
Friday, May 22, 2009

Opt-Out for "Safe Environments" is Okayed by Archbishop Vlanzy/40 OR Catholics Rally/Rosary Success

 Two great success stories for you this day. The Archdiocese/Archbishop has officially approved "opting out" for parents of students in the "Safe Environment" programs at schools.

They/He are letting the schools take care of the opting out process and is agreeable with this. Opting out for children in RCIA should also be allowed..if you have a problem in either case, please let me know.
The documentation is a letter from has it's own special page under the VOCAL title.

There is a great program "Healthy Families/Safe Children" that can be used for adult education and true catechises. Go to Healthy Families/Safe Children

This official message is thanks to an Oregon Catholic family who contacted Rome and cleared up the question. Thank them in your prayers, the Dear Lord, knows them by name.

The Rally/Rosary in support of Pro-Life Notre Dame students held at the Cathedral on Sunday, May 17th was a great success with about 40 people, both Catholic and Protestant. Thanks go to Father Wolfe who gave his blessing and to the Archbishop for also allowing this testimony to truth. Thanks to Catholics4America, Kevin Hoar, for his leadership. Join in, there is a Seattle group forming also to turn hearts back to Christ and His Mission.

Below see the confusion that our Church is going through. The Gnostic's are delusional and are being lead away from Christ by the deceiver. God Forgive them, they know not what they do. Smirks and giddiness at this atrocity may well lead to the gnashing of teeth one day. Not my words, but Our Creator's.

"There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out." Luke 13:28

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