
Friday, November 15, 2013

Guest Post from Pro-Life Action of Oregon

Here is a guest post.  N.B. (note well) that the Archdiocese of Portland's Office of "Life", Justice and Peace needs to represent a true understanding that it is a lack of promoting Divine Justice to save unborn babies and not economic justice that is the answer. This office gives monies to pro-abortion groups and that works against the the ultimate justice to succeed: Divine. VOCAL


Dear Pro-Life Friends,

Pro-Life Action of Oregon is dedicated to ending all abortion, no exceptions, no compromises.  In this context, I'm calling your attention to two recent developments.

Inline image 1


'This year his pitch to the religious is a little more tricky in light of the HHS mandate and other overtly secularist policies of his administration. Still, he could pull it off.  Recent polling suggests that he is on track to win the Catholic vote again.'
Search result for "Obama's Abortion Reduction Strategy".  This strategy is still in play. For those of you who are new to my alerts, back in 2008 I posted an analysis of Obama and the Catholic vote.  It may be a good time to read it again.

(2)  Matt Cato's Liberal Views Exposed
Inline image 2 Matt Cato - photo op.  (article link below)

Matt Cato, the Archdiocesan Director of Life, Justice and Peace, has some "abortion reduction" nuanced things to say:
  • Matt Cato on the government ending abortion - "...the church has an obligation to advocate for government aid [to end abortion].  If society can remove financial pressures, that will end the reason cited for 7 in 10 abortions." (In other words, he is dedicated to Obama's "abortion reduction strategy.")
  • In same article, Cato apologizes to liberal readers for being pro-life:   "I don't want anyone to think I want to limit legitimate rights, but where do we get to the point where we make individual choices for the good of a baby, for the good of the community?" Cato asks. (What is he saying, exactly??)
  • "He envisions a strong Catholic-led pro-life movement, in which people are inspired to protect all life not because of politics, but because of faith."  (He is unsure of the motivation of pro-lifers!)
Keep in mind that Matt Cato is in charge of your pocketbook (CCHD).
After reading the article, you can send an email to Matt Cato .
Send a letter to the Sentinel .


Nina Rhea, Director
Prolife Action of Oregon

Dedicated to exposing the Culture of Death

P.S.  I've sent a message to Mr. Cato pointing out his lack of citations for his claims.  I also call him out as an Obama Catholic and ask for his correction if I'm wrong.

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