Sunday, May 24, 2015

Pope tells parents: "Don’t let ‘so-called experts’ usurp the education of your children."

Parents are the primary educators of their children and the Holy Father is taking this time, before his visit to the United States in September for the Synod on the Family, to remind all parents of this fact. 

It would follow that in their children's spiritual education parents voices need to be heard and "the Sacraments should not be held hostage" from children of parents who feel their children are prepared and need the Grace of these Sacraments.   

 God Bless Pope Francis for reminding everyone of their priorities.

ROME, May 20, 2015 ( -- Parents have “self-exiled from the education of their children” and must take back their role as their children’s educators from the “so-called experts,” says Pope Francis.

At his May 20 weekly general audience, the Holy Father spoke out strongly against “intellectual critics” who have “have silenced parents in many ways, to protect the young generation from the damage – real or imagined – of family education,” according to Zenit.

“Yet the relationship between family and school ought to be harmonious,” said the pope. “Our children need sure guidance in the process of growing in responsibility for themselves and others. Christian communities are called to support the educational mission of families.”

Pope Francis said that “experts” have usurped the “role of parents even in the most intimate aspects of education. … On the emotional life, personality and development, rights and duties, the ‘experts’ know everything: objectives, motivations, techniques.”

And “the family has stood accused, among other things, of authoritarianism, cronyism, of conformism, of affective repression that generates conflicts.”

This has created a crisis of trust between the family and society, with parents backing away from educating their children, the Holy Father said. “Parents spend less time with their children, and schools are often more influential than families in shaping the thinking and values of the young.”
Parents “tend to entrust ever more to the ‘experts,’ even for the most delicate and personal aspects in [their children’s] lives,” the Holy Father said, according to Catholic World News. “And this is very serious!”
Thus “deprived of their role,” parents “become over-burdened and possessive of their children, never even correcting them.”

When he said a bad word to his teacher as a schoolboy, Pope Francis related, both his teacher and his mother corrected him. “Today, on the contrary, if a teacher does something like that, the next day either one or both parents will reproach the teacher because the experts say that children should not be corrected in that way.”

“It is evident that this approach is not good,” he said. “It is not harmonious, it is not dialogical, and rather than favoring the collaboration between families and other educational agents, it opposes them to one another.”

The pope also acknowledged the difficulties facing separated couples, but urged them not to criticize each other in front of their children, to “never, never, never take the children hostage.”

Pope Francis described “good family education” as “the backbone of humanism,” according to Zenit. “Its influence is the social resource that allows you to make up for the drawbacks, the wounds, the gaps of parenthood that affect less fortunate children. This influence can do real miracles. And in the Church these miracles happen every day.”

“May the Lord grant to Christian families the faith, the liberty, and the courage necessary for their mission!” the pope said in closing. “It is time for fathers and mothers to return from their exile, because they have self-exiled from the education of their children, and to fully reassume their educational role.”

 Baptism, Confirmation and then Holy Communion.  The correct order.
Six-year-old grandson changed his mind about being Confirmed.  Bishop Vasa agrees with having parents in charge of their children's souls.

His eight -year old brother was confirmed by Bishop Vasa and had his first Holy Communion the next year.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

House Passes Pro-Life Bill Banning Late-Term Abortions After 20 Weeks - BUT....why politics are a must.

The House of Representatives today approved a that bans abortions from after 20-weeks of pregnancy up to the day of birth.
The vote for the bill broke down on mostly partisan lines with Republicans supporting the ban on late-term abortions and Democrats opposing it. 
Should the Senate approve the bill, President Barack Obama has issued a veto threat. 
VOCAL's same old song.  We have NO Oregon Catholic voice at the State Capitol.  There is some actual information, from a very reliable source that the man who is supposed to represent Catholics disses the Church to others.  This makes him impotent when even speaking up for Catholics.  The words are hollow, it is embarrassing and scandalous when we are expected give our "time, talents and treasure" when much of it goes down the drain and isn't used to our strength.  What are we supposed to do?  There are things we are called to do, and it might be the time very soon to put these into action.
We have allowed too many opportunities for Oregon speak up for life slip through our fingers.  Not the only "pro-life" priority 'capitol punishment' and letting this belief stand and not be corrected. There must be collusion at the Pastoral Center for this to be allowed.  Amazing.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Archdiocese of Portland Job Opportunities - Apply or Pray.

Fellow Oregon Catholics.  There are so many positions that Archbishop Sample wants to fill so that there's a real Catholic identity in Oregon.  It is sad that Roger Martin is still considered our lobbyist and this position alone brings a Catholic identity to Oregon more than all the other job listings.  This is because we are called to be faithful and not always successful in a state that very much dislikes Catholics.  May we soon get a lobbyist that actually loves the Church and puts their heart and mind into standing up for Catholics at the Capitol.

Pastoral Center Job Opportunities.  Listed on the Archdpdx website as of 5/12/15.

Parish Job Opportunities

   School Job Opportunities

    Other Dioceses Job Opportunities

Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Most Reverend Liam Cary Bishop of Baker on Religious Freedom - Portland, May 12, 2015

The J. Reuben Clark Law Society, Portland Oregon Chapter is Pleased to Host

The Most Reverend Liam Cary
Bishop of Baker
Religious Freedom
Tuesday, May 12, 2015, Noon - 1:30pm
Multnomah Athletic Club
(1849 SW Salmon Street, Portland, OR 97205 | Free Parking)

Dear JRCLS-PDX Chapter Members and Friends:

The Most Reverend Liam Cary was named the bishop of Baker by Pope Benedict XVI on March 8, 2012. Bishop Cary will address the current threats to religious freedom and freedom of conscience in the United States.

In the spirit of religious freedom, we are inviting our friends from Christian, Jewish, and Muslim communities. Please feel free to share this invitation with your friends and colleagues. Seating is limited and filling up fast, so RSVP now.

Warm regards,

Shawn Lindsay
Chapter Chair

Chapter Board: Roger K. Harris (Immediate Past Chair); Paul Barton (Treasurer/Secretary); Jeff Bradford; D. Gary Christensen; Danielle Hunsaker; Sara A. Kearsley; Daniel J. Nichols; Tom Pixton; Skyler M. Tanner.

J. Reuben Clark Law Society Mission Statement: "We affirm the strength brought to the law by a lawyer's personal religious conviction. We strive through public service and professional excellence to promote fairness and virtue founded upon the rule of law." For more information, click here