
Friday, March 13, 2009

NEW!! OR group: Catholics4America and Father Cihak's RTL e-News

Dear Advocates for Life, Here is some wonderful news. Given the commission by our Lord to evangelize, there are many great folks who love Him enough to take a stand on a volunteer basis and bring his Culture of Life and Love and sanity to Oregon. Catholics4America, an awesome, enthusiastic team, expertly facilitated by Kevin Hoar, meets every other Sunday. To join this group...please email to introduce yourself. They are planning to have a Catholic lobby day at the Capital, something we need since our lobbyist seems to know very little about fighting for innocent human life, or the innocence of those living. This group is active and ready to meet you. It will seem like you're in heaven. There is a meeting every other Sunday and March 15th is a meeting date, so get involved, now. The Respect Life Office has no budget in the Archdiocese of Portland, yet those who don't even support innocent human life with OUR COLLECTION PLATE money and voted for the most pro-abortion man elected still know that it always is good for a financial campaign. (this is my opinion, not that of the Respect Life office...sorry) SO, saving the unborn, elderly and innocense of Oregon Catholic citizens is done by the laity. Diane and Mary do a beautiful job with this pro-life e-newsletter. Please note the red letter campaign and the wonderful Oregon Right to LIfe Convention that is only $25 for those who mention this newsletter. We also have Marie Barzen, Cheri Crocker, Bill Diss who are coordinating 40 Days for LIfe. Bill and Precious Children of Portland need our support. They don't get funding, to my knowledge from the Archdiocese of PDX either. Contact Diane so that you can get these inspiring reminders and updates on so many people who follow the teachings of the Church and love our Lord. Email Just a note on the red letter campaign and why it is STILL important. Even though FOCA is not a bill, it can pass through in one week very easily. Our Bishops DID start the postcard campaign late although they knew about it for years. We can surmise that the wanted Obama to win and whatever their reason for not responding sooner, this tends to make most of us sick. Daily we see years of sacrifice to save the helpless overturned by Obama, their messiah? Now we have to clean up the mess of these "gnostic" Catholics who seem to follow the party line more than Our Lord's teachings in His Holy Roman Catholic Church. So, the Bishops were late AND only three postcards were sent. This happened when the Bishops finally got on board with the Partial Birth Abortion Ban postcard campaign during Bill Clinton's administration. THEY FORGOT THE FOURTH POSTCARD TO THE PRESIDENT. The president can veto, so he is the last word in the long line of legislative voting. So we need to send SOMETHING to the President. SO...the red postcard campaign does get their attention, gets us to participate in the process, remember we are already paid ACORN through the Campaign for Human Development to shot ourselves in the foot. SO...let's get our priorites straight. We need to be faithful and leave the success up to the Lord. As Diane, the editor of this says.....All for Jesus! Whether we have been doing this for years, or just's All For Jesus. We are in this together. You are NOT alone. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of the one who sent me and to finish his work. Do you not say, 'In four months the harvest will be here'? I tell you, look up and see the fields ripe for the harvest. The reaper is already receiving his payment and gathering crops for eternal life, so that the sower and reaper can rejoice together. For here the saying is verified that 'One sows and another reaps. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for; others have done the work, and you are sharing the fruits of their work."

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