Wednesday, May 11, 2005
SB1000 " A Crime Which Represents the Destruction of the World"
SB1000 " A Crime Which Represents the Destruction of the World"
Dear Advocates for Life,
The serious nature of SB100 is stated in the words from the Vatican. It is not alarmist to state that if this passes our world as we know it in Oregon will change dramatically.
Top Vatican Cardinal: Gay Marriage is "A Crime Which represents the Destruction of the World"
Gay Adoption "Destroy's the Child's Future" and is "An Act of Moral Violence Against the Child"
VATICAN, May 3, 2005 ( - On the first business day after meeting privately with newly elected Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo, gave one of the strongest statements defending the traditional family in recent memory. The Cardinal, who was reinstated in his post as President of the Pontifical Council for the Family which he held under Pope John Paul II just after the election of Pope Benedict, met with the Pope Friday and on Monday gave an extensive interview to Fides news service on the subject of homosexual 'marriage'.
Homosexual 'Marriage'
Cardinal Trujillo said parliaments which "open the way for same sex 'marriage' . . . destroy piece by piece the institution of the family the most valuable heritage of peoples and humanity." He explained, "In these unions there are no promises for the partners or for the children, no stability, nothing before society or God, but they demand all the benefits of authentic marriage."
Homosexual Adoption
Asked about allowing same sex couples to adopt children, the Cardinal answered, "This would destroy the child's future, it would be an act of moral violence against the child."
He said, "They say that children adopted by two people of the same sex are very happy. A child may be for a couple of years but when the child reaches the age of reason, when he grows up and becomes a young adult, how tragic it will be for him to let his friends know that his 'parents' are two women or two men? This situation endangers the child's personality, balance, harmony."
No Unjust Discrimination
The head of the Pontifical Council for the Family also repeated the Church's teaching that homosexual persons are to be treated with respect., but added that they should be assisted as far as possible to overcome their disordered inclinations. "As I have said many times, homosexual peoples must be respected, loved and assisted. We must help them overcome this situation if they seriously want to and help them realise that there is not only life on earth, there is another life. The Church does not wish to see these 'couples' suffer discrimination, or humiliation, jeered at or treated without respect. They are human persons and we must love them. It is false to say that the Church does not love these people. She loves them and wants to lead them to eternal salvation."
Duty to Refuse to Participate
Cardinal Trujillo also spoke of conscientious objection. "This means a person can use his or her right to object out of conscience and refuse to comply with this crime which represents the destruction of the world."
The Cardinal went further noting a duty to refuse to participate in homosexual unions comparing it to the duty of Christian doctors "who refuse to carry out abortions". He said, "All Christians, including state employees, have a duty to avail themselves of conscientious objection because the law of which we are speaking inflicts a deep moral wound on the Christian faith."
Countries Which Would not Tolerate Conscientious Objection Denounced
"It would be pure totalitarianism if a person were sacked for conscientious objection." The strong condemnation would already apply to certain Canadian provinces where, while ministers of religion are not forced to perform homosexual 'marriages' as of yet, civil marriage ministers are required to under pain of job loss.
Read this important interview in full here:
See related coverage:
Editorial - The Real Reason Why Christians Oppose Same-Sex Marriage
Your Rights As Parents Will Erode
Parents kicked out of 'gay day'
Concerned mom tried to videotape event
Two parents who objected to a Massachusetts high school's homosexual-awareness day were expelled from the campus after a mother began videotaping a session.
Brian Camenker, an activist who has a son at Newton North High School in Newtonville, Mass., and Kim Cariani, mother of two students, said four police officers and the school principal warned they would be charged with trespassing if they didn't leave the campus Wednesday.
A distraught Cariani told the Boston Herald she believes the school's "To BGLAD: Transgender, Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Awareness Day" has no place in the curriculum.
"It's against my religion," she said. "It's morally wrong and forced in a child's face."
Camenker said the event, with assemblies and workshops such as "Out at the Old Ballgame'' and "Color Me Queer," was intended to make students feel good about homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism.
"This is so incredibly objectionable," he said, according to Concerned Women for America. "The parents are so outraged that this is being pushed on their kids that they don't know what to do. To use children's minds this way without even letting the parents know is horrible."
As WorldNetDaily reported, Camenker's Article 8 Alliance is a pro-family Massachusetts group seeking to unseat the four Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court justices for the Nov. 18, 2003, decision that led to legalization of same-sex "marriage."
The school did not send home a note to parents about the event, a Newton North spokeswoman acknowleged to CWA's Culture & Family Institute. But she said the event is listed on the school's website and in calendars at the beginning of the year, and some e-mails were sent out.
While the event was not mandatory, she said, "Classes are scheduled to attend various workshops, but if students are uncomfortable or their parents are uncomfortable, the students can instead go to the library."
Camenker and Cariani, who kept her two children home that day, were in the audience when adults on a panel discussed being homosexual. The video recording began when one man told students he was attracted to his sister's husband.
The principal demanded Cariani turn over the videotape or leave, Camenker told the Herald. District policy prohibits taping or photographing students without parental permission.
"They took the two of us and pulled us out and gave us one minute to leave and if we came back on the property we would be arrested for trespassing," Camenker said.
A local newspaper columnist, Tom Mountain of the Newton Tab, also was barred from the assembly "for the safety and security of the children."
Camenker told CWA he sent a copy of the event schedule to the school superintendent and all eight school board members prior to the event, advising them that parents would be at school that day monitoring activities.
At a "gay day" two years ago, Camenker said, a 20-year-old male wearing a dress spoke to students, telling them he was taking female hormones but hadn't yet had his penis cut off
Last year, a boy was suspended for making fun of another boy who came to school in makeup and a dress.
Schools in Newton, the hometown of openly homosexual Democratic Rep. Barney Frank, adopted a "Respect for Human Differences Mission Statement" in 2001, which in part says: "The Newton Public Schools will provide a climate that actively promotes social justice where children perform at the highest levels," listing amont the "human differences" sexual orientation.
The school district also is committed to multiculturalism, stating, "Effective multicultural education suggests a re-examination of the history, social constructs and dynamics related to race, class, gender, ethnicity, economics, and culture that impact curriculum and instruction. Multicultural education includes rigorous curriculum and inclusive teaching that challenges all students and staff. We are committed to developing a philosophy of multicultural education that can be infused across transformed curricula."
Camenker's Article 8 Alliance supports a Parents Rights Bill in the new Massachusetts Legislature that would change attendance rules to make sex-related programs and courses "opt-in" instead of "opt-out" and would include all school programs and activities.
Massachusetts taxpayers pay about $1.5 million annually for a Gay and Lesbian Youth Commission that aggressively promotes homosexuality in public schools and helps schools create "Gay/Straight Alliances," student clubs that press for acceptance of homosexuality.
The school's website notice about "To BGLAD" includes the long-discredited "fact" that one in 10 students is homosexual, CWA says. Most researchers place the population at only about 1 percent.
Camenker said he is working on a plan to bring in former homosexual Stephen Bennett to speak to students about overcoming homosexuality.
An outline of Wednesday's event on the district's website included these descriptions of these sessions:
•"A Day in the Life: Statistically one in ten students at this school are (sic) not straight. Teenage life is complicated enough, but how does it differ for Gay/ Lesbian/ Bisexual/ Transgender (GLBT) teens? Come to this panel and find out."
•"Student Speakout: Newton North students read original pieces about GLBT issues."
•"Life Outside the Gender Norm: What happens when ones (sic) gender identity does not match their sex? In this session, speakers will talk about their experiences with gender identity and expression."
•"Out at the Old Ballgame: Athletes and coaches discuss what it’s like to be GLBT in the gym, on the field, and on the road."
•"Family Matters: What does it mean to be a family? What discriminations and legal obstacles do queer families face? Children and parents discuss living with queer family members."
•"GBLT What's in a Name: What is homophobia? heterosexism? Why is there a ToBGLADay? In this interactive presentation, we will use activities to provide the groundwork for talking about GBLT issues."
•"Color Me Queer: A panel discussion of race, culture, and sexual identity."
Please call your state Senator and ask them to vote NO on SB1000.
In Salem call 503-986-1187 outside of Salem call 1-800-332-2313 Please pass this info on.
Pray for MERCY MERCY MERCY for our state.
Sign up for Email Alerts from the Oregon Christian Coalition.
Oregon Voters said One Man and One Woman is a Marriage
It is the policy of Oregon, and its political subdivisions, that,
only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid and legally recognized as a marriage."
1.5 million out of 2.3 registered Oregon Voters approved this language on 2 November 2004. That is 66 a percent margin. Thousands of Oregonians obtained signatures to put the measure on the ballot.
Oregon Governor Proposes Same Sex Marriage Legislation
Senate Bill 1000 would amend Oregon's Existing Laws to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation...It amends ORS Chapter 106 to create civil unions.
Senate Bill 1000 would amend Oregon's Existing LAWS to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation....It amends ORS Chapter 106 to create civil unions... Senator Kate Brown (D-Portland); Frank Morse (R-Albany), Ben Westlund (R-Tumulo) and Alan Bates (D-Ashland) sponsored the bill.
A full copy of the Legislation is provided for your review. Read the highlighted sections in the context of the surrounding wording (Senate Bill 1000 - TA)
The Legislature wants to Compromise
Even though the Voters spoke, we once again find our Legislators wanting to listen to special interest groups. The special interests have the ability and the money to continue their assault and promote their agenda. Senate Bill 1000 is compromise legislation and goes FAR beyond same sex marriage.
We the people need to start reminding the Legislators they represent all the citizens and not the special interests and their agenda. There is no compromise when it comes to sovereignty, the definition of marriage, the education of our children, and the pursuit of our life, liberty, and happiness.
If the special interests want legislation, they need to initiate a petition, gather the signatures, and present their case to the Oregon voters. We the People will then decide by majority vote, as was the case in November 2004.
We the People have Spoken and said NO!!
What You Need to do NOW!!
Please contact the Governor's Office and the Oregon Legislature and express your opinion.
Governor's Office: 503-378-3111
In Oregon, we probably have a homosexual couple in our family or groups of friends instead of a black friend or family member. We know there is a difference in discrimination that doesn't warrant the same "protections", but these relationships make words from the Vatican hard for some to take and want to reject. True Church teaching which protects us ALL has been shoddy and many times totally wrong. As Catholics, we are called to learn the WHY's our Roman Catholic Church teaches what She does.
• Active/practicing homosexuals say that they discriminated against. What I see is that they are "preferred". In Hollywood, on Home and Garden Television, Antiques Roadshow, in magazines, etc.
• There is a freedom they have in "Gay parades" to make fun of things we hold dear. In fact, the parades cannot even be shown in total because of how offensive they are.
• The millions, maybe billions of dollars spent on HIV/AIDS research etc, because of the homosexaul lifestyle and activity isn't lacking. The ACLU even wants to allow contaminated gay sperm banks to continue.
• Where are the homosexual "ghettos"?
If these "behaviors" are becoming protected, is it far-fetched to predict a time our children are not safe because of the new set of laws? Let us protect those that really need the protection.
God made us - "fearfully, wonderfully". We can change the chemicals in our brain by behaviors and in our bodies by what we eat. HOWEVER, we still have our "essence" of our Creator which will be at odds with the bad habits and behaviors we have chosen. NOTHING EXTERNAL can change this INTERNAL essence. We have to conform to our Creator for true PEACE.
This existence is only temporary, we are concerned with Eternal Life with Jesus Christ. These "social experiments" lose many souls, permanently. Marriage is between a Man and a Woman. It was created as a social unit to preserve the human race, in body and soul. We are our brother's keeper.
This battle came to us, our freedoms are at stake. We don't have the money or connections i.e. the Governor (Catholic?) of our state that the homosexual lobby does, but we do have True Love on our side.
May God have Mercy on Oregon and Strengthen Us In This Battle,
"Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but what is worse, as many masters as he has vices." St. Augustine, City of God
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Member of Catholic Media Coalition:"In line with the Church, online with the world."
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