
Friday, October 23, 2009

The CCHD in ARCHDPDX Keeps Rolling Along.....

Over the past six years you've been educated regarding ACORN/Saul Alinsky type groups that faithful Oregon Catholics have contributed to. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) November collection has sustained and built up anti-Catholic groups with Catholic collection plate money.

NEW!! Catholic Media Coalition video on CCHD
Catholic Media Coalition CCHD Video

Stephanie Block from Catholic Media Coalition and Los Pequenos, New Mexico, put this together for a more historic view of the crime CCHD has become. She came out here two years ago and gave three workshops around Oregon for VOCAL.

Thanks for this Al.....

Both of these videos are on in full. Also archived e-news.
We have no input on how these groups are selected?
Whos' on this committee?
Is there conflict of interest?
Have these groups really helped?
We need to have Mary Jo Tully the Chancellor and overseer of the Office of Justice and Peace and the CCHD answer these questions. There is a wall of secrecy against the laity. ACORN itself might not be a "name" of the groups that we're giving to, but these groups ARE community organizations that are NOT Catholic and can be anti-Catholic.

It's time to THINK and ACT. The CCHD is like the United Way. The bureacracy is costing more than the cure. Too much money is going for administration and seemingly with another agenda than truly serving the poor. Let's give to local or national or international groups that WE CHOOSE. Most of these people don't have families or even have to really work for their money. They have plenty of benefits and a good salary at our expense. Time for a REALITY CHECK.

You can look up for yourselves what has been given over the years for our money. The VOCAL archives has many listed.

God Bless you and yours,

Question. How can we spread the Good News the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is just the good news of "FREE MONEY FROM THE USEFUL CATHOLICS". From the CCHD website.
CCHD is fully committed to protecting and carrying out our essential mission “to bring good news to the poor, liberty to captives, new sight to the blind and to set the downtrodden free” (Luke 4). That was Jesus’ mission on earth and that is CCHD’s mission today.

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