This Sunday, the Solemnity of Christ the King, Oregon Catholics will be asked to give money to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.
The recipients of this campaign usually don't have any religious affiliation, but there do seem to be radical leftist affiliations that continue to receive funds year after year. Many of these groups are part of the INDUSTIAL AREAS FOUNDATION (IAF) whose founder, Saul Alisky, dedicated his 1940's Rules for Radicals with this inscription: "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer."
(Not to point out this information would be a sin of omission and a rejection of the Kingdom that Christ died so we could share it with Him.)
In the beginning
Saul Alinsky envisioned an "organization of organizations," comprised of all sectors of the community - youth committees, small businesses, labor unions and, most influential of all, the Catholic Church......The event was revolutionary in American history because it was the first time an entire community was organized. The union, the community and the Church became one and the same.
In 1940, institutionalizing the concepts he had learned from John Lewis (Chicago), Alinsky formed the Industrial Areas Foundation - the IAF - an umbrella organization out of which new campaigns would be run.
In 1940, Alinsky elicited a generous grant from liberal millionaire Marshall Field III, who provided funds to establish the Industrial Areas Foundation, which has remained Alinsky's primary base of operation.
By the late Sixties, Alinsky was leaving most of the field work to his aides and concentrating on training community organizers through the Industrial Areas Foundation Training Institute, which he calls a "school for professional radicals." Funded principally by a foundation grant from Midas Muffler, the school aims at turning out 25 skilled organizers annually to work in black and white communities across the nation. "Just think of all the hell we've kicked up around the country with only four or five full-time organizers," Alinsky told newsmen at the school's opening session. "Things will really move now."
Beyond the IAF, dozens of community organizing networks are actively practicing Alinsky's techniques. Among the most prominent are Pacific Institute for Community Organizing (Oakland, CA), the Catholic Church's Campaign for Human Development (Washington, D.C.), Citizen Action (Chicago, IL), Organizing Training Center (San Francisco), National Training Institute for Community Organizing (Chicago, IL), Direct Action and Research Training Center (Miami, FL), The Gamaliel Foundation (Chicago, IL) and National Organizers Alliance (Washington, D.C.)
A conservative church journal wrote that "it is impossible to follow both Jesus Christ and Saul Alinsky."
Barron's, the business weekly, took that odd logic a step further and charged that Alinsky "has a record of affiliation with Communist fronts and causes." And a top Office of Economic Opportunity official, Hyman Bookbinder, characterized Alinsky's attacks on the antipoverty program (for "welfare colonialism") as "outrageously false, ignorant, intemperate headline-seeking."
"The leaders and organizers of the Industrial Areas Foundation build organizations whose primary purpose is power - the ability to act - and whose chief product is equitable social change.
The IAF is non-ideological and strictly non-partisan, but proudly, publicly, and persistently political. Through local affiliates, the IAF builds a political base among voluntary institutions that includes religious congregations, labor locals, homeowner groups, recovery groups, parents associations, non-profits, immigrant societies, schools, seminaries, orders of men and women religious, and others. Our leaders use that base to compete at times, to confront at times, and to cooperate at times with leaders in the government and market sectors.
The heart of IAF's work is its commitment to identify, recruit, train, and develop leaders in every corner of every community where the IAF works. The IAF affiliates are radical ("root") organizations because we have a radical belief in the potential of the vast majority of people to grow and develop as leaders, to become full members of the body politic, to speak and act with others on their own behalf. And IAF affiliates do indeed use a radical practice: the face-to-face, one-to-one individual meeting whose purpose is to initiate a public relationship and to re-knit our frayed social fabric.
Industrial Areas Foundation Northwest "
Because of the Church scandal, we have to be even more careful of our stewardship. Giving to the "good" part of an organization or charity can make sure that there is money freed up for less honorable activities, this is called "fungible funding" and many groups rely on this. Many radical groups are gearing up for the elections in 2006 and most importantly 2008. Since more about the IAF is being revealed to Catholics in the pews, and their displeasure is becoming more apparent, the names are changing.
In Oregon the new IAF Northwest organization is Metropolitan Alliance for the Common Ground (MACG). http://www.iafnw.macg.org/ becomes www.macg.org The members have a large Catholic presence. The Catholic Churches are
Christ the King Parish (Milwaukie, OR)
Immaculate Heart Parish (Portland, OR)
St. Alexander Parish (Cornelius, OR)
St. Andrew Parish (Portland, OR)
St. Charles Parish (Portland, OR)
St. Clare Parish (Portland, OR)
St. Francis of Assisi Parish (Portland, OR)
St. Philip Neri Parish (Portland, OR)
Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus & Mary (Marylhurst, OR)
Central City Concern (Portland, OR)
Centro Cultural (Cornelius, OR)
PHOENIX RISING Transitions (Gresham, OR)
Recovery Association Project (Portland, OR)
Rose Community Development Corporation (Portland, OR)
First Unitarian Church (Portland, OR)
Havurah Shalom (Portland, OR)
Kol Shalom Community for Humanistic Judaism
Carpenters Local 247 (Portland, OR)
Carpenters Local 2154 (Portland, OR)
Cement Masons, Local 555 (Portland, OR)
Columbia-Pacific Building Trades Council (Portland, OR)
East Multnomah County Uniserv Council, OEA (Gresham, OR)
Operating Engineers Local 701 (Gladstone, OR)
Bethel Lutheran Church (Portland, OR)
King of Kings Church (Portland, OR)
Redeemer Lutheran/Vernon Presbyterian/Enterbeing (Portland, OR)
First United Methodist Church (Portland, OR)
Lake Oswego United Methodist Church (Lake Oswego, OR)
Metanoia Peace Community United Methodist Church (Portland, OR)
{Ventures: A Publication of the Sisters of the Holy Names
Oct. 22nd MACG Caucus meeting, St. Clare's, Portland
Oct. 22-23rd Marylhurst Univeristy Alumni Days
Nov. 17th Metropolitan Alliance for the Common Good (MACG) Annual Assembly 7pm}
The CCHD committee chooses the organziations to be helped. Like the secular United Way, Catholics give campaign money to be distributed, but unlike the United Way, who the money goes to is known before hand so people can decide if they want to give their funds. CCHD promotional literature states, "We believe the poor themselves know best how to change their circumstances." This seems to be a hopeful statement, but not a just one. "Self -reliance, self-sufficiency, and self-determination" is a goal for recipients, however, faith formation is not. CCHD encourages Catholics to work for justice, through prayer, but not one mention of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to help these folks, their they can do it by them "self". Sadly, the name of Jesus is not even mentioned in the promotional piece.
It also says that the "CCHD provides support where other charities and philanthropic organizations will not."
The Public Welfare Foundation founded in 1951. This foundation is extremely supportive of many leftwing organizations, among which are groups advocating for radical environmentalism, feminism, gay rights, abortion rights, Third World immigrants' rights, prisoners' rights, illegal aliens' rights, welfare rights, anti-gun policies, and anti-nuclear agendas.
Funds groups that promote leftwing visions of radical environmentalism; feminism; gay rights; taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; illegal immigrants' rights; welfare rights; and anti-gun and anti-nuclear advocacy
Assets: $412,834,102 (2003)
Grants Awarded: $17,992,990 (2003)
Has granted monies to ACORN, VOZ (CCHD recipients)
Director Peter Edelman's son, Jonah Edelman has founded "Stand for Children" out of Portland and during the Interfaith Advocacy Day 2005 stood up for Same Sex marriage. Peter Edelman's wife, Miriam Wright Edelman is the Director of the Children's Defense Fund, an organization that also received monies from this group.
I was told by David Carrier, Director of Justice and Peace that groups given money were checked out to make sure they did not go against Church teachings.
Here are the recipients for 2005 CCHD
Archdiocese of Portland announces the 2005 Catholic Campaign for Human Development Grants
The Archdiocese of Portland has announced the awarding of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) grants for 2005. A total of $196,000 in national and local grants was awarded to local community-based projects that seek to end the root causes of poverty.
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is the domestic anti-poverty program sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. CCHD is the largest private funder of anti-poverty program initiated and led by poor people in the United States. Founded in 1970, the CCHD is supported by an annual collection taken in Catholic parishes.
The criteria for funding include:
* At least 50% of those benefiting from the project must be from the low-income community.
* Members of the poverty group must have a dominant voice in the project.
* Projects must work to bring about institutional change by attacking the basic social, economical and political causes of poverty and
* Projects may have a focus on community-based ecologically sustainable economic development with business efforts that ensure family
wages, meaningful work and participatory respect in the work place.
* Projects should empower low-income people to gain access to community decision-making structures.
Projects awarded national CCHD grants for 2005 were:
Project: Full Inclusion
Organization: Lane Independent Living Alliance
Contact: Carole Patterson
Location: Lane County
Funding award: 2005 $30,000; 2004 $40,000; 2003 $25,000 National Grants - 2002 $4,600 Local Grant
LILA's mission is to increase access, voter participation, and protect the civil rights for people with disabilities in Lane County. Project Full Inclusion increases the involvement of people with disabilities on local boards and commissions so that they are "at the table" in local decision-making processes. People with disabilities have an important role to play in identifying issues of concern and actively participating in community life to resolve those concerns, including assisting with drafting of new legislation.
Project: Predatory Lending Education and Reform
Organization: Oregon ACORN
Contact: Andrew Maxim Ginsberg
Location: Portland area
Funding award: 2005 $25,000; 2004 $25,000; 2003 $30,000; 2002 $27,500; 2001 $30,000 National Grants
ACORN (The Association of Community Organization for Reform Now) is a grassroots association that creates progressive social change by promoting policy reforms that improve the lives of low-income and minority families. Member-chosen issues include ending community apathy, securing fair and affordable housing, community control of urban renewal funds, equal urban infrastructure (road paving, increased lighting, more traffic controls, etc.), and equal community policing and credit and loan policies. The Predatory Lending Education project focuses on improving banking CRA statistics and ending the predatory practices of certain lenders.
Project: Tenant Organizing Project
Organization: Community Alliance of Tenants
Contact: Ian Slingerland
Location: Portland area
Funding award: 2005 $30,000; 2004 $25,000; 2002 $30,000 National Grants
Community Alliance of Tenants is a tenant-controlled membership organization that educates and empowers lower-income tenants to organize and develop leaders who can advocate for better housing policies and practices. Through tenant organizing and collective negotiation with landlords, policy makers, and government officials, the organization seeks to improve the quality of affordable housing, change rental housing standards, and make low-income housing more widely available.
Organization: Clackamas Community Land Trust
Project: Low Income Homeownership
Contact: Nancy Yuill
Location: Clackamas area
Funding award: 2005 $35,000
Clackamas Community Land Trust (CCLT) is a member-based organization that provides permanently affordable homeownership opportunities to low and moderate income people for generations to come. A CLT removes land from the speculative market and holds it in trust for the benefit of the community. The CLT holds title to the land and the homeowner leases the land from the CLT through a long-term renewable lease. CLTs balance the needs of individuals to build wealth through homeownership with the needs of communities to steward their investment in the land.
Organization: Hacienda Community Development Corporation
Project: Hacienda Native Plant Nursery
Contact Person: Alan Hipolito
Funding award: 2005 $35,000
The Mission of Hacienda CDC is to improve the quality of life for low-income Latino families by developing a permanent resource of affordable housing, education, economic development, and related activities that benefit low-income Latinos. Hacienda CDC acquired and rehabilitated several apartment complexes and now manages 321units of affordable housing. Hacienda CDC’s economic development program engages Latinos in new business development that provides economic opportunity for residents. The Native Plant Nursery will be a worker-owned cooperative that provides nursery stock and landscaping services throughout the Portland area.
Project: Latino Caucus
Organization: Portland Schools Alliance
Contact: Barbara Willer
Location: Portland
Funding award: 2005 $20,000; 2004 $20,000 National Grants/ 2003 $5,000 - 2002 $2,750 Local Grants
The Latino Caucus focuses on training and organizing Latino parents to be leaders in the school community and their children's education. Parents and educators build partnerships and political voice to advocate for concrete changes in school policies and practices that will improve the quality of education for Latino children.
Projects awarded local CCHD grants for 2005 were:
Project: PhotoVoice Project
Organization: Sisters of the Road
Location: Portland area
Funding award: 2005 $5,000 Local Grant
Sisters of the Road Café supports community-led solutions to homelessness and poverty by serving low cost nutritious meals that can be purchased with cash or in exchange for work. The PhotoVoice
Project provides cameras to people experienced with homelessness to document their day-to-day lives. Through displays of the photographs and Sisters’ speakers’ series, the project provides a means to educate people about conditions faced by the homeless. The project could also become a source of income for the photographers through sales of photographs.
Project: Community Cottage Industry
Organization: Pioneer House Shelter
Location: Astoria
Funding award: 2005 $5,000 Local Grant
Pioneer House Shelter assists the working poor and homeless by helping to meet basic needs like housing, food, and advocacy. To promote economic self-sufficiency, low income people will be empowered to recycle donated clothing into swatches. Buckles, zippers, and buttons will be retrieved and later re-fabricated into boutique-style clothing. Participants are from a partnering state agency which reimburses $6.25 of the $7.25/hr. minimum wage for participants. Other community partners will assist with space, marketing, and business skills.
Project: Thick Chick Fashion
Organization: Casa de Belen
Location: Roseburg
Funding award: 2005 $5,000 Local Grant
Casa de Belen is a transitional home and community for homeless families and teens. Thick Chick plans to recycle used clothing into plus sizes comparable to popular styles and fashions. The goal is to provide a sense of positive self-image for plus size women who have difficulty finding fashionable designs at a reasonable price. The Project started with a group of women who wanted to learn business skills and to prepare a business plan. Community volunteers are working with the team to teach marketing, business management, and the craft of transforming donated clothing into wearable art.
Project: Disabled United in Direct Empowerment
Organization: Organizational Consolidation
Location: Medford
Funding award: 2005 $3,000; 2004 $3,000 Local Grants
DUDEs is an organization of disabled people and their families and caregivers who assist with counseling, advice, and advocacy for disabled people whose rights to adequate health care are being denied. They engage in political action, help draft legislation, and educate legislators regarding the conditions of the disabled, and raise public awareness about the needs and problems faced by the disabled community.
Project: Immigrants Rights Workshops
Organization: VOZ Workers’ Rights Education Project
Location: Portland area
Funding award: 2005 $3,000; 2004 $5,000; 2003 $5,000; and 2002 $5,000 Local Grants -
2002 $25,000 National Grant- special grant to support immigrant rights work.
VOZ is a worker-led organization of day laborers that develops leadership and empowers members to build constructive relationships with employers and authorities. VOZ members gain control over their lives and working conditions and improve relations with businesses and the community by conducting educational workshops and dispelling stereotypes about day laborers. VOZ established a living wage of $9/hour, recovered over $80,000 in unpaid wages, and trained workers in computer use and the English language.
Catholic Campaign for Human Development Grants are awarded on the basis of need and not religious affiliation.
(FYI : Attached is the Justice and Peace Newsletter for November).
Catholic monies should at least be used for organizations that are not anti-Catholic: that is true justice. More Catholics are speaking out about these abuses throghout the United States. When the Pro-Life ministry of Oregon Catholics has less than $5,000 to save the lives of unborn children, we have truly failed to see the poorest of the poor.
May God Bless and Give Us Courage.
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