
Oregon Catholic Press - OCP

2010  Reported that Oregon Catholic Press asked a prospective hire "ARE YOU A DEMOCRAT?"  Sadly, this is another proof of who the OCP will hire even as artists.

Catholic money is going to a liberal slanted entity, Oregon Catholic Press, now Known only by OCP.

With the removal of the word Catholic there also a complete monopoly on our Catholic church missals from people who seem to be embarrassed by their affiliation with the Church Jesus Christ began.

"OCP" Music Issue
Progressive US wide spreading a different mission than that of the Church trying to change the songs to more protestant ones.  Many "artists" are protestant/catholic melds.

"Artists" are questionable and seem to reflect a progressive view of the Catholic church.
ex- Jesuit priest Dan Schutte "darling of the OCP" questionable songs

"Oregon Catholic Press (OCP) of the Archdiocese of Portland even publishes a manual for such Masses: Sunday's Child: A Planning Guide for Liturgies with both Children and Adults by Jack Miffleton (1989). Miffleton recommends all of the following "adaptations" for a Sunday Mass with both adults and children:
  • Omit some introductory element (p. 17).
  • Shorten the Liturgy of the Word (p. 24).
  • Use drama and audio/visuals/commentary/dialogue (p. 24).
  • An adult other than the presider may speak after the Gospel (p. 24).
  • Use the children's Eucharistic Prayers (p. 34).
The author objects to calling these "family" Masses, "since many single and older people are drawn to this type of celebration". Again, we see an example of promoting adaptations intended only for young children to accommodate adults seeking "progressive" liturgies.

The Directory for Masses with Children, the special Eucharistic Prayers and Lectionary for Masses with Children were all approved with the understanding that they would help young children understand and participate in the Mass.

Yet from the beginning, these special adaptations for children have been promoted for adult congregations. Why? It is by now evident that some progressive liturgists view the limited permission to make changes in the Mass for young children as a means of "creatively" changing ordinary celebrations.
A question never yet properly explored remains: Do these "adapted" Eucharistic Prayers and Lectionary texts really lead children to a deeper understanding of and increased participation in the Sacred Liturgy? Is the faith of Catholic young people who have been formed by these "kiddie liturgies" stronger than that of their parents or grandparents?"  Adoremus 

What Have We Done to Our Children?

This filters to the Music Issue that has lost its Catholic focus and is supposed to feed both the Protestant and Catholic laity and further their progressive bent.
Oregon Catholic Press website, see history and mission

Catholic publishing house buys St. Louis firm, form new entity.

OCP, a non-profit Portland publisher of text and music used in Catholic services, has acquired Liturgical Publications of St. Louis Inc., OCP announced Thursday. A purchase price was not disclosed.

A separate corporation called Pastoral Solutions Inc. was formed after the sale. This new company will continue to provide the services previously offered by Liturgical Publications. Pastoral Solutions is based at the former headquarters of Liturgical Publications in Ellisville, Missouri.

Bob Freesmeier, former director of church services and publication printing for OCP, has been named general manager of Pastoral Solutions.

The action joined two long-established Catholic companies that have served churches for many years, a spokesman for the non-profit OCP said. OCP, formerly known as Oregon Catholic Press, has been in operation for more than 80 years. Worship programs produced by OCP, including Breaking Bread and Today's Missal, are used in two-thirds of Catholic churches in the United States and are distributed worldwide.