
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bishop Liam Cary, diocese of Baker, Oregon - Ordained May 18th, 2012

Thanks Tom Miller.


  1. Thanks Carolyn for this inspirational video about Bishop Cary's ordination as Bishop. God bless Bishop Cary

  2. Thanks Caroyln,

    I was able to attend the Ordination Ceremony, and it was beautiful!
    although I think the video had a more birdseye view than we did!
    Because Bishop Cary is pro-life I think he will be under fire in this
    diocese, so I hope you
    will continue to pray for him, and I will offer prayers for your
    bishop elect also. They will need all the strength they can muster in
    the days ahead, as will we all. God Bless and have a wonderful
    Memorial Day.

  3. We in Western Oregon are so fortunate to have a Bishop Cary. This gives us great hope in a new extraordinary Archbishop to come and guide us.

    God Bless Bishop Cary.

  4. Not "ordained". He is already a priest. Ordination (Holy Orders) occurs once only in a lifetime. He was Consecrated Bishop, to use the correct term.

  5. It is accurate to say 'ordained.' There are three offices to which a man may be ordained: deaconate, presbyterate and episcopate. The episcopacy is the fullness of holy orders. See paragraphs 1008 and 1009 of the Code of Canon Law. I think it is fine to say 'consecrated' and that is much more common when referring to the liturgical actions surrounding an episcopal ordination. Just as it is correct to say that a many is ordained a deacon and then a year or two later a priest, it is correct to say a priest is ordained a bishop.


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