
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Archbishop Dolan - Surprise win at USCCB. Tradition trumps liberalism

Today is a wonderful day.  The Lord has surely smiled on us with the election of Archbishop Timothy Dolan is new president of the USCCB.  Below on the right is Archbishop Timothy Dolan reacting with our Eastern Oregon Bishop Robert F.Vasa on hearing the news.

The successor to Cardinal George was his vice-president Bishop
Gerald Kicanas who was considered the winner before the vote.  This upset has only happened once before in the sixties.  We have dodged a bullet through the Grace of God.

To see what we would be in for google  "Bishop Gerald Kicanas" and see what a serious scandal this could have been.  Bishop Kicanas is an old friend of Archbishop Vlazny. They both have the same take on many things we have been fighting here, a soft spot for active homosexuals, women priests, not fighting abortion and Kicanas was the second bishop to declare bankruptcy in his diocese due to homosexuality. 

Bishop Kicanas is going to be here in Oregon on Monday November 22nd for the annual mandatory, it seems, Tobin Lecture from the Office of Justice and Peace.

What is the Tobin Lecture - why spend so much money on this?
Monsignor Thomas Tobin (1897-1978)
Tobin Lecture with Bishop Gerald Kicanas

Archbishop Timothy Dolan needs our prayers as he guides the Roman Catholic church.  And a big THANK YOU DEAR LORD for his presidency.

Our prayers ARE heard.

Then Jesus approached and said to them, "All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go, therefore, 12 and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. 13 And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."

Matthew 28:18-20


  1. Fr. Tobin was the designer of Portland's All Saints Church back in the 1950's. He positioned the altar so that the priest had to face the people (it's still in use and unmoved from its original location) almost two decades before the Novus Ordo authorized that practice. St. Anne's in Grants Pass did the same thing in the 50's, and how these designs were ever approved, I have no idea, except that Fr. Tobin had considerable influence in archdiocesan affairs.

  2. Praise God through whom all blessings flow.

  3. I know Bishop Kicanas has been on the side of illegal aliens, so I am glad he has not been given the spot. Pray, pray, pray always.
    Our country is in dire danger.

  4. Agreed - this IS exciting news. Perhaps the "good ol' boy" network and "business-as-usual" at the USCCB has been put on notice.

    What still concerns me, however, is just how many bishops actually voted FOR Kicanas: one hundred eleven. Although there may have been a "seismic shift", still the old guard hangs on there.

    We need time, patience, and hope.

  5. The "progressive" Catholics are trying to hold on, but it will be futile because they are in the wrong camp.

    "The world is rapidly being divided into two camps, the comradeship of anti-Christ and the brotherhood of Christ. The lines between these two are being drawn. How long the battle will be we know not; whether swords will have to be unsheathed we know not; whether blood will have to be shed we know not; whether it will be an armed conflict we know not. But in a conflict between truth and darkness, truth cannot lose."
    Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

  6. Thanks, Carolyn, for keeping us/me informed.
    I REALLY appreciate it.

  7. My pleasure to have something wonderful to say. Thanks for your thanks.

  8. Thank God..., nice to get a 'win'....again, God bless for all you do. May the Lord change our hard hearts soaked in indifference and apathy to hearts seeking and living for Truth.

    God be with you.

  9. What a beautiful prayer. I think He's listening and having Mercy on us.

  10. This is AWESOME NEWS!!!!

    Our prayers are working!!!

    Thank you for all your work and prayers.

  11. We are one Body in Christ. Each of us is a part of the Whole. It's amazing to see these prayers bearing such great fruit.

  12. Carolyn, Bp. Kicanas' first name is "Gerald" not "George."

  13. I thought something was wrong, but I was so happy to get his last name right. Thanks for the correction.

  14. The archbishop has made an impression. Thanks for alerting me.


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