VOCAL received this email yesterday. This is one Oregon Catholics opinion and experience. We are here to give people a voice for their observations that hinder our Faith.
You might consider posting the following, especially during November.
A Catholic Lament:
could do an interesting study as to how many people the former
Archdiocesan Superintendent of Catholic Cemeteries, Pat Balfe, fired, as
compared with the current Superintendent, Tim Corbett. You will find
that Pat probably never fired anyone, and that Tim has fired many.
people now-a-days just incompetent slobs, as compared to people in the
not-so-distant past? No. A new inhuman and diabolical attitude has
arrived. It is that people are now not considered anything but
expendable throw away items. They have lost their human dignity and
value through a new way of thinking which is spread throughout
corporations via Human Resources departments. “HR” departments only
seem to care about corporate profits and expansion. Their only interest
in workers is how they might be used to advance the profits and
expansions of their given corporations. They have no concern for the
worker as a person. “Human Resources” in the Portland Archdiocese works
in tandem with Tim Corbett to fire, fire, fire.
dismissive attitude toward workers certainly does not take into account
the Christian understanding that a worker (a person) is a creature
created in the Love of the infinite God, in His Image and Likeness, and
thereby is of an infinite value, and hence cannot be treated as
something to be used and discarded at a whim.
let us look again at the former Superintendent of Cemeteries, Pat
Balfe. Pat was a Catholic. Tim Corbett, the current Superintendent, is
not. There are striking differences between the two. It is not just a
matter of how efficiently a business is run. There is more to it than
that: there is the Catholic perspective, which shows great respect for
the living as well as the dead.
One really
cannot adequately respond in a cemetery situation, where you have people
coming in, in a highly emotional and perhaps vulnerable state who needs
someone to talk to about Catholic beliefs and burial practices, and not
be a Catholic. A Catholic is truly necessary for the job. And yet,
and yet…so many non-Catholics are hired for so many positions within the
Portland Archdiocese! This is part of the reason that the Faith is not
being adequately transmitted.
We truly need
to hire people who are actual practicing Catholics, who have letters
from their parish priests attesting to their good standing in the
Church. Catholics are needed who have a true Catholic heart and a true
Catholic way of looking at things; who have a knowledge of the Faith,
and a baptismal certificate.
Absolutely! So how do we get our Archdiocese to start doing things like good Catholics would?
ReplyDeleteThe Archdiocese of Portland has been under "oppression" from the "progressive Catholics". It will take patience for things to correct itself.
ReplyDeleteThe best thing to do is to write to the Archbishop, pray for him and give him list of names of good Catholics available to fill needed roles.
His address is
His Excellence Archbishop Alexander Sample
or write to the Vicar General Father Peter Smith
The Reverand Peter Smith
both at 2838 E. Burnside St
Portland, Oregon 97214-1895
You can make sure they get there just ask the post office.
They need prayers at the Archdiocese to make changes too.
God Bless.