
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are

Just for Fun....then to work.... Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are copy and paste God Bless you and yours, Carolyn "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found has been found difficult and left untried." GK Chesterton What's Wrong with the World The Faith, gives a man back his body and his soul and his reason and his will and his very life." GK Chesterton The Thing VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-4767 Member of the Catholic Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".


  1. Oh my gosh, thank you! This is the first time I’ve laughed in days. I sobbed though McCain’s concession speech, then listened to the first two sentences of Obama’s acceptance speech and turned off TV in disgust. Had to read it online because I cannot stand to look at the man.

    We have to stay human and laugh, and this is hilarious. So good of you to cheer us up!!!


  2. Dear Carolyn - Well, do you think we can endure this madness? I did watch Onion News and it is so on the edge that I almost can believe it !!! AARRGGH. You're right, tho - it is funny. Listening to Clark Howard this morning on 860 AM, I began to wonder if Obamarx's color overshadowed his agenda... in other words, Clark was near tears, describing his deep South upbringing and confessed to have shed tears about a black man becoming president-elect. Well, that might be a big thing for those in the "deep South", but I really can't relate to that. I see Obamarx as a gigantic threat to Christianity and I don't even notice what color he is, believe it or not. He and his minions will give us battles we can hardly imagine! Well, except for the good guys, I mean ! ha. We have inklings of what is coming, and it is evil; very evil. We must pray.

  3. This from my California "cowboy friend and his wife":

    So Obama won. It's not the end of the world. Everybody chill out.

    1) It's hardly a popular vote blowout. McCain kept it close in a tough anti-republican climate, and there's a still a significant proportion of the population that's with us, nearly 50%, in fact.

    2) Barack won, and he did so only by pretending to be a centrist and a tax-cutter. And that lie is going to be exposed pronto. By 2010, the entire country will know just how liberal Obama is, and the pendulum will swing. It'll be up to us to see that it swings far enough.

    3) It's important to remember that we're conservatives, not liberals, or "progressives" or whatever they're calling themselves this week.

    Politics isn't our life, and if we lose an election cycle, we're still going to be happier as a group then they will ever be, even after they've won this one.

    Like they always do, hardcore liberal voters have placed all their hopes and dreams into one, terribly flawed, terribly human basket. And without doubt they will be terribly disappointed, especially when they learn they've still got to pay their own mortgage and buy their own gas.

    Their Messiah, ain't one, which will become painfully apparent to them soon enough.

    Meanwhile, here on the right, we have low expectations of human nature and even lower expectations of government. It's hard to disappoint us.

    And unlike the liberals, all of our hopes and dreams are in exactly the same place they were yesterday, in our family, our friends, our local community, in our work, in our religious faith, and in our country. Those are the great constants, always there for us even when we suffer the greatest of setbacks.

    Yep, tough times are ahead, and we're going to have to fight like sonsabitches to keep Obama and the Congress from screwing things up too much in the next two years. But, we've been there before, and we've prevailed before.

    4) Don't give the goofs on the left the satisfaction of seeing you all act like a bunch of hysterical schoolgirls. They're the ones who can't take defeat. We can take our lumps, get up, and keep fighting. We should be Happy Warriors, whose proper response to this is mockery, good humor, and hard work. We lost an election, but we're still right, and they're still wrong.

    Anyway, it's time to cowboy up, and get ready for the next go round.

  4. This email was sent before the election but was not read until afterwords.I am not sure I agree with the depth of the evaulation but it does some how seem to be fair. It is for sure, insightful.We shall see.


    As a self-employed business owner, I relate to this letter.

    People just don’t get it. They think ‘business bad’ ‘worker good’.

    The ‘worker’ just doesn’t see the hours, the risk, the heart a small business has.


    Dear Fellow Business Owners,

    As a the owner of a business who employs 30 people, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barack Obama will be our next President, and that my taxes and government fees will go up in a very BIG way.

    To compensate for these increases, I figure that the Customer will have to see an increase in my prices to them of about 8%. I will also have to lay off 6 of my employees. This really bothered me for a while, as I believe we are family here and didn’t know how to choose who will have to go.

    So, this is what I did. I strolled thru the parking lot and found 8 Obama bumper stickers on my employees’ cars. I have decided these folks will be the first to be laid off. I can't think of a more fair way to approach this problem.

    If you have a better idea, let me know. I am sending this letter to all Business owners that I know.



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