Thursday, November 12, 2015

40 Days for Life Directors Have Great News.

Through the grace of God, our recent 40 Days for Life Campaign in Portland, OR had so many blessings!

We had 197 prayer vigil participants from 31 different churches, and 5 saves......that we know of! May God Bless all who prayed with us, on and off site! And may

God Bless all the families and single women we encountered, no matter what the outcome. Praise God for LIFE!

Mary Theresa Rigert. Beaverton

Dear friends,
I thought PP would be closed today as it is Veteran's Day. Wrong!
I talked to a 30 year old girl ("Kathy") who seemed to know what we were about when she came out. She looked overwhelmed as she told me that she was addicted to methadone, and that she had an infection. She said PP wanted to give her antibiotics but were reluctant to do so as she was pregnant. She made it sound like they were offering abortion as the best alternative, but she didn't really want to have one. Kathy wanted to get clean and have the baby, but she wasn't sure she could as apparently getting weaned off of this drug takes time, and abrupt changes would hurt her, and the baby. She said she was homeless, but she looked fairly well kempt. She needed information about drug addiction and pregnancy. I told her I would get on the phone and try to find out some information.
 Just then a mean-sounding man called out to her from the door "They are calling your name!" Kathy indicated just a minute, but he called out, more insistently "They are calling your name!!" He gave me a stern look after she went back inside. I wasn't afraid of him, but I was afraid of how he might influence her. Steve and Barry, Ignacy and Mimi and I PRAYED. Kathy stayed in there SO long.....
Later, I signaled for a gal ("Jean") I saw in the waiting room to come out. She looked at me and shook her head "no". 
As Mimi was helping me to gather my things and head to the car so I could go to the noon Mass, Jean came around the corner. I asked "You sure you don't want any help?" She wavered, saying she wasn't sure what she wanted to do.....that she had a 6 month-old girl, a 2 year old boy and a 14 year old boy. She was 11 weeks along, so I gave her the precious feet pin. Then I showed her the fetal model of a 10 week old. She believes in God, so I reminded her that she would have to stand before God one day, and that her baby was a precious GIFT from him, and that s/he was irreplaceable! She finally relinquished that she "wouldn't have an abortion today".
In the middle of our conversation, Kathy came around the same corner. I asked her what happened and she said "I didn't do it!" I didn't see the mean guy; I don't know who he was. PP had actually ended up referring Kathy to OHSU for treatment. But she was very grateful for the phone number that I gave her to "NW Prenatal", who deal with complicated pregnancies, esp drug and alcohol-related ones. So she left!
Jean and I continued our conversation. She asked about the bus line. I asked if she needed a ride and gave her one. On the way to the place where she was living (with her Mom), she said her boyfriend didn't want her to get the abortion, and neither did his Mom (they had driven her there). But HER Mom did, apparently b/c she and all her children were living with her. When she tried to call the boyfriend to come and get her, her phone died. When she texted him, no response.
Jean told me a lot of good information about what goes on inside the PP. She was surprised that both the person who asked about her medical history (after the intake), and the woman who did the ultrasound, were midwives. She expressed concern that midwives were involved with abortions. I asked her if they would let her see the ultrasound, and she said yes, that she was asked, but didn't want to see it. The screen was turned away, but at one point, the midwife took a picture, and Jean looked and saw her baby, just the head and trunk. But once she saw that, it got her thinking and doubting......I asked her if PP tried to push abortion on her, and she said no. Jean said that once she seemed to hesitate, the midwife said she could take her time, that it was all about choice. I thanked Jean for helping me with so much information. She offered me gas money, and then offered to buy me something at KFC. I took her up on that 2nd offer! You have to eat delicious really-bad-for-you chicken some time! Besides, she wanted to treat me.......
As we parted, I told her to call me any time, not be afraid to access the resources, and treat herself good--because after all, she's pregnant!! She told me to do the  same. I don't think she'll be going back to PP Smile emoticon.
We have never had, through the grace of God, two saves in one day. But today was the day !! Thank you God!
Therese Ruesink
Abortion hurts the soul and impacts the heart at the deepest level. Knowing and respecting that reality, we should expect some persecution.
Shawn Carney 2015

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Abortion Mill Director Jokes About Dumping Babies in Garbage Disposal

Also jokes about lighting a bonfire with fetal remains

by Christine Niles  •   October 27, 2015  

DETROIT, October 27, 2015 ( - An abortion mill director has been caught on video admitting to unethically disposing of aborted infants' remains in the garbage disposal, and joking about it. She also contemplated lighting a secret bonfire with fetal remains.

In undercover footage captured by the Center for Medical Progress,
Renee Chelian, founder and executive director of Northland Family Planning Centers in Detroit, Michigan, is shown at a 2014 National Abortion Federation conference in San Francisco discussing her dilemma of having an overstock of aborted infants' remains.

Complaining about the dearth of medical waste vendors willing to do business with abortion providers, Chelian said, "No one wants to talk about dead bodies," quickly adding, "No one but me." The audience erupted in laughter at this quip.

"There was a point when ... I had five months' worth of fetal tissue in freezers, and we were renting freezers to put them in. It was all I thought about," she continued.

"I was so consumed with fetal tissue, I was ready to drive to northern Michigan and have a bonfire. I was just trying to find out how I wouldn't get stopped, or how far into the woods I would have to go to have this fire that nobody was going to see me."
She then admitted that she had 20 bottles of aborted infants' remains dumped into her garbage disposal.
The garbage disposal was an option. There was a point that I actually hired someone from another clinic to come in and take 20 bottles and put it into my garbage disposal. And then I had to 'fess up to my staff that I did the thing I had been criticizing all these other clinics for doing — but I didn't know what else to do.
She went on, "I want you to laugh about this. It's funny — I mean, it's funny in a really sick way."
After more laughter from the crowd, she continued, "Oh, we've got a whole bunch of material for that comedian this morning, if we ever think that it's appropriate to talk about dead bodies."
Although current Michigan law strictly prohibits disposal of fetal remains in any way other than proper burial or cremation, previous law was lax, and dumping aborted infants into the garbage disposal was a common practice in Michigan abortuaries.

Partially in response to these lax standards, Act no. 499, also known as the "Fetal Remains Act," was signed into law on December 28, 2012, and states:
Sec. 2836. (1) All fetal remains resulting from abortions shall be disposed of by interment or cremation as those terms are defined in section 2 of the cemetery regulation act ... or by incineration by a person other than a cemetery registered under the cemetery regulation act ... .

Renee Chelian standing with a patient at her abortion mill
Waste dumped in the garbage disposal is sent into the city's sewer system, where sewage water is then taken to the wastewater treatment plant to be disinfected and recycled. Thus, Chelian and other abortion mills were actually sending crushed babies' body parts into the city's water system — not only unethical, but a health hazard.

Stericycle, the controversial medical waste company, is now doing business with Northland Family Planning Centers. A campaign called, established to protest the company's incineration of aborted infants, has highlighted illegal behavior by the company, including evidence that Stericycle unlawfully dumped the victims of House of Horrors abortionist Kermit Gosnell into a municipal landfill. The campaign also highlights the enormous profit made by Stericycle's partnership with abortion mills.

The video itself was among footage blocked by court order in ongoing litigation between the National Abortion Federation and the Center for Medical Progress. It was reportedly obtained by a hacker from congressional staffers (whom the court authorized to view the material) and aired on last week. Although the National Abortion Federation has sent a demand letter ordering that they take down the videos, the media outfit is refusing to comply.

Christine Niles is a staff writer, producer and anchor for

Follow Christine on Twitter: @ChristineNiles1

Monday, October 19, 2015

Cardinal Arinze shatters 'regional diversity' argument: Letting bishops conferences decide own way on homosexuality and divorce is impossible, says Cardinal Arinze

ROME, October 19, 2015 (LifeSiteNews)
-- While some say a majority of Synod Fathers support allowing
different national regions to establish their own ways of dealing with
contentious issues such as homosexuality and divorce, Cardinal Francis
Arinze of Nigeria has stated that the proposal is impossible for the
Catholic Church to adopt.

“The Ten Commandments are not subject to national frontiers. A bishops’
conference in a country cannot agree that stealing from a bank is not
sinful in that country, or that divorced persons who are remarried can
receive Holy Communion in that country, but when you cross the boundary
and go to another country it now becomes a sin,” he told LifeSiteNews in
an exclusive interview in Rome on Saturday.

“You can see you then, if we did that, we have made the Ten Commandments a
matter of decision according to sensitivities in each country. It cannot
be so,” he added.

Arinze, prefect emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, said that the Catholic Church is “one” in her faith and morals.

“In matters of faith and morals, the Catholic Church is known for her unity, a unity which is not invented by the Vatican, is not invented by the theologians. It is Christ himself who said, ‘Teach them to observe whatever I have said to you.’”

“So, we don't have power to modify [what Scripture teaches us]. For example, St. Paul says that those who receive Holy Communion should look into themselves because the person who receives unworthily receives judgment against himself. This is Holy Scripture. This cannot be subject to voting at the level of bishops’ conferences or even voting across continental frontiers.”

“You can see, the Church is not actually a national Church, it is one body in Christ. The Son of God came down from heaven and gave us this way of salvation and prayed that all his followers may be one, as he and his Father are one,” he said.

Arinze said that while bishops conferences “are important” for examining particular “national situations” facing the local church, such as respecting local culture in liturgy or providing solutions for the poor and the sick, they do not have the power to change “faith and morals, what we are to believe and what we are to do or not to do.”
“When it comes to practical details that don't affect faith and morals, bishops’ conferences can look into that and should,” he said.

Last week during a Synod press briefing, German Abbot Jeremias Schroder mentioned both “the social acceptance of homosexuality” and dealing with “divorced and remarried persons” as examples “where bishops conferences should be allowed to formulate pastoral responses that are in tune with what can be preached and announced and lived in a different context.”

The announcement drew strong criticism from Church heavyweights such as Cardinal Burke who called the proposal “simply contrary to Catholic Faith and life.”

“What it actually means is that the Church is no longer Catholic [universal]. It means that it’s no longer one in its teaching throughout the whole world. We have one faith. We have one [collection of] sacraments. We have one governance throughout the whole world. That’s what it means to be ‘Catholic,’” he said in an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews.

Monday, October 12, 2015

From Bill Diss: Planned Parenthood Out of Schools and October 25th PDX Life Chain MLK Blvd.

Dear Brothers and Sisters for Life, Purity and Healing,

I tell you, if he does not get up to give him the loaves because of their friendship, he will get up to give him whatever he needs because of his persistence.
(Luke 11:8)
I wanted to thank all of you again who came out  on August 22, 2015 to the large prenatal killing center that is operated by Planned Parenthood in NE Portland.  Gratitude is also extended for those around the state and country who stood for life, purity and decency at other Planned Parenthood sites.  Persistence is imperative and on Saturday, October 10, 2015 from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM there will be a rally and prayers at the headquarters and abortion center for Planned Parenthood of the Columbia Willamette Region located at 

3727 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Portland, OR 97212
Planned Parenthood has recently been caught harvesting and selling hearts, brains, livers and other organs of the little babies that they abort in their centers.  Please look at this site to see the different videos.   Please, please get out the word and use #ProtestPP and #PPSellsBabyParts on social media.

Other News:

Planned Parenthood No Longer Using Teenage Outreach Program (TOP) in Portland and Salem Public Schools
Christian News Northwest has an article that shows that Planned Parenthood is no longer using (TOP) in their recruitment efforts.  It is unclear at the time if Planned Parenthood is using other methods of recruitment.  There is a Planned Parenthood publication showing status their status with TOP.  Please see 
Spring of 2015.  Please see Spring of 2013 and pray for all of the workers found on last page.

Portland's Life Chain on October 25, 2015
Please come Portland's Annual Life Chain on Sunday, October 25, 2015.  The event will be centered around the Planned Parenthood center on MLK Jr. Blvd.  We have had hundreds some years, why not a thousand this year?  Event starts at 2:30 and ends at 4:00 PM.  Contact  Anthony D'Silva  503-645-1529 .

HELP in Milwaukie, Oregon 
Planned Parenthood just opened a new center at 14411 SE McLoughlin Boulevard and there is a 40 Days for Life Campaign and help is needed.  Please, please pray and come out and stand for life and say a prayer.  Contact Joanne Eggiman at  

Please continue to pray for all affected by abortion. 
God Bless you,

Bill Diss
Precious Children of Portland