Oregon Catholic high schools listed as participants for the "Day of Silence" from GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) www.glsen.org leads us to into a world that we don't want to believe exists: young Catholic men and women being groomed for a life that includes active homosexuality and abortion in schools where they should be given spiritual tools necessary to overcome the "snares of the devil." The question is: Do they Truly Believe?
Jesus Christ isn't the Easter Bunny & Satan isn't Casper the friendly ghost!
Adults in charge, parent or teacher, lay or religious, have a Divine responsibility to the young, especially if they call themselves Roman Catholics and get paid with hard-earned Catholic dollars. These things have been going on for years. The secular is infiltrating our Church.
Maybe this two thousand year old Church isn't trendy enough, but trends come and go however, the "gates of hell" will not prevail against the True Church, the one founded by Our Lord and Savior. (We do still need one)
Christ Has Died, Christ Has Risen, Christ will Come Again
This is a wake-up call to those of us "old fashioned" types, who still believe in the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The "American" Catholic Church seems to be alive and well with its situational ethical teachings, but it's not Divine Truth.
We have to call this what Our Holy Father Pope John Paul II did "It is legitimate and necessary to ask oneself if this is not perhaps part of a new ideology of evil, perhaps more insidious and hidden, which attempts to pit human rights against the family and against man."
Connect the Dots - Follow the Links
(Remember: The Color Purple isn't to remind us of Oprah's movie)
Saint Mary's Academy www.stmaryspdx.org (click on news and events) presents:
Benefiting : St. Mary's Academy, Marylhurst University, Clackamas Women's Services, and Girls' Initiative Network.
• Play by Katherine Martin www.peoplewhodare.com - first at www.women.com and then www.ivillage.com following a merger.
• Look at the connection between SMA, Marylhurt, CWS and Girl's Initiative Network
Girls Initiative Network (GIN) www.girlsinitiativenetwork.org
Executive Director and staff
Girls’ Initiative Network
1233 SE Stark
Portland, OR 97214
Phone (503) 230-0054
• Annette Klinefelter annette@girlsinitiativenetwork.org
Annette is actively involved in local and national organizations focused on social justice, including WAND (Women in Action for New Directions), the National Organization for Women, and the Third Wave Feminist Majority Foundation.
• Anya Valsamakis anya@girlsinitiativenetwork.org She loves art and music and her special, Jasmine Santana, who lives with her. (VOCAL says, "I hope Jasmine is her cat")
FOR ABORTION & PRO-HOMOSEXUAL LINKS - These are links to Planned Parenthood sites. GO TO "GIRLS PLACE" AT www.girlsinitiativenetwork.org
• Just to get you started - www.girlhealth.org, www.scarleteen.org, www.melpomene.org
• Girls' Day at the State Legislature 2005. March 23, 2005
Special thanks to the Oregon Bus Project, The Coalition of Advocates of Equal Access for Girls, The League of Women Voters, and Act for Action for their efforts and commitment to make this an amazing day for Girls!
• http://www.busproject.org/ Liberal group seeking young voters. Supports same-sex "marriage" as does Stand for Children.
• League of Women Voter's Lobby against Pro-Life Legislation
• www.actforaction.org go to http://www.actforaction.org/a_leap_of_faith.htm Pro-Homosexual
• http://www.girlsinitiativenetwork.org/YouthCabaret.htm Featuring the http://www.churchofgirl.com/
School that have "Diversity" or "Multi-Cultural Clubs", usually have been infiltrated by the proactive homosexual lobby. For your information.
La Salle Catholic High School
The Multi-Cultural Club seeks to fulfill four main purposes:
1. To recognize and affirm diversity.
2. To promote a unified student body which accepts and appreciates the differences of all La Salle students.
3. To provide a forum and activities for students to address the issues of diversity.
4. To work together toward a greater community of understanding and enlightenment.
Jesuit Catholic High School
Elaine Ford,Counselor
Diversity Director
503.292.2663 ext.7418
Central Catholic High School
FORMS FOR THE 3RD ANNUAL TRI-COUNTY DIVERSITY CONFERENCE AT CATLIN GABLE SCHOOL ARE DUE TODAY. Cost is $10. A maximum of 16 students will be able to attend. Forms are available outside Russell Chamberlain ’s office, across from room 207.
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