Dear Advocates for Life,
The Praesedium "Armatus" Called to Protect program used by the Archdpdx to help prevent sexual abuse of our children should raise red flags. For those who have expressed alarm, you're not alone (Praesidium 624 Six Flags Drive, Suite 110 Arlington, TX 76011 817.801.7773 800.743.6354 toll-free Praesudium for Archdiocese of Portland and US
* The senior Vice President of Praesedium, Jane C. Hickerson, Ph.D., has co-authored a book for the Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered etc. community. With her pro-homosexual activity promotion, according to the 'book review' below, it seems a poor choice for the USCCB and this Archdiocese. There are healthy options.
Book Review
Affirmative Practice: Understanding and Working With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Persons
by Ski Hunter and Jane C. Hickerson; Washington, D.C., NASW Press, 2003, 417 pages, $44.99
Jack Drescher, M.D.
Ski Hunter and Jane C. Hickerson are professor and assistant professor, respectively, in the School of Social Work at the University of Texas at Arlington. They have written Affirmative Practice: Understanding and Working With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Persons as a textbook for "graduate and undergraduate ... students in applied human services fields (for example, social work, counseling, mental health, nursing, psychology, sociology, and education).
.......The volume is unapologetically gay affirmative, which is its major strength but sometimes a weakness. Although the book is statistically informative, the authors are less then dispassionate when they touch on the subject of violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals. The authors often speak with the voice of forceful authority, which may be necessary in a text intended to help students decide how to think about a culturally charged subject. However, it can leave naive readers little room to question some of the authors' conclusions. For example, they cite one study to support the claim that people who hold anti homosexual values are "less empathic" or use "denial, isolate or turn from others, or look for blame outside themselves." Even to this sympathetic reader, that sounds like overkill. END.
* Children are NOT the problem. Parents should be educated and in turn help their children. This is Church Teaching.
* There is no solid Catholic componants to this program, Catholic dollars should be used to build up the Body of Christ, not the coffers of non-Catholics with questionable motives.
"Armatus covers sensitive material, including sexual and physical abuse. If you find the content disturbing, please discuss your concerns with your supervisor. Thank you for your commitment to protecting those in your care." From the website. If a child is exposed to this information and traumatized or has been abused and things "come out" ....the Archdiocese of Portland has no Catholic therapists or counselors available to cover this breech of innocence. Families are left on their own. This information received directly from the Child Protection Office.
It's important to be "in compliance" because of the homosexual scandal , but this program isn't better than the last the secular "Committee for Children" begun by advocates for prostitutes and also still used by some dioceses as an "in compliance" alternative.
Parents, here is - A Moral Option guaranteed to be in compliance with Church Teachings. Created by Most Reverend Robert F. Vasa, Diocese of Baker, Oregon and his excellent team of Catholic professionals.
HEALTHY FAMILIES - SAFE CHILDREN - The Power of Relationships. is the website.
Here are clips of the lessons. They are great for parents and just to learn about prayer, love and how a Catholic family grows into a healthy place to be. For twenty short clips to help families, and keep children safe:
Bishop Vasa and Panel of Healthy Families: Safer Children
The public schools accept that parents might want to "opt-out" their children from these types of programs. Two years ago after a meeting at the Pastoral Center, I had a question for Cathy Shannon, the Child Protection Director, about parents "opting out" their children of these "safe environment" programs. She told me there was NO opt out for children and directed me to Mr. Bob Mizia, school superintendent to ask why no opting out like public schools allow.
When I mentioned to his secretary the reason for my wanting a meeting was to have a forum of concerned Catholics to discuss the safe environments/opting out issues, she forced me to leave the Pastoral Center, "escorting me out". The reason for this rude action...."The Lawsuit"..aka bankruptcy. Hmm. Church teaching says that parents are the first teachers and they should be encouraged to be great parents. They should be respected for this vocation.
This is why I'm adding the affirmation of personal faith. Something we need to enforce or lose our children to an alternative Catholic faith with no foundation, and to also enforce our right to have those who live off of our collection plate actually believe in the True Catholic faith, not what they want it to be. The programs we pay for should also reflect this faith.
Remember, we still have NO Pro-life Budget in the Archdpdx: no protection for our youngest Oregon Catholic children subject to the ultimate child abuse. Archdpdx 503-234-5334.
Jesus says. "But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea."
Matthew 18:6
Dear Father Seig,
ReplyDeleteWhile searching for upcoming events in th Archdiocese Parishes I was brought to your web page. I appreciate the information that you have posted nationally that I read. However, I also noticed your site shows your parish is a promoter to Called to Protect; which if you go to the roots of the program, you will find that the people who put together this program are not practicing Catholic beliefs. I ask you to please read the following information that I send you and if you have any questions please contact Carolyn with Vocal News. I too was surprised to find out the truth about this program. Thank you for your time.
God Bless You Father and may the Holy Ghost help us all to discern the spirits.
Thanks for sending this to your priest. It seems that the dioceses just want to have any "safe environments" program in place to be able to protect themselves from lawyers.