Friday, September 5, 2008
Saul Alinsky Alive and Well at the Catholic Voter's Conference? / My Reply to CVC Leader
Dear Advocates for Life,
Tuesday, September 9th from 7 - 8:30 pm, the Catholic Voter's Conference will hold its third meeting at St. Clare Church in Portland. Some might say, Saul Alinsky, who's he and what does this have to do with the Archdiocese of Portland? Saul worked closely with Catholics in Chicago decades ago to form community organizing that would be funded by the Catholic Church: Using "moral garments" to change Church teachings and fund anti-Catholic groups with Catholic money. In fact, most of these groups would wither away without the constant watering with Catholic Collection plate money. (Free "virtual workshop" CD's on this available)
The speakers for this month are listed below with information on these Catholic employees. As we rebuild our bankrupt Western Oregon Catholic Church we need to be mindful that our collection plate money is used wisely.
Jeanine Boucher-Colbert
Catholic Relief Services
Maryknoll Missioner (one year in Brazil, I believe)
Saint Andrews Parishioneer
FYI - Alert! Look at the attachments from Oregon Catholic Citizens. It has to do with a Maryknoll priest, slated to speak at St. Andrew's Church. "Fr. Roy" has "concelebrated" with a "woman priest ordination" and the Maryknollers are awaiting a disciplinary decision from the Vatican in Rome. (These are just a coincidence with Jeanine and not meant to insinuate that she invited Fr. Roy to St. Andrew. Or that she even knows about this. VOCAL)
Anthony Granados
Catholic Charities, Parish Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator
Member of Archdiocesan Pastoral Council for many years.
In 2004 election worked with Bob Castagna and Oregon Catholic Conference when Saul Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) affiliated group Interfaith Workers Justice to do voter's registration in targeted Portland area Catholic Churches under the same name "Faithful Citizenship" used by US Catholic Bishops.
Director of Office of Justice and Peace at Archdiocese of Portland 2003.
Francisco Lopez - Coordinator or Director
Oregon Immigrant Right's Coalition
Catholic Charities - El Programa Hispano
VOZ Hispanica
Newest member of the Oregon State Housing Council, named by Gov. Ted Kulongoski to a four-year term.
* El Programa Hispano
* Headed up Voter's registrations to targeting the Hispanic Community:
* Quoted in Socialist blog: The recent Pew findings do not come as a surprise to Francisco López, the director of the Woodburn-based nonprofit Voz Hispana's voter registration campaign. "The anti-immigrant rhetoric that many in the Republican Party have used is now having an adverse impact on them," López said. "Now, many U.S.-born Hispanics with families of mixed immigration status are expressing their preferences in favor of the best candidate they believe will resolve the immigration dilemma in this nation, and that's Obama."
* Catholic Charities of Western Oregon's new Latino services program manager, overseeing the El Programa Hispano offices in Canby and Gresham since January.
Basic Rights Oregon - Homosexual promotion
Community Alliance of Lane County (CALC)
Juventud Faceta
Latinos Unidos Siempre (LUS)
Mano a Mano Family Center
Mujeres Luchadoras Progresistas
Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN)
Rural Organizing Project
Salem-Keizer Coalition for Equality - Homosexual promotion
Voz Hispana Causa Chavista
CAUSA CONNECTED TO OREGON ACTION recipient of grants from Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) Starting up advertising program now.
Oregon Action is a member of...
* Affordable Housing Coalition
* America Votes
* Jobs With Justice
* National Campaign For Jobs and Income Support
* Northwest Federation of Community Organizations
* Oregon Campaign For Economic Justice
* Oregon Health Action Campaign
* Oregonians For Health Security
* Progressive Action Network
* USAction
Oregon Action works with...
* ACORN Saul Alinsky affiliation
* American Civil Liberties Union - Oregon
* AFL-CIO - Oregon
* Basic Rights Oregon
* Community Development Network
* Ecumentical Ministries of Oregon
* Eugene-Springfield Solidarity Network
* Fair and Clean Energy Coalition
Oregon Food Bank
* Oregon Human Rights Campaign
* Oregon Revenue Coalition
* Oregon Rural Action
* Oregon Trial Lawyers Association
* Rural Organzing Project
* SEIU Local 503
* Sisters In Action
* VOZ CCHD recipient by itself
* Alinsky, was the principal mentor for Cesar Chavez.
We STILL advertise for VOZ with through the Office of Justice and Peace and have given money from Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) to this organization as well as others connected to them.
We still don't know who's on the board of CCHD to make decisions on these picks. AND there is STILL no priority, no money for the Unborn.
More Information found here:
November 19, 2005 Oregon Catholic Money Used Unjustly?
March 10, 2007 CCHD Funding Illegal Immigration March?
Here is the letter from Mike Ashland to me (highlighted in bold blue) with my reply inserted. This is to bring you up to date on the events at the Catholic Voter's Conference last month.
WOW! was my the first response to your email. I will answer you this way..
"At the CVC we had a discussion about the Bishops statement Faithful Citizenship. Neither you, nor any of the people standing with you and "debating" with me, had read it.
But you made the statement that the Holy Father, the Vatican, had repudiated this statement. I asked if you would send me something that documented that and you promised to do that."
Actually, I have read the statement from the USCCB and told you that. It is very vague and long- winded and I believe that it confuses folks. When we wade through it though, it actually does say bottom line - That Catholics with a well-formed conscience cannot vote for a pro-abortion candidate when there is a pro-life candidate whose beliefs don't trump other foundational issues. So we can't vote for Obama...nothing trumps this. NOTHING. This is what the Church teaches and the Bishops statement echoes.
"I don't recall any discussion about Obama saying that babies were "punishment" and, having watched your YouTube video, it puzzles me even more. We did not discuss this and--stranger-than-strange--I agree with the man!
I have three precious children. None should be "punished" because of a crime committed by someone else. My daughter, if she were raped, might choose to take the "morning after" pill, "Plan B." I believe you would have it made illegal and certainly would judge her a sinner. That is a difference between us. Neither of our opinions makes us a better Catholic. But we didn't talk about that."
The statement about Obama was one of the things that caused alot of emotion.
I don't know how you missed it. Obama would have his grandchildren aborted, "so his daughter wouldn't be PUNISHED with a child"..rape wasnt brought up.
For you to agree with his statement in either case shows you don't have a deeply formed conscience. Which is dangerous to your soul when you are teaching kids.
I do think that "Plan B", the abortion drug should be illegal and have lots of information on what it does to children and their mothers. Plus it's against church teachings darn right I think it should be illegal. BUT, there is a difference and our opinions do make us a better well formed Catholic in this instance, I'd encourage my daughter to give birth to the baby, my grandchild. Although I believe that my girls would come to this conclusion on their own. It isn't the baby's fault and they value their Faith and wouldn't bail out on a hard thing. think I'd call someone a are delusional. You are being judgmental, you don't even know me. How prejudiced are you. Egads, Mike open your eyes. Before it's too late.
"I would ask you to read Faithful Citizenship and then indicate where the Holy Father, the Magisterium, the Vatican, has repudiated this statement. The Magisterium is the living tradition of our church, versus Holy Scripture. I'm going to win no arguments with you, of course, but the very fact of tradition presumes cultural change. Peter was married. Todays priests may not. One day soon they will. What of the Magisterium?"
I go back to the how confusing FC is. It does support Church teaching and that we can't vote for a pro-abortion candidate especially Obama. He's a real bad dude for babies. You are very confused about big T tradition and small t tradition. Like priests marrying, small t tradition can change if it's in the best interest of the Body of Christ. However, big T Tradition cannot change and it's in the Deposit of Faith. Like Women in the priesthood. God doesn't change. We need these to hold us close to Him. I don't know what you know of the Magisterium. Are you asking a question or making a statement? You can win arguments with me when you know what you're taking about.
"You make a good point about ExCathedra statements. It's a very poor debating tool and you're right, all things that are "truth" are not ExCathedra. Nor are all things truth in Holy Scripture, or recorded by a Bishop, a Cardinal or a Pope."
Use Truth as a debating tool? Also be careful about saying things about Holy Scripture and the Popes. That's what happens when people aren't challenged and are insulated like at St. Clare. Truth seems like fiction. Truth has to be censored. When you have MACG at your church it's all over for big T truth.
"I think you're a great talent, Carolyn, and you could do much to change the word and culture. You're articulate, learned about the things you feel strongly about and agree with, and you have a decent sense of humor! I hope you will either quit this charade of Catholics for McCain or actually get behind, commit to, and learn about the real policies of Senator McCain."
Did you see the Saddleback Church debate..hmmm Whoops there it other words you're going to vote for Obama? Whose life is a charade? Infanticide/partial birth abortion...good policies to get behind.
"Or, conversely (and I do mean conversely), become an agent of change in our church and culture to turn away from recreational sexuality and save lives through sexuality that doesn't transmit lethal disease or generate unwanted pregnancy and which never places a woman in the position of having to even choose."
What kind of "sexuality" doesn't transmit lethal disease. Abstinence? I'm all over it. But I almost don't want to know what You mean. Catholics who think the Church needs "change" in many cases really mean to open His Body to the Culture of Death. Abortion/Homosexual activity. I would challenge you to teach on the four Last Things. Don't worry so much about sex. This will help more.
"Abortion is surely a scourge. So is war and Aids and hunger and poverty and injustice of all kinds. The answers are tied together in JUSTICE. Exactly what Jesus in His wisdom and Godhead brought to the people of His time. Would that you and I could be so just, so merciful and so forgiving."
The answers are really tied together in "Divine Justice". Justice owed to our Maker. And it starts with believing that Jesus is God and God is our Creator and the Creator knows what He's doing and that Each life is Planned by Him. And when we interfere with this, WE think WE are HIM and things get all out of proportion so that...then the Intrinsic Evils are watered down, (a ploy of Satan) with other evils. When you equate Abortion with hunger, etc. The Church teaches to end Evils with our vote, we need to end Abortion....which is the Mother of all Evils. Meditate on this.
Thanks Mike, for inviting me to the Catholic Voter's Conference. I'm sure you've kicked yourself about it. I'm planning to have a "Justice in Pieces" workshop again soon on Saul Alinsky and Faith in Public Life aka MACG and EMO. It's a subversive type meeting, all about the Truth.
God Bless,
I KNOW that this is one headache of an email. Remember, I'll have it on my blog to refer to. Saving Souls and the Unborn are All our responsiblity. Mike Ashland said truthfully, that there are better ways to say what I do, and I agree with him. And told him so. However, these things that allowed to take away from our Dear Lords' priorities so there's no money left for the unborn need to be addressed no matter HOW the message is delivered.
God Bless you and yours,
"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer"
Saul Alinsky dedication in his book "Rules for Radicals"
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Member of the Catholc Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".
ReplyDeleteWe can find out it?
ReplyDeleteAre you referring to having a Justice in Pieces workshop. If so, it would be after January 2011. It was a great day to get to talk things out. Let me know if that's what you're talking about..I may be way off. Thanks.