
Friday, December 7, 2012

Operation Holy Night for Our Precious Infants: Success !

You are those who have continued with me in my trials

 (Luke 22:24, RSV Edition, Harmony Media)

Dear Brothers and Sisters for Life, Purity and Healing,

I cannot thank all of you enough who came last week to the board meeting.  We had over 200 people and we filled the auditorium and a great deal of the surrounding area.  We will probably meet again in the future and there is room for 1000.  Don't be shy and be ready to come and stand for life and purity.

A special thanks to the speakers; they were tremendous,  One speaker came straight from the airport, another barely got across the river, but they all made it.
I gave a message of healing.  I could tell that one board member really seem to have an old injury on her heart.  She was quoted in the Oregonian as saying the program is fine.  Please, please pray for her.

I so want to thank all of you again and again for your prayers and for your time last Monday.  Please continue to pray.  There was another hearing last week and one this week at school.  I have been directed to not work on multiplication tables with the students in my math class.  Please pray for a miracle of how I can accomplish this without teaching it.  This directive is so sad because when children learn to multiply it makes such a difference.

Please continue to pray for all those helping me, my lawyer James Leuenberger, my union representative, Kathi Koenig and a few other lawyers working in the background.  Kathi did ask that people do not contact her.  My lawyer specifically asked for prayers and he really appreciates all of you.  He is a fine man of faith and so supportive of me both legally and emotionally.

God Bless,

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