
Thursday, November 13, 2008

CCHD: Collection Plate Parasite / Nov.15th 2008. Meet CCHD National Director in PDX

The USCCB has finally stopped, for a while at least, funding ACORN with Catholic Campaign for Human Development money in the US. The attachment above (CCHD ends funding, etc will inform you. There is also a CCHD 2008 Informational flyer from Catholic Media Coalition attached above)

With these strange bedfellows, you should know some things before donating your hard-earned money starting November 23rd to CCHD. Listed at the bottom are the programs given this summer. Look them up on your own...see what they're all about then start asking questions. REMEMBER:

The CCHD is NOT a MANDATORY COLLECTION, no one is going to starve, it will only slow down the community organizing/voter registration of anti/non Catholics waiting for us to throw them some of our money.
We don't know who is on the Committee to hand out these grants of at least $5,000. Our pro-life budget is nil...where is the Justice? We aren't supposed to give money to groups that undermine our Church/why do we do it?
The grants handed out during the summer were just in time to register the homeless/minorities/low income voters to the democrat party? Very interesting timing.
Saul Alinsky groups are being given large sums of money from the National CCHD campaign. Metropolitan Alliance for the Common Good (MACG) is the offspring of Portland Organizing Project, an Alinsky Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) group, about five years old and in Oregon Catholic Churches.
When's the last time any Respect Life Committees got an Archdiocesan funded yearly Lecture series, like Justice and Peace Tobin Lectures series...NEVER, NO MONEY. Only Justice and Peace and Cat Willett (the director) can have their friends spread their message.
This has been going on for about forty years. Catholic Money to anti-Catholic groups. We cannot afford, in more ways than one, to be compliant and assume, because programs are from the USCCB or the Archdiocese that they are necessarily for the betterment of our Soul or those of others.
The Faith in Public Life/Saul Alinsky/Jim Wallis/George Soros/World Bank/Bono/ONE/Oprah/JustFaith etc., movement is set to destroy the Holy Mother Church.
WHAT'S GOING ON....Find out who's running the show, CCHD. Ralph McCloud is the National Executive Director and he's coming to town. "While there is value in registering low-income voters, I am concerned that the whole ban on partisanship has been violated," Ralph McCloud, the new executive director for the CCHD, said Monday.

Mr. McCloud said he could not reassure Catholics that the funds donated before 2008 were not used in voter fraud.

"There is no way we can tell," he said. "All our applications go through a rigorous screening, and we ask each organization to commit to being nonpartisan. The overwhelming reality is most of the groups we fund do tremendous work." (Ask to see the statistics on success VOCAL)
The CCHD draws $9,439,000 a year in "second collections" from Catholic churches, the next one slated for Nov. 23. CCHD funds go to groups that fight poverty, interfaith associations, peace and justice groups, immigrant aid groups, environmental coalitions, cooperatives, housing coalitions and labor rights groups. (these are community organizing groups that in most cases undermine the Teachings of the Catholic Church with their connections VOCAL)

Although Bishop Morin said USCCB money was not knowingly misused, the CCHD grants were doubled from $465,000 in 2006 to the $1 million in 2007, according to the National Catholic Register, paralleling ACORN's dramatic rise in its efforts to register 1.3 million voters.
The group ended up registering about 450,000 voters, mostly among poor and minority communities in battleground states.
Charles Jackson, communications director for ACORN, said no one from the Catholic Church has contacted his group.

"We've had no communication from Catholic investigators," he said. "ACORN's board has started its own forensic audit to look into all these matters."

In June, ACORN disclosed the embezzlement of $948,607 from the organization in 1999 and 2000 by Dale Rathke, brother of ACORN founder Wade Rathke. The embezzlement was kept secret from most of ACORN's board members until a whistleblower publicized the matter, and Dale Rathke subsequently was dismissed from the national board.

He still organizes ACORN's international nonprofit arm.

The USCCB has finally dumped ACORN, for now, when the the media revealed that Wade Rathke's "SDS (Students for a Democratic Society - ACORN FOUNDER "Wade Rathke's brother in 1999-2000 embezzeled one MILLION dollars from ACORN. The Catholic's apparently hadn't picked up on it for almost ten years. (see attachment for more about this VOCAL).

November 23rd is the Oregon Catholic kick-off for the

2008 Catholic Campaign for Human Development to fund 2009.

2008 Tobin Lecture

This year's theme is "Hear the Voice of the Poor: Standing in Solidarity with the Poor in Our Community."(Get out your hankys VOCAL) We are lucky enough to have Ralph McCloud, national director of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, join us as the keynote speaker. There will also be presenters from a number of community organizations throughout the Archdiocese.

2008 Tobin Lecture Details:
When: November 15th, 9:00am-12:00pm (doors open at 8:30am)
Where: All Saints Catholic Church (3847 NE Glisan St., Portland, OR)
Admission is free and open to the public. Continental breakfast will be provided.

The African American Catholic Community of Oregon will also be hosting a public reception for Ralph McCloud on Friday, November 14th, from 5:30-6:30pm. It will be held in the St. Andrew's Community Center (806 NE Alberta St., Portland, OR).

For more information on either of these events, please contact the Office of Justice and Peace at 503.233.8361 or

Thank you for your support of the Tobin Lecture,

Cat Willett
Director, Office of Justice and Peace
Archdiocese of Portland
*************************************************************************************Bottom Line: Oregon Catholics have the power to dramatically slow down the culture of death in Oregon by NOT giving money to Campaign for Human Development, which is NOT a mandatory collection. We are smart enough to tithe to Culture of Life ministries on our own. The salaries needed for the management of this campaign could be put to better use..

"For Us, the Church is mater et magistra (Mother and Teacher) : for dissenters, she is a source of jobs, or Marty Haugen music, or opportunities for self-display, or political soapboxes. "
Diocenes "TAPEWORMS, or Why "loyal" dissent is impossible in the Church."

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are

Just for Fun....then to work.... Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are copy and paste God Bless you and yours, Carolyn "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found has been found difficult and left untried." GK Chesterton What's Wrong with the World The Faith, gives a man back his body and his soul and his reason and his will and his very life." GK Chesterton The Thing VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-4767 Member of the Catholic Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".

Saturday, November 1, 2008

VOCAL Voter's Guide / Where to go for "40 Days", etc./ Plenary Indulgence for Poor Souls

Dear Advocates for Life, For those of you who have asked and for those of you who are interested, here is a "Votes Of Catholics Advocating Life" voter's guide. The suggestions are from Oregon Right to Life Voter's Guide, Oregon Family Council and Oregon Citizens for a Sound Economy PAC, with my two cents. President - John McCain and Sarah Palin, Vice President Why? What do They support? John McCain Barack Obama Partial Birth Abortion ? NO YES Parental Involvement Laws? YES NO Taxpayer Funded Abortion? NO YES Human Cloning? NO YES Same-Sex Unions? NO YES Gambling Off Reservation? NO YES Decency in Libraries - Internet filters YES NO Reducing Taxes? YES NO Religion - conscience clause? YES YES Education - YES unclear (state licensing of private /homeschool? teachers) US Senator from Oregon - Gordon Smith (we need him in the US Senate) US Representatives from Oregon by District 2 - Greg Walden 3 - Delia Lopez 5 - (I wrote in Kevin Mannix, he's the only pro-life option) Mike Erickson was NOT endorsed by ORTL Secretary of State - Rick Dancer State Treasurer - Allen Alley Attorney General - no suggestions from ORTL, but John Kroger was a bi-partisan pick over the others. There was a major concern over a large contribution from special interest groups that was believed to engage in the very unethical, but currently legal practice of commingling of Political Funds that are gathered at Public expense. (Yes on 64 to end this.) Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries - State Senators by District 1 - Jeff Kruse 2 - Dennis Atkinson 9 - Fred Girod 12 - Brian Boquist 14 - Lisa Michaels 17 - no one 18 - John Wight 23 - no one 25 - Dave Kim 27 - Chris Telfer not against abortion but better on marriage, PRC protection, Conscience for religion, etc. 29 - David Nelson 30 - Ted Ferrioli State Representatives by District 1 - Wayne Krieger 2 - Tim Freeman 3 - Ron Mauer 4 - Dennis Richardson 5 - no one 6 - Sal Esquivel 7 - Bruce Hanna 9 - Al Pearn 12 -? 15 - Andy Olson 16 - no one 17 - Sherrie Sprenger 18 - Vic Gilliam 19 - Kevin Cameron 20 - no one 22 - Tom Chereck, Jr. 23 - Jim Thompson 24 - Jim Weidner 26 - Matt Wingard 27 - no one 28 - no one 29 - no one 30 - Andy Duyck 32 - Tim Bero - no response on pro-life, but yes on PRC/marriage/conscience. etc. 33 - Jim Ellison 34 - no one 35 - Tony Marino 36 - ? 37 - Scott Brunn 38 - ? 39 - Bill Kennemer 40 - no one 41 - Randy Uchytil 42 - no one 45 - no one 49 - John Nelson 50 - John Lim 51 - Linda Flores 52 - Matt Lindland 53 - Gene Whisnant 54 - Chuck Burley 56 - Bill Garrard 57 - Greg Smith 58 - no one 59 - John Huffman 60 - Cliff Bentz County Commissioners Benton - #3 Christopher Nusbaum Clackamas - #4 Dave Mowry Clatsop - #2 Patricia Roberts - questionable on abortion, supports prc/marriage/conscience/no gambling Columbia - #1 Glenn E. Dorschler Crook - #1 Ken Fahlen for abortion but supports prc/marriage/conscience/no gambling Curry - #2 George Rhodes no comment on abortion question? yes on marriage/prc/conscience, etc. Marion - #2 Sam Brentano Gilliam - toss up/both candidates are for abortion but for traditional marriage Jackson - Dennis CW Smith Josephine - #3 Dwight F. Ellis Lane - no one Lincoln - no one Linn - #3 Will Tucker Multnomah - no one Tillamook - Charles J. Hurliman Umatilla - Democrat Glenn Youngman questionable on abortion, supports prc, traditonal marriage, conscience, Republican Dennis Doherty declined to answer OFC questionnaire Union - no one Wallowa - no one Yamhill - #2 Leslie Lewis Marion County Clerk Randy Franke *************************************************************************************** BALLOT MEASURES 54 - YES 55 - YES 56 - NO 57 - NO - This needs to be NO. It is from the Legislature to stop #61 and #62 which will protect us. 58 - YES - English as a second language is big business, this helps move education along and reduces waste 59 - YES 60 - YES - Children's education at taxpayers expense will improve with teacher excellence. 61 - YES 62 - YES 63 - YES 64 - YES - no Commingling of political funds with funds collected at public expense 65 - OFC Recommends NO/ PAC has no opinion This information is great, but the prayers, fasting, vigils and processions for Life and Victory are what will make the difference. ******************************************************** 40 Days for Life Date: Sunday, November 2. Event: Closing prayer vigil and lunch for 40 Days for Life. Time: Prayer vigil begins at 1:00 PM, and lunch is at 2:00. Location: Vigil will be on MLK Blvd, at the location of the future Planned Parenthood there, and lunch will be in the Parish Hall of St. Mary Magdalene Church in Portland. Special Note: Please bring a small snack or side dish to share. ******************************************************** Holy Rosary Catholic Church 327 NE Clackamas St. Portland OR EVERY DAY - Monday, October 27 through Tuesday, Election Day November 4. 11:30 AM - Rosary for Our Lady of Victory begins, followed by The Litany in Response to Abortion. (Parishioners have already signed up to lead the rosary.) 12:00 Noon - Mass God Bless you and yours, Carolyn Indulgences for the Poor Souls Current regulations in force by Pope Benedict XVI I On All Souls' Day (Nov. 2) a plenary indulgence, applicable only to the Poor Souls, is granted to those who visit any parish church or public oratory and there recite one Our Father and one Credo. II On all the days from November 1 though November 8 inclusive, a plenary indulgence, applicable only to the Poor Souls, is granted to those who visit a cemetery and pray even if only mentally for the departed. Conditions for both indulgences: 1. Only one plenary indulgence can be granted per day. 2. It is necessary to be in the state of grace, at least by completion of the work. 3. Freedom from attachment to sin, even venial sin, is necessary; otherwise the indulgence is only partial. (By this is meant attachment to a particular sin, not sin in general.) 4. Holy Communion must be received each time the indulgence is sought. 5. Prayers must be recited for the intentions of the Holy Father on each day the indulgence is sought. (No particular prayers are prescribed. One Our Father and one Hail Mary suffice, or other suitable prayers. 6. A sacramental confession must he made within a week of completion of the prescribed work. (One confession made during the week, made with the intention of gaining all the indulgences, suffices.) VOCAL Voice Of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-4767 Member of the Catholic Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".