
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Attack on the Priesthood/Pastors Revolution/Monsignor Taaffe

Dear Catholic Advocates, On June 7th, Womenpriests/Call to Action's second Oregon pretend "woman's ordination" will take place at Zion United Church of Christ in Gresham. All of the participating churches that host these anti-Catholic events are members of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. June 7th is the SAME DAY as the authentic priestly ordinations at the St. Mary Cathedral in Portland. There would seem to be no coincidence, but a conscience effort to have them at the same time. Toni Tortorilla had her mock ceremony in 2007, her lesbian partner Ruth will have her's on June 7th, along with another woman who will become a "deacon". Toni and Ruth create confusion and scandal and are a mockery to Christ Himself. Toni still might be working for the Archdiocese of Portland in the Northwest Catholic counseling center. This center gets referrals from area churches. Toni is also a counselor/advocate for homosexual community. Archbishop Raymond Burke excommunicated three women from his Archdiocese because of their blatant disregard for the Church's Teachings. Attached is his proclamation, giving comfort and dignity to Catholics, even those who are part of the "Democracy of the Dead", those Catholics who lived the Church's teachings and those martyrs, religious and lay who died for the Christ and His Church. The Archdiocese of Portland takes no action against these churches to stop these practices. We pay tens of thousands of dollars in membership fees to the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. The Office of Justice and Peace is used as a free advertising vehicle for Ecumencial Ministries of Oregon and has a budget just from the Archbishops annual appeal of over $60,000, that doesn't count all the union benefits given to the director Catherine Willett. The Respect Life Office has still has no budget. May Truth and priorities prevail someday. __________________________________________________________________________ On September 28th there will be a "revolution" of protestant pastors to demand their right to speak from the pulpit on faith and morals with regards to politicans, with no fear of losing their tax exempt status. The Johnson Amendment will be tested in the Courts, by the Alliance Defense Fund. See. ( World net Daily/Jill Stanek) Other groups for faith, freedom and religious liberty will be joining. In the Oregon we don't have priests marytred by gunshots, hanging and starvation, however our men in black can be white martyrs standing up against those that would scandalize those entrusted to them in the pews. May they find strength to follow Christ in all things. May these women who are searching look in places that bring life and not a mockery of the true Way, Truth and Life. _____________________________________________________________________ Monsignor Charles Taaffe is still in need of prayers, however he is gaining strength each day after his bypass operation and another procedure long needed. He is a cheerful, Godly man, and a great example of a priest. With these assaults on the priesthood let us pray for our priests and bishops that they will be granted Divine Grace to fulfill His Mission. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn "When no S. S. men were in the Block I went to the Bunker to talk to the men and comfort them. Fervent prayers and songs to the Holy Mother resounded in all the corridors of the Bunker. I had the impression I was in a church. Fr Kolbe was leading and the prisoners responded in unison. They were often so deep in prayer that they did not even hear that inspecting S. S. men had descended to the Bunker; and the voices fell silent only at the loud yelling of their visitors. When the cells were opened the poor wretches cried loudly and begged for a piece of bread and for water, which they did not receive, however. If any of the stronger ones approached the door he was immediately kicked in the stomach by the S. S. men, so that falling backwards on the cement floor he was instantly killed; or he was shot to death ... Fr Kolbe bore up bravely, he did not beg and did not complain but raised the spirits of the others...." VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-4767 Member of the Catholc Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".

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