
Friday, September 30, 2011

Archiocese of Portland : $14 million Lawsuit filed by a Woman Against Retired Priest

Abuse suit names retired priest. 

Woman Files $14 million Lawsuit in Oregon stating abuse by a retired priest.

 The Catholic Sentinel confirms the filing of a lawsuit from a woman stating abuse by a retired priest.  I know this priest and I pray the accusations are false.  The reason why I'm sending this at all is for any other women who suffered from abuse from a cleric or otherwise and have remained silent.  She needs our prayers.  He needs prayers.

As a rape survivor (not involving a cleric) of serial rapists at age 18, I finally spoke to my two friends this year, who were also involved.   It has been since 1966 and we never really talked about it, through the trial and line-ups.

It was told to me by a professional that part of you dies after an attack. All three of us have various demons we live with. It lingers forever and no one should ever go through any abuse alone.

Questions regarding woman who believes she has been violated by a priest.

  • What do you think a woman should do in this case? 
  • We need to protect all parties involved, but how? 
  • What is the priests role? 
  • Since he is in most cases a pastor does he need to still be a shepherd. 
  • What about the Archdiocese? 
  • We have Ember Days to pray for those abused, yet does the Archbishop treat even delusional people with respect?  
Just some food for thought.


  1. I hope the archdiocese fights this time
    In the past they wrongly accused and did nothing
    on the hand in Boston they fought and many cases were dropped

    May the accuser and accusee guardian angels help them do what is right. Amen.

  2. Not "fighting" was the reason for our bankruptcy in the first place. Maybe we can see if SNAP is involved. They have more on their agenda than justice.

  3. We also know this priest. He was the assistant pastor at St. Mary's in Albany for several years beginning about 1978. I think he left Albany in 1981. I have serious doubts that he committed these acts, but one never knows. It sounds like someone looking for another big payday from deep pockets, what's the price of painful memories. $14 million buys a lot of relief. Why don't the lawyers get a life and stop encouraging these outlandish lawsuits. It doesn't ease the pain and suffering for the abused, but does line the attorney pocketbook.

  4. $14 million dollars brings things into question.

  5. Prayers for everyone! Thanks for letting me know about this- it is brave of you and encouraging of you to open your heart to all of us like this. I hope you will experience a full restoration of your own heart and sense of self. I agree that being abused really does stop certain parts of your life from developing, continuing. But Jesus can make all things new! I hope these accusations against Fr. Alstock are false, but I have little hope these days- my heart is broken to see so many sins revealed, so many lives hurt so blatantly, by so many priests I've known and respected. I know they are under a lot more attack than I am, but they also should have a heck of a lot more sense of what the he--ck they are doing! But there have been hundreds, i'm sure thousands of false accusations- not that I'd like to see this woman being so depraved that she'd do that herself to another person (reverse Clerical abuse) Dear God, bring the Healing!

  6. Thanks for your prayers. I am trying to do what is right with the things I've been given in this life, good and bad.

  7. Hopefully it's not true..but, the 14 million is an outrageous amount of money. I can't see myself taking that much money from the church when violated by one person alone. I wonder if she is a practicing Catholic.

  8. "Vengeance is mine", say the Lord. There is a difference between this and true justice.


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