Saturday, August 2, 2008
Updates: Monsignor Taaffe, Donna Steichen event, Pro-family Initiatives. NEW! Catholics for McCain
Dear Advocates for Life,
Monsignor Taaffe's funeral would have pleased him. His friends and those he has helped were in attendance. And a family member slipped little statues of a cocker spaniel, border collie and a leprechaun in his casket...a reminder of his love of his dogs and Ireland. The Father Taaffe Foundation will continue to function with great leadership with the attentive spirit of our dear Monsignor leading the way. To make donations to his homes for unwed mothers please send to Father Taaffe Foundation/PO Box 47/Salem, OR 97308. Email address is 503.393.2843.
The Donna Steichen event is being postponed. We planned for her to be out here by now..however she's convalescing from orthopedic surgery and is not able to travel at present. Her new book "Chosen" will be out soon. More on this later. Her writings include, Ungodly Rage: The Hidden Face of Catholic Feminism , Prodigal Daughters: Catholic Women Come Home to the Church where seventeen women of the baby boom generation share their poignant personal stories of apostasy and repentance.
Let's pray for her speedy recovery for her sake and ours. We'll reschedule.
Regarding the initiatives. From the 2007 legislative session two pro-homosexual activity bills were signed into law. SB2/special protective rights for any sexual activity and HB 2007/domestic partnership. In January 2008 they became law. Since HB 2007 was short only five signatures (there is a "formula" so one signature is worth approx. 500 votes) and when those five people attached to the signatures went to their respective county clerks office to verify their signatures to make them "count" they were told that the Legal time of 30 days was now down to 10 and they were "late".
Yes, this is illegal probably, SO....this was appealed to the State Federal Court, which sided with Basic Rights (homosexual lobby) went to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.....and it looked good, now it is back to a three judge team in Portland again and we are waiting their verdict. IF they agree with our side, that the five signatures are valid.....we vote on Domestic Partnerships in November. If not, we are looking toward 2010.
In the meantime....there was a replacement initiative #303 against domestic partnerships...we had the signatures to start the process to vote in November, however, the Oregon Supreme Court held up the "naming" of the initiative until time ran out. The citizens of Oregon are being held hostage by a few at the top. We should know soon about the answer. The Alliance Defense Fund from Arizona is helping the citizens of Oregon. We are indebted to them and their search for truth and justice.
NEW!!! Catholics for McCain. If you are interested in helping the John McCain for President campaign and be part of the coalition, please let me know. I was asked to be Chairman of the Catholic Coalition. Thankfully, this is a team effort and I know that the intelligent, justice seeking Catholics in Oregon can help educate, pray and work our way to a state that supports LIFE.
I have handouts that compare the candidates on abortion and other LIfe issues. They are very well researched and easy to follow. If you'd like to have some I'll send you any quantity. FREE.
Please prayerfully consider being part of Catholics for McCain. You will get a package of bumper stickers, signs and information. We are getting County leaders in me, if you'd like to be a leader or co-leader.
If you have any questions as to John McCain's pro-life stand, I'll find the answer and share these questions/answers in an email.
God Bless you and yours,
Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput has proposed this definition of proportionate when it comes to voting.
"What is a 'proportionate' reason when it comes to the abortion issue?," he wrote in January 2008. "It's the kind of reason we will be able to explain, with a clean heart, to the victims of abortion when we meet them face to face in the next life - which we most certainly will. If we're confident that these victims will accept our motives as something more than an alibi, then we can proceed."
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Member of the Catholc Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".