
Friday, February 7, 2014

Living Catholic: Catholic Devotions by the Month.

"During the Middle Ages the public functions of the Church and the popular devotions of the people were intimately connected. The laity assisted at the daily psalmody, the sacrifice of the Mass, the numerous processions, and were quite familiar with the liturgy. Those few religious practices outside of official services, e.g. the Rosary (a substitute for the 150 Psalms) originated in the liturgy. Later, however, especially since the sixteenth century, popular devotion followed its own channels; unliturgical practices like the Stations of the Cross, the Quarant 'Ore, various litanies and rosaries (coronae), prevailed everywhere; novenas and series of Sundays and week-days in honour of particular saints or mysteries were instituted. Entire months of the year were given over to special devotions. Following is a list of the more common devotions." 

Thank you


  1. Anything that helps with understanding the Liturgical Year is necessary for our children to feel in their hearts.

    They even have cookbooks for each Liturgical feast day.

    We are blessed.

  2. Where did you get this image? Im tryign to find out who created it. Thank you


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