
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Deuling Catholics - Part 2

Having hoped my conversations with Jim Buck, "Catholic" past President of the Board of Directors of Ecumenical Minsitries of Oregon was over, he kept going.   Well, he started this coversation and I can do this until Doomsday.  These last emails are the most telling.  The casual put-down of Bishop Vasa proved the point so well. 
I pray our new Archbishop will cut this umbilical cord first.    We can't change Catholic hearts when we're dragging around anti-Catholic darkness (EMO). 
Here we go again:
 # 7
I would err on the side of both of us contemplating continually  whether we are right.  You are certainly more convinced of your position than I, but I don't think labeling an organization like EMO as evil gives you any credibility, not when the Catholic clergy who have served on its board or committees over the past couple of decades have done so in good conscience and with strong moral fiber.  Those I know well who have served would never join an "evil" organization and you cast aspersions on their character (individually and collectively) by so labeling the organization. 
 It is healthy to harbor some doubt about your convictions--and even more so your judgments about others.  


If I had any doubts about EMO, I wouldn't act on just a weak opinion: a doubtful conscience.   It doesn't matter how long we've belonged to EMO, to give it credibility.  Belonging to this "convental" organization is wrong for the Archdpdx. 
Belonging because of simple ignorance can be changed by leaving.  To learn and remain is "invincible ignorance", says Bishop Robert  Vasa, Diocese of Baker, OR. 

I don't have to contemplate this issue, thanks anyway.

God Bless you and Happy Advent and Merry Christmas, I really mean this.


# 8
I see a glimmer of hope in your final statement.  You are sincere without a doubt, however, ultra-orthodoxy has been historically the bane of our Church as sincere as some of its proponents were.  It was and continues to be motivated by fear and stems from darkness not the light of Christ.  Its effects on the Church were inimical with pro-life as it sowed violence, division and hatred.  Christ's admonition of love thy neighbor must take precedence in our faith and our works.  From what you write, which is an eye into the soul, I question whether this precept truly guides your work.  Your conversion I believe still lies ahead, perhaps mine as well.  I will pray for the fullness of it.

May Christ's love and internal peace become fully present this Christmas--and I do mean this also.  

(Should Bishop Vasa ever come to this Archdiocese, who knows, I may have to take up a blog site like yours.)  



In an nutshell, your final email was a statement of your ideology and not complete Catholic theology.

The dark statement about those in the pro-life movement shows why Portland's liberal "Cocoon Catholics" keep alive this lie so they can feel superior.

Getting federal grants to support EMO's survival is from the pockets of everyone, of every belief through taxes.  The other grants EMO receives are from organizations that support anti-Catholic ideals

55,000,000 innocent unborn are killed, created by a loving God. Not to be destroyed by those who act like they are and ignored by EMO.

The Archdpdx Office of Justice and Peace needs the EMO connection to stay as a budget item. They take their info and use it happily.  They have for decades.

EMO is still evil for the Archdpdx to belong to.

I won't change my mind.  Your first email didn't do anything but prove my point.

Merry Christmas,
"Any one thinking of the Holy Child as born in December would mean by it exactly what we mean by it; that Christ is not merely a summer sun of the prosperous but a winter fire for the unfortunate."
– G.K. Chesterton

Folks, please look for yourselves.   We have beem feeding this Beast with our time, talents, and treasure for long enough.  Realistically speaking this lands at the doorstep of Archbishop Vlanzy and then Mary Jo Tully (who has been on the Board for years). 

From VOCAL 2005 Things haven't changed.          STRANGE BEDFELLOWS - ARCHDPDX & EMO

"Facts are stubborn things...our wishes, the dictates of our passions...cannot alter the facts and evidence." John Adams

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