Would you please post your answer or contact me as usual.
Question 1: Should Catholic Churches host events by organizations not in keeping with our Church?
Question 2: Should parishioners or non-parishioners host events when they belong to organizations not in keeping with Church teaching?
Question 3: Should any church or school in the Archdpdx hire Catholics or non-Catholics who cannot uphold our teachings on morals at their job?
Question 4: Should any church or school in the Archdpdx hire Catholics or non-Catholics who cannot uphold our teachings on morals when they aren't on the job?
Thanks for your input. It will be used for conversation at the least and maybe a change at best.
I will follow-up with your responses with out without names. I will contact you if this isn't clear, no worries.
4 nos
1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
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