
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Cardinals and Bishops and Priests, oh my!

I-5 Corridor isn't exactly the Yellow Brick Road, and the Chiles Center isn't the Emerald City, but it is the place to be the Tuesday after Easter Sunday.

At Archbishop Sample's Installation on Tuesday, April 2nd at 2pm, the presence of four Cardinals, tens of Bishops and of course many, many priests will be at the Chiles Center at the University of Portland for this event. 

We are blessed to have Archbishop Sample for our own.  Apparently many clerics are aware of him.

Directions to the Chiles Center at the University of Portland

Alert Please pray for Joyce Sample, the Archbishop's mother.  She has had a severe asthma attack and may not be able to attend her son's installation.  St. Blaise pray for her.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Note from Bill Diss and "Sex Toy Workshop and Soiree" by Planned Parenthood

"Forgive them Father for they know not what they do."  The Lord said this from the Cross and these words were repeated from a follower of Christ, Bill Diss, regarding his accusers.  In my conversation with Bill today he asked for prayers for the Principal, Vice-Principal and all the staff especially in this week when graces are flowing.  They really don't know what they're doing.

The School Resource Officer, a policewoman who escorted Bill out of Benson High School felt uncomfortable about the situation. Picking up on this, he had a calming moment explaining to her the significance the Feast of St. Joseph, March 19th, had for him.  This was also the day our new Holy Father gave his first mass. 

One thing you'll notice about Bill Diss is his unwavering faithfulness to the Truth of Christ.  He was discerning about whether to take his three hundred and fifty plus hours for disability leave and just forget all about this mess.   With deep conversation with the Lord, it came to him that he had it good in his life: a house to come home to, a dear wife and family in that home and his dog.  Most of his students didn't ever have that in their lives.  He had to stay and fight for them.

From Bill Diss to all:


Thank you for your help.  As you can imagine I am being pulled in many directions.  It is so rare that a teacher is dismissed before the end of a contract and then walked out by the police.  It really shows the power of Planned Parenthood and how it is so important for Portland Public Schools to cater to Planned Parenthood.  Unfortunately Planned Parenthood plans are working well.  A few weeks ago there was bad incident at school where police were involved and with children having sex in one of the rooms at school.

I am enclosing an article that was published on March 20, 2013 by American Life League.  Again and again thank you for your support.

God Bless,

from this article "......Let us not forget, Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette is the same organization that is behind the disgusting video websiteTake Care Down There that features skits with such titles as “Horse Penis Virus,” “Bring your sister,” “I didn’t spew,” “Hot & heavy,” “Let me do me,” “Threesome,” and the “Down There Song.”
This is the influence that Mr. Diss is fighting. And this is what he has been harassed, and summarily dismissed, for fighting. If you are an Oregon resident who is concerned about this huge injustice, contact your state legislators and the state board of education and pass this information along to them, asking that they help right this horrible wrong. In addition, please pass this information along to other residents of Oregon and ask them to take action."

Planned Parenthood values. Why are they allowed in the schools?Why are we spending tax dollars to abort babies at their clinics?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Bill Diss Escorted from High School by Police

Oregon Teacher Escorted From High School By Police For Opposing Planned Parenthood in Classroom

Bill Diss is national news because of his poor treatment by the liberals in Portland and their love of Planned Parenthood. Notice the Archdiocese of Portland has done nothing for him.

Maybe the new Archbishop will have the courage to fight Planned Parenthood and lose the "friendship" of the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Churches (EMO) who are so rabidly for abortions and the sexualization of the young.

We are part of the problem in Oregon because we have given a green light to this alliance because we support EMO.

Thanks Bill for sticking your neck out for the kids. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Archbishop Sample's Farewell to Marquette

Archbishop Sample's farewell: They all came out to say farewell to the man who touched so many lives in the Upper Peninsula

Archbishop Sample's Reaction on Pope Francis

Archbishop Sample's Reaction on Pope Francis

Friday, March 15, 2013

East meets West for the new Pope...a Healing of the Great Schism

» 03/15/2013 15:51

For the first time since the Great Schism an Ecumenical patriarch is to attend the new pope's inaugural Mass.

The metropolitans of Argentina and Italy will accompany Bartholomew. Moscow Patriarchate hopes in closer cooperation with Rome but excludes for now a meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill.

Istanbul (AsiaNews) - The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I will attend Pope Francis's inaugural Mass. The Ecumenical Patriarchate Press Office informed AsiaNews about the decision, noting that this is the first time such an event occurs since the Catholic-Orthodox split in 1054, an important sign for Christian unity.

The ecumenical patriarch will be accompanied by Ioannis Zizioulas, metropolitan of Pergamon and co-president of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Church, as well as Tarassios, Orthodox Metropolitan of Argentina, and Gennadios, Orthodox Metropolitan of Italy.

Relations between Catholics and Orthodox have been improving since the Second Vatican Council through mutual visits, acts of friendship and theological dialogue.

Under Benedict XVI, the dialogue picked up in earnest after a lull. In trying to promote it, the pope suggested ways to express the primacy of Peter's successor that could be acceptable to the Orthodox, finding his inspiration from the undivided Church of the first millennium.

Catholic ecumenism has met however with great resistance from the Russian Orthodox Church and the Moscow Patriarchate, seat of the 'Third Rome'.

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church's Department for External Relations, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, said on Thursday that a meeting between the pope and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow was "possible but the place and timing will depend on how quickly we will overcome the consequences of the conflicts from the turn of 1980s and 1990s".

The issue of the Ukrainian Catholic Church is at the core of the "conflicts" to which Hilarion was referring. Although it was unbanned following the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was left without its original churches, which had been seized by the Communists under Soviet rule and later transferred to the Orthodox Church.

Still, "on several occasions, Pope Francis has shown spiritual sympathy towards the Orthodox Church and a desire for closer contacts," Hilarion said.

It is his hope that under the new pontificate "relations of alliance will develop and that our ties will be strengthened."

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pope on a Bus.....Tri-Met for Oregon Priests and Seminarians?

Cardinal Dolan: “So we take the buses over and cardinals kind of wait outside to greet the new Holy Father as he comes back to Doma Santa Marta…and as the last bus pulls up, guess who gets off the bus? Pope Francis”

With a Pope on the bus when he lived in Buenos Aires doing his own cooking, etc., what will become of the cart of Starbucks, cookies and Lindor Truffles, that graced the Archdiocese of Portland when I was allowed upstairs.

Regarding his living in Buenos Aires...

"We live in the most unequal part of the world, which has grown the most yet reduced misery the least," he said during a gathering of Latin American bishops in 2007. "The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers."

Meanwhile, analysts say, he has generally tended to accent growth in personal holiness over efforts for structural reform. (bye bye CCHD VOCAL)

Since becoming archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998, Cardinal Bergoglio has created new parishes, restructured the administrative offices, taken personal care of the seminary and started new pastoral projects, such as the commission for divorcees. He has mediated in almost all social or political conflicts in the city; the newly ordained priests are described as "the Bergoglio generation"; and no political or social figure misses requesting a private encounter with him."  Catholic Sentinel...who knew.

We could all take Pope Francis' simple life to help our own.  God Bless you Holy Father.

Surprise! Pope Francis - the First Jesuit and from Latin America

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the new Pope of the Catholic Church

“Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Good evening.

As you know, the duty of the conclave was to appoint a bishop of Rome, and it seems to me that my brother cardinals have chosen who is from far away. Here I am.

I would like to thank you for your embrace, also to the Roman Catholic Church and the bishops, thank you very much. And first and foremost, I would like to pray for our bishop emeritus, Benedict XVI

Let us pray together for him so that he is blessed by the Lord… [Our Father...][Hail Mary...][Glory be...]

Let us begin this journey together… this journey for the Roman Catholic Church. It is a journey of friendship, of love, of trust, and faith. Let us pray always for one another. Let us pray for the whole world. Let us have a big brotherhood.

I wish that this journey for the Church, which we will start today… will bear fruits for the evangelizing of this beautiful city.

I would like to offer you my blessing. But I would like to ask a favor first. I would like to pray to the Lord so that the prayer of the people blesses also the new pontiff. Let us pray in silence your prayer for me.”

"He has affirmed church teaching on homosexuality, though he teaches the importance of respecting individuals who are gay. He strongly opposed legislation introduced in 2010 by the Argentine Government to allow same-sex marriage. In a letter to the monasteries of Buenos Aires, he wrote: "Let's not be naive, we're not talking about a simple political battle; it is a destructive pretension against the plan of God. We are not talking about a mere bill, but rather a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God." He has also insisted that adoption by gays and lesbians is a form of discrimination against children. This position received a rebuke from Argentine president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who said the church's tone was reminiscent of "medieval times and the Inquisition". Austin Ruse

He loves the poor of this world, but NOT social programs.

Monday, March 11, 2013


"And the power went out from Him: the healing grace of the Eucharist"
The Healing Grace of THE EUCHARIST"
"...My God, I Believe, I Adore, I Hope, and I Love You..."
Friday, March 15 through Monday, March 18th.

Guest Speaker, Dr. Lynn Bissonnette will speak on:    Faith in Jesus the Divine Physician - Faith in the Eucharist 
    The Medicine for Eternal Life 
    Faith to Transform my Malformed Conscience 
    Evagrius, the Monk, whose Faith Changed the World
Diocese of Baker Powell Butte Retreat and Conference Center
14427 SW Alfalfa Road - Powell Butte, Oregon


Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Papal Two Weeks Notice - A Lesson in Urgency

by CM LeMark, MA Theology (an advisor of VOCAL)
If Our Lady of Lourdes had told the peasant girl Bernadette, "I am the Immaculate Conception" only three days later, Pope Benedict VXI would have made it exactly fourteen days before he hung up his miter. No doubt the culmination of months, perhaps years, of prayer and planning; Our Holy Father made a humble, wise and tactical decision to resign.

He gave his two weeks notice.

Why the hurry?  Why the timing? With a little bit of pondering, and understanding that he has been a present and proactive Pontiff for eight years, it is simple to see why he has chosen this course of action. Our Holy Father is protecting his flock.  He is protecting us all from the rapidity of evil that threatens to steal souls; from the human elements of the Church that have yet to be redeemed (even in her hierarchy); and the future Pontiff from isolation.

With the news of his resignation, the entire Church, indeed the world, was shocked.   From the Catholic school kid to the closest Cardinal aide, we were all in this one together. No advising. No politicking.  No distraction.

 In this rising tide of evil, there is no time to lose.

He knows that were he to become incapacitated mentally (from either disease, fatigue or age), that the powers that be around him would be the ones calling the shots.  Who knows how long he could be a figurehead of sorts?  What crisis would be allowed to take root and steal more souls?  Cardinals and Papal aides are not protected by the Holy Spirit with infallibility.  The last thing this "news-in-real-time world" needs is more confusion on the Catholic take on evil. He is hardly running from any type of noble suffering. Indeed, the "papacy involves prayer and suffering," he says in his letter, but he will do that without a miter regardless.

There is no time to lose.

He knows that the death watch of a pope, especially in perilous times as these, can take days, months and years. Facebook posts abound, a reality TV show could take root, and the twitter-verse is unrelenting.  As he deteriorates, the powers that be can plot, plan and negotiate dealings, and waste efforts trying to thwart the movement of the Spirit. There is no time to lose.

He knows that the prescribed period of mourning, the Papal Funeral Mass and the hobnobbing between heads of state, international players and Church officials cut deals and speculate on the Conclave ahead.  These required events alone, while incredibly beautiful, take weeks away from the careful navigation of this great Ark of the Church. In these times of rapid technology, history is in the making in real time, and millions witness that horror.  The waves are getting higher, the winds are stronger and jagged rocks are increasing…There is no time to lose.

He knows that by only giving two weeks, Cardinals from around the world are hustling and bustling to put their local affairs in order for a time of absence in their respective dioceses, to ready for the conclave.  The short time frame cannot eliminate deals, negotiations and the like, but when you are tight on time, you cut to the chase. A papal resignation with only two weeks notice gives the unavoidable politicking a restricted time limit.  When we humans are limited, it is then that the Holy Spirit can really do His stuff. There is no time to lose.

He knows that they can't even delay the conclave very long (for incognito deliberations) due to Holy Week! Right now, the College of Cardinals has to plan backwards, in a sense. They need to figure the most fitting and appropriate day for the Papal Mass, and plan before that.  This can't go on long.  Pope Benedict is telling his brothers in the College of Cardinals that there will be a new Pontiff by the third week of March.  There must be.  His Pontificate will begin in Lent. He will carry the Cross in the Coliseum. There is no time to lose.

He knows that the Vatican can be a very lonely place to be.  He knows that he  cannot entrust his innermost thoughts to those he lives with day to day; perhaps it is distrust or even the desire not to burden one with a weight he alone carries.  He knows that the evil that the next Pope faces will even be more horrific than he has confronted.  He knows the new Vicar of Christ must have what he doesn't have right now: physical strength and a friend. By resigning his papacy, and remaining in a cloister within the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI has ensured that  the new Roman Pontiff  will have both.

There is no doubt that the beautiful lady that little Bernadette Soubiroux saw in the grotto that day had a hand in all this. She is the bride, she is the mother.  She sees the present situation the Church finds herself in, and the tides that are coming in and no doubt gave the green light to our beloved Pontiff.  By his resignation, he has made the tactical decision to protect his flock by laying his life down for his friends.

Prayer for the Church from the Knights of Columbus.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Supreme Pastor of Your Church,
we thank you for the ministry of Pope Benedict XVI
and the selfless care with which he has led us
as Successor of Peter, and Your Vicar on earth.

Good Shepherd, who founded Your Church
on the rock of Peter’s faith
and have never left Your flock untended,
look with love upon us now,
and sustain Your Church in faith, hope, and charity.

Grant, Lord Jesus, in Your boundless love for us,
a new Pope for Your Church
who will please You by his holiness
and lead us faithfully to You,
who are the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Papal Nuncio to the US, the celebrant for Archbishop Sample's Installation Mass.

 Papal Nuncio to the United States , Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigan,  will be celebrating the Installation Mass of Archbishop Alexander K. Sample on Tuesday, April 2nd at the Chiles Center, Univeristy of Portland campus.   Everyone is welcome and the mass starts at 2pm. 

We are very blessed to have the Papal Nuncio in Oregon.  This seems to be a statement from Rome that Oregon is very important.  This is somewhat obvious because of all the attention to this spiritual wasteland with the gift of Archbishop Alexander K. Sample. 

Western Oregon is now, Sede Vacante along side of our Universal Church since recently have no Archbishop.  We await Archbishop Sample whom we know and our new Holy Father who we will soon.  This is a great time to be alive.  See you April 2nd.

Archdiocese of Portland's Last Lousy Legislative Loo-Loo, God Willing.

For the first time the Archdiocese of Portland has set a comprehensive legislative agenda for Oregon Catholics, but looks just like the Office of Justice and Peace's playbook, not much else.

There is legislation in the works to put same-sex marriage on the Oregon agenda but no mention of opposition to this at all.  Since the Archdiocese has long roots embedded in Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and their member churches which include the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (pro-homosexual activity) this doesn't surprise anyone.  I don't believe any anti-abortion policies are reflected in any of the churches.

Our last lobbyist for Oregon Catholic Conference was Roger Martin.  He apparently hasn't changed his pro-abortion position in the many years he represented the Archdiocese of Portland.  We desperately need a change in so many positions. 

Now the Office of Justice and Peace is again trying to look professional with this ad, when it is really just like the same old thing.  But...let's pray this is the last time.

We used to have an Office of Marriage and Family life to balance things out.

Archdiocese of Portland - Office of the Archbishop
2013 State Legislative Agenda

In the Catholic tradition, government has a positive role because of its responsibility to serve the common good, provide a safety net for the vulnerable, and help overcome discrimination and ensure equal opportunity for all.

In this tradition, and after consultation with the Board of Advisers of the Oregon Catholic Conference, the Archdiocese of Portland urges you to support its 2013 State Legislative Agenda by contacting your State Senators and Representatives


Star BEGINNING OF LIFE: OUR POSITION: In support of life and dignity, we oppose SB490, the effect of which would be to discourage clients from entering pregnancy resource centers.

BEGINNING OF LIFE: OUR POSITION: In support of life and dignity, we support SB553, which places restrictions on aborting unborn life after the 20th week.

HUMAN TRAFFICKING: LABOR TRAFFICKING/SEX TRAFFICKING (TEENAGE PROSTITUTION): OUR POSITION: Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forced labor. It violates the dignity of these victims. We support HB2021, which makes it illegal to traffic in illegal aliens.

We support HB2780 and HB2334, which makes it a crime to facilitate sex tourism and prostitution.

Star DEATH PENALTY: OUR POSITION: All life is sacred, including those on death row. We support HRJ1, submitting for the vote of the Oregon people a constitutional amendment to repeal and prohibit the death penalty.


EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT: OUR POSITION: The Catholic bishops have been strong supporters of the Earned Income Tax Credit for many years. This essential program assists workers and families raising children to provide the necessities of life. We support increased funding for EITC and urge support of SB507, HB2477 and SB326.

TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE TO NEEDY FAMILIES (TANF): OUR POSITION: We oppose any attempts to decrease funding for TANF or limit eligibility requirements so that TANF better serves families and individuals in need to help them make a successful transition to work and provide adequately for themselves and their family.

We urge our state legislature to restore cuts to TANF in the DHS budget, in particular JOBS Support Services, the 60-month time limit and cuts to funding for immigrants and refugees. We urge opposition to HB2055.

DEBT COLLECTION PROTECTION: OUR POSITION: The existence of a debt that is owed and past-due does not justify an unfair process or the imposition of a severe, unjust penalty. We support SB525/HB2826 to ensure a fair process and just results.

EMPLOYMENT-RELATED DAY CARE: OUR POSITION: We support Governor Kitzhaber's budget proposal to increase funding for employment-related day care. The Employment Related Day Care program low-income working families pay for child care. Progress against hunger requires broader efforts to reduce poverty, which includes removing obstacles to employment such as day care.

FORECLOSURES: OUR POSITION: We urge our state legislators to support foreclosure prevention initiatives that protect families at risk of losing their homes and ensure a fair process that protects a basic human right: shelter. We support SB73, SB367 and SB368.

WAGE THEFT: OUR POSITION: Wage theft is the illegal practice of not paying workers for some or all of their work. We support state policies that will strengthen protections and close loopholes in current employment law to guarantee that all workers are paid the wages they have legally earned. We support state policies that will ensure that enforcement mechanisms are effective at holding unlawful employers accountable. We encourage passage of HB2976, HB2977, HB3142 and SB573.

AFFORDABLE HOUSING: OUR POSITION: Communities and the government have an obligation to ensure the housing needs of all are met, especially poor and vulnerable people and their families. While we support the right to private property we do not support using this right to discriminate against poor and vulnerable people. We support SB410 prohibiting discrimination based on receiving particular Section 8 vouchers.


TUITION EQUITY FOR IMMIGRANT STUDENTS: OUR POSITION: The Tuition Equity Bill is about fairness to high school graduates who were brought to this country unlawfully through no fault of their own, since they came with their parents. Despite achieving their high school diploma, they have no options. HB2787 has passed. We encourage passage of SB10.

DRIVER LICENSE, DRIVER PERMIT OR IDENTIFICATION CARD TO PERSON ISSUED DEFERRED ACTION STATUS: OUR POSITION: We support HB3226, which authorizes the Department of Transportation to issue driver license, driver permit or identification cards to persons issued deferred action status (DACA) by United States Department of Homeland Security.

FARM WORKER HOUSING TAX CREDIT: OUR POSITION: Society must all do more to meet a shared obligation to provide safe and decent housing for all. We support HB2980/SB323 to encourage the creation and rehabilitation of affordable agriculture workforce housing ensures quality homes for vulnerable people by extending the Farm Worker Housing Tax Credit to 2020.


IDENTIFICATION AND DISCLOSURE OF CHEMICALS HARMFUL TO CHILDREN: OUR POSITION: Among the most vulnerable and most susceptible to the effects of environmental hazards are children. Because children may be exposed to environmental hazards at an earlier age than adults, even before they are born, they can develop slowly-progressing, environmentally-triggered diseases such as asthma, childhood cancer, mercury and lead poisoning. We urge support for HB3162 as the first step in increasing awareness of toxic chemicals in children's products.


Archdiocese of Portland | 2838 E. Burnside Street | Portland | OR | 97214

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bill Diss. Contract NOT Renewed, Out of a job, Having Chest Pains.,,. Planned Parenthood has lots of Tentacles.

I heard that Bill was having chest pains and had gone to the doctor today.
He got checked out, had an EKG, and his blood drawn. He said his heart enzymes were elevated, but that he is OK.
Let's keep praying for him and his family, as they go through this stressful time.
I hope I'm not speaking out of turn, but people are looking out for Bill and some have already given him some job know who you are .
Let's keep our eyes, ears, and mostly prayerful hearts open on this !
Thanks everyone!!  From Therese.

This note is from Therese who is with 40 Days for Life and more importantly in this case with Precious Children of Portland.  Thank you Therese for letting us know about Bill.
This is what being a "white martyr" is.  "White martyrdom" is when a Christian totally commits his life to God, uniting himself completely to God. Often "white martyrdom" involves tremendous suffering accepted and offered up to God in union with the cross of Christ." Michelle Arnold, Catholic Answers Apologist.
May we follow the example of Bill Diss this Lent..and go out on a limb for Christ. Bill is having a Lent that will make Easter so blessed.
"If anyone comes to me, I want to lead them to Him." --St. Edith Stein
Dear warriors for Christ,
Portland Public Schools decided last night at 11:00 pm not to renew Bill's teaching contract.

This is extremely sad news, BUT:
a) we're confident that Bill won't stop fighting, even if it's "just" to help keep the kids safe from PP,
and b) maybe God means for him to be elsewhere.
Am unsure of how we'll proceed from here, except that Bill said (before he knew the result) that we should keep on attending the Board mtgs.
Our heart goes out to Bill and his wife, and THANKS for all of your continued prayers !!