Sunday, September 16, 2007

Immediate Action for Family Life/Justice in Pieces "virtual workshop" coming soon...

Dear Friends of Catholic Family Life, Time is short for the two referenda on family life. They will be handed into the Secretary of State's office on September 26th. Please collect the last of your signatures by September 20th and either send them or deliver them to chief petitioner Janice Bentson - 6495 Windsor Island Road N., Keizer OR 97303. Please read the definitions again of these bills that will be passed into law unless we have enough signatures to be able to LET OREGON VOTE www.letoregonvote in November 2008. This is about the vote of the people, not the legislature guiding our state without us. Green Sheets - Petition #303 is for Enrolled HB 2007 - relating to same-sex relationships. Blue Sheets - Petition #304 is for Enrolled SB 2 - relating to sexual orientations including affirmative action. Pope Benedict says traditional family must be defended, helped By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service 2007 VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Benedict XVI turned his attention to the family in early June, encouraging church members to help couples in crisis and reaffirming church teaching that marriage between a man and a woman is the only legitimate basis for family life. Because human beings were created in the image of God, and because God is love, "the vocation to love is that which makes the person an authentic image of God: One becomes similar to God to the degree that one becomes one who loves," the pope said June 6. The pope's speech to the Diocese of Rome's annual convention at the Basilica of St. John Lateran was the most extensive of his three interventions on the family in three days. Pope Benedict told the diocesan convention that contrary to what many people think today marriage is not a "casual sociological construction," but a reflection of the truth about the human person, the meaning of life and the relationship of human beings with the God who created them out of love and for love. A lifelong pledge of fidelity between a man and a woman and the openness to having children also are a reflection of the identity of the human person as an "indissoluble" unity of body and spirit. "Man is a soul which expresses itself in the body and a body that is given life by an immortal spirit," he said. "The body of man and of woman has, then, a theological character that is not simply corporeal, and that which is biological in the human person is not simply biological, but is an expression and fulfillment of our humanity," Pope Benedict said. "Human sexuality is not something that exists alongside our being a person, but belongs to it," he said. When a man and a woman say "yes" to each other, they are pledging their entire being to one another: body and soul, he said. Saying "yes" implies using one's freedom to make a choice and a commitment, he said. "The greatest expression of freedom is not the search for pleasure without ever making a true decision; rather, it is the ability to make a decision about a definitive gift in which freedom, freely given, finds its fullest expression," he said. "The various modern forms of the dissolution of marriage -- like free unions, 'trial marriages' and the pseudomarriage between persons of the same sex -- are expressions of an anarchic freedom," he said. What many people today think of as freedom is a way of acting based on the idea that each person should do whatever he or she wants, whenever he or she wants, paying no attention to what it means to have been created male and female and called to love completely and responsibly, the pope said. Just as understanding the full meaning of human sexuality requires an acknowledgment of the human vocation to love, so the true meaning of parenthood can be grasped only when seen in the light of love, Pope Benedict said. The pope said it is "contrary to human love, to the profound vocation of man and of woman, to systematically close their union to the gift of life and, even worse, to suppress or tamper with the life about to be born." Pope Benedict said the church's obligation to help build strong families must not stop with defending marriage, preparing engaged couples and helping married couples in crisis. The fundamental role of parents to educate their children in the faith, in morality and in good citizenship also is under attack today, he said. "A particularly insidious obstacle to education today," he said, "is the massive presence in our society and culture of that relativism, which recognizes nothing as definitive, leaving as the ultimate standard only the individual and his or her desires." The pope said that without guidance a person's individuality and desires end up "being a prison," rather than freedom. Meeting at the Vatican June 4 with pilgrims from the Diocese of Verona, Italy, Pope Benedict said it was right that concern for the family was at the center of their diocese's recently concluded synod. "In your diocese, as is the case elsewhere, the number of divorces and irregular unions has increased, and this is an urgent call to Christians to proclaim and witness to the Gospel of life and of the family in its entirety," the pope said. Pope Benedict said that, despite the problems all couples face and the "social and cultural conditioning" that currently seems to encourage couples to split, "Christian spouses have not stopped being a sign of the faithful love of God." Also June 4, Pope Benedict confirmed the convocation of the Fifth World Meeting of Families in July 2006 in Valencia, Spain. Pope John Paul II had convoked the gathering. Confirming the meeting in a letter to Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Pope Benedict said the value of the family founded on marriage is "central for the church and society." "The church cannot forsake announcing that, in accordance with the plans of God, marriage and the family are irreplaceable and do not allow for other alternatives," he said. The "Justice in Pieces" workshops were informative and necessary for all people of faith to experience. A "virtual workshop" is being prepared. Stewardship of our collection plates and where the money goes is our responsiblibity. Building up the Culture of Life is our mission. Please pray for the success of the signature collecting and all involved. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn "You should rather humble yourself before God than be distressed if He reserves for you the sufferings of his Son, and makes you experience your weakness. You should offer up to Him the prayer of resignation and hope, even when you fail through frailty, and thank Him for all the benefits with which He continually enriches you." Padre Pio VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity OR 97385 Member of Catholic Media Coalition "In-line with the Church, on-line with the world"

Monday, August 27, 2007

Will Sexual Predators Have Minority Status?

Dear Life Advocates, Please ask your nearest lawyer if this could be an Oregon reality. See the insert. Will mother's be facing these types in public restrooms? Will children be prey with the blessing of the 2007 Oregon Legislature? Go to the new referendum website for definitions of Senate Bill 2, "the sexual orientation, behavior and expression as a minority status". This will become a law to go into effect on January 1st, if not stopped by your signature. Let Oregon Vote SB2 and the "same sex marriage" House Bill 2007 and have them reevaluated by the voters. Archbishop Vlazny and Bishop Vasa have given their okay on the collection of signatures. This is not discrimination of homosexuals, this is a welcome mat to our children...see if your lawyer disagrees. Bishop Vasa gave his testimony on this during the session. As a canon lawyer, he seems to think there are problems that weren't addressed by the legislature and disregarded by concerned Oregonians. The attachment is what the Roman Catholic Church teaches regarding these issues. These things do NOT change with the trends of culture. There is a Natural Law that Christ established that can no more be changed than His law of gravity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross-Dressing Sex Predator Arrested - Again PORTLAND - A predatory sex offender known for dressing in woman's clothes in order to enter women's restrooms and locker rooms was arrested Friday. Thomas Lee Benson, 35, was recently indicted on one count of unlawful contact with a child. Benson was arrested Friday morning as he entered the Multnomah County Courthouse on an unrelated matter, reports say. He was booked into the Justice Center Jail. In June, Benson was arrested at the Mt. Scott Community Center after witnesses told police that Benson dressed in women's clothing and entered the women's locker room at least two times over a period of several hours. Once inside, he reportedly changed clothing while young children changed into and out of bathing suits. Then, he was charged with invasion of privacy, misuse of a public restroom, and failing to register as a sex offender. Benson is a predatory sex offender as defined in the Oregon sex offender registry, according to reports. Based on information that has since surfaced, as potential victims gave police more than a dozen leads, investigators believe Benson may have gone into women's dressing rooms in other community centers in the past weeks or months. The investigation is continuing. 8/24/2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you need petitions or volunteers to gather signatures, contact the website, or let me know and it will be done, asap. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn "Am I my brother's keeper?" Hmmm... Genesis 4:10 VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity OR 97385 Member of Catholic Media Coalition "In-line with the Church, on-line with the world"

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What DO Oregon Catholics Pay For? Workshops in PDX, Salem, Bend

Dear Pro-Life Advocates,

Come and find out answers to your questions regarding where our collection plate money goes. Bring your notebooks and questions.

Please bring your friends and take advantage of at least one of these opportunities.

Don't let your money go to fund anti-Catholic organizations that don't support the Culture of Life. Attached are examples of what might be problem areas in the Archdiocese of Portland..

Avenues of Dissent in the Church

Portland - Friday, September 7th
Immaculate Heart Catholic Church Conference Room
2926 North Williams Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97227
(across from Emanuel Hospital)
Doors open 6:30 PM for "meet and greet"
Workshop 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Optional: Bring a snack to share

SALEM - Saturday, September 8th
Salem Public Library - Anderson Room "B" downstairs
585 Liberty St. SE Salem, Oregon 97301
more info and directions

Doors open 10:00 AM for "meet and greet"
Workshop 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Optional: Bring a brown bag lunch or something to share.
Restaurants nearby.
BEND -Sunday, September 9th
Deschutes Public Library
601 NW Wall St
Bend, OR 97701
(541) 385-3244
Doors open at 1:00 PM and meeting starts ASAP ending at 2:30
Food is NOT allowed, but we can go for coffee afterwards.
Our speaker, Stephanie Block is from New Mexico and Director of Los Pequenos de Cristo, Inc. [] and a member of Catholic Media Coalition whose spiritual director is Father Paul Marx noted for his work with Human Life International.

She will speak on, and answer questions regarding, "Faith in Public Life" - and the efforts that lead to abuse of the Roman Catholic Church through different avenues of organized dissent and their funding, including:
Faith in Public Life
Saul Alinsky type organizing and funding
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
MACG - Metropolitan Alliance for the Common Good
Call to Action
Pax Christi
Soujournors - Jim Wallis and Father Richard Rohr "Interfaith" affiliations.


Stephanie Block's writings.

God Bless you and yours,

Carolyn Wendell, VOCAL
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity OR 97385

"Behold I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves". Matt 10: 16-20

Member of Catholic Media Coalition "In-line with the Church, on-line with the world"

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

"JUSTICE IN PIECES" - Sept. 7, 8, 9 Workshops in Dissenting Groups in the Church

Dear Friends, Please pass this on... "Justice in Pieces"....Avenues of Organized Dissent in the Catholic Church Our speaker, Stephanie Block is from New Mexico and Director of Los Pequenos de Cristo, Inc. a member of Catholic Media Coalition. She will speak on and answer questions regarding : "Faith in Public Life" - and the efforts that lead to abuse of the Roman Catholic Church through different avenues of organized dissent and their funding. Some of those avenues: Faith in Public Life Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon affiliations Catholic Campaign for Human Development MAGC - Metropolitan Alliance for the Common Good Call to Action Pax Christi Soujournors - Jim Wallis and Father Richard Rohr Portland - Friday September 7th Immaculate Heart Catholic Church Conference Room 2926 North Williams Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97227 (across from Emanuel Hospital) NO AFFILIATION WITH THE CHURCH ITSELF NOR CONTENT INTENDED TO BE Doors open 6:30 for "meet and greet" Workshop 7-9 Bring a friend and questions. Salem - Saturday, September 8th Salem Public Library - Anderson Room "B" downstairs 585 Liberty St. SE Salem, Oregon 97301 more info and directions Doors open 10:00am for "meet and greet" Workshop 10:30am-3:30pm Bring a brown bag lunch and if you wish, something to share. Food nearby in Salem Bring your questions and a friend. Sunday, September 9th TBA THESE WORKSHOPS ARE FREE AND OPEN TO EVERYONE. THOSE INVOLVED IN THESE GROUPS ARE ALSO INVITED. WE ASK FOR RESPECT AND A WILLINGNESS TO BE EDUCATED. THIS IS TO BENEFIT THE ROMAN CATHOLIC FAITHFUL AND GLORIFY OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. . Here are some of Stephanie Blocks writings. A power point presentation will start the day and handouts will be available. Also one of her daughters just took final vows in the Dominican Sisters of Mary the Mother of the Eucharist. Information will be available regarding this growing community located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We welcome Stephanie. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO BOX 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 Member of Catholic Media Coalition "In-line with the Church, on-line with the world"

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


July 25, 2007 I am honored to be one of the chief petitioners for the two referendums to be put to a vote of the people the bills passed in the 2007 legislature: "Domestic Partnership" and "Sexual orientation as a protected minority status". By collecting enough signatures, the Referendums 303 (same sex marriage - green sheets) and 304 (protected sexual behavior, expression Blue Sheets) Archbishop Vlazny and Bishop Vasa have given their permission for churches to collect these most important signatures. Pastors can call Father Dennis O'Donovan for confirmation info - 503-234-5334. ISSUES are different than CANDIDATES and do not jeopardize tax exempt status. This past 2007 session of the Oregon Legislature, I testified on behalf of pro-life and pro-family bills and have an objective,albeit from my moral perspective, viewpoint that those of us of like mind at the Capitol experienced from our hours of attending hearings. In a nutshell, it was a done deal with the 2007 Legislature to get these bills passed. No matter the testimony, no matter the questions regarding the prudence of these bills, it was just an exercise in futility. The voters had spoken regarding both "domestic partnerships" with same-sex couples having ALL the same rights as married couples and "sexual orientation as a protected minority status" saying NO to both and the will of Oregon voters was ignored. They had the power and used it. We need to collect signatures in our churches and from all our family and friends to be able to vote. Let's see if the people really want these moral changes and if the Legislators were really representing Oregonians. Please run this "definition" past any lawyer and see if the public is protected from objectionable sexual advances, both adults and children alike, because of the wording. At the hearings, these questions were responded to with "we'll just have to let the courts decide". This was the attitude throughout the session. “Sexual orientation” means an individual¢s actual or perceived heterosexuality,homosexuality, bisexuality or gender identity, regardless of whether the individual¢s gender identity, appearance, expression or behavior differs from that traditionally associated with the individual's sex at birth." Attached is a past letter from Bishop Vasa on Senate Bill 2 aka Referendum 304. There is a letter from all the Oregon Bishops regarding "same-sex" relationships that I will keep looking for and send out. There are/were also examples of "homosexual/etc. nepotism" that exist but are ignored. It's time to be truly objective and not just believe stories of "discrimination" that we ALL experience, but just don't complain about. For those of you who don't want to collect signatures, that's great. No pain, no gain.:-) Thanks to those who have requested packets. For all....if you want a packet of sheets (10 signatures to a sheet) and information OR complaints, OR would like to ask me a question or have me speak......just let me know. invitation from the ecumenical Christian community. One of the other chief petitioners is from the Slavic/Russian Evangelical Church. The Russian Churches are praying every Friday night in different venues and would love to be invited to a Catholic church. You must have room for 200-400 people and get ready for a religious experience that shares the love of Christ by many different backgrounds. Many other denominations have joined to pray for all of Oregon and our needs. Let me know if your pastor would like to open up a parish to these events. Let's do this soon!!!! The Russian community has been through persecution and had their government overstepping their bounds. They were very vocal during the hearings but this too fell on deaf ears. So they are now fasting and praying. Let's join them...they want to include Catholics. Collecting these signatures and letting the voters of Oregon speak out AGAIN....will tell our children and grandchildren and those we love that we care and are willing to be inconvenienced and sacrifice for them. From Today's reading "Brothers and sisters: We hold this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing power may be of God and not from us. We are afflicted in every way, but not constrained; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; stuck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the Life of Jesus may also be manifested in our body. For we who live are constantly being given up to death for the sake of Jesus, so that the Life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh." 2 Cor 4:7-10