
Monday, November 6, 2006

PDX/EMO - Are Immortal Souls Worth the Connection Anymore?

Dear CMC Family....Please pray for me......Here's what I sent out, today...on my birthday...I spent ALL DAY on this.....I hope it does some good. Love, Carolyn

Dear Friends, This World Net Daily article shows what can happen to the Catholic Church if we are not vigilant and let our reputation as the one True Church and devotion to the "Ultimate Sacrifice" of Jesus Christ falter. If you cannot get the link....go to "Parish cancels 'Catholic' drag queens' bingo games.

The world views of the Roman Catholic church in union with the Holy Father and the Magisterium seem to be at odds with our involvement with the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. Oregon parishes and organizations calling themselves Catholic have homosexual components that are not in compliance with Roman Catholic Church teaching.

They continue on, with "Catholic" money, deceiving people with no sense of shame. The most blatant connection is with EMO. Most of the churches listed support abortion "rights" and homosexual unions: the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches is most visible.

We are an important member of EMO and have our chancellor, Mary Jo Tully, on the Board of Directors. for more information. The World Net Daily article involves a Catholic Church less than a mile away from the Metropolitan Community Church.

From these websites we find out something of what's happening at OUR Catholic parishes, etc. * Welcoming Communities

Who is CWC? "The Community of Welcoming Congregations (CWC) is an Oregon and SW Washington ecumenical ministry and association of religious and spiritual congregations that welcome and affirm people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Our ministry dedicates itself to the full equality of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersexed and questioning people seeking spiritual home. Through arms of education and advocacy, we reach out in support and affirmation acknowledging the image of our loving Creator in every person."

Catholic Journey Catholic Community Worship Address: St. Stephens Episcopal Church SW 13th and Clay Portland, OR 97225 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 219098 Portland, OR 97225 Pastor Nancy Bannister (503) 323-2406 Contact Person: Ginny Benware Koinonia Catholic Community Koinonia has merged with Journey Catholic Community. Contact Journey for worship times. Koinonia Catholic Community - Perform same-sex "marriages"(also a member of Basic Rights Oregon).

A disturbing note on this group. Click on music. Koinonia former directors Tom Conry and Patrick Loomis do music for the OREGON CATHOLIC PRESS. We have come to realize that some songs lack a true Roman Catholic message from other composers as well.

St. Andrew's Catholic Church 806 NE Alberta St. Portland, OR 97211 Fr. Charles Lienert (503) 281-4429 Contact person: Kathy Saunders

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church 330 SE 11th Ave. Portland, OR 97214 Valerie Chapman, pastoral administrator (503) 232-5880 Fr. Robert W. Krueger

St. Philip Neri Catholic Church Gay and Lesbian Outreach (GALO) 2408 SE 16th Ave. Portland, OR 97214 Fr. Richard Colgan, CSP (503) 231-4955 Contact person: Robert George List serve:

Also... - Resources to Lesbian and Gay-Friendly parishes - click Oregon. These are listed. Koinonia Catholic Community; St. Philip Neri; St. Andrew; St. Vincent de Paul -- Portland

When I shared this information with ArchbishopVlazny a year ago regarding concerns with EMO and these other homosexual connections in light of the scandal and bankrupcy, this was his reply (see attachment).

 Pope Benedict XVI knows we need to pray and dialogue with other faiths...yet he asks us to avoid "syncretism", the fusion of differing systems of belief, as in philosophy or religion, "Man's heart, in fact, is the place where God acts....Therefore, together with the 'horizontal' dimension of relationships with other men, of fundamental importance in this matter is the 'vertical' dimension of each one's relationship with God, in whom everything finds its foundation." (see attachment for full text)

Let's keep working to keep Oregon Catholic money and relationships on the right track...
Jesus Christ says "Be as wise as serpents as harmless as doves."

Apropos - from my Good Earth teabag. "Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile I caught hell for" Earl Warren
 for." Earl Warren world"

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