Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Remember - Eucharistic Conference This Week in PDX
Dear All,
Just a reminder. In this Year of the Eucharistic, set aside for us by our Dear Holy Father, we have an opportunity to grow in wisdom with God's grace. This is a gift from Father Wayne Dawson and Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in response to this Holy Year. Come and give your spirit a lift each day.
Eucharistic Conference at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
Starts at 7:00 pm each night!
Tuesday - Father Dawson speaks tonight - Tuesday - at 7:00pm .... THE EUCHARIST AS
Wednesday - Caren Lemark on Wednesday on Motherhood.
Thursday - Memorial mass for Pope John Paul II. We have a shrine in our
Church & our church is open all week during the day for prayer.
Friday - Deacon Harold Burke Sivers with our Catholic Youth Mass - all
are welcome.
Saturday is Mike & Amy McDermott and The Family
Sunday - closing is our Healing Mass at 5:00pm with this weekend's readings.
For more information call Hildy at 503-774-3309
The one thing that sets the Catholic Church apart from all others is the Eucharist. This is not just a case of “seeing is believing”, but truly a Mystery of Faith. It’s easy to loose the enthusiasm and reverence we should have for this show of tremendous love from the Creator to His creatures. So often we just forget.
Pope John Paul II has called for The Year of the Eucharist (October 2004 until October 2005) to help us focus on the Gift we sometimes take for granted. The summit of our lives should be the worship of the Eucharist. I just heard that this should be the only “addiction” we have. To enter into the Presence of the God of Life is true living. It is something to strive for and keep pursuing.
Coming before Him in Eucharistic Adoration, for example, is just a precursor to where we will be when we end our lives on earth. No one escapes this. Having a relationship with our Dear Lord and hearing His Voice, leads us on the narrow path when the world is so noisy and keeps us going in the right direction.
This Year of the Eucharist is a great time to remind ourselves each time we enter a Catholic Church to look for Jesus and give Him His Justice. Genuflect, Bow and Pray to our God who gave Himself up as a Sacrifice for us, as a Ransom for our Souls. He deserves nothing less.
Before receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Byzantine Catholic rite there is a beautiful prayer I would like to share with you.
I believe, Oh Lord, and confess that You are Christ, the Son of the Living God who came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the greatest. I believe that what I receive is indeed Your very own pure Body and Precious Blood therefore I beseech You have mercy on me and forgive my transgressions voluntary and involuntary which I have committed by word or by deed knowingly and unknowingly and make me worthy without condemnation to partake of your most pure Mysteries, unto the remission of sins and unto Life Eternal. Oh, Son of God, receive me today as a partaker at Your Mystical Banquet for I will not tell Your enemies Your secrets nor will I kiss You as did Judas, but like the Thief do I confess to You, “Remember me, Oh Lord in Your Kingdom.” Let the partaking of Your Holy Mysteries be for me not unto judgment or condemnation, but unto the healing of Body and Soul together. Amen.
God Bless us all in this time of great challenge. Armed with the Sacraments, the Great Avenues of Graces (strength) given to us, we can overcome adversity in our marriages, vocations and just daily living.
Voice of Catholic Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Catholic Media Coalition - In Line with the Church, On-line with the World
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