Saturday, October 18, 2008
Dear Advocates for Life and Others,
This is to inform your conscience. NOW YOU KNOW. You don't have to FEEL it to be in obedience to Christ. You just have to Trust Him and NOT COOPERATE WITH INTRINSIC EVIL WITH YOUR VOTE OR by CENSORING OTHERS TO THE TRUTH. You can download this bulletin insert that is from the USCCB. Please pass it around and send it around. NOTE - it is at left side of this site.
[OBAMA, "The first thing I'd do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act," Obama said in his July 2008 speech to abortion advocates worried about the increase of pro-life legislation at the state level.]
OBAMA supports infanticide....we are looking into Oregon "Catholic" hosptials that have "induced abortions" which you will learn about from Jill Stanek...
The confusion with Faithful Citizenship has been trumped by Church teachings from the USCCB. The simple fact that to elect Barack Obama would be to vote for
"A new, very serious threat to human life....
...The Freedom of Choice Act." (FOCA)
According to the USCCB handout...."October is Respect Life month, when the U.S. Bishops call us to prayer and action. This year, your support is needed more than ever.
Abortion rights groups and their allies in Congress are promoting a radical bill called the "Freedom of Choice Act" (FOCA). If this extreme measure is enacted, widely supported and constitutionally sound abortion regulations will be knocked down nationwide.
If passed into law, FOCA will impose upon the entire country an abortion regime far worse than anything brought on by Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. And the current level of 1.1 million abortions a year will go up, not down.
Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard to contact the offices of your Representative and two Senators: 202.224.3121. Urge them to oppose FOCA.
For more resources, see (National Committee for Human Life Amendment)
FOCA eliminates - regulations that protect women from unsafe abortion clinics
FOCA forces -
taxpayers to fund abortions
FOCA requires -
all states to allow "partial birth" and other late-term abortions
FOCA subjects -
women to abortions by nonphysicians
FOCA violates -
the conscience rights of nurses, doctors, and hospitals
FOCA strips - parents of their right to be involved in their minor daughters' abortion decision
The bulletin insert has all this information and more. Also...
* Catholics for McCain/Palin MEETING - I will have Voter's guides from Oregon Right to Life at the Washington County GOP office 3800 SW Cedar Hills Blvd. #272 Beaverton. 503-922-3233. The meeting starts at 1:30 pm each Sunday. Come meet and greet your friends....
* If you need Voter's Guides from Oregon Right to Life please contact me.
* If you need McCain/Obama comparison piece to pass out...Just down load from the attachments.
* If I have forgotten anything, please pray for me and just ask...
PS...We are going to have a "Summit for Life"...after the election. We are going to make sure that Catholics are staffing Catholic positions and believe Catholic teachings. This is part of Church teachings, Canon 388, so it has the Holy Spirit behind it for Authority. It is part of the Natural Law written on our hearts. Even though some Cathiolics in Name Only are in power NOW, they will not have a free ride for long and the there WILL Be spiritual and financial transparency.
God Bless you and yours,
May the Lord have Mercy on us and Hear our Prayers.
Let's not forget ACORN and Campaign for Human Development that we've spent hundreds of thousands on just from Oregon....
" Additionally, the sturdy backbone of most of these networks is still the Catholic Church, which is now much embattled and also rigorous in its posture on political action around abortion and similar issues. Nonetheless this is a place to start and should be part of the equation." Wade Rathke...ACORN Founder..
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Member of the Catholic Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".
This does not have to do with your post, but I see that you list Justfaith Ministries as "anti-Catholic." I have been asked to advertise for them as I am involved with a Catholic young adult group. I am certainly for social justice teachings, but not when they go against Orthodox Catholic teachings. I don't want to advertise for them if they are "anti-Catholic". Can you provide more of an explanation on that?
ReplyDeleteJustFaith in my opinion is really Junk Faith because it leads Catholics away from the Good Shepherd. It's founder, Jack Jezreel is connected with Call to Action and Pax Christi, both dissenting groups in the american Church, which is trying to take down the True Church. The USCCB and the Archdiocese don't seem to me to be interested in true teachings on growing in holiness. Just Faith was asking for people who really didn't know their faith, this to me shows they want to mould people into their image, not HIS. My opinion and that of many others. God Bless you with your discernment. You are responsible for souls in your capacity...a very daunting role.