Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Guest Post, the "Conference" and Carl

This guest post is dedicated to Carl Rossetti who passed away this weekend.
Carl was a pro-life warrior and I was blessed to know and love him for many years.

He worked with Bishop Vasa in Baker, Oregon as his Pro-Life Director when he and his lovely wife of over sixty years, Dorothy, lived in Sisters enjoying a change of pace.  They moved back after missing the kids and grandkids too much.   Having this guest post referencing Eastern Oregon compliments "Life" nicely.

We long remember Carl at Pro-life events telling his jokes.  At Board meetings he always had some old standbys: some at his wife's expense. :) His passion was his family; his Church and the unborn. 

His funeral mass will be on Friday, Sept. 28th, 11:00 am at  St. Edwards Church, North Plains (click for map) Oregon.  The Rosary is beforehand at 10:30 am.   God Bless you Carl.  You are loved and will be missed.


We had an opportunity to attend the Diocese of Baker's Respect Life Conference at the Powell Butte facility last Saturday.
Dr. Richard Thorne (formerly ORTL president) gave a powerful, comprehensive presentation entitled "Tyranny of the Minority," which described how several small, but powerful socialist and abortion lobbies worked to impose their agendas on the (complacent, uninformed) majority.
Our new Bishop Carey gave an alarming report on the unprecedented assault on religious liberty in this country by the current administration, using Obamacare as its weapon. He cited how so cleverly-crafted was the "healthcare bill" by the unscrupulous bureaucrats, that it was impossible for a Catholic employer to provide, or avoid providing, health insurance without either violating his religious conscience or incurring such severe penalties (monetary or jail) such as to destroy the entity.
I also had an opportunity to chat with the Bishop and asked him whether it was possible to be both a true Catholic and a Democrat. After some thought, he replied in the affirmative, but quickly qualified his response with the word "ignorance." Essentially, he was saying that ONLY if a Catholic was ignorant of the Dem's (and Obama's) platform/record/positions re. abortion, marriage, etc., could they support (i.e., vote for) that party or candidate. Otherwise, of course, they would be formally cooperating with an intrinsic evil, which would be a mortal sin. (It's hard to imagine that any voter would not know that Obama, who voted three times against the IL infant-born-alive-protection act, is the most pro-abortion president in history and that the Democrat party has a pro-abortion platform.)
So, then, the challenge is to assist Catholics with their civic duty by informing them about the critical, non-negotiable, issues and eliminating the excuse of "ignorance." We are morally obligated to properly form and follow our conscience and if it happens to be in conflict with Church teaching, then we must defer/conform to the Church teaching (i.e., God's law as interpreted by His Church with the guidance of the Holy Spirit), which takes precedence over strictly human laws/preferences. A common "Catholic" voter error is to morally equate all issues (e.g., welfare, housing, medical, etc.), which derives from the old Crd. Bernardin "seamless garment theory." Such an interpretation is both illogical and immoral, for one cannot give moral preference to the issue of health, or material status, over the issue of abortion, which is intrinsically (of its nature) evil; the two issues are not equivalent and can never have the same priority or rank of importance. The issues of food, clothing and care are irrelevant if one, first, does not have the right to exist (i.e., be born).
Anyway, I attached some "guides" that you might find helpful and/or wish to share with any friends who may be ignorant of the critical moral issues (including religious liberty itself) involved with the coming election!
Dominus vobiscum

James Strelchun

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Blessed Herman, the Cripple - 40 Days for Life

Blessed Herman the Cripple, monk 1013 - 1054 is living proof why we value each life instead of the seeing it as a burden on our "environment". Roman Catholics are benefiting from this man, almost one thousand years later.

Each time we say the Hail Mary we need to know that Blessed Herman was the author of the Salve Regina (Hail Holy Queen).

This year we start 40 Days for Life one day after his feast day, September 26th and ends on November 4th, two days from the elections. We believe each life has immeasurable value and we pray for leaders who see that value. Click on your area of Oregon for a 40 Days for Life near you. Portand Salem Beaverton Eugene McMinnville Klamath Falls St.Vincent dePaul - Portland Bend

Blessed Herman was born with a cleft palate, cerebral palsy, and spina bifida to a farm family. His parents cared for him until the age of seven, but in 1020 they gave him over to the abbey of Reichenau Island in Lake Constance in southern Germany; he spent the rest of his life there. He became a Benedictine monk at age twenty. A genius, he studied and wrote on astronomy, theology, math, history, poetry, Arabic, Greek, and Latin. He built musical instruments, and astronomical equipment. In later life he became blind, and had to give up his academic writing. The most famous religious poet of his day, he is the author of Salve Regina and Alma Redemptoris Mater. (thanks, Blessed Herman information to inspire Pro-lifers)
Herman The Cripple
William Hart Hurlbut, M.D.
I am least among the low,
I am weak and I am slow;
I can neither walk nor stand,
Nor hold a spoon in my own hand.
Like a body bound in chain,
I am on a rack of pain,
But He is God who made me so,
that His mercy I should know.
Brothers do not weep for me!
Christ, the Lord, has set me free.
All my sorrows he will bless;
Pain is not unhappiness.
From my window I look down
To the streets of yonder town,
Where the people come and go,
Reap the harvest that they sow.
Like a field of wheat and tares,
Some are lost in worldly cares;
There are hearts as black as coal,
There are cripples of the soul.
Brothers do not weep for me!
In his mercy I am free.
I can neither sow nor spin,
Yet, I am fed and clothed in Him.
I have been the donkey’s tail,
Slower than a slug or snail;
You my brothers have been kind,
Never let me lag behind.
I have been most rich in friends,
You have been my feet and hands;
All the good that I could do,
I have done because of you.
Oh my brothers, can’t you see?
You have been as Christ for me.
And in my need I know I, too,
Have become as Christ for you!
I have lived for forty years
In this wilderness of tears;
But these trials can’t compare
With the glory we will share.
I have had a voice to sing,
To rejoice in everything;
Now Love’s sweet eternal song
Breaks the darkness with the dawn.
Brother’s do not weep for me!
Christ, the Lord, has set me free.
Oh my friends, remember this:
Pain is not unhappiness.

by Blessed Herman the Cripple

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,
our life, our sweetness and our hope.
To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve;
to thee do we send up our sighs,
mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.
Turn then, most gracious advocate,
thine eyes of mercy toward us;
and after this our exile,
show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
V. Pray for us O holy Mother of God,
R. that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Thank you Lord for Blessed Herman and showing how Christ blesses each life, even when we feel alone and forgotten.

P.S. Thank you all for your prayers and loving me through this past year. Having just minimal depressions where I did feel alone, prayers did matter.
In a nutshell:

  • Last Valentine Day, 2010, I fell onto a concrete garage floor while maneuvering some steps.
  • Went to the doctor and found out I had torn ligaments in my knees.
  • Doctor saved my life by ordering an ultrasound on my heart that showed a congenital defect of my aortic valve and how it was almost blocked.
  • Had open heart surgery on May 20th and have a replacement valve. (Fortunately my other arteries were clean.) Stayed four days in hospital.
  • June 1, 2010 while walking in home for exercise had a small stroke. Called 911. Went back to hospital for four more days.
  • Mini-Stroke took away hearing in my right ear and gave me right brain stem damage. I'm wobbly and have to use a walker sometimes. The walker has room for three grandchildren so it can look like a stroller...:-)
  • FELL again in May 2011 thinking I was okay to put socks on with foot on chair. Lost my balance and went flat on my back, heard a huge crack and 911 was called and I was in the hospital again for four days. (four is the lucky? number.)
  • While seeing if my back was broken, no thank God. Two CAT scans showed my left thyroid had grown to the size of two tennis balls.
  • This wasn't seen during open heart surgery as it was behind my collar bone.Had two surgeons remove the culprit. It had moved my windpipe and was cutting off my breathing. Four more days in the hospital, egads.
  • I'm still wobbly, deaf, have scars from three surgeries that form the letter "J" for Jesus? :-) It's interesting that I had to have the open heart surgery before the thyroid surgery. Both were life threatening issues.
  • I thank these two doctors who just "happened" to order tests that weren't common to have. They saved my life. They are from the same office and interestly Christian.
  • Honestly the Good Lord was watching out for me. I want to listen to Him more and be thankful for small things. THEN.
In November of 2011 I had a pacemaker put which happens sometimes after open heart surgery. December 2011 I had rotator cuff surgery because I HAD torn my shoulder muscles off in three place. I told them it hurt.
On Feb. 3rd. I was at the hospital when where my daughter was having a baby and was hit by a hugh laundry cart that couldn't see me because of a wide turn. My back has a fracture of the T-11 vertibrae and I had to fake it so my daughter wouldn't know I was hurt. She was doing such a great job. I just took more muscle relaxants that I had because my arm was in the sling because of my rotator cuff surgery. She never knew until a few days later, but I didn't hold my new grandson that day. Emotionally I was almost gone.

What I continue to have to strive for is to let people help me.

I am so thankful for having a family that loves life in all it's stages and stands up to this challenge..

Grandchildren and children and husband are loved more dearly.

Learning how much I am loved by my family and how much they have sacrificed without grumbling.

I trust the Lord more, although I hope there's not another surgery on the horizon.

  • This is too long, but I was saved and challenged by Christ and wanted to share this "adventure". So many people I've met have many more "adventures" than I could ever know.
  • It shows for me, the Lord's wisdom and saving hand for all His Creation.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Our Lady and Islam

Fr Ladis J. Cizik, Blue Army National Executive Director


Islam is an Arabic word that can be defined as "to make peace." Islam is the religion founded by Mohammed, which considers the Koran as its holy book. In addition, Islam accepts the New Testament of the Christians and the Old Testament of the Jews as Divinely inspired works. Followers of Islam are known as Muslims (also: Moors, Turks, and Moslems) and, just as Jews and Christians, believe in only one God. Yet, over the centuries, Muslims have engaged in tremendous wars with Christians and Jews. It would seem that there is little hope for peace. However, Heaven's Peace Plan, involving Our Lady, is evidenced at Fatima, Portugal as well as other places around the world.


The Moors once occupied Portugal. The village of Fatima was given the Islamic name of the well-loved Princess of the nearby Castle of Ourem. She died at an early age after marrying the Count of Ourem and converting to Catholicism. Baptized with the Christian name of Oureana, she was named at birth "Fatima," like many other Moslem girls, in honor of the daughter of Mohammed. Of his daughter, Fatima, the founder of Islam, Mohammed, said: "She has the highest place in heaven after the Virgin Mary."
It is a fact that Moslems from various nations, especially from the Middle East, make so many pilgrimages to Our Lady of Fatima's Shrine in Portugal that Portuguese officials have expressed concern. The combination of an Islamic name and Islamic devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary is a great attraction to Moslems. God is writing straight with crooked lines, as we will see. Fatima is a part of Heaven's Peace Plan. It is hope for the world.

The Koran

In the Koran, the holy name of the Blessed Virgin Mary is mentioned no less than thirty times. No other woman's name is even mentioned, not even that of Mohammed's daughter, Fatima. Among men, only Abraham, Moses, and Noah are mentioned more times than Our Lady. In the Koran, Our Blessed Mother is described as "Virgin, ever Virgin." The Islamic belief in the virginity of Mary puts to shame the heretical beliefs of those who call themselves Christian, while denying the perpetual virginity of Mary. Make no mistake about it, there is a very special relationship between the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Moslems!

The Holy Land

The Holy Land has been a real battleground between the Islamic peoples and Christianity over the centuries. Evidence of this are the numerous churches and basilicas that have been built by the Church, destroyed by, the Moslems, rebuilt by Catholic Crusaders, leveled again by the followers of Islam, and so on over the course of history. However, there is one remarkable exception: the Basilica of Saint Anne in Jerusalem.
The Crusaders built this church and named it in honor of the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Crypt of St. Anne's Basilica, a statue of the Infant Mary is venerated on what is believed to be the exact spot where Our Lady was born. Their great reverence for Our Lady precluded the Moslems from destroying her birthplace. The foundation for Heaven's Peace Plan at Fatima, Portugal, can be found in the Land of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


As the Moslems swept through Spain in the 8th century, a great religious treasure was buried for safe-keeping in the earth, high in the Estremadura Mountains. It was a much venerated statue of Our Lady holding the Divine Child Jesus that was a gift of Pope Gregory the Great to Bishop Leander of Seville. After the overthrow of Moorish occupation, the image was uncovered in the year 1326, subsequent to a vision of Our Lady to a humble shepherd by the name of Gil. Our Lady's very special statue was enshrined in a nearby Franciscan Monastery next to the "Wolf River."
The Moslems, during their Spanish occupation, had actually named the river. The Islamic term for Wolf River is "Guadalupe" (Guada = River; Lupe = Wolf). Hence, the famous Catholic image in Spain has been known, since the 14th century, by the Islamic name of "Our Lady of Guadalupe."


In the fullness of time, we can be sure that Almighty God knew that the Islamic religion would pose a serious threat to Christianity. God also knew that the Spanish missionaries would face grave resistance in the "new world" from the mighty Aztec Indians. The Aztecs worshipped an evil stone "serpent god" that demanded human sacrifice. It was extremely difficult to win souls for Christ from these bloodthirsty savages. However, with God all things are possible. Our Lady appeared to a humble Aztec Indian convert by the name of Juan Diego in 1531. When asked her name by Juan Diego, at the request of the local bishop, Our Lady's response, in the Aztec language, included the words "te coatlaxopeuh" (pronounced: "te quatlasupe") and meant "one who crushes the head of the stone serpent."
To Juan Diego and his fellow Aztecs, this revelation had great meaning, coupled with the miraculous image of Our Lady standing on top of a "crescent," the symbol of this evil serpent god. A tidal wave of conversions to Catholicism ensued. However, Bishop Zumarraga, who was from Spain, made what was no doubt a "heavenly mistake" that one day may lead to the mass conversion of Moslems. To the Bishop's Spanish ears, Our Lady's Aztec name of "Te Quatlasupe" sounded just like the name of the revered Madonna from Spain with the Islamic name, "Guadalupe." Hence, the bishop named the Mexican Madonna "Our Lady of Guadalupe." It is interesting that the "crescent" is also the symbol for Islam and that America's Shrine to Our Lady has an Islamic name.

Battle of Lepanto

On October 7, 1571, a great victory over the mighty Turkish fleet was won by Catholic naval forces primarily from Spain, Venice, and Genoa under the command of Don Juan of Austria. It was the last battle at sea between "oared" ships, which featured the most powerful navy in the world, a Moslem force with between 12,000 to 15,000 Christian slaves as rowers. The patchwork team of Catholic ships was powered by the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Knowing that the Christian forces were at a distinct material disadvantage, the holy pontiff, St. Pope Pius V called for all of Europe to pray the Rosary for victory. We know today that the victory was decisive, prevented the Islamic invasion of Europe, and evidenced the Hand of God working through Our Lady. At the hour of victory, St. Pope Pius V, who was hundreds of miles away at the Vatican, is said to have gotten up from a meeting, went over to a window, and exclaimed with supernatural radiance: "The Christian fleet is victorious!" and shed tears of thanksgiving to God.
What you may not know is that one of three admirals commanding the Catholic forces at Lepanto was Andrea Doria. He carried a small copy of Mexico's Our Lady of Guadalupe into battle. This image is now enshrined in the Church of San Stefano in Aveto, Italy. Not many know that at the Monastery of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Spain, one can view a huge warship lantern that was captured from the Moslems in the Battle of Lepanto. In Rome, look up to the ceiling of S. Maria in Aracoeli and behold decorations in gold taken from the Turkish galleys. In the Doges' Palace in Venice, Italy, one can witness a giant Islamic flag that is now a trophy from a vanquished Turkish ship from the Victory. At Saint Mary Major Basilica in Rome, close to the tomb of the great St. Pope Pius V, one was once able to view yet another Islamic flag from the Battle, until 1965, when it was returned to Istanbul in an intended friendly token of concord.

The Rosary

At Lepanto, the Victory over the Moslems was won by the faithful praying the Rosary. Even though they had superior numbers, the Turks really were overmatched. Blessed Padre Pio, the Spiritual Father of the Blue Army, said: "The Rosary is the weapon," and how right he was!
The Battle of Lepanto was at first celebrated liturgically as "Our Lady of Victory." Later, the feast of October 7th was renamed "Our Lady of the Rosary" and extended throughout the Universal Church by Pope Clement XI in 1716 (who canonized Pope Pius V in 1712).
And with that we are back to Fatima, Portugal where Our Lady, when asked her name, said: "I am the Lady of the Rosary." At Fatima, Our Lady taught us to pray the Rosary every day. Heaven presented its peace plan at Fatima and truly gave us hope for the world. Conversions were promised at Fatima: the conversion of sinners; the conversion of Russia; and what also appears to be the conversion of Islam. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!
Taken from:
Soul Magazine
© 2001 The Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima, U.S.A., Inc.
September - October 2001,  page 6
For subscription information:
The Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima, U.S.A., Inc.
PO Box 976
Washington, NJ 07882-0976
Website: http://www.bluearmy.com
E-mail: service@bluearmy.com 
or Phone Toll Free:             866-513-1917      

Provided Courtesy of:
Eternal Word Television Network
5817 Old Leeds Road
Irondale, AL 35210

Thanks Myrna for sending this to VOCAL.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

#1 Pick for the New Archbishop of Portland in Oregon

Update as of Nov. 28th..still nothing on the horizon, but things can change quickly.

Bishop George Leo Thomas of the Diocese of Helena, Montana, is my first pick as new Bishop/Archbishop for the Archdiocese of Portland.

Update: Priest said to: Look in the right hand corner of Michigan to  Bishop Alexander King Sample.  The first Bishop ordained in the 1960's. What a great guy.  (He said that Bishop Thomas would like to be ours.)

Now remember, I am NOT sure, however a most reliable source, in a conversation, heard Bishop Thomas' name mentioned when it was found out that they were from Oregon. This unnamed name-dropper actually said "oops" as though he had said something he shouldn't have...then went on to say "We hope it isn't him because we love him so". 

Bishop Thomas is on the list for bishops that are being relocated.  Pope Benedict knows that we need a Shepherd to guide us and relieve us from mixed messages regarding the True Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. 

The Holy Father is trying to keep priests relocated to an area of the United States that they are familiar with. 

Bishop Thomas' homestate is Montana, and Oregon, Idaho, & Montana make up the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Portland.  He truly knows the area.

Bishop George Leo Thomas' Coat of Arms for his Episcopate

Article Regarding Bishop Thomas' Joy At Seeing the Pope.

USCCB Regarding Appointing Bishops

I pray that this is the man.  It would be wonderful to have him. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012



We need to let the Oregon Catholic Press (OCP) know our wishes if we have problems with the music in their Music Issue.  There are many composers who are troublesome in their spirituality.

Oregon Catholic Press is just a business and want to make money.  We can let our voices be heard by sending our suggestions and comments.   There are sections on different music selections, but it seems to be a trap of some kind and answers can be twisted.  Sorry to say I'm a conspiracy theorist when it comes to this.

The last section on suggestions and comments let us at least vent.




Monday, August 20, 2012

Archdiocese of Portland Offers Loan to Priest Accused of Child Abuse - Why?

Archdiocese of Portland offers open-ended loan to Woodburn priest accused of child abuse. click

The latest scandal for the Archdiocese of Portland has hit the Drudgereport and it's hard to find an article that is not a liberal bash against the Church.  This open-ended loan could have been eliminated and Father Perez could have a public defender.  All defendents deserve a fair trial.

The formation of this priest from Mexico was helped by Father (now Monsignor) Charles Liernart of St. Andrew Church in Portland when he was the Vicar of Clergy and had Fathers Krueger and Mosbucker on the Clergy Personnel Board with him.  Please read this article to see their division from the Church's teachings. 

Father Liernart, Krueger and Mosbrucker..are they teaching the seminarians/priests the Truth?  click

St. Andrew Church is notorious for its involvment in the "Gay Pride" Parade in Portland. Father Lienart's predecessor, Father Robert Kruger, apparently has the same disregard for the Church's teachings and should in no way be anywhere near a seminarian/priest having this active homosexual/woman's ordination way of thinking.   Why are they in positions in the Church at all, they should be in RCIA with great catecist. This in NO way absolves this predator priest.  But we pay for these priests and their disobedience to our Lord. 

In the Archdiocese of Portland, I believe, the next shoe to drop is more homosexual abuse in the Hispanic community.  This culture is easy prey I'm sorry to say.  Please be aware of this.

Regarding another priest.

A year or so ago I asked for anyone to tell me about abuse they know about in the Archdiocese.  In 2007 I was approached regarding a heterosexual "event"  that eventually went to court.  My advice to this young woman was to pursue this and thus help other women who might have been in the same hard spot.

Just to let you know that this was settled by the Archdiocese before a trial.  The young woman had a gag order put on her.  My name was mentioned during the court proceedings and the Archbishop knows I "know".  Do NOT be alarmed if you haven't gone through having your priest accused.  This has been my great fear that a majority of good priests will be questioned, however this parish has already been given a letter from the Archbishop that was read or in the bulletin regarding this priest's absence.

He is still around and will be put in another parish in another state.  He should be deported, but I haven't heard, nor do I think this will happen.   This is very unpleasant to mention, but life can be unpleasant at times and this has haunted me for five years. 

I pray that this last bit of information will bring out more women regarding any abuse and prevent any more from taking place. 

The young woman and her family wanted this known. There have been meetings according to her at the Pastoral Center and letters sent to no avail.  She has not had any help/therapy from the Archdiocese and was treated very poorly, according to her and her mom, from the Archdiocesean lawyers.  Where is Jesus in any of this? 

God forgive me for putting off telling her story for so long. Let it not be too late for someone else.
Most gracious Heavenly Father,

We thank you for our for our faithful priests and bishops, whose spiritual fatherhood and example of fidelity, self-sacrifice, and devotion is so vital to the faith of your people.

May our spiritual fathers be guided by the examples of Saints Peter and Paul, all the Apostles and their saintly successors. Give them valiant faith in the face of confusion and conflict, hope in time of trouble and sorrow, and steadfast love for you, for their families, and for all your people throughout the world. May the light of your Truth shine through their lives and their good works.

Assist all spiritual fathers, that through your Grace they may steadily grow in holiness and in knowledge and understanding of your Truth. May they generously impart this knowledge to those who rely on them.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

CCHD - Archdiocese of Portland Hierarchy Stuffs It Down Our Throats Bigtime This Year

Back from a trip to California, where they still kneel after the Agnus Dei and are "turning toward Rome" in their hearts.  Even the confused peace and justice folks are feeling the change.  Thank God for His Goodness.

Oregon news:

The list of Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) grantees 2012 is a slap in the face to faithful Catholics from the hierarchy: Office of Justice and Peace, lead by Mary Jo Tully and Matt Cato.

Springtime of the Laity...do you "feel' it coming?
It is a good-bye present to us all and hopefully confirms we might have an Archbishop with backbone to look into the faithful actions of his hired help to see if they are faithful to the "whole" Catholic community and not just liberal, "we know better than the Church" people.

They put their money where their heart is, which seems to fund abortion and active homosexuality organizations taking Catholic monies for decades.

Just a little look into the list shows us the links they have with each other: tax exempt organizations that are parasites celebrating their salaries off of faithful hard working folks and having "above it all" mentalities.

I know this is a harsh post..Harsher still is the lack of understanding of the Church and her Life in Christ.

CCHD Grants 2012 Archdiocese of Portland

The three National Catholic Campaign for Human Development Grants were awarded to:
Organization: Community Alliance of Tenants
Project: Housing Justice Program and Just Cause Campaign
Location: Portland,OR
Funding: $50,000
Community Alliance of Tenants is an established community organization working on tenants' rights. It is the only membership-controlled, tenants-rights community organization in Oregon.Affordable housing that is safe and clean has always been a significant issue, and the Great Recession has reduced the supply of such housing and, specifically in Portland, pushed tenants to the outskirts of Portland.
This CCHD grant will fund CAT’s Housing Justice Program where low-income renters are organized to directly challenge unsafe housing conditions in members' buildings and new leaders are supported to guide important changes to housing policies.
This year, the Housing Justice Program will confront the impacts of unjust housing policy and build the power of low-income tenants to direct solutions.
The goal of the upcoming Just Cause campaign is to end the practice of no-cause evictions in Oregon.

Organization:Hacienda Community Development Corporation
Project: Mercado
Location: Portland,OR
Funding: $50,000
Hacienda Community Development Corporation was formed in 1993 in response to the declining standard of living among Hispanic immigrants in Portland's lower-income communities. Hacienda's mission is to develop affordable housing and build thriving communities in support of working Latino families and others in Oregon by promoting healthy living and economic advancement.
Hacienda CDC has been supporting the work of an established group of approximately 30 low-income Latino entrepreneurs to create an entrepreneurs’ co-operative (the Co-op) that will direct the development and operation of Portland’s first Latino Public Market. The Market is currently in a start-up phase.
This CCHD grant will fund the development of the Mercado.
While most of the Latino-focused CCHD-funded organizations in Portland work on metro, county and state immigrant rights—all legislative issues—Hacienda CDC works on issues of economic opportunity for working Latino families and others in Oregon by promoting healthy living and economic advancement. 
Organization: MACG Vision
Project: Latino Organizing Project
Location: Portland,OR
Funding: $45,00
MACG Vision is a subsidiary of Metropolitan Alliance for Common Good (MACG) formed to outreach to institutions that represent a majority of low income, minority, or underserved populations.
This CCHD grant will fund MACG Vision’s outreach to Latino members of metropolitan Catholic parishes to build relationships with the intention of seeking opportunities for bringing about institutional change that affects the Latino immigrant population. The targeted populations – Latinos and the diverse East Portland residents are poor. Hispanic household median income is 30% less than white households yet the voices of these Hispanic households are rarely heard.
MACG Vision will train individuals from member institutions of MACG Vision's partner organization, MACG, or prospective institutions in the tools of relational organizing – relational meetings, listening campaigns, and issue development – that will be led entirely by the individuals directly affected by the problems that surface during the listening sessions.
MACG Vision is the only established community organization with an identifiable faith-based—Catholic—element.
The six local Catholic Campaign for Human Development grants were awarded to:

Organization:Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon: Interfaith Food and Farm Partnership
Project: Rockwood Community Voices for Food Justice
Location: Rockwood,OR
Funding: $5000
In Gresham, many working class people are living without access to healthy affordable food. Grocery stores are too far away and the nearest food vendors are fast food chains.
The goal of the Rockwood Community Voices for Food Justice program is to build the capacity of low-income residents of the Rockwood neighborhood of Gresham, OR for improved access to healthy, affordable food through organizing and leading a grassroots food assessment. This CCHD grant will partially fund this assessment, which will be lead by a Neighborhood Assessment Team composed of low-income community members.
A food assessment is a participatory method of identifying the food assets and needs of a community. The assessment will identify new ways to connect local food producers and low-income consumers; identify economic opportunities for local residents to grow, process, sell and distribute food; and, build capacity to address food issues through advocacy for institutional and governmental policies.
Interfaith Food and Farms Partnership is a project of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon's Interfaith Network for Earth Concerns, with experience in conducting food assessments.

Organization: Huerto de la Familia (The Family Garden)
Project: Cambios (Change) Micro-Development Program
Location: Eugene,OR
Funding: $5000
Huerto de la Familia works to expand opportunities and training in organic agriculture and business creation to families with the least access, but who have great potential to benefit.
This CCHD grant will partially fund the Cambios Micro Development Program which offers business training and business counseling to Spanish-speaking individuals who want to create or enhance food and farm businesses. The program supports individuals in developing the following assets: education and training, financial reputation (credit), and financial reserves. The program hopes to support individuals to transition from being laborers to being business owners.
The goal of Cambios is to increase financial stability and food security among participants by helping entrepreneurial Latinos capitalize on solid business ideas and opportunities by providing the support and training they need to successfully run and grow the businesses on their own

Organization: New City Initiative
Project: New City Kitchen
Location: Portland,OR
Funding: $5000
The mission of the New City Initiative is to build bridges between the faith community and the non-profit, business, and public sectors towards the goal of ending homelessness.
The New City Kitchen, a social enterprise in collaboration with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and DePaul Industries, will train 20 workforce trainees through a 100-hour program at Ecumenical Ministries’ Patton Kitchen, and then placing them in “workplace internships” with local food service employers.
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development grant will help develop a catering arm of the New City Kitchen, using “Delicioso Catering” as a basis. The catering operation will employ people who are significantly challenged in the traditional labor market, providing “second chance” employment opportunities for employment to people who go through the New City Kitchen program.

Organization: OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon
Project: Bus Riders Unite and East Portland Bus Stop Project
Location: Portland,OR
Funding: $5000
OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon (OPAL) is a grassroots community-based organization working to educate, engage and empower low-income communities of color to build leadership and capacity to effectively participate in the civic process to protect their community health and interests. OPAL is the only membership-controlled, environmental justice organization supported by CCHD.
CCHD funds will be used to support OPAL’s Bus Riders United! membership program and transit justice campaign work, focused specifically on leadership development and the East Portland Bus Stops project. This project seeks to educate and mobilize transit-dependent riders in East Portland – predominantly low-income communities of color – to engage in a community-driven project to increase the accessibility, safety and connectivity of transit, and to build awareness of the connections between transit and positive health outcomes.
The project will create opportunities for meaningful engagement in local decision-making and advocate for prioritizing the needs of transit-dependent communities

Organization:San Martin de Porres
Project: Social Justice Ministry/Community Outreach
Location: Dayton,OR
Funding: $5000
The majority of the parishioners of San Martin de Porres Catholic Church are low-income Latinos living in rural Oregon. San Martin's Social Justice Ministry advocates for the Latino immigrant community by providing the knowledge regarding local resources, civil rights, and leadership skills necessary to become contributing members of society. Members strive to listen to the needs of the community and advocate for civic involvement in areas where there is underrepresentation of the Latino community, e.g., legislation and education.
This CCHD grant will fund an annual immigration conference, intended as an educational event for both the Latino and Anglo communities; citizenship/civic classes to benefit current residents in our community seeking to gain citizenship; Know Your Rights workshop to educate its community regarding their constitutional rights and what to expect when encountering government immigration or law enforcement officials.
The San Martin de Porres’ social justice ministry is the only Catholic community organization in the Archdiocese of Portland supported by either a local or national CCHD grant.

Organization:Salem-Keizer Coalition for Equality
Project: Parent Organizing Project: Leadership Development
Location: Salem,OR
Funding: $5000
Salem-Keizer Coalition for Equality organized in the Latino migrant community to develop meaningful parental involvement to increase the graduation rate for, and educational outcomes of, low income and minority students in Salem-Keizer.
This CCHD grant will partially fund continued training of nine new parent facilitators and providing professional development opportunities for its seven-member senior facilitation team.
Equipped trainers offer workshops for Spanish-speaking parents at its community-based organization. SKCE parent facilitators teach workshops for Spanish-speaking immigrant parents, design new units, coordinate advocacy around school funding and programs for English Language Learners, and provide ongoing support for families.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Priest warns: "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark" aka the Archdiocese of Portland

Priest warns: 
What do we find on the Archdiocesan website?

A recommendation for Father Diarmuid Ó Murchú’s 2005 book, The Consecrated Life: The Changing Paradigms.

This seems to rehash the same ideas he presented in his 1995 book, Reframing Religious Life - itself seemingly an updating of his 1980 book, The Seed Must Die - Survival or Extinction.

The 1995 book merited a Doctrinal Statement by the Spanish Bishops' Conference, which was subsequently published in L'Osservatore Romano in March 2006.
Summary: The Doctrinal Commission of the Bishops' Conference of Spain presents this Doctrinal Note in order to bring to public attention the seriously erroneous affirmations found in the book "Reframing Religious Life. An Expanded Vision for the Future," by Father Diarmuid O'Murchu, M.S.C. According to Father O'Murchu, religious men and women "should leave the Church and take on a non-canonical status" since "the values of the Religious life belong to a more ancient pre-religious tradition." 

     He therefore marginalizes Christian revelation and its ecclesial transmission, abolishes the need for redemption and proposes a non-Christian vision where the "Kingdom" or the "Reign" is a substitute for Jesus Christ and his Church. 
     Father O'Murchu also disfigures the sense and significance of the religious vows of poverty, obedience and chastity. In the final analysis, the proposals made in his book, far from promoting a renewal of religious life, will rather bring about its destruction. 
And we wonder why "lay ministers" in the Catholic Church seem not to understand - let alone affirm - the Catholic faith?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Archdiocese of Portland's "Pride" Posts

St Philip Neri Joins in 2012 Catholic contingent too. 

"Gay Pride Parade": Part Two - Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
Jun 20, 2011
"Gay Pride Parade": Part Two. Dear Advocates for Life,. This Oregon Live article shows that Catholics are being represented, as usual, in the PDX Homosexual Parade on Father's Day. Oregon Live Article: St. Andrew's and ...

Jun 14, 2011
On Father's Day this year the Community of Welcoming Congregations are marching in the Pride NW Parade 2011 in slot number 27. There is also Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence making fun of Catholics openly and freely, ...

Aug 09, 2010
The "Gay Pride Parade" shows how degraded people have become not seeing it as it really is. This is a lifestyle of entrapment not from God. Things may seem too hard to overcome, but there is freedom through Christ and ...

VOCAL : Voice of Catholics Advocating Life: "barred from burial in ...
Jun 06, 2008
"barred from burial in blessed ground"/Archdpdx Marching in Gay Pride Parade, Again! Dear Catholic Advocates, Saturday, June 7th there will be the second scandalous "ordination" of a woman at Ecumencial Ministries of ...

Sep 10, 2008
The Archdiocese of Portland works with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) closely in the Legislature, with them in the Gay Pride Parade; and give these progressives credibility (being linked with the Catholic church) And ...

Archdiocese of Portland's faithful "Gay Pride" Contingent / Happy 9th Birthday VOCAL

On Father's Day,  this year's "gay pride" parade still had it's "Catholic" contingent.  At least they weren't mentioned in the parade line-up as they were in the past.  The Community of Welcoming Congregations which include confused Catholics and all the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon churches that we still belong to.  These churches allow the heretical so-called women priests services in Portland and Eugene.  The CMC is allowed on Catholic Church property to organize and meet.

There is good news: things are about to change with a new Archbishop.  In the next VOCAL post, there is is a list  regarding scandalous behavior flaunted in Oregon reported throughout the years.  If the new Archbishop is interested, he could get a good sense of some of our problems from them.

God Bless you all for your faithfulness and support of VOCAL for officially nine years now.  
The birth of St. John the Baptist, June 24th, is the anniversary. 
 St. John the Baptist is co-patron with St. John Chrysostom the two lungs of the Church, East and West. 

2012 NW Pride Parade Click for line up

Saint Andrew represents Archdiocese of Portland "Catholics"

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

+Mark's Memorial Service

A west coast memorial service for our friend Mark Andreas will be held at Holy Rosary Catholic Church on Saturday June 16th  at 10 a.m.

His eldest daughter Erin and her whole family welcome you to honor her dear dad.

(Mark wanted this Father's Day to be "special" he didn't have to go to such lengths to do it.)  His joy of awaiting us in the Heavenly Kingdom just came out.

We are sad at his passing and mourn for him, but also smile at the joy he has left.

"Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall all indeed rise again: but we shall not all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet: for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall rise again incorruptible. And we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption: and this mortal must put on immortality. And when this mortal hath put on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting? Now the sting of death is sin: and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who hath given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast and unmoveable: always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."  I Corinthians 15:51-58

Saturday, June 9, 2012

+ Mark Andreas

Mark Andreas passed away after a short bout with Cancer on Friday, June 8th.  He was a strong man of God and will be greatly missed.   Mark was a dear friend of "VOCAL" for almost a decade, and sent cheers this way when Church error was exposed.  His dear wife Ruth and children were his greatest joy in life besides the Lord.  God bless you Mark, thanks for your dear friendship and faith in Christ to emulate.  Rest in Peace.
 Here is a message he sent through Facebook.  I know he wouldn't mind if I posted this.  It gives a flavor of this wonderful man.
"Greetings from Mark & Ruth Andreas in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It doesn't seem like we have been here for 6 years, but time flies. We have often thought of all the wonderful families we have known at Holy Rosary and the dear priests who have served there and at the Rosary Center. My own fondest memories will always be attending the 11:00 Mass and hearing the Men's Schola sing so beautifully.

I wondered into that parish in 1989 on December 8th on Our Lady's Feast day. I remember being fed up with my own parish priest who denied Purgatory and was confused on other points of the Faith. An older man I worked with attended there and recommended it to me, so I went to Noon Mass. I can still remember being overwhelmed by the beautiful hymns and then being able to kneel to receive Holy Communion. At the recessional hymn, Immaculate Mary, I began to weep in tears I can only describe as those of pure joy. I felt I was home! All I could do for a time was kneel back down after Mass and drink it in.

Now my problem was how to leave St. Peter's in Newberg. I went to see then auxiliary Bishop Waldschmidt to get permission to change parishes. He was very kind and said "Yes." And also "Those priest over there at Holy Rosary are solid in the Faith and they won't steer you wrong." So after 5 years on the Pastoral Council as chairman of education, I took my then 13 year old daughter Erin and left for Holy Rosary. Fr. Anthony and Fr. Emmerich where there at the time and shortly after, Fr. Bartholomew came. I think at the time There were six priests there including dear Fr. Duffner at the Rosary Center. 
What an Oasis Holy Rosary was for me and my Daughter Erin who now is Mrs Erin Rapp, and with her husband Jason and their six children still attend this dear parish. My parents weren't long to follow and last year even though my parents weren't able to attend for the last 5 years regularly to my Mother's failing health from Cancer, Fr. Anthony was there for them. My mother died and the funeral Mass was at St. Paul. Fr. Anthony offered to come and co-celebrate Mass with Fr. Moys there. What can I say to such friendship and love given to my family, but Thank you Fr. Anthony from our hearts. It meant so very much to my Father and the rest of my family to have him there and be with us.

I thank God for Holy Rosary, and vital role it has played in my life of my Wife Ruth who was a former Lutheran Pastor and a convert there, as well as my children and grandchildren. May her priests always remain attuned to the special "Charisma" that sets that parish apart in the faithfulness and fidelity of the parishioners there and may God always bless her now and in the troubled times that face our Church and Country.
God bless,
Mark Andreas
Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church, Sioux Falls, SD.  to  Holy Rosary Church, Portland Oregon

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bishop Liam Cary: New defender of a greater flock.

Principal consecrator: Are you resolved as a good shepherd to seek out the sheep who stray 
and to gather them into the fold of the Lord?

Bishop-elect: I am.

Newly ordained Bishop Liam Cary sits with Archbishop John George Vlazny (Principal Consecrator), 
 Bishop Robert Francis Vasa and Bishop William Stephen Skylstad (Principal Co-Consecrators). May 18, 2012.

Congratulations Bishop Cary.  May God bless you and guide you all the days of your life. 

Thanks to Marc Salvatore for these beautiful pictures.