Can. 915 Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.
Can. 916 A person who is conscious of grave sin is not to celebrate Mass or receive the body of the Lord without previous sacramental confession unless there is a grave reason and there is no opportunity to confess; in this case the person is to remember the obligation to make an act of perfect contrition which includes the resolution of confessing as soon as possible.
Here is a list sent to me by a friend who spent many hours looking into which "Catholic" Democrats voted for the Healthcare Bill that will cause many lives and go against the Catholic teachings on Subsidiarity.
If there are errors, there shouldn't be many. At least she deserves applause for caring.
Vote Results Of Democratic Congressman who
voted YES for Obamacare/Healthcare H R 3590
on Sunday, March 21, 2010, at 10:49PM.
Gary Ackerman (NY) news publisher Jewish
Rob Andrews (NJ) college professor Episcopalian
Joe Baca (CA) public realtions *Roman Catholic*
Brian Baird (WA) college professor Protestant
Tammy Baldwin (WI) *Attorney* not available
Melissa Bean (IL) saleswoman Serbian Orthodox
Xavier Becerra (CA) *Attorney* not availiable
Shelley Berkley (NV) *Attorney* Jewish
Howard Berman (CA) *Attorney* Jewish
Sanford Bishop (GA) *Attorney* Baptist
Tim Bishop (NY) college administrator *Roman Catholic*
Earl Blumenauer (OR) *Attorney* Protestant
John Boccieri (OH) military officer,politician *Roman Catholic*
Leonard Boswell (IA) farmer, politician Community of Christ
Allen Boyd, Jr. (FL) farmer, politician Methodist
Bob Brady (PA) union leader *Roman Catholic*
Bruce L. Braley (IA) *Attorney* Presbyterian
Corrine Brown (FL) college professor Baptist
G. K. Butterfield (NC) *Attorney* *Judge* Baptist
Lois Capps (CA) nursing instructor Lutheran
Mike Capuano (MA) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Dennis Cardoza (CA) rancher-business *Roman Catholic*
Russ Carnahan (MO) *Attorney* Methodist
Chris Carney (PA) college professor *Roman Catholic*
André Carson (IN) police officer Muslim
Kathy Castor (FL) *Attorney* Presbyterian
Judy Chu (CA) college professor none
Yvette Clarke (NY) economic development specialist African Methodist
William Lacy Clay (MO) paralegal Protestant
Emanuel Cleaver (MO) community organizer-Mayor Methodist
Jim Clyburn (SC) House Majority Whip African Methodist
Steve Cohen (TN) *Attorney* Jewish
Gerry Connolly (VA) public adminstration *Roman Catholic*
John Conyers, Jr. (MI) *Attorney* Baptist
Jim Cooper (TN) *Attorney* Episcopalian
Jim Costa (CA) farmer-long term politician *Roman Catholic*
Jerry Costello (IL) baliff, sheriff, investigator *Roman Catholic*
Joe Courtney (CT) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Joseph Crowley (NY) Chief Deputy Whip-BA degree *Roman Catholic*
Henry Roberto Cuellar (TX) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Elijah Cummings (MD) *Attorney* Baptist
Kathy Dahlkemper clinical dietician *Roman Catholic*
Susan Davis social worker none availiable
Danny Davis (IL) non-profit coordinator Baptist
Peter DeFazio (OR) gerentologist *Roman Catholic*
Diana DeGette (CO) *Attorney* Presbyterian
Bill Delahunt (MA) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Rosa DeLauro (CT) non-profit program coordinator *Roman Catholic*
Norm Dicks (WA) *Attorney* Lutheran
John D. Dingell, Jr. *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Lloyd Doggett (TX) *Attorney* Methodist
Joe Donnelly (IN) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Mike Doyle (PA) insurance agent *Roman Catholic*
Steve Driehaus (OH) community organizer/activist *Roman Catholic*
Donna Edwards (MD) *Attorney* Baptist
Keith Ellison (MN) *Attorney* Sunni Islam
Brad Ellsworth (IN) law enforcement *Roman Catholic*
Eliot Lance Engel (NY) junior high school teacher Jewish
Anna Eshoo (CA) political assistant *Chaldean Catholic*
Bob Etheridge (NC) farmer-education-organizer Presbyterian
Sam Farr (CA) peace corps - activist Episcopalian
Chaka Fattah (PA) community organizer Freemason-Baptist
Bob Filner (CA) college professor Jewish
Bill Foster (IL) physicist none
Barney Frank (MA) *Attorney* Jewish
Marcia Fudge (OH) *Attorney* Baptist
John Garamendi (CA) long time politician/legislator not available
Gabrielle Giffords (AZ) politician; businesswoman Jewish
Charles A. Gonzalez (TX) *Attorney - Judge* *Roman Catholic*
Bart Gordon (TN) *Attorney* not available
Alan Grayson (FL) *Attorney* Jewish
Al Green (TX) *Attorney* Baptist
Gene Green (TX) *Attorney* United Methodist
Raúl Grijalva (AZ) college administrator *Roman Catholic*
Luis Gutiérrez (IL) high school teacher-social worker not available
John Hall (NY) musician *Roman Catholic*
Debbie Halvorson (IL) long term legislator-organizer Lutheran
Phil Hare (IL) political assistant-union leader *Roman Catholic*
Jane Harman (CA) *Attorney* Jewish
Alcee Hastings (FL) *Attorney - Judge* African Methodist
Martin Heinrich (NM) long term politician Lutheran
Brian Higgins (NY) long term politician *Roman Catholic*
Baron Hill (IN) financial analyst United Methodist
James A. Himes (CT) financial executive Presbyterian
Maurice Hinchey (NY) factory foreman *Roman Catholic*
Rubén Hinojosa (TX) grocery executive *Roman Catholic*
Mazie Hirono (HI) *Attorney* Buddhist
Paul Hodes (NH) *Attorney* Jewish
Rush Holt, Jr. (NJ) physicist-professor Quaker
Michael Makoto Honda (CA) teacher Protestant
Steny Hoyer (MD) *Attorney* Baptist
Jay Inslee (WA) *Attorney* Protestant
Steve Israel (NY) political assistant Jewish
Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL) politician-civil rights leader Baptist
Sheila Jackson Lee (TX) *Attorney* Seventh Day Adventist
Henry C.Johnson Jr. (GA) *Attorney* Buddhist
Eddie Johnson (TX) nurse, therapist Baptist
Steve Kagen (WI) physician - politician Jewish
Paul Kanjorski (PA) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Marcy Kaptur (OH) urban planner *Roman Catholic*
Patrick J. Kennedy (RI) politician *Roman Catholic*
Dale Kildee (MI) teacher-politician *Roman Catholic*
Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (MI) high school teacher African Methodist
Mary Jo Kilroy (OH) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Ron Kind (WI) *Attorney* politician Lutheran
Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Ron Klein (FL) Attorney* Jewish
Suzanne Kosmas (FL) real estate broker Methodist
Dennis Kucinich (OH) long term politician *Roman Catholic*
Jim Langevin (RI) politician *Roman Catholic*
Rick Larsen (WA) public affairs director Methodist
Barbara Lee (CA) social worker, political assistant Baptist
Sandy Levin (MI) *Attorney* Jewish
John Lewis (GA) political consultant, civil rights leader Baptist
David Loebsack (IA) college professor Methodist
Zoe Lofgren (CA) *Attorney* Lutheran
Nita Lowey (NY) politician Jewish
Ben Ray Luján (NM) political assistant *Roman Catholic*
Dan Maffei (NY) journalist - businessman *Roman Catholic*
Carolyn Maloney (NY) long term politician Presbyterian
Betsy Markey (CO) political assistant *Roman Catholic*
Doris Okada Matsui (CA) political assistant Methodist
Carolyn McCarthy (NY) nurse *Roman Catholic*
Betty McCollum (MN) long term politician *Roman Catholic*
Jim McDermott (WA) psychiatrist Episcopalian
Jim McGovern (MA) politician *Roman Catholic*
Jerry McNerney (CA) politician *Roman Catholic*
Kendrick Meek (FL) state trooper Baptist
Gregory Meeks (NY) *Attorney & Judge* African Methodist
Mike Michaud (ME) politician *Roman Catholic*
Brad Miller (NC) *Attorney* Episcopalin
George Miller (CA) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Harry Mitchell (AZ) high school teacher *Roman Catholic*
Alan Mollohan (WV) *Attorney* Baptist
Dennis Moore (KS) *Attorney* Protestant
Gwen Moore (WI) community organizer-politician Baptist
James P. Moran (VA) investment broker *Roman Catholic*
Chris Murphy (CT) *Attorney* non-denominational Christian
Scott Murphy (NY) businessman-politician Catholic
Patrick Murphy (PA) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Jerrold Nadler (NY) *Attorney* Jewish
Grace Napolitano (CA) auto executive *Roman Catholic*
Richard Neal (MA) high school teacher *Roman Catholic*
Jim Oberstar (MN) political assistant *Roman Catholic*
Dave Obey (WI) realtor *Roman Catholic*
John Olver (MA) college professor no info available
Solomon P. Ortiz (TX) long term politician Methodist
Bill Owens (NY) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Frank Pallone Jr. (NJ) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Bill Pascrell (NJ) high school teacher *Roman Catholic*
Ed Pastor (AZ) high school teacher *Roman Catholic*
Donald M. Payne (NJ) financial executive Baptist
Nancy Pelosi (CA) Speaker of the House of Rep. *Roman Catholic*
Ed Perlmutter (CO) *Attorney* Protestant
Tom Perriello (VA) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Gary Peters (MI) *Attorney* no info available
Chellie Pingree (ME) politician Lutheran
Jared Polis (CO) internet executive Jewish
Earl Pomeroy (ND) *Attorney* Presbyterian
David Price (NC) college professor Baptist
Mike Quigley (IL) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Nick Rahall (VA) broadcast executive Presbyterian
Charles Rangel (NY) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Silvestre Reyes (TX) border patrol sector chief *Roman Catholic*
Laura Richardson (CA) politician Methodist
Ciro Rodriguez (TX) social worker, college professor *Roman Catholic*
Steve Rothman (NJ) *Attorney* Jewish
Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA) public affairs officer *Roman Catholic*
C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (MD) *Attorney* Methodist
Bobby Rush (IL) civil rights leader Baptist
Tim Ryan (OH) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
John Salazar (CO) rancher *Roman Catholic*
Linda Sánchez (CA) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Loretta Sanchez (CA) financial analyst *Roman Catholic*
John Sarbanes (MD) *Attorney* Greek Orthodox
Jan Schakowsky (IL) nonprofit program coordinator Jewish
Mark Schauer (MI) public administration Protestant
Adam B. Schiff (CA) *Attorney* Jewish
Kurt Schrader (OR) veterinarian Episcopal
Allyson Schwartz (PA) politician Jewish
David Scott (GA) advertising executive Baptist
Bobby Scott (VA) *Attorney* Episcopalian
José Serrano (NY) political assistant *Roman Catholic*
Joe Sestak (PA) politician *Roman Catholic*
Carol Shea-Porter (NH) social worker *Roman Catholic*
Brad Sherman (CA) *Attorney* Jewish
Albio Sires (NJ) insurance executive *Roman Catholic*
Louise Slaughter (NY) politician Episcopalian
Adam Smith (WA) *Attorney* Episcopalian
Vic Snyder (AR) physician Methodist
Jackie Speier (CA) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
John Spratt (SC) *Attorney* Presbyterian
Pete Stark (CA) banking executive Unitarian Universalist
Bart Stupak (MI) police officer *Roman Catholic*
Betty Sutton (OH) *Attorney United Methodist
Mike Thompson (CA) vineyard owner *Roman Catholic*
Bennie Thompson (MS) high school teacher Methodist
John F. Tierney (MA) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Dina Titus (NV) professor of political science Greek Orthodox
Paul Tonko (NY) engineer *Roman Catholic*
Ed Towns (NY) social worker Baptist
Niki Tsongas (MA) *Attorney* + social worker Greek Orthodox
Chris Van Hollen (MD) *Attorney* Episcopalian
Nydia Velázquez (NY) college professor *Roman Catholic*
Pete Visclosky (IN) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Tim Walz (MN) high school teacher Lutheran
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL) political assistant Jewish
Maxine Waters (CA) politician, teacher Protestant
Diane Watson (CA) psychologist, health specialist (disputed)
Mel Watt (NC) *Attorney* Presbyterian
Henry Waxman (CA) *Attorney* Jewish
Anthony Weiner (NY) politician Jewish
Peter Welch (VT) *Attorney* *Roman Catholic*
Charlie Wilson (OH) mortician *Roman Catholic*
Lynn Woolsey (CA) human resources manager Presbyterian
David Wu (OR) *Attorney* Presbyterian
John Yarmuth (KY) newspaper publisher Jewish
Democratic votes were 219 ayes, and 34 noes. Republican votes were 178 noes.
Total recorded votes: 219 ayes, and, 212 noes. H R 3590
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