
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Little Lent & Letting Go of Archdpdx Baggage - EMO

Come, Lord Jesus, Come.   Letting go of all spiritual baggage: inside and outside.....

         According to present [1907] usage, Advent is a period beginning with the Sunday nearest to the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle embracing four Sundays. The first Sunday may be as early as 27 November this year, and then Advent has twenty-eight days, or as late as 3 December, giving the season only twenty-one days. 

With Advent the ecclesiastical year begins in the Western churches. During this time the faithful are admonished:
  • to prepare themselves worthily to celebrate the anniversary of the Lord's coming into the world as the incarnate God of love,
  • thus to make their souls fitting abodes for the Redeemer coming in Holy Communion and through grace, and
  • thereby to make themselves ready for His final coming as judge, at death and at the end of the world
(With thanks to

Saint Andrew, the first apostle The Church celebrates the feast of Saint Andrew on November 27th, an important date in the annual liturgical calendar, because it determines the date of the First Sunday of Advent, which is the Sunday nearest this Feast. Saint Andrew is the patron saint fishermen, and of both Scotland and Russia.

Andrew, the first Apostle called by Jesus, was a fisherman from Bethsaida and the brother of Simon Peter. A follower of John the Baptist, Andrew recognized Jesus as the Messiah when John baptized Our Lord in the Jordan River, and he introduced his brother Simon to Jesus. The two brothers continued as fishermen until Jesus called them as Apostles.
After Pentecost, it is believed that Andrew went to Greece to preach the Gospel of Christ Jesus.

Saint Andrew, called the "Protoclet" (or "first called") by the Greeks, was crucified at Achaia by order of Roman Governor Aegeas during the reign of Nero. He was bound, not nailed, to the X-shaped cross in order to prolong his sufferings. According to tradition, he preached from the cross for two days, and died on the third day.
  •  Little Lent lasts until Christmas Day.
 First We Fast, Then We Feast:
That's why Advent has traditionally been known as a "little Lent." As in Lent, Advent should be marked by increased prayer, fasting, and good works.  all great feasts have been preceded by a time of fasting, which makes the feast itself more joyful. Sadly, Advent today has supplanted by "the Christmas shopping season," so that by Christmas Day, many people no longer enjoy the feast.


As you will see in these pictures, this is something we cannot glorify Our Lord with by condoning this in any way.  We are culpable of the evil this promotes, The pictures from 2010 have regressed to more bizarre, boundary-less behavior that is too unsuitable to share. 
  • We see the signs of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, Catholic Coalition of Welcoming Communities and their Catholic parish contingent at the
    "Gay Pride" parade.  Taking dignity away from beautiful gifts from God.
  • Oregon Catholics would have a chance at spiritual freedom, making friends with protestant churches that are of like mind.  They are some of our best allies.  Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon leads us from the narrow path.
  • We pray and fast for the purity of our souls and the soul of the Archdiocese of Portland.
God Bless you and yours.

Friday, November 19, 2010


We have the power to stop Catholic Campaign for Human Development that is a drain on the Culture of Life in Oregon and across the nation.

We have the power by letters and calls to the Archdiocese and our Pastors to give our time, treasure and talent to things that aren't lip service as we continue to belong to Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon.  Our Office of Life, Justice and Peace get their progressive ideas and no pro-life ideas from them.  EMO is a spiritual cancer. There is no reason to belong to their organization. Its their mission it to undermine and destroy things we hold dear for Christ.

They have no respect for our Doctine, the non-ordination of women, as the pretend "masses" and "ordinations" have a welcome mat in these member churches. .Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon - EMO  Note the list of churches that include the homosexual "church" Metropolitan Community Church harbor of homosexuality and a lifestyle that made us bankrupt.  Let's just say "no".

Attached is from Reform CCHD Now chance to state your abhorrence to giving our collection plate money to radical groups.  They and EMO are in the Culture of Death that doesn't see God in every one.  We have different values and should distance ourselves from those who change us, and we seem to have no effect on them except monetarily.    Worth Saving from the Culture of Death - click.    Keep looking it will be worth it.
The little girl will appear.  She's also on the VOCAL blog to see.
Jesus says:

Matthew 10:14  And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

Matthew 10:15  Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.

Matthew 10:16  Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Archbishop Dolan - Surprise win at USCCB. Tradition trumps liberalism

Today is a wonderful day.  The Lord has surely smiled on us with the election of Archbishop Timothy Dolan is new president of the USCCB.  Below on the right is Archbishop Timothy Dolan reacting with our Eastern Oregon Bishop Robert F.Vasa on hearing the news.

The successor to Cardinal George was his vice-president Bishop
Gerald Kicanas who was considered the winner before the vote.  This upset has only happened once before in the sixties.  We have dodged a bullet through the Grace of God.

To see what we would be in for google  "Bishop Gerald Kicanas" and see what a serious scandal this could have been.  Bishop Kicanas is an old friend of Archbishop Vlazny. They both have the same take on many things we have been fighting here, a soft spot for active homosexuals, women priests, not fighting abortion and Kicanas was the second bishop to declare bankruptcy in his diocese due to homosexuality. 

Bishop Kicanas is going to be here in Oregon on Monday November 22nd for the annual mandatory, it seems, Tobin Lecture from the Office of Justice and Peace.

What is the Tobin Lecture - why spend so much money on this?
Monsignor Thomas Tobin (1897-1978)
Tobin Lecture with Bishop Gerald Kicanas

Archbishop Timothy Dolan needs our prayers as he guides the Roman Catholic church.  And a big THANK YOU DEAR LORD for his presidency.

Our prayers ARE heard.

Then Jesus approached and said to them, "All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go, therefore, 12 and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. 13 And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."

Matthew 28:18-20

Monday, November 8, 2010

ATM's at Oregon Churches, Extorsion of Priests and Parishoners for Money

"It seems the only answer to the new Church collection is that we are no longer at Sunday Mass for spiritual nourishment, but to be treated as if we're ATM's.  Our priests and parishes will be penalized if they don't have a good reason for not getting to their goal. Money forcibly taken for this reason?  Sounds like extortion. (The term extortion is often used metaphorically to refer to usury or to price-gouging, though neither is legally considered extortion. It is also often used loosely to refer to everyday situations where one person feels indebted against their will, to another, in order to receive an essential service or avoid legal consequences due to social or political beliefs.Thanks wiki) The love of Christ is nowhere to be seen, or read, in the campaign manual. Click on link.  It might take time to view, thirty-six pages to read...but here's a sample

      "Sharing Our Faith" - Manual on Capitol Campaign  (Click on link above. Might take time to view, thirty-six pages to read...but here's a sample)If the link doesn't work go to

          Page 3   Hiring Nebraska Firm to Run New Campaign
"The Archdiocese of Portland retained the services of the Steier Group, a Catholic fund raising and development firm, to help manage the campaign."
Steier Group says:  "We assign a team of professionals to each client. Your campaign manager will be dedicated to your project – and only your project – throughout the effort and will handle the day-to-day campaign activities. Your campaign manager will be directly supervised by a campaign services director, as well as our CEO, Jim Steier. Your campaign manager will be supported by a staff of public relations and media specialists, full-time graphic designers, full-time grant writers and experts in planned giving, direct mail appeals, online fundraising, stewardship programs, major gift solicitations and event planning."

      Page 4.  Penalties for Priest and Parish
120% of collections are goal or parish will be penalized without a good reason. 75% collected goes to Archdiocese and 25% to parish.  Any funds over targeted amount are divided 50/50 Archdiocese and parish.

"Parishes will be asked to make every effort to achieve their goal. A parish seeking to adjust its target must provide the archdiocese with justification for  the adjustment in order to be approved by the Archbishop.  Plans to raise funds for new construction or renovation must be approved by the Archbishop in writing.  If a parish follows the recommended campaign procedures, the parish will
not be assessed any financial penalty if it does not reach its campaign target."
(VOCAL- priests have confirmed this form of penalty for other campaigns as well.)

      Page 4.  Annual Archbishop Catholic Appeal
"The Annual  Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal (ACA) will be conducted during the Capitol Campaign. Ministries and programs remain in need of the funds generated by the ACA.  The ACA and the capital campaign may fund similar needs. Extensive communications and marketing is planned to clearly explain the need for such levels of funding."

       Page 7  Parishioners are judged on giving abilities.  Large Donors are "courted".
"All parishioners will be evaluated and assigned to a specific campaign phase and section based on their gift request for the five-year campaign.

Whereas the evaluation needs to include local knowledge regarding the donors’ ability to give, each family’s current annual adult envelope giving will provide a starting point for the evaluation.  To assist in the evaluation of donors, the following matrix will be employed at the parish-level (and the Steier Group will train parish administrative  assistants and secretaries in the use of the matrix."

       Page 13  Collection Agency to Assure Giving
"Pledge collection and tracking process is being reviewed and proposed to be handled by the Cavan Corporation, a Catholic consulting and redemption company specializing in parish and diocesan offertory,pledge collection, tracking and redemption.
      For Pilot Phase Parishes, these meetings will be held from mid-May-August, 2010.
For Wave #1 Parishes, these meetings will be held from September, 2010-January,
 (There is a quiet period of a few weeks in the campaign for Advent)
For Wave #2 Parishes, these meetings will be held from mid-January-May, 2011.
For Wave #3 Parishes, these meetings will be held from May-August, 2011.

USCCB's "Renewal of CCHD"
CCHD How to Shoot Yourself in the Foot.
December 12, 2010 -  Retirement Fund for Religious
January 16, 2011 -  Catholic Communication Campaign
April 3, 2011 -  Catholic Relief Services
May 8, 2010 - Collection for Catholic Charities of Oregon
May 22, 2011 - Collection  for Catholic Home Missions
June 26, 2011 - Collection for the Holy Father (Peter’s Pence)
N.B.  The Archbishop's Annual Appeal spends almost $400,000 to oversee the yearly $3,600,000.00 they ask for annually to pay for salaries and perks for employees (that includes one million dollars from Oregon Catholic Press as a grant)
We can only imagine what it costs for $50,000,000.00 overseen for five years.  It will assure those involved a hefty salary for those years.  Funded by us.
The new campaign has no loving kindness or fruits which we would be able to see for families or the unborn.  We need to be good stewards of our money. 

"Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace. Money will come if we seek first the Kingdom of God - the rest will be given."
Mother Teresa

Monday, November 1, 2010

Latin Movie Star Posts Video: 'Every Voter Must See Before Elections Tuesday'

SAN DIEGO, Nov. 1 /Christian Newswire/ -- Latin movie star-producer-singer, Eduardo Verastegui, was so moved when he saw Cardinal-designate Raymond Burke's videos, that he immediately added the Spanish subtitle versions to his website at
Verastegui implores fellow Latinos to watch these two new videos as soon as possible, saying, "Every voter should watch these videos before voting, Tuesday, Nov. 2."
Verastegui adds, "Each powerful, short video gives you truths you must have about the most important issues when voting, and how to select the best candidates. The new videos at will help you vote to protect our children, our families, our communities and our culture from the Culture of Death."
The two short videos are excerpts from an exclusive interview that Cardinal-designate Raymond Burke gave in Rome on Oct. 20 to Thomas J. McKenna, president of Catholic Action for Faith and Family. Burke, whom Pope Benedict will make a Cardinal on Nov. 20, heads the Apostolic Signatura, the Vatican's "supreme court."
In the video excerpts, Burke explains that Catholics must work to promote the 'Common Good' and the 'Golden Rule' by voting for political candidates who most strongly oppose aborting babies, embryonic stem cell experiments, euthanasia and so-called homosexual "marriage."
Says Verastegui, "Millions of Latinos have no idea it's a sin to vote for candidates who promote these fundamentally grave evils, which attack the very foundations of society. These two new videos will help you vote with an informed and clear conscience for candidates who will protect our families and promote the 'Golden Rule' for all."
The videos are also available at McKenna's website, at:
Verastegui's screen fame came as a telenovela star in Spanish language "soap operas," before becoming the producer and lead actor of the 2006 movie "Bella," the story of a man who finds redemption in helping a young woman with a crisis pregnancy keep her baby. The movie is credited with saving the lives of 200 babies so far.
Catholic Action for Faith and Family is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and promoting Catholic principles.
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