You are all such a gift to me and to our cause. I want to thank all of you again and again for your prayers, kind letters and support. It is so great know that there are many in the area and around the world that value life and purity and know that our God is a loving God and will heal all who beckon.
Administrative activity by the school district has increased and two weeks ago I received a 41 page letter stating that they are going to try and dismiss me. I have been on administrative leave after the principal, a vice principal, the director of human resources and a Portland police officer came and quickly ushered me out of my classroom on March 19, 2013
There will be some type of hearing that I will attend with my lawyer on June 12, 2013. Please pray for all of us on both sides of the table. The union has solicited the help of the law firm, McKanna Bishop Joffe, LLP, to fight my case.
I do ask for continued prayers for discernment. I have forgiven all at the district but some sort of closure appears necessary. We do need to fight the evil of abortion and forcing of sexual deviancy on our youth; I just want to make sure that is not vindictive.
On Monday June 17, 2013 we are asking everyone to come to PPS headquarters from 5:45 to 6:45 PM. We had around 200 on December 3, 2012 and I suspect there are many more out there who would love to be more involved in the movement for life and this is an excellent opportunity. The address is 501 N. Dixon St, Portland, Oregon and it is very near the Rose Garden. (map) Please call or write if you need rides, we could rent a school but or two.
Blessed are the peacemakers,for they will be called children of God.
(Mt: 5:12)
You are truly working for peace!
Added by VOCAL |
Planned Parenthood Education?
We often hear how Planned Parenthood educates the children. Here is a workshop they just had in Portland:
Two views of public school teachers:
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