
Saturday, August 20, 2011

$40 million dollar line of credit for Archdiocese of Portland...Stop your behavior, it's our money!

Dear Advocates for Life,
The "Campaign Confusion" raises its ugly head again.  Just as the Chief Financial Officer for eons, Leonard Vuylsteke, CPA CCM  is leaving before the new Archbishop comes.  Just part of a shake up that assures the progressive movement is alive and well in the Archdpdx.

This happened just a month ago.  From a UK Newspaper.  

"The MoS (manual of standards?) has also discovered that the loans are now being quietly repaid. In a revelation that will prompt further questions about whether the Vatican is behind the international deals, the supposedly-indebted dioceses have begun to pay off the AIB debts with money from other, unnamed, institutions. 

Just last month a $40m line of credit to the Diocese of Portland in Oregon was taken over by an un-named creditor. 

Bob Krebs, a spokesman for the diocese for many years, declined to name the new lender. Asked why AIB had been used to help fund its abuse compensation cases, he said he did not know who 'found Allied Irish for us'."

Read more: $40 million dollar Line of Credit: Whose the un-named creditor?

With the Archdiocese of Portland's curriculum's secular and suggestive focus being taught through our children.  It is reflected in the "indelible ignorance" that is trying, but never will overcome our True Faith with Devotion to Christ Jesus and His servant Pope Benedict XVI.


  1. MoS stands for "Mail on Sundays" (a feature of the UK newspaper you cited). So far, there is no credible evidence that the Vatican was involved in these loans. I pray to God they weren't.

  2. Thanks for your take on this. I was referring to the fact that the Archdpdx continues to be hiding their activities.

    Why do we have a $50 million Capital Campaign? The toll on the Oregon Catholics is so sad. Those of us who love the Roman Catholic Church in Oregon know it's a battle for souls.

    We'll win in the long run.

  3. I suspect that the creditor is "Provident Health System". Really, I did hear that Providence made a substantial donation to the ArchD, and that is one reason why the ArchB is disinclined to be involved in our case.

  4. Your observations help us all. Let's pray that the AB isn't covering up induced abortions to cover debts.

    We know that Oregon Catholic Press aka OCP gives a grant of a million dollars to our Archbishop's Annual Appeal. So there's another candidate.

    The "climate" that allowed for sexual abuse is still very much alive.

    Thanks for your valuable comment.

  5. Good Morning, Carolyn,
    What is this about a new archbishop?
    It was my understanding that the bishops were staying. There would be no change soon.
    Forgive my not understanding just what the following is about?
    What does it matter who owns the 'debt'?
    The Archbishop said that the present campaign had nothing to do with the scandal $$.
    I thought they were already paid from other (other?) funds and insurance.
    Perhaps, I'm the only one who is so little knowledgeable about this?
    Sincerely, and disturbed,

  6. K.
    From what I gathered another line of credit appeared for $40 million dollars was opened. We did have a Lloyd's of London insurance policy that I believe was used way back when the scandals first hit.

    There is a code of silence. If things were more transparent and changing we'd understand. Now, it's hard to believe that we're really loved like we should be in the Church.

    I feel sorry for the great priests who have lived a life of white martyrdom in Oregon. I do believe there is another Archbishop in the wings. If there is a change I can live with this for years if the Lords wills it.

  7. Hi Carolyn:

    So, more mystery stirs. I tried clicking that "read more:" line
    and get a blank stare and nothing to read. Maybe I don't use the
    correct buttons? Sure would like to see who is so generous?
    Strange how the older I get the bigger the stack of money they
    talk about gets bigger. When I was a kid it was pennies, then
    dollars, next hundreds, finally it seemed the top when it got

    Now it's trillions! What's next? The real answer is in this code:

    How to tell a 1963 Kennedy Note? - Coin Community Forum.

    (While the computer's clicking, a few more:

    2. The Rockefeller Family Fortunes -- A Trail of Conspiracy,
    Bloodshd, and Evil Rome, Rockefeller, the U.S. and Standard
    Oil The Monarchy of Money!!! (See page 8 of 14).
    3. The American Ideal 1776.
    4. The Bullet Proof George Washington.

    Have a good day digging into the shady goings-on in Holy Portland.

  8. Thanks for your observations. They are necessary to know for some of us to get a little handle on our world.

    Christ is still the only way to gain sanity. Fortunately we have Him on our side.

  9. You will never know who forwarded the money for AIB. Some secrets are never to be revealed. Meanwhile, somebody is molesting people, and getting away with it. If you haven't read "Goodbye Good Men" it gives a good look into the clerical mess. It would be good to read.

    I hope you are well. Give us an update into your health. Sometimes you seem like you are out there all by yourself. By assured I care about you.

  10. Hi,
    I don't know why all this funny business is allowed. When I was a Protestant these guys would have lasted only a few minutes. (This is when they believed in God :-)

    Do they really think this won't come out if not to the people, to Christ?

    I'm doing well thanks. Wobbling has not been conquered yet or hearing from my right ear. There's nothing to complain about as I thank God for sparing me from worse events.

    Thanks for your support.

  11. More from the UK article. Notice that we are borrowing because of "future" claims.

    "The Diocese of Portland, in Oregon, also filed for bankruptcy because of compensation actions.

    Of a $129m settlement for victims $40m came from AIB. The loan effectively allowed the diocese to close the bankruptcy proceedings without selling any assets.

    A loan document obtained by this paper details the loans in Portland. On AIB headed paper, it details how the loans were being specifically made to trusts set up to pay known and future abuse claims for the diocese."


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