
Friday, October 9, 2009

The Monsignor, the Martini and the Better Business Bureau

Our Mission from Christ: "Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and simple as doves." Matthew 10:16

Dear Advocates for Life,

Christ calls for a heightened sense of discernment. Especially these days, we cannot lose our ability to discern truth from error but also to discern wolves from sheep. The aging population needs our protection. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

The rush to get House Bill 3200 through the U.S. House and Senate before the August recess didn't happen. The fear of "death panels" for the elderly was partly the reason. The Associate Press interviewed Monsignor Charles Fahey, Chairman of the Board of the National Council on Aging, an "advocacy" group for the elderly that's been around for decades with him at the helm in some capacity since the '60's. Monsignor Fahey is apparently in favor of rationed health care for the elderly and his comment on the end of life issues, in my opinion, doesn't show proper advocacy for them or Catholic Church teachings.

"What I have said is that if I cannot say another prayer, if I cannot give another hug, and if I cannot have another martini - then let me go."
Monsignor Charles Fahey

Is Monsignor Fahey's seeming cavalier attitude on life and his mission as a priest of Christ a loss of discernment: "MARTINI" instead of THE MASS?

A "buddist" leaning blogger shows how he picked up on this loss of discernment. Monsignor Fahey's statements were damaging to the Roman Catholic Church's truth on life furthering error to Catholics and non-Catholics. (VOCAL's comments in RED.)

Pulling the Plug on Grandma

Joseph Hoffman Catholic Confusion
"Unfortunately his view (Fahey) is not the view of his Church (bingo). For all his touted gifts and charisma, John Paul II turned the Catholic Church into a single social doctrine: respect for life from conception to natural death (Church teaching for two thousand years). His legacy is an endless debate over what constitutes “natural” death in a culture that values physician assisted prolongation of suffering but finds physician assisted end-of-life care abhorrent ("End of life care?" It's legalize ASSISTED MURDER in Oregon). What we remember of that legacy is the image of Terri Schiavo, her cognitive faculties shattered (her devoted family would argue that), and a depleted John Paul himself , one not clinging to life but having life imposed by a machine (Terri was not on a machine but starved to death), the other clinging to power as a symbol of the martyrdom of suffering (unbelievable anti-Catholic judgemental ignorance regarding power...replace Martyrdom used here negatively, with joining the True Dignity of any suffering with Christ)
No one bothered to tell them that the Christian martyrs didn’t die that way (ignorance repeated, Christian martyrs of any era died obeying the Commandments of Christ, machines or not) and had no access to the extraordinary benefits of technology and life-prolonging medicines. There was nobility in neither death. Whatever lesson was being taught was being promoted by false analogy........Thank God for priests like Father Fahey" end

Sadly this blogger's understanding of Monsignor Fahey's "progressive" anti-Catholic view on death, in my opinion, is shared by many, and the Associated Press regarding the elderly, doesn't have Real Catholics interviewed but Veneer Catholics expressing life and death opinions).

The Church's understanding "suffering" will be discussed in the Catholic Medical Associations 78th Annual Educational Conference, Oct. 24- 28th in Springfield, Illinois - "The Theology of Suffering". Their overview of this concept is shows purity and dignity.
Which seems to be lost on our blogger and the monsignor.

"Suffering is an intrinsic part of the clinical encounter, and of our experience of illness, injury and our journey toward death. Suffering is also an inescapable dimension of the mystery of salvation. Though suffering confronts each one of us as a difficult challenge, we also know that it can, and should, call forth loving care, excellence in treatment and research, and human solidarity."

Dear Monsignor Fahey,                                              October 7, 2009

With all due respect, your recent comments regarding supporting  a health care reform bill concerned me.   It brings to my mind a question of your true advocacy for the elderly and the Church.

There would be panels to determine what would be covered or not: rationed care.  We have this in Oregon with the Oregon Health Plan. This coupled with a proposed drop of half a trillion dollars in the care for the elderly should concern you.  Also, the elderly in Oregon WOULD be counseled regarding assisted suicide as a choice, since it is LEGAL in Oregon.

 As a priest you should be aware that your words carry weight.  The final bill isn't completed and so even abortion could be broadened.  With so many things up in the air it doesn't seem prudent for you to condone this ghost legislation.

It also concerns me you say as a priest, if you couldn't have a martini that would mean life wouldn't be worth living for you. 

"What I have said is that if I cannot say another prayer, if I cannot give another hug, and if I cannot have another martini - then let me go."

As a priest, it would be have been more comforting if you had said "celebrating mass" would be one the main reason in making life so uncomfortable you'd like to be "let go", although the Lord will take you when he wants.  Unless you've given up these tenets of the faith.

Also, I suggest your main focus on the National Council on Aging, is getting correct information on the impact to the elderly of this health care "reform", get the Councils finances in order (check the Better Business Bureau)  and revisit the “Theology of Suffering”.  There is a conference that would guide you back to Church teaching.
Catholic Medical Association
Better Buiness Bureau Charity Review

Maybe you should not use your Catholic titles when speaking for the Council on the Aging until these issues are addressed.

May God Bless you,


Better Business Bureau Charitable Network

BBB Wise Giving Report for National Council on Aging
BBB Wise Giving Report issued May 2009
BBB Wise Giving Report expires May 2011

Five Standards for Charity Accountability.

Standard 7: Board Approval of Written Report on Effectiveness - Submit to the organization's governing body, for its approval, a written report that outlines the results of the aforementioned performance and effectiveness assessment and recommendations for future actions.

· NCOA does not meet this Standard because although it has produced a written effectiveness assessment report, the report did not include recommendations for future actions and was not submitted for approval to the board of directors.

Standard 12: Detailed Functional Breakdown of Expenses - Include in the financial statements a breakdown of expenses (e.g., salaries, travel, postage, etc.) that shows what portion of these expenses was allocated to program, fund raising, and administrative activities. If the charity has more than one major program category, the schedule should provide a breakdown for each category.
NCOA does not meet this Standard because the organization's 2008 financial statements do not include a breakdown of natural expenses (e.g., salaries, travel, postage, etc.) that shows what portion of these expenses was allocated to program, fund raising, and administrative activities.
Standard 14: Budget - Have a board-approved annual budget for its current fiscal year, outlining projected expenses for major program activities, fund raising, and administration.
NCOA does not meet this Standard because the budget information provided by the organization does not clearly identify the projected amount to be spent on administrative activities.
Standard 16: Annual Report - Have an annual report available to all, on request, that includes: (a) the organization's mission statement, (b) a summary of the past year's program service accomplishments, (c) a roster of the officers and members of the board of directors, (d) financial information that includes (i) total income in the past fiscal year, (ii) expenses in the same program, fund raising and administrative categories as in the financial statements, and (iii) ending net assets.

· NCOA does not meet provision (d)(iii) of this Standard because its annual report does not identify its total end of year net assets

Standard 18: Privacy for Written Appeals & Internet Privacy - Address privacy concerns of donors by (a) providing in written appeals, at least annually, a means (e.g., such as a check off box) for both new and continuing donors to inform the charity if they do not want their name and address shared outside the organization, (b) providing a clear, prominent and easily accessible privacy policy on any of its websites that tells visitors (i) what information, if any, is being collected about them by the charity and how this information will be used, (ii) how to contact the charity to review personal information collected and request corrections, (iii) how to inform the charity (e.g., a check off box) that the visitor does not wish his/her personal information to be shared outside the organization, and (iv) what security measures the charity has in place to protect personal information.
NCOA does not meet provisions (b)(ii) and (iv) of this Standard since the privacy policy on its website,, does not include how to contact the charity to review personal information that the organization has collected about the individual and how to request corrections. The privacy policy also does not state what security measures the charity has in place to protect personal information provided by visitors.
NCOA meets the remaining provisions of this Standard.

In addition, the BBB Wise Giving Alliance requested but did not receive complete information on the organization’s finances and solicitation materials and is unable to verify the organization's compliance with the following 2Standards for Charity Accountability: 13 and 15.


Chief Executive : James P. Firman, President and CEO

Chair of the Board: Msgr. Charles Fahey
Chair's Profession / Business Affiliation: Priest

Board Size: 14
Paid Staff Size: 66

* 2007 salary Can you DISCERN where the TIP OF THE ICEBERG IS GOING?

NCOA aims to bring together non-profit organizations, businesses and government to develop solutions that improve the lives of all older adults. NCOA works with organizations across the country to help seniors live independently, find jobs and benefits, improve their health, live independently and remain active in their communities. The five impact areas in which NCOA focuses their efforts for all older adults, with special focus on those who are disadvantaged and/or vulnerable are: healthy aging, to improve health and reduce disability; workforce development to increase participation in meaningful and rewarding work; civic engagement, to increase community service that enriches participants and is productive for society.; access to benefits to increase access to public and private benefits and resources; and long-term services and supports to enhance capacity to live in communities with dignity, choice and financial security.


We are going to learn just HOW far our discernment has been out of whack. The National Council on Aging seems innocent it? What about it's associations? We'll look into this organizations and more. It is NOT too late. With the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we can serve Christ's mission.

God Bless you and yours,

'Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master's joy.'
Matthew 25-21

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