
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bishop Vasa "Bearing Witness", asks His Teachers to "Reject Modern Errors" and Pays for It.

Here's a little blast from the on the link.

  Religion in the "Modern World".. w/ modern "errors"

Titled "Bearing Witness," the addendum asks teachers to "acknowledge" or "recognize" that:
They are called to a "life of holiness" and that "this call is the more compelling for me since I have been entrusted, in my vocation as a teacher/administrator in a Catholic school, with the formation of souls." In part here is the addendum:

As a teacher in the Santa Rosa Diocese, "I am, by that fact, also a ministerial agent of the Bishop who is the chief 'teacher' of the Diocese."
It also requires all teachers to "agree that it is my duty, to the best of my ability, to believe, teach/administer and live in accord with what the Catholic Church holds and professes.
"I am especially cognizant of the fact that modern errors -- including but not limited to matters that gravely offend human dignity and the common good such as contraception, abortion, homosexual 'marriage' and euthanasia -- while broadly accepted in society, are not consistent with the clear teachings of the Catholic Church."

Here is the whole article for you to read.

Bishop Vasa Requires Teachers to Reject Modern Errors

The comments shows the lack of True Catechisis for too long.  The Church is not what they perceive Her to be. 

Feeling the heat from his "Fireside Chat" Univerity of Portland's president issued this:

God Bless Bishop Vasa, Archbishop Sample, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and our new Holy Father.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Archbishop Alexander Sample's Curriculum Choice, also for Us?

It seems that the only sources used for Religious Education are The Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Holy Bible.
This program was the way the Diocese of Marquette was under Bishop Alexander K. Sample.
This will save us untold amounts of money if used in Western Oregon and any "funny business" with publishers disappear.
All the misery that some parents have been going through will be ended we pray.
"Following the renewal of the Liturgy and teh new codification of the canon law of the Latin Church (Roman rites) and that of the Oriental (Byzantine i.e.) Catholic Churches. this catechism will make a veryu important contribution to that work renewing the whole life of the Church, as desired and begun by the Second Vatican Council." Catechism of the Catholic Church , Apostolic Constitution Fidei Depositum pg. 3 (the Deposit of Faith Where things cannot change in the Church, VOCAL)

"To Keep a True Lent" - Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, Happy Feast Day

 Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter  The Holy Father is directly involved with the Anglican Use Mass. 

Christ Gave Us Many Beautiful Ways to be Catholic

The Personal Ordinariate is made up of Anglican (Episcopalians) who are finding a home in the Roman Catholic Church.  They are going to help the Roman Catholic Church stay Catholic.

"To Keep a True Lent"

Is this a fast, to keep
The larder lean ?
And clean
From fat of veals and sheep ?

Is it to quit the dish
Of flesh, yet still
To fill
The platter high with fish ?

Is it to fast an hour,
Or ragg’d to go,
Or show
A downcast look and sour ?

No; ‘tis a fast to dole
Thy sheaf of wheat,
And meat,
Unto the hungry soul.

It is to fast from strife,
From old debate
And hate ;
To circumcise thy life.

To show a heart grief-rent ;
To starve thy sin,
Not bin ;
And that’s to keep thy Lent.

 -- Robert Herrick 1591-1675

Friday, February 22, 2013

University of Portland: Cleaning Up Its Act for Archbishop Sample?

With the advent of Archbishop Alexander K. Sample having his Installation at the University of Portland some things are being broadcast on the news that beg our attention.

Channel 6 had a report of the Univeristy of Portland's President, Father William Beauchamp's statement that caused quite a firestorm at the school . He said in his Fireside Chat on Monday, February 18th regarding the same-sex faculty and staff on the UP campus.. 


“The Catholic Church has certain expectations regardless of whether you’re heterosexual or homosexual,” Beauchamp said.

 “The courts looking at [the non-discrimination policy], especially in Oregon, could take sexual orientation to mean sexual practice, whether or not it’s same sex couples.”

Beauchamp acknowledged the presence of LGBTQ individuals on campus.

“We know that there are faculty and staff in same-sex relationships on campus,” Beauchamp said. “They are not public about it and we don’t ask them. But if someone were to go very public about it and make an issue then we would have trouble.”

When asked for clarification Tuesday, Beauchamp said the University would address a situation only if it “were to become a public scandal.”
click for full article. University of Portland Asks President for Answers 

The students of the "Gay, Straight Partnership" Club under Special Interest Groups on campus said through Facebook:

"Take it with a grain of salt, but Fr. Bill was not at his best when he gave his fireside chat comment; there were many unanticipated questions being asked and his comment sounded worse than he meant it to be.

Keep in mind that a lot of progress has been made under Fr. Bill’s administration (GSP, Statement of Inclusion, Presidential Advisory Committee on Inclusion)"

In his defense, Father Beauchamp made the "Vagina Monologues" go off campus for their event.  This was when he was made president of the Univeristy around 2004. 

I called his office and we exchanged emails.  He was very cordial.

Catholic private schools should adhere to Catholic teachings.  It's not popular especially in Portland, but it is necessary for Christ to be known to these students.  If they don't have a strong Catholic family, the school has to at least have Catholic principles explained and help these young people and old it seems.

It seems the Dalai Lama Plans Talks at U of P Environmental Summit in May  Let's hope that the students know their Catholicism as well as "mother earth". 

Remember...the installation of Archbishop Samples, Tuesday, April 2nd at the Chiles Auditorium at the Univeristy of Portland.  Bring your holy water. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pope is Blind in One Eye

February 17, 2013, 10:18 a.m.
VATICAN CITY -- A week after Pope Benedict announced his resignation, more than 50,000 supporters jammed into St. Peter’s Square on Sunday for his next-to-last weekly blessing, as it emerged the aging pontiff may have gone blind in one eye.

Addressing the cheering crowd, which was larger than usual for the Sunday Angelus, Benedict appeared to criticize the infighting that has plagued the Vatican during his reign.

“The church, which is mother and teacher, calls on all its members to renew their spirit, turn back firmly toward God and ignore pride and egoism to live in love,” he said, before asking in Spanish for prayers to be said for the next pope.

PHOTOS: The cardinals who might be pope

Benedict, 85, shocked the Vatican and the world Feb. 11 by announcing that he would step down at the end of the month due to failing health, although Vatican insiders have also cited a toll taken on the pope by power struggles behind the Vatican walls.

New evidence is emerging of Benedict’s declining physical condition. Peter Seewald, a German journalist who has interviewed Benedict on numerous occasions, said that when he last saw the pope 10 weeks ago, his hearing had deteriorated and he appeared to have gone blind in his left eye.

“His body had become so thin that the tailors had difficulty in keeping up with newly fitted clothes. ... I'd never seen him so exhausted-looking, so worn down,” he told Focus, a German magazine, on Saturday.

Seewald quoted the pope as saying: “I'm an old man and the strength is ebbing. I think what I've done is enough.” Asked if he was considering retiring, Benedict replied, "That depends on how much my physical strength will force me to that."

PHOTOS: Throngs turn out for Benedict's blessing

Supporters turning out to hear Benedict speak Sunday said the pope had come to recognize he was no longer able to carry out his duties. “It’s a human decision and I am here to pay my respects and say goodbye,” said Michaela Priori, 35, a Rome office worker.

Benedict will hold his last blessing in St. Peter’s next Sunday. That will be followed by a final general audience in the piazza Feb. 27, a day before he is flown by helicopter from the Vatican to the papal summer residence outside Rome to start his retirement. Two months later he is due to move into a former monastery in the Vatican’s large gardens when it has been refurbished.

The conclave at which cardinals elect the next pope is due 15 to 20 days after a pope dies, and an article in the apostolic constitution governing conclaves says that interval is also required if the pope resigns.

However, officials are now studying whether the date can be brought forward since no time is required for a papal funeral and the 117 cardinals due at the conclave are already making plans to travel to Rome. A speedier conclave would allow the next pope to be named before Easter


Monday, February 18, 2013

A "sample" of Archbishop Sample: DRE's in a panic!

The new Archbishop has yet to be installed and he has asked for NO religious educational materials to be ordered for next year.  We know he is teacher at heart.

We have had our children subjected to a list of allowable materials that are so watered down no wonder they are leaving the Church in ignorance.  This will have a "bottoms up" effect helping those that changed their diapers(their parents) to strengthen their faith with a mature mind.  Let's pray that this order includes "safe environment" training we have now that has no spiritual component. 

Sadlier Publishing, for example, has had Mary Jo Tully's influence in having it as the oldest standby's.  She was a DRE in Chicago before she came to Oregon decades ago.  Sadlier has used her materials and music from the OCP formerly known as the Oregon Catholic Press, having left its Catholicity behind. 

NOW the axe will drop on the liberal music of Schutte, Haas and Haugen who are former Jesuits (which should have set off alarms) and sell their music to any denomination.  Our new Archbishop loves music that inspires.  Prayer that inspires.  As we pray so we believe. lex orandi lex credendi

However, I digress.  Bob Mizia, the Superintendent of Schools is responsible for the Earth Charter being taught in schools.  It is part of the United Nations attempt to take God out of the lives of our youth.  It is time that Mr. Mizia was called to account.

We now have an Archbishop that will have that as part of his agenda and we are thankful.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI: Council of Faith and Council of Media

"[T]here was the Council of the Fathers – the true Council – but there was also the Council of the media. It was almost a Council in and of itself, and the world perceived the Council through them, through the media. So the Council that immediately, effectively, got thorough to the people was that of the media, not that of the Fathers. And meanwhile, the Council of the Fathers evolved within the faith, it was a Council of the faith that sought the intellect, that sought to understand and try to understand the signs of God at that moment, that tried to meet the challenge of God in this time to find the words for today and tomorrow. So while the whole council – as I said – moved within the faith, as fides quaerens intellectum, the Council of journalists did not, naturally, take place within the world of faith but within the categories of the media of today, that is outside of the faith, with different hermeneutics. It was a hermeneutic of politics.

The media saw the Council as a political struggle, a struggle for power between different currents within the Church. It was obvious that the media would take the side of whatever faction best suited their world. There were those who sought a decentralization of the Church, power for the bishops and then, through the Word for the “people of God”, the power of the people, the laity. There was this triple issue: the power of the Pope, then transferred to the power of the bishops and then the power of all … popular sovereignty. Naturally they saw this as the part to be approved, to promulgate, to help.

This was the case for the liturgy: there was no interest in the liturgy as an act of faith, but as a something to be made understandable, similar to a community activity, something profane. And we know that there was a trend, which was also historically based, that said: “Sacredness is a pagan thing, possibly even from the Old Testament. In the New Testament the only important thing is that Christ died outside: that is, outside the gates, that is, in the secular world”. Sacredness ended up as profanity even in worship: worship is not worship but an act that brings people together, communal participation and thus participation as activity. And these translations, trivializing the idea of ​​the Council, were virulent in the practice of implementing the liturgical reform, born in a vision of the Council outside of its own key vision of faith. And it was so, also in the matter of Scripture: Scripture is a book, historical, to treat historically and nothing else, and so on.
And we know that this Council of the media was accessible to all. So, dominant, more efficient, this Council created many calamities, so many problems, so much misery, in reality: seminaries closed, convents closed, the liturgy was trivialized … and the true Council has struggled to materialize, to be realized: the virtual Council was stronger than the real Council. But the real strength of the Council was present and slowly it has emerged and is becoming the real power which is also true reform, true renewal of the Church.

It seems to me that 50 years after the Council, we see how this Virtual Council is breaking down, getting lost and the true Council is emerging with all its spiritual strength. And it is our task, in this Year of Faith, starting from this Year of Faith, to work so that the true Council with the power of the Holy Spirit is realized and Church is really renewed. We hope that the Lord will help us.

I, retired in prayer, will always be with you, and together we will move ahead with the Lord in certainty. The Lord is victorious! Thank you."
Benedict XVI
Meeting with Roman Clergy
February 14, 2013
Archbishop Sample is taking this to heart in Oregon.  He has apparently already begun this change.


Bishop Robert Vasa on the Holy Father's Resignation.

Santa Rosa Bishop Robert Vasa looks to the future

In this photo provided by the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI delivers his message during a meeting of Vatican cardinals, at the Vatican, Monday, Feb. 11, 2013. (AP Photo/L'Osservatore Romano)

Published: Monday, February 11, 2013 at 3:22 p.m.
Last Modified: Monday, February 11, 2013 at 3:22 p.m.
Bishop Robert Vasa said Monday he hopes the next person to lead the world's Catholics will follow the same path as Pope Benedict XVI, whose interpretation of church doctrine along strongly conservative lines earned the pontiff both praise and criticism.
Vasa, who leads the 165,000-member Santa Rosa Diocese, said Benedict often spoke of a "hermeneutic of continuity," or a desire for there to not be a major disruption stemming from a change in leadership.

"That certainly fits my hopes and expectations extremely well," Vasa said.

Asked about Benedict's legacy, Vasa referenced the 85-year-old pontiff's scholarly writings and his "great gentleness."

Benedict's papacy also was marked by clerical abuse scandals, the leaking of internal Vatican documents and disputes with other religious leaders and institutions. Vasa said he did not have "enough information to make any knowledgeable comments" about the abuse scandals.

Vasa said he was "very surprised" by Benedict's announcement to resign later this month, becoming the first pontiff in six centuries to do so.

Vasa predicted a muted reaction among the North Coast's Catholics. "I don't think there is any great grief or sadness. It's not like he is dying," Vasa said.

Worldwide, some Catholics have expressed shock that a pontiff is permitted under church law to resign what is billed as a lifetime post.

John Paul II, Benedict's beloved predecessor, continued to serve even as he coped with Parkinson's disease, in what some Catholics viewed as an uplifting testament to the religious tenet of suffering.
Vasa said Benedict "is of a different mind," and he said the pontiff decided he could serve the church as a "different type of witness."

"It has all the earmarks of a very prudent decision," Vasa said.


Invitation to Installation Mass for Archbishop Sample

"The Installation Mass for Archbishop Sample will be celebrated on Easter Tuesday, April 2, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at the University of Portland’s Chiles Center. The Mass is open to the public and all are invited to attend. Seating for the public will be first-come, first-served. There will be a public reception at the Chiles Center immediately following the Mass."

Monday, February 11, 2013

Did the Wolves Win? Or Has the Holy Father Discovered a Way to Outsmart the Wolf Pack?

"You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you." - St. Augustine

Did the Wolves Win? Or Has the Holy Father Discovered a Way to Outsmart the Wolf Pack? 


by Michael J. Matt

The Vatican Press Office made an announcement this morning that has shocked the world: the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI will resign at the end of February.
Clearly, the Church is entering waters now that are as perilous as they are unknown. Let us presume the best of our Holy Father's decision to resign, citing a lack of strength at 85 years old to carry out his papal duties.
Before commenting further, we believe further prayer and reflection are in order. This much is obvious, however--the wolves inside the Vatican and out have been circling our ageing pontiff ever since he was elected to Peter's chair. At the very beginning of his reign Benedict asked us to pray for him that he would not flee for fear of the wolves.
And now the whole world is confronted with a question that may never be answered, even by history itself: Is Pope Benedict resigning because the wolves all around him have achieved their diabolical objective, or has he found a way of circumventing their evil designs by removing himself from their gullets? We believe it to be the latter. Pope Benedict XVI will not allow the wolves to act in his name to the detriment of the Church any longer. Vatileaks alone has shown this to be more than a mere wild conspiracy theory.
What now? Pray incessantly for a younger but still tradition-minded successor who will attempt to carry on the reforms Pope Benedict was quite obviously prevented from continuing.
May God help us all, and may He bless and protect his Church under siege from the world and in near total chaos internally. We pray for Pope Benedict, and ask our merciful God to watch over and protect him now and always.

Bishop Alexander K. Sample on the Holy Father's Resignation

Statement by Archbishop Alexander K. Sample:

Along with all Catholics throughout the world I woke up this morning to the stunning news that our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, has made the historically momentous decision to resign his office as the Bishop of Rome and Successor to St. Peter the Apostle.
I receive this news with a certain personal sadness, as I have a great affection for Pope Benedict XVI. He appointed me to be a bishop here in the Diocese of Marquette and now the new Archbishop of Portland. I have met him on several occasions and have always been struck by his kindness and gentle humility. I have been inspired by his steadfast and faithful leadership of the Universal Church.
I have great admiration for him as he makes this very difficult and humble decision to step down from the office of Supreme Pastor of the Church. He clearly recognizes that his strength of mind and body as he ages is no longer adequate to sustain him in such an important ministry. I have no doubt that he came to this decision through much prayer and guided by the Holy Spirit.
We now entrust the election of a new Pope to the same Holy Spirit. This is Christ’s Church, and I have faith and trust that he will raise up a new Holy Father according to his own Sacred Heart. I pray for Pope Benedict XVI. May God be good to him and sustain him in his loving care.

The Holy Father is Retiring from the Papacy on February 28th.

The Holy Father is resigning from the Papacy. The official text of Our Holy Father's resignation.  

This is the first time in six hundred years. Things are changing at an alarming rate so please look at   The Church has been through this before.  The Holy Spirit is in charge of the Church.

The Holy Father says that that Church needs strength from a stronger leader in body and strength.

List of Living Cardinals

Cardinals from Canada, Nigeria and Ghana lead Papal betting.

We are thankful for the gift of Bishop Sample. 

Pray for Him and the Guidance of the Holy Spirit.

We need to pray for the Cardinals as they choose the new Pope.

This will happen at the end of the month.
This is a spiritual war that we all can feel.  Now we are called to be true soldiers for Christ.  This  is not a game and it is time to step it up.  We are in a time so special that it is amazing and hard to believe. Thank you dear friends for your deep faith.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bishop Sample "a teacher at heart" and the Future of Catholic Music in Oregon

The link regarding Bishop Sample's take on the Future of Catholis Music is at the bottom of the page.  



February 04, 2013
Archbishop-elect Sample discusses the liturgy, sex abuse scandals, social media, and more.

Archbishop-elect Alexander Sample, 52, will be installed as the 11th archbishop of Portland, Oregon on April 2, succeeding the Most Reverend John Vlazny.
Archbishop-elect Sample was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Marquette, located on the upper peninsula of Michigan, in 1990. He was consecrated Marquette’s bishop in 2006. At the time of his episcopal ordination, he was the youngest Catholic bishop in the US, and the first to be born in the 1960s.
Sample was born in Montana and grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada, and attended Catholic schools there. Although he had thought about a vocation to the priesthood while growing up, he initially decided to pursue a career in engineering. He earned his BS and MS degrees in engineering before opting to go to seminary.
As a priest, he served in a variety of diocesan roles, including acting simultaneously as pastor of three small parishes. The Diocese of Marquette serves 50,000 Catholics, and has 55 active diocesan and religious order priests. The Archdiocese of Portland, by contrast, has 415,000 Catholics and 294 priests (including retired priests). It encompasses western Oregon.
Sample is known for his orthodoxy and fondness for a more traditional liturgy. And, according Marquette’s Director of Communications Loreene Koskey, Archbishop-elect Sample is “personable, intelligent, well-spoken, and likes to meet and talk with people.” She added that the promotion of Pope Benedict’s New Evangelization has been a hallmark of Archbishop-elect Sample’s episcopacy.
Sample recently spoke to CWR.
Archbishop-elect Alexander Sample (Courtesy Diocese of Marquette)
CWR: Were you surprised to discover that you’d been named archbishop of Portland?
Sample:Yes. The appointment of bishops is a process that is carried out in strict confidentiality. I had no idea I was being considered for Portland; the nuncio’s call to me informing me I had hit me out of the blue. It was quite a shock; it seems a little surreal.
It’s going to be a huge change, not only geographically but in terms of added responsibility. But I’m also excited. I’m inspired by challenges.
It is going to be hard to say goodbye to Marquette. It’s my home. I’ve served here 22 years as a priest, and seven as a bishop. I’m not an emotional person, but saying goodbye will be emotional.
CWR: Before your appointment, had you ever been to Portland before?
Sample:My father took me fishing there as a boy. Until my appointment, I had not been back as an adult. It’s funny, my mother and sister and I were thinking last year about going on vacation to Portland and Seattle.
CWR: The Archdiocese of Portland is home to Oregon Catholic Press, which produces missals and liturgical music materials used by two-thirds of our country’s Catholic churches. You have developed an interest in the liturgy—in fact, you’re writing a pastoral letter on the topic. Can you share with us some highlights of that letter?
Sample:Yes. It is on pastoral music, and is just being released. We just hired a new director of sacred music, and this will be his road map. It will be my last contribution to the life of the Church in Marquette.
In this letter I discuss the liturgical movement of the Church, what Vatican II said about liturgical music, documents released on the topic after Vatican II, as well as writings by popes about [liturgical music]. It is not my vision or my ideas; I try to present the Church’s vision.
It is clear that the Council calls for the liturgy to be sung. In recent decades we’ve adopted the practice of singing songs at Mass. We take the Mass, and attach four hymns or songs to it. But this is not the Church’s vision. We need to sing the Mass. It is meant to be sung. The texts of the Mass are meant to be sung.
The Church provides us with chant, which is integral to liturgy, and should inspire the music of the Mass. We need to get away from singing songs at Mass and return to singing the Mass. And Gregorian chant is best suited to the Mass. The new director I hired [in the Diocese of Marquette] will introduce chant. It will be a huge shift for the people.
I mean no criticism of our sacred musicians, who are very dedicated. It will be a shift for them as well.
And, in addition to Latin chant, we also need to introduce chant in English. Although the Second Vatican Council said that chant should be given “pride of place,”one rarely hears it in parishes. Music is an important part of celebrating the Mass. As Pope Benedict has said, if we get the music right, we’ll get the spirit of the Mass right.
CWR: Where have you seen liturgy and liturgical music done well?
Sample:The parishes I’ve visited have all different levels of quality of music. In my formative years, the liturgy at the Church of St. Agnes in St. Paul, Minnesota, led by Msgr. Richard Schuler (1920-2007), was outstanding. More recently, the liturgy and music at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception for the March for Life was spectacular.
CWR: You’ve been involved in ordinations for the Fraternity of St. Peter, which celebrates the traditional liturgy of the Roman rite. What do you like about the pre-Vatican II rite of the Mass, and will we be seeing more of it in Portland?
Sample:I appreciate the Tridentine liturgy. I am 100 percent a product of the Second Vatican Council, in that I grew up in its wake, and all my formation was post-Vatican II. Therefore, my fondness for the Tridentine liturgy is not based in nostalgia. Having been exposed to it, I’ve gained a great appreciation for it.
What sparked my interest in it was Pope Benedict’s 2007 motu proprio Summorum Pontificum [granting greater freedom to priests to celebrate the older form of the liturgy]. I thought, “I’m a bishop of the Catholic Church, and it’s my responsibility to know how to celebrate Mass according to both the new and old rites.” I’ve learned the Tridentine liturgy, and have since celebrated three Pontifical High Masses and Masses for the Fraternity of St. Peter and the Institute of Christ the King (in Florence, Italy).
I believe that Pope Benedict wants the Extraordinary Form of the Mass to influence liturgical reform, to lead to a reform of the reform, because in some areas we’ve gotten off track. He wants the pre-conciliar liturgy to help shape the new liturgy and help reconcile us with the past. If the Tridentine Mass was once beautiful, it cannot now be harmful.
The Tridentine Mass certainly has many strengths; for example, it clearly stresses the sacrificial nature of the Mass. It also draws many young people who did not grow up with it. They’re discovering their heritage and tradition. It’s providing them with something they’re not finding in the ordinary form. We need to pay attention to that.
When I arrive in Portland, I’ll find out the status of the Tridentine Mass, and see if there are stable groups who want it. As their archbishop, I’ll do what I can to make it available.
CWR: The Holy Father has encouraged the use of social media to promote the Faith. You tweet, do podcasts of your newspaper columns, and post videos on YouTube. What benefits have you personally seen in using new media to share the Gospel?
Sample:We’re reaching people where they are at. There are difficulties, as social media can be misused or overused, but this is a way people communicate today. This is where they are, and the Church needs to be there, breaking in to that world with the Gospel. I was initially reluctant to get involved with it, but I’ve been amazed to see all the people who are now following me.
Before it was announced that I was going to Portland, I had 1,200 Twitter followers. After the announcement, I had over 2,700. On my Facebook page, 880 people are friends. I use my Facebook page to share thoughts for the day, talk about the lives of the saints, or comment on things going on in the news. I even share some personal things, like some beautiful photos I took while mountain biking.
Social media has given me the opportunity to interact with people. I’m a teacher at heart, and I hope to teach them.
CWR: The Portland archdiocese declared bankruptcy in 2004, the first diocese to do so in the wake of the sex abuse scandals in the Church. Do you see Portland and other American dioceses moving away from this dark period in the Church’s history?
Sample:I’m optimistic. We’re going to have to live in the wake of what happened, and I hope it will lead to a purifying and strengthening of the Church. I was personally involved with meeting with the victims of sexual abuse and priests accused in the Diocese of Marquette. I served as the bishop’s representative. I can say it was heartbreaking.
When I hear people minimize the harm done to victims by saying something like, “That was 25 years ago, why bring it out now?”, I can say that you have no idea until you’ve spoken with these victims. Abuse is awful. What’s saddest is the spiritual damage done. The Church is supposed to be something people can trust, but an incident of abuse can destroy a victim’s faith. That, along with all the other harm done, is tragic.
But, I think we’re doing a good job providing a safe environment for children now. We’re taking steps to prevent abuse from happening again, and being careful to screen men who are candidates for Holy Orders to ensure that they’re healthy.
It is not a great consolation to me that the incidence of sexual abuse by priests is no higher than the general male population. Don’t we expect more from those who represent Christ in the priesthood? It is my hope that the Church going through the scandals will help expose the horrific nature of sexual abuse, bring the issue into the spotlight and create a ripple effect through society so we can eradicate this.
CWR: This year, you attended the March for Life in Washington, DC for the first time. How did it go?
Sample:I was moved beyond description. It was a most formative experience. I attended the Thursday evening vigil Mass in the Basilica, and saw the shrine filled with people, mostly young people. They filled every nook and cranny.
On the day of the march, there were 500,000 or more who took to the streets. We were there for a serious reason, but there was a great spirit among the people. I experienced charity and solidarity as I mingled with the crowd. I met people from all over the country.
Again, I was impressed by all the young people there. I’d say 75 percent were high school and college age. The younger generation gets it; they will lead to a change on this issue. They realize they are of an age when they could have been aborted. They’re going to change the world. They’re on fire.
CWR: You have been quoted as saying you’re ready to go to prison rather than comply with the HHS mandate regarding insurance coverage of contraception, abortion, and sterilization. If this mandate moves ahead as is, is it time for American Catholics to practice some courageous disobedience? [Editor’s note: This interview took place before the release of new proposed regulations regarding religious organizations and the HHS mandate.]
Sample:All the bishops have said that we cannot comply with this mandate. We’ll fight it at all different levels. Now, I don’t think it will come to us going to prison. We’re exploring a variety of different options, and then we’ll make a decision about what we’ll do. But we’ll fight it vigorously.
I take as my model St. Thomas More. He tried to do everything he could to avoid going to the gallows, without violating his conscience. But, when push came to shove, he was willing to die.
CWR: And, it’s important that conscience protection be extended to laymen running businesses as well, not just church-related institutions.
Sample:Yes. We want conscience protection extended to all. We’re not only fighting for Church institutions, but for the businessman or woman who shares our beliefs, yet is being forced to provide these services.
CWR: Fifty years ago, there were Catholic bishops who wouldn’t allow the then-Governor of New York, Nelson Rockefeller, to speak on Church property because of his highly publicized divorce and re-marriage. Fast forward to Fall 2012, the Alfred E. Smith Dinner in New York. A number of political figures at odds with Church teaching shared a friendly stage with Cardinal Timothy Dolan, including President Barack Obama, Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo, and journalist Chris Matthews. Do you think it’s time for bishops to return to a more aggressive challenging of public figures on key moral issues?
Sample:I have no comment on this dinner and Cardinal Dolan, but I do have something to say about the scandal factor. Scandal means that one person’s sin or failure to live up to the Gospel can cause others to stumble. When Catholic politicians fail to live up to the moral teachings of the Church, or fail to promote the true common good rooted in human nature and moral values, they cause others to stumble. People say, “They’re Catholic and they’re going against the Church’s moral teachings. Why can’t I?” That’s scandal.
Catholic politicians have a particular responsibility to uphold the moral teachings which are common to all human beings, fundamental moral principles that guide all human beings. There needs to be a strong challenge to them to live their Catholic faith privately and publicly.
CWR: You’ve put a lot of time and energy into promoting the cause for canonization of Bishop Frederic Baraga, the first bishop of Marquette. What impresses you about Bishop Baraga? 
Sample:First off, the cause for canonization of a particular person must be carried forward by the bishop of the diocese in which he or she died. I will do what I can in my remaining time in Marquette, but once I leave, it will be in the hands of my successor. However, I will do all in my power to support and promote the cause of Venerable Frederic.
I admire Bishop Baraga for his incredible zeal as a missionary priest and bishop. I think all priests and bishops need the example of someone like Frederic Baraga. He’s a perfect model for us, and I pray he is beatified. His life is such an inspiration.
I first discovered him when I was driving to visit the vocation director of Marquette, before I became a seminarian. In the town of L’Anse (northwest Michigan) there is a statue of Bishop Baraga holding a cross in one hand and snowshoes in the other. I said a prayer to him, asking him to intercede for me, that my meeting with the vocation director would go well. I admitted to him that I didn’t know too much about him (at that time!).
From that moment on, I’ve had a strong connection to him. When I was named that holy man’s successor, I went to his tomb to pray. I’ve been happy to move his cause along. He’s a powerful figure in the history of our Church, and a role model to us in the New Evangelization.

New Archbishop-designate Alexander Sample on clergy abuse, the Latin Mass and open conversation

Here is Bishop Sample's answers to questions put to him by the Oregonian.  We need to step up our prayers for his discernment because, in my opinion, there will be pressure put on him by the liberal guard in the Pastoral Center. 

For example, when I was speaking to Todd Cooper, Archbishop Vlazny's 'Special Projects' man regarding my questions as Director of Catholics for McCain/Palin in Oregon, he said that that "things are different in Portland", when referring to Rome as a guideline for Catholic votes.  Well, yes things are different in Portland, but our church is Catholic Mr. Cooper. Roman Catholic not Portland Catholic.

New Archbishop-designate Alexander Sample on clergy abuse, the Latin Mass and open conversation