Here's a little something some of you've been asking for. Hope it helps
His Holiness Pope Francis
00120 Via del Pellegrino
Citta del Vaticano
Advisor to the Pope.
For reporting moral, political Catholic issues abuses:
Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature
Palazzo della Cancelleria,
00186 Roma,
Piazza della Cancelleria, 1
If your bishop isn't doing his job, contact:
Cardinal Marc Ouellet, P.S.S.
Prefect, Congregation For Bishops
00120 Vatican City State
In case of liturgical abuse, contact:
Prefect, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
Piazza Pio XII, 10
00193 Vatican City, Italy, Europe
In case of bad catechesis, contact:
Prefect, Congregation for the Clergy
Piazza Pio XII, 3
Palazzo delle Congregazioni
00193 Roma, Italia, Europa
For problems with Catholic schools, universities, and seminaries, contact:
Giuseppe Cardinal Versaldi (2015–present)
Prefect, Congregation for Catholic Education and Seminaries
Piazza Pio XII, 3
00193 Vatican City, Italy, Europe
Phone: (011) 39-6-6988-4156
For the Ecclesia Dei Commission, contact:
William Cardinal Levada
Prefect, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Plazza del S. Uffizio 11,
00120 Vatican City, Italy, Europe
Directory of US Bishops and Dioceses
Most Reverend Alexander King Sample
838 E. Burnside St.Portland, OR 97214-1895
Mary Jo Tully - Chancellor
The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council (western Oregon)
This is one place to have your voice heard. The hierarchy very rarely listens since they have their own agenda. But get to know your Vicarate Representative and tell them your concerns. They exist to show that the laity is involved and prevent clericalism.
DIOCESE OF BAKER - Eastern Oregon
Most Reverend Liam Cary
PO Box 5999
Bend, OR 97708
Phone 541-388-4004
"In accord with the knowledge, competence and preeminence which they possess, they (laity) have the right and even at times a duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church, and they have a right to make their opinion known to the other Christian faithful, with due regard for the integrity of faith and morals and reverence toward their pastors, and with consideration for the common good and the dignity of persons." (Canon 212)
Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for all you do for the Holy Mother Church. I keep you all in my prayers daily.
ReplyDeleteThis coming April 9th, will be our 7th Annual Chrism Mass Marian Silent Retreat and Pilgrimage of Grace,
" Mary, Mother of Mercy - The Suffering Face of Jesus "
The Retreat/Pilgrimage starts at our Baker Diocese Conference and Retreat Center in Powell Butte, Ore.
The intentions are to pray for our Holy Father, the Church, his Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Vocations to the Holy Priesthood and Religious, Consecrated Life, for us the Priestly People, to bring unity and Peace.
This is a wonderful opportunity to shower our Bishops, our Priests, and each other in endless graces from prayer, fast and suffering. Let us come together to pray in thanksgiving, praise and give glory to our Loving and Merciful God for them and for each other and for our Faith.
Guest Speaker: Dr. Lynne Bissonnette Pitre, MD Ph D, marriage and family counseling
Saturday, April 9, through Monday, April 11, at the conference center. Those who choose to continue the
Retreat/Pilgrimage on to our historic Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales in Baker City, Ore., will travel Tuesday April 12. We will continue the Retreat on Wednesday. Thursday, April 13, Retreat ends after 3:00 PM Holy Hour - Eucharistic Adoration - Exposition - Benediction - Reposition "Praying with our Bishop and our Priests and Deacons, Seminarians" 7:00 PM Chrism Mass and Reception follows in Cathedral Hall below Cathedral. Schedule will be posted on the Baker Diocese web. All are welcome. To register call Patty Rausch at Baker Diocese Chancery Office: 541-388-4004. More detailed Retreat Info: Judy Newport 541-923-6946 or
You are one AWESOME lady. God Bless You.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Carolyn, but some of this information is by now several years old, some individuals have retired or been replaced.
ReplyDelete...all of your information is needed and vital- but how about "Fantastic Fridays" where you showcase a priest or lay person who is doing great things for life- maybe starting with a little memory of father taft :)
ReplyDeleteAt C.1:Q.96, Nostradamus foretells of an iconoclastic prophet, using refined language to continually educate, who is raised in the Last Days.
ReplyDeleteLogmion is here and says "Bring Back Petrus Romanus"