.
The NCEA recently launched a revised website for its Common Core Catholic Identity Initiative (CCCII), which offers resources and advice to Catholic schools planning to adopt the controversial Common Core standards.  In addition to the Gates Foundation grant, sponsors of the CCCII include William H. Sadlier, Inc., a leading Catholic textbook publisher, and Riverside Publishing, a national testing company—which potentially could reap large profits from the Common Core’s adoption by Catholic schools.
The Gates Foundation has also made grants to other Catholic entities to promote Common Core.  This year it granted $248,343 to DePaul University for Leading with Algebra, described by the University as “a partnership between DePaul and the Chicago Public Schools to support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in algebra for grades 6-8.”  And in 2010, the Gates Foundation granted $556,006 to the Cristo Rey Network, in part to implement Common Core in the nationwide network of Catholic schools.
The Gates Foundation has come under fire from Catholic and pro-life organizations for its substantial “family planning” grant program to encourage the use of contraceptives in developing countries.
Last year, Melinda Gates publicly dissented from Catholic teaching on contraception.  According to, she told attendees at a Berlin conference that “as a practicing Catholic,” and “in the tradition of the great Catholic scholars,” it is “important to question received teachings,” in particular “the one saying that birth control is a sin.”

Although the Gates Foundation claims neutrality on abortion, its grantees include a number of abortion advocacy groups and even the International Planned Parenthood Foundation, which is responsible for abortions worldwide.  Other grantees have included the Guttmacher Institute, Population Action International, the Population Council and the United Nations Population Fund.
- See more at:

EXCLUSIVE: National Catholic Educational Association Gets Gates Foundation Grant to Promote ‘Common Core’ in Catholic Schools

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation paid the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) more than $100,000 to support teacher training and materials on implementing the Common Core school standards, The Cardinal Newman Society has discovered.
The $100,007 grant made in September will only fuel division over the NCEA’s public encouragement for Catholic schools to adopt the Common Core standards, despite serious concerns about the standards’ academic quality and impact on schools’ Catholic identity.
The revelation comes even as The Cardinal Newman Society and other Catholic groups and dioceses—led by the National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools (NAPCIS)—are co-sponsoring a meeting in New Jersey with Catholic school superintendents, principals and educators to discuss concerns about the Common Core, a controversial education reform movement funded largely by the Gates Foundation.
Yesterday the Newman Society released a survey of principals from the top-ranked Catholic high schools in the Society’s Catholic High School Honor Roll, that found that the principals oppose Catholic schools rushing to adopt Common Core without careful analysis.
Patrick J. Reilly, president of The Cardinal Newman Society, will appear on EWTN’s “The World Over with Raymond Arroyo” on Thursday at 8 p.m. ET to discuss the survey and concerns about the Common Core.  The show will be repeated Friday at 1 a.m.and 9 a.m. ET, Sunday at 7 p.m. ET, and Monday at 10 p.m. ET.
The NCEA recently launched a revised website for its Common Core Catholic Identity Initiative (CCCII), which offers resources and advice to Catholic schools planning to adopt the controversial Common Core standards.  In addition to the Gates Foundation grant, sponsors of the CCCII include William H. Sadlier, Inc., a leading Catholic textbook publisher, and Riverside Publishing, a national testing company—which potentially could reap large profits from the Common Core’s adoption by Catholic schools.
The Gates Foundation has also made grants to other Catholic entities to promote Common Core.  This year it granted $248,343 to DePaul University for Leading with Algebra, described by the University as “a partnership between DePaul and the Chicago Public Schools to support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in algebra for grades 6-8.”  And in 2010, the Gates Foundation granted $556,006 to the Cristo Rey Network, in part to implement Common Core in the nationwide network of Catholic schools.
The Gates Foundation has come under fire from Catholic and pro-life organizations for its substantial “family planning” grant program to encourage the use of contraceptives in developing countries.
Last year, Melinda Gates publicly dissented from Catholic teaching on contraception.  According to, she told attendees at a Berlin conference that “as a practicing Catholic,” and “in the tradition of the great Catholic scholars,” it is “important to question received teachings,” in particular “the one saying that birth control is a sin.”

Although the Gates Foundation claims neutrality on abortion, its grantees include a number of abortion advocacy groups and even the International Planned Parenthood Foundation, which is responsible for abortions worldwide.  Other grantees have included the Guttmacher Institute, Population Action International, the Population Council and the United Nations Population Fund.
Catholic Education Daily is an online publication of The Cardinal Newman Society. Click here for email updates and free online membership with The Cardinal Newman Society.
- See more at:

Friday, August 8, 2014

Catholic Campaign for Human Development Awards Money to.......guess who?

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon is a group of liberal churches that promote many anti-Catholic moral values.  For the decades we have been affiliated with this "ecumenical" group no Catholic values have seemingly been even debated.

The deep connections we have with EMO confuses and most importantly make Oregon Catholics complicit in their agreement with abortion and same-sex marriage.

The next post will remind us of what a devout Catholic Priest and devout Protestant pastor want to share regarding this "strange bedfellow" that we have with EMO.

According to Oregon Live's   Community Helpers, Portland, Oregon please click for more info.:

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development in Oregon awarded 

$2,000 to Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon

$1,500  to Outgrowing Hunger  

$ 1,500 to Vocoform

and $1,000 to Salem HUB for community-based projects.

  CCHD - USCCB website (just click)

 Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon violates some of these basic Catholic values. 

For example, applicant organizations that support or promote same-sex marriage, discrimination, capital punishment, abortion, euthanasia, or punitive measures towards immigrants are not eligible for CCHD funding.

  This organization is "incorporated" yet does not have a Board of Directors on it's webpage.  We would like to know who vetted this group that warranted our money.



  • Peace: Bringing wholeness to our fractured world.
  • Justice: Standing in solidarity with oppressed individuals and participating in changing the systemic elements that leave any person feeling less than human.
  • Reconciliation: Regarding one another; being fully human requires pursuing more than what is good only for the individual.
  • Beauty: Recognizing the special and unique elements in what others consider mundane.
  • Place: Living out our stories alongside others in a specific location.


Vocoform Incorporated
PO Box 17190
Portland OR 97217


We believe the board is an extension of those served and Vocoform is developing a board that represents just that. From the beginning we have acknowledged that the more unique the voices, the greater perspective we bring back to serve our stakeholders. We are devoted to a board that represents diversity in race, intergenerationality, and gender. If you have a desire to find out more about board participation please contact


Here are some guidelines for the recipients.  We need to have "Catholic" money going to things that don't go against Christ's teachings.  As you can see, these are not followed.


1.  Applicant organizations must not participate in or promote activities that contradict the moral and social teachings of the Catholic Church and must in no way work against the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' priorities to defend human life and dignity, strengthen family life and the institution of marriage, and foster diversity. For example, applicant organizations that support or promote same-sex marriage, discrimination, capital punishment, abortion, euthanasia, or punitive measures towards immigrants are not eligible for CCHD funding.
2.  The application must focus on creating or expanding a stand-alone Economic Development Institution that will create income and/or assets for low-income people and communities.
3.  Members of the poverty group must have a strong voice in the leadership of the applicant organization. At least one-third of those who plan, implement, and make policy for the applicant organization (usually the board of directors) are low-income.
4.  At least one-half of the intended beneficiaries from the EDI must be low-income.
5.  The applicant has a complete plan for the EDI that documents all three of the components listed below:
      A.  An assessment and analysis of pertinent community needs, resources and regional     economic conditions that establish the EDI's strategic direction

      B.  A clear, comprehensive, and detailed strategic plan that establishes how the EDI will develop and operate over the next three to five years. This component must include:
            a.  Program description with goals, objectives, and the anticipated outcomes for job creation and/or asset development (see Guidelines, below).             b.  An EDI ownership structure that results in asset ownership within the low income community.
            c.  A multi-year financial strategy for the start-up and ongoing viability of the EDI.
      C.  A commitment and strategy for ongoing leadership development on the EDI Board of Directors, at least one-third of whose membership is composed of low-income people.
6.  Matching funds—in addition to any in-kind contributions—are committed to the EDI at a level at least equal to the request for CCHD funds.


CCHD has established the following threshold outcomes to ensure its funding will be directed to EDIs that have the potential for substantial job creation and/or asset development within their communities.

EDIs in underserved or distressed areas of the country (e.g., some rural and reservation communities) may receive special consideration, determined by regional standards.

EDIs must create ten or more new jobs that pay a living wage as determined by regional standards, or must develop asset ownership for more than ten individuals or families while also benefiting the larger community.

The EDI plan needs to relate the anticipated outcomes for asset development to the specific economic conditions of the EDI's community.

An application should establish that its EDI team—staff, consultants, institutional partners, and board—has the organizational capacity needed to ensure implementation.

An applicant organization should demonstrate a growing base of support (both financial and/or in-kind resources) that reflects valuable relationships in the community.


Priority to encourage collaboration

An applicant organization should describe how it collaborates or plans to collaborate with other organizations in the course of implementation.
An applicant organization should demonstrate a willingness to participate in CCHD's education and promotion efforts.

Priority to link economic development with community organizing

An applicant organization should describe how it will use or promote community organizing among the EDI's beneficiaries so they could work together and with others on additional efforts to effect institutional change.

Priority to facilitate the development of information systems in organizations

An applicant organization should develop and regularly use a monitoring and evaluation system that relies on the active participation of beneficiaries and leads to increased EDI capacity and performance.
An applicant organization should establish an interest in sharing data with other organizations (including CCHD) for the purposes of peer support and mutual learning.

Eligible Use of Funds

CCHD funds may be used for general operating expenses, including staff salaries/training, procurement of technical assistance, board development costs and other overhead costs.
For business development, CCHD funds may be used as part of a financing package for start-up or expansion, including start-up costs or working capital.
For real estate development, CCHD funds may be used for pre-development or continuing operating expenses.
Funds may not be used for capital expenditures (e.g., real estate, vehicles, equipment).

Not Eligible for Funding

Economic Development Institutions structured without opportunities for participatory control and ownership by low income people
EDIs structured without opportunities to develop community-held assets (e.g., sole proprietorships, simple partnerships, or fee-simple housing projects are not eligible)
EDIs owned or controlled by governmental agencies (federal, state, or local), educational, or ecclesiastical bodies
EDIs whose primary focus is direct service (e.g. job training, business consulting, financial literacy, savings programs, or homeownership education programs by themselves are not eligible). Such services may complement an eligible EDI, but they cannot be the EDI's primary focus.
EDIs not structured to stand on their own as sustainable institutions
EDIs that intend to re-grant CCHD monies to other organizations.

Friday, August 1, 2014

From Johnny Rotten to Johnny Reverent in One Easy Step …Remember "Second' First Saturday Devotion...August 2nd.

… Does your son fidget and act unruly during mass? Or does he get bored and sit there like a listless lump zoning out?

Do you wish he’d be more attentive, prayerful, or respectful and listen to the homily for stinkin’ once?!?
Now you too can have a new improved, wonderfully well behaved son accompanying you to mass each week with Altar Boy 2.0*!
Here’s how it works in one easy step.

Step 1 — Make your son be an altar server.
I don’t care if he wails and kicks and says you live to make his life miserable. Of course you do. That’s besides the point.

Engage your Catholic Mom Guilt powers and insist he make this one sacrifice for the Lord our God who died on the Cross for his ungrateful hump.

Ask him how many waking hours he spends a day watching TV, playing video games, hanging out with friends, or playing sports. Then ask him how many of those same waking hours he uses in prayer. Bust out your saddest, most disappointed mom face and ask why he can’t make time for Sweet Baby Jesus to serve at His altar?

If getting him good and guilted doesn’t work, appeal to his boy senses. Tell them there’ll be fire. And smoke. Lots of smoke.

And if he still doesn’t want to serve… who cares. Make him. And when he asks “why” give him the mother of all reasons. The Reason that’s been used for all of time, since your parents and their parents before them.

Because you said so.

Trust me, moms and dads. It’s worth the fight. The aggravation. The wailing and crying. Trust me.
Eventually over time your precious spawn will learn his protests are futile and he’ll begrudgingly succumb. And when he does something marvelous will happen.

He’ll learn the mass better than any way you can teach him, learning all the parts of the liturgy and their significance. He’ll even learn to take pride in his appearance.

But most importantly your sons will learn holy reverence and respect.

Isn’t that worth putting your foot down? In a few years you’ll thank me when you have a wonderfully polite young man accompanying you to mass.

You’re welcome.
*Altar Boy 1.0 included the use of girls and proved ineffective.

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Some results.  It can't get any better.