Although three years old, this letter from Rome shows that Archbishop Vlazny's understanding is that parents can "freely approach the superintendent and principal to opt-out" from the sex education classes in Catholic schools and churches. There has not been part of any mention of these programs giving parents their choice even though it is an option.
The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) had a four month ad hoc committee that I put together (subsequently "fired" from a five year volunteer position) and saw the videos that precious children are shown in Church and catholic school.
Many public school moms and dads would not let their children see these videos. The ACCW wrote a letter to the Archbishop regarding this negative feedback.
Nothing was done and nothing is still being done.
The Committee for Children has a very bad beginning and morphed into something sounding sweeter and will show the insurance companies "see we're doing something to stop child abuse in the church". Read the history of Committee for Children.
The senior Vice -President of Preasidium writes on Homosexual issues and should not be putting things into the head of innocent children. Promoting homosexuality has nothing to do with the protection of children.
Dr. Jane Hickerson, Senior VP Preasidium hired by Archdpdx.
Pope Benedict XVI to Catholic Bishops of the United States on April 16, 2008 regarding the issue of the clergy sexual-abuse scandal.