
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Papal Nuncio to the US, the celebrant for Archbishop Sample's Installation Mass.

 Papal Nuncio to the United States , Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigan,  will be celebrating the Installation Mass of Archbishop Alexander K. Sample on Tuesday, April 2nd at the Chiles Center, Univeristy of Portland campus.   Everyone is welcome and the mass starts at 2pm. 

We are very blessed to have the Papal Nuncio in Oregon.  This seems to be a statement from Rome that Oregon is very important.  This is somewhat obvious because of all the attention to this spiritual wasteland with the gift of Archbishop Alexander K. Sample. 

Western Oregon is now, Sede Vacante along side of our Universal Church since recently have no Archbishop.  We await Archbishop Sample whom we know and our new Holy Father who we will soon.  This is a great time to be alive.  See you April 2nd.


  1. You're more than welcome. Aren't we the blessed? He's Italian so the accent will make us feel like we're in Rome.


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