Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Replies from Ed Langois of Catholic Sentinel re: Joy Wallace Article and the Newspaper.

In June, there was an article regarding long-time homosexual activist Joy Wallace in the Catholic Sentinel. Since Ms. Wallace has openly supported anti-Catholic positions for decades, it was curious that the writer of the article, Ed Langois, wrote it in the first place or that news editor Robert Pfhoman allowed its publication.  

Here is the official retraction from Ed Langlois for VOCAL readers, but it wasn't  published in Catholic Sentinel's on-line edition where it appeared.  It took until September to receive the "retraction" and longer since finding out if it was also in print meant a trip to the Oregon Catholic Press to make sure it wasn't published in print.  Forgive me for this lack of trust.

"Earlier this summer, the Sentinel published an online story about Joy Wallace, who leads an organization to prevent bullying of youths, including those who have a homosexual orientation. While the Catholic Church recognizes homosexual acts as disordered, it does not condemn such orientation. 

But readers subsequently brought to our attention that Wallace also has led marches in Portland’s Gay Pride parade and is one organizer of a service led by a woman who claims to be a Catholic priest. To prevent confusing Catholics, Sentinel staff removed the story from the website and refrained from putting it in print."

Ed Langlois 

Staff Writer


503•460•5496 Fax

  Further questions regarding the Catholic Sentinel.

The Catholic Sentinel has been around for so long and there is a growing realization that we know very little about how it works.  To put this matter to rest there are two things requested.

The answer to this question: Are there four Catholic Sentinels? English printed and on-line as well as Spanish editions?  There seem to be. The reason please? 

Since the article was on-line for a month it seems to many that a public mention of the mistake with the actual reasons it was pulled is necessary.  On-line would be fine since it was on the web.  If, however, it was actually printed, that would also apply.

God Bless,


Ed's Reply:

Carolyn —

I can explain the first issue easily. 

The Sentinel and El Centinela are produced independently, though we do translate a story back and forth now and then. Rocio Rios leads the El Centinela pretty much single handedly, with some freelancers.  The Sentinel has three writers and senior editor Bob Pfohman, who is the leader. Both papers carry an essential of the mission — the archbishop’s column.

Both papers also have websites. Because the space in print is limited, the websites contain everything from print, plus much more, including stories, arts reviews, videos and more photos. In addition, most stories will show up on the website much sooner than in the paper, since it’s a two-week wait between printings. We post new stories in all the website sections daily. 

Regarding your second question, let us think on it. On one hand, I feel you have amply publicized Joy Wallace’s life and I don’t see at this point how we can add much to further the common good and the mission handed to us by Jesus. We are not in the business of publicly embarrassing people and I don’t think anyone is in danger of having their faith confused. On the other hand, we should be transparent. 


Ed Langlois 

Staff Writer


503•460•5496 Fax


Thanks for sending me the information on the two papers.  It's good to know. 
I was wondering if you and Bob thought anymore about the retraction regarding the Wallace article. 

If you were thinking in any way Joy would be publicly embarrassed, she wouldn't be. Just her
Joy center-stage defying AB Sample
behavior would eliminate that possibility. A retraction would simply let people know that the Catholic Sentinel, i.e. the Archdiocese of Portland doesn't condone or encourage homosexual behavior through her organization.  

In my opinion, this article does confuse Catholics. The common good and mission of Christ Jesus is in fact harmed.  Ask Archbishop Sample if you are still confused.

Transparency is a positive thing.  

God Bless,

 (Below is my final email to make sure he understood the gravity of our request)  


Thanks again for getting back to me.  I want to make sure that you are sure you looked into the organization that Joy Wallace founded.  It seems to me to be a forum for homosexual promotion in our schools and an attempt to lead the souls of Catholic schoolchildren away from Christ.  

Here are the newsletters from the Oregon Safe School Coalition website. http://www.oregonsafeschools.org/    

"Earlier this summer, the Sentinel published an online story about Joy Wallace, who leads an organization to prevent bullying of youths, including those who have a homosexual orientation. While the Catholic Church recognizes homosexual acts as disordered, it does not condemn such orientation. 
But readers subsequently brought to our attention that Wallace also has led marches in Portland’s Gay Pride parade and is one organizer of a service led by a woman who claims to be a Catholic priest. To prevent confusing Catholics, Sentinel staff removed the story from the website and refrained from putting it in print."

If you want to change this 'retraction' in anyway, please let me know.  Otherwise, I'll publish this as is.

Response, status quo.

Oregon Catholics need to keep praying, be thankful for the changes, but be wary of what's printed in the Sentinel.  The editor, Bob Pfohman has retired this November.  Let's pray for the next editor and his/her discernment in protecting Oregon Catholics.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Interested? Archdiocese of Portland Job Openings: Marriage and Family and Director of Divine Worship.

For your privacy and protection, when applying for a job: never provide your social security number to a prospective employer, never provide credit card or bank account information, and never perform any sort of monetary transaction. To use this website, you must agree with the CatholicJobs.com Terms and Conditions and both meet and comply with their provisions.
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Friday, October 31, 2014

NOVEMBER 1, 2014 - THE LAST "FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTION" at Archbishop Sample's Request and ALL SAINT'S DAY.

Let's Celebrate the Queen of Saints and All of our Church's canonized Saints November 1, 2014. 

All Saint's Day is a Holy Day of Obligation, but in Oregon we are not "obligated" because this Holy Day falls on a Saturday.  Our Saint friends might like us to override this Oregon trait.

Archbishop Sample might have just planned the dates for the devotion this that way.  Who knows?
November 1st,  know that we can work out one hour for all our Heavenly friends that we'll hopefully see after our death.
Satan loves to mess things up tomorrow is a great day for that.  Plan ahead for trouble.

God bless you all.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

'What is being proposed is not marriage' – Pope calls for defense of family

There is a movement that few people know of in Oregon: the Schoenstatt movement.  It  just celebrated its 100th Anniversary worldwide.

A mass lead by Monsignor Richard Hunegar was held on October 18th at St. Joseph Church, Salem, with a large crowd on this Saturday morning.   There was a "Celebration of Love" for three "tween" girls as the focus.  One of Oregon's best kept secrets time may have come and shines a light on this movement to celebrate the family. It has existed for years virtually unnoticed or recognized but no more.
Congratulations girls.  Thank you for your witness of love for our Blessed Mother.  God Bless you.


'What is being proposed is not marriage' – Pope calls for defense of family

 Elise Harris

Pope Francis at an Oct. 25, 2014 audience with Schoenstatt movement. Credit: Photo Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/CNA.Add caption
.- In an audience with members of an international Marian movement, Pope Francis warned that the sacrament of marriage has been reduced to a mere association, and urged participants to be witnesses in a secular world.

“The family is being hit, the family is being struck and the family is being bastardized,” the Pope told those in attendance at the Oct. 25 audience.

He warned against the common view in society that “you can call everything family, right?”

“What is being proposed is not marriage, it's an association. But it's not marriage! It's necessary to say these things very clearly and we have to say it!” Pope Francis stressed.

He lamented that there are so many “new forms” of unions which are “totally destructive and limiting the greatness of the love of marriage.”

Noting that there are many who cohabitate, or are separated or divorced, he explained that the “key” to helping is a pastoral care of “close combat” that assists and patiently accompanies the couple.

Pope Francis offered his words in a question-and-answer format during his audience with members of the Schoenstatt movement, held in celebration of the 100th anniversary of its founding in Germany.

Roughly 7,500 members of the international Marian and apostolic organization, both lay and clerics from dozens of nations around the world, were present in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall for the audience.

In his answers to questions regarding marriage, Pope Francis explained that contemporary society has “devalued” the sacrament by turning it into a social rite, removing the most essential element, which is union with God.

“So many families are divided, so many marriages broken, (there is) such relativism in the concept of the Sacrament of Marriage,” he said, noting that from a sociological and Christian point of view “there is a crisis in the family because it's beat up from all sides and left very wounded!”

In regard to Mary, the Roman Pontiff said that her visit to her cousin Elizabeth is a strong symbol for the movement’s mission, and emphasized how no Christians can call themselves orphans because they have a mother who continues to give them life.

Pope Francis recalled this history of the movement’s foundation, noting how it was started by Fr. Joseph Kentenich during the First World War. It was after his time in a concentration camp during World War II, the Pope noted, that the priest traveled to the peripheries of the world in order to preach the Gospel.

Witness is key to spreading the Gospel, he said, explaining that true witness means living “in such a way that the will to live as we live is born in the heart of others…Living in a way (so that) others are interested and ask: ‘why?’”

However, the Bishop of Rome emphasized that although we are called to give this witness, “we are not the saviors of anyone,” but rather are the transmitters of Jesus, who is the one that already saved us all.

True witness propels us out of ourselves and into the streets of the world, the Pope continued, repeating his common declaration that a Church, movement or community that doesn’t go out of itself “becomes sick.”

“A movement, a Church or a community that doesn't go out, is mistaken,” he said. “Don't be afraid! Go out in mission, go out on the road. We are walkers.”

In answer to questions regarding how he can be defined as “reckless,” the Roman Pontiff admitted that although he can be considered “a little reckless,” he still surrenders himself to prayer, saying that it helps him to place Jesus at the center, rather than himself.

“There is only one center: Jesus Christ – who rather looks at things from the periphery, no? Where he sees things more clearly,” the Pope observed, saying that when closed inside the small worlds of a parish, a community and even the Roman Curia, “then you do not grasp the truth.”

He explained how reality is always seen better from the peripheries rather than the center, and noted how he has seen some episcopal conferences who charge for almost every small thing, where “nothing escapes.”

“Everything is working well, everything is well organized,” the pontiff observed, but they could do with less “functionalism and more apostolic zeal, more interior freedom, more prayer, (and) this interior freedom is the courage to go out.”

When asked about his process of reforming the Roman Curia, Pope Francis explained that often renewal is understood as making small changes here or there, or even making changes out of the necessity of adapting to the times.

But this isn’t true renewal, he said, noting that while there are people every day who say that he needs to renew the Vatican Bank or the Curia, “It's strange (that) no one speaks of the reform of the heart.”

“They don't understand anything of what the renewal of the heart means: which is holiness, renewing one's (own) heart,” the Pope observed, saying that a renewed heart is able of going beyond disagreements such as family conflicts, war and those that arise out of the “culture of the provisional.”

He concluded by blessing the missionary crosses of those present, who are called to missionaries in the five continents of the world, and recalled how some time ago he was given an image of the Mother of Schoenstatt, who prays and is always present.

The movement’s encounter with Pope Francis came on the second day of their visit to Rome, which culminated with a Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica presided over by Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Vatican mystery: Where did gay welcome originate?

Posted Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2014

Preserving the Holy Family as our example.
It's one of the great mysteries of the meeting on family life taking place behind closed doors at the Vatican this week: Just where did the authors of a draft report come up with such ground-breaking language that gays had gifts to offer the church and that even homosexual partnerships had merit?

Officially speaking, the draft report was a synthesis of the interventions from more than 200 bishops, a starting point for small working groups to propose amendments, elaborations, additions and subtractions to the drafting committee preparing a final report that will be released on Saturday.

But conservative cardinals have said their views were not reflected in the draft, they blasted the report as "unacceptable" and said it was in sore need of an overhaul.

U.S. Cardinal Timothy Dolan said his fellow American, hardline Cardinal Raymond Burke, reflected the view of "a good number of people in saying, boy, this document is a rough draft, does it ever need major revisions."

"I think he's right, he's picked up on the side that a lot of bishops, and I would include myself, feel that it needs some major reworking," Dolan told "CBS This Morning."

The most contentious passage is contained in three paragraphs of the 58-paragraph report under the heading "Welcoming homosexuals." It starts off by saying gays "have gifts and qualities to offer the Christian community."

"Are our communities capable of providing (a welcoming home,) accepting and valuing their sexual orientations without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?"

And it continues: "Without denying the moral problems connected to homosexual unions it has to be noted that there are cases in which mutual aid to the point of sacrifice constitutes a precious support in the life of the partners."

There was no reference to Catholic doctrine that gay sex is "intrinsically disordered," sinful or that homosexual orientation was "objectively disordered."

Hungarian Cardinal Peter Erdo, the main author of the report or "relator," defended the document Wednesday but acknowledged problems and said there was ample room for improvement.

He told Vatican Radio that the 16 officials who drafted it struggled to synthesize the positions of 30-40 bishops on any given topic and rushed to finish it on time. He acknowledged that there may have been instances when the report said "many" bishops had proposed a certain position when only "some" had.

But he said the final paper would provide "greater clarity, that doesn't leave any doubt in any chapter because the faithful need a clear voice, an encouragement and an instruction."

Erdo has already "outed" the official who wrote the section on gays, Monsignor Bruno Forte, appointed by Pope Francis as the special secretary to the synod. Forte is an Italian theologian known for pushing the pastoral envelope on dealing with people in "irregular" unions while staying true to Catholic doctrine.

Technically speaking, Forte and all the members of the drafting committee had access to far more material than the bishops themselves since they had the lengthy written speeches each synod "father" submitted prior to the meeting. Those written speeches factored into the draft report, even if the bishops didn't utter them during the four minutes each was allowed to speak.

In fact, the Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said he recalled only one speech out of about 265 about gays during the debate.

So it's not surprising that bishops didn't recognize everything in the draft report since these written submissions weren't made public or distributed to the bishops themselves, and the oral presentations only reflected a summary or particular point that a bishop wanted to make. But at the same time, there is no real way to know which bishop or bishops had proposed such ground-breaking language or whether it was more a reflection of Forte's view.

The controversy over the document has crystalized the deepening divisions in the church over Francis' revolutionary agenda to make it a more welcoming place which, while keeping true to Catholic doctrine, doesn't emphasize rules or exclude people based on them.

What remains to be seen is if Francis can ensure that the final report continues to reflect that view after all the amendments are in.

As it is, he appointed a half-dozen perceived progressives to the final drafting committee after bishops themselves elected conservatives to head the working groups. These working groups will make proposed amendments, but in the end its up to the drafting committee to write the final document that the bishops will vote to accept or not.

None of Francis' appointees are Africans, who are among the most conservative on family issues.

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2014/10/15/6202542/author-of-vatican-gay-report-eyes.html?rh=1#storylink=cpy

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Cardinal: Synod says no to 'secular agenda'

Bishop Robert Vasa: “Let Me Reassure You: The Sky Has Not Fallen in Rome...”

By Bishop Robert F. Vasa, Diocese of Santa Rosa

...Any attempt to view the relatio—which is an interim report—as equivalent to a papal pronouncement or indicative of some looming change in Church teaching is simply not justified...

      In the 24 hours since the release of the pithily titled Relatio post disceptationem for the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, the media and blogosphere have been thundering with the explosive cheers of those who have craved change in Church teaching for generations and others who wailing and gnashing their teeth, certain this does not bode well for the future.
            It is to these latter good souls I address the following observations.

            Let us begin by acknowledging that it is important to recognize this report does not constitute a final report. It is simply a report on what has been proposed by one or more of the participants in the Synod.

            As such it does not add anything new to the discussion that was not already present some months ago as rumors about what the Holy Father would or would not do vis-à-vis changing certain Church doctrines began to circulate.

            Therefore, any attempt to view this interim report—if we want to use a football analogy, a half-time report—as equivalent to a papal pronouncement or indicative of some looming change in Church teaching is simply not justified.

            As Cardinal Burke noted, “Clearly, the response to the document in the discussion which immediately followed its presentation manifested that a great number of the Synod Fathers found it objectionable.”

            Furthermore, if anything, the relatio in all but a few of its 58 paragraphs simply restates traditional doctrine. For the general theme I see is a reiteration of the need for pastors and for the Church herself to approach suffering people—in this case those who struggle with chastity, failing marriages, or both—with compassionate mercy.

            This is not new. Any serious Catholic with experience of the Church’s confessional practice knows that confessors are far more compassionate and understanding than popular media would admit.

            George Weigel’s observation is key: “The 2014 synod is an agenda-setting exercise that was intended by Pope Francis to help prepare the work of the 2015 Synod on the Family. The Pope knows full well that marriage and the family are in crisis throughout the world. In his own remarks before the synod, he said hoped [it] would lift up the beauty of Christian marriage and Christian family life in a world too dominated by what he’s often called a ‘throwaway culture,’ the throwaways all too frequently include[ing] spouses and children.”

            He continued: “The synod fathers are wrestling with difficult questions. How does the Catholic Church best approach, in a pastoral and charitable way, those who are living in what the Church has no option but to consider, objectively speaking, irregular situations? How does a Church of sinners—which is what all of us Catholics are—call people in those situations to the conversion to which all Christians are constantly called? How can it bring people to see the truth of their situation, and how can it best help them deal with that? These are not simple matters; matters of the heart rarely are.”

            As noted above, again, if read in its entirety, the relatio actually upholds much more of the traditional teaching regarding marriage and family than the headlines would lead us to believe. Pope Francis’ influence is clearly present in the expression of a desire for more welcoming language.

            This influence is certainly welcome and appreciated.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Thank to Nina Rhea for pointing this out.  We appreciate it.

Dear Readers,

Today we learn that a Sept. 15 report from the U.S. GAO (Gov't. Accountability Ofc.) reveals that the ACA (Obamacare), by an accounting trick, funds abortions.

GAO has found that in 2014, taxpayers are funding over a thousand Obamacare health plans that subsidize abortion on demandeven late-term abortion—in defiance of the Hyde Amendment [which] Obama publicly said he would honor.
Among GAO’s findings:
  • every ObamaCare taxpayer subsidized health insurance plan in New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, Rhode Island and Hawaii pays for abortion on demand
  • in New York a 405 out of 426 ObamaCare plans subsidize abortion on demand
  • in California—86 of 90
  • in Massachusetts—109 0f 111
  • in Oregon—92 of 102
  • in Washington, DC—23 of 34
According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) April 2014 estimate, between 2014 and 2024, taxpayer subsidies to buy ObamaCare health plans will total $855 billion, making taxpayers unwittingly complicit in abortion.

Report in PDF - "Health Insurances Exchangers:  Coverage of Non-Excepted Abortion" - see page 5 for MAP of coverage.
Church leaders give Prez Obama the red carpet treatment!

Remember this?

And this?

May God Bless You,
Nina D. Rhea

Friday, September 19, 2014

Bill Diss Update: "Teacher who opposed Planned Parenthood sues Portland Public Schools for $390,000 after losing job.

A former Benson High School teacher who openly protested Planned Parenthood, based on his Catholic beliefs, filed a $390,000 lawsuit Wednesday against Portland Public Schools claiming he was wrongly booted from the district.

Former math teacher Bill Diss, who as a devout Catholic attends daily mass, claims that his free speech rights were violated, he was discriminated against because of his religious beliefs and he was wrongfully discharged after more than a decade of teaching at the school.

According to his 38-page suit, filed in Multnomah County Circuit Court:
Diss’ troubles with the district began in February 2007 when he actively began to protest plans for a Planned Parenthood headquarters in Northeast Portland. Media started calling the school asking for Diss, and he was interviewed by TV and radio reporters, according to the suit.

“As the attention mounted, the plaintiff was summoned for questioning by Benson High School administrators,” reads the suit. “He was interrogated about his activities by the principal and by an attorney for the District.

The activities in question occurred on his own time, not at school, nonetheless he was specifically instructed not to mention the fact that he was a teacher or where he worked when making public statements.”

Schools spokeswoman Christine Miles said Thursday that "the school district believes the allegations he has brought up in a legal matter do not have merit, and we will continue through the process to prove that."

Although Miles didn't elaborate beyond that, in a letter from the district, which Diss provided to The Oregonian in 2013, the district stated that Diss had shown "unprofessional, intimidating and/or harassing behavior."

In a 2013 story on OregonLive.com, Diss conceded that he talked about Planned Parenthood and his religious beliefs in class, but he didn't stop students from expressing their own views.

Tensions intensified in the 2012-13 school year, according to the suit.
On Sept. 17, 2012, employees from Planned Parenthood Columbia-Willamette showed up to his tutorial class to talk to students about their sexual activities and methods of contraception, according to the suit.

“This knowledge surprised (Diss) and caused him serious emotional distress,” reads the suit. He later learned that Planned Parenthood would continue to visit his classroom throughout the rest of the school year -- and he would have to continue to “facilitate their interactions with students,” the suit states.

His request to be excused from those presentations was denied by school administration, according to the suit.

Diss grew more concerned when he saw Planned Parenthood offer students food and gift certificates to attend its optional Teen Outreach Program -- and promise students up to $30 cash to complete a survey on their sexual activities, the suit states. The program focuses on preventing teen pregnancy and improving academic success, according to Planned Parenthood's website.

People he knew in the Vietnamese community also told him that promotional material written in Vietnamese and passed out by Planned Parenthood wrongly stated that Diss supported the organization’s Teen Outreach Program, the suit states.

In 2012, Diss was quoted in an Oregonian news story saying he'd been suspended for a day in October 2012 for refusing to let the Teen Outreach Program presenters into his classroom.

“Because (Diss) expressed his opposition to the activities of Planned Parenthood at Benson High School, he became a target of” the administration, the suit reads. “They launched a full-scale assault on the plaintiff as a teacher. He was observed and evaluated on the most minute aspects of his teaching.”

The suit states that in fall 2012, Vice Principal Jeandre Carbone wrote him an email asking him to stop using “God Bless” in his communications with her, staff, parents and students.

Things kept going downhill, and by March 2013 the school board decided not to extend his contract, which ran through June 2014, according to the suit. That same month a police officer escorted him off school grounds, and he was told not to return to school for any reason, the suit states.

At a pre-termination hearing last year, multiple administrators testified that Diss was often rude to students and had a pattern of behavior that was damaging to his relationships with students and co-workers.

But at a December 2013 school board meeting over whether to dismiss Diss, several supporters defended him and criticized the board. Others held "We Love Mr. Diss" signs. Even so, the school board voted 6-1 to terminate his contract, with board member Steve Buel dissenting.

The suit states Diss lost his job despite for years having received proficient or better -- even exceptional -- ratings in job performance reviews.

Diss, who lives in Beaverton, is seeking $90,000 in economic damages for lost past wages and benefits. He’s also seeking $300,000 for emotional distress.

The suit was filed by attorney Rebekah Millard at the Life Legal Defense Foundation in Springfield.
The suit states Diss believes Planned Parenthood commits many “grave moral evils” and promotes “sexual behaviors which his religious tenets characterized as deviant."

-- Aimee Green

There is a poll you can take on the paper's website. 


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Archbishop Sample: "Pope Francis on the devil."

The Most Reverend Alexander Sample, Archbishop of Portland in Oregon, is pleased to announce the following: Reverend Nhat Hoang Dang, SDD, appointed Parochial Vicar at Our Lady of Lavang Parish, Portland, effective August 26, 2014.
— Mary Jo Tully

Most Rev. Alexander Sample
Archbishop of Portland

I date myself by adapting an old advertising slogan from years ago when I say, “When Pope Francis talks, people listen.” That cannot be denied. Our Holy Father has a very “plainspoken” style that many find refreshing. He “tells it like it is,” as they say. He has even made some comments that have been taken out of context and misinterpreted and misrepresented. His classic “who am I to judge” remark is a perfect example of this.

But what I find interesting is that few in the media, especially the secular media, have picked up on the fact that Pope Francis talks a lot about Satan, the devil. In my living memory of three popes, I cannot recall any pope talking as much and as bluntly about Satan than Pope Francis. Just a couple of weeks ago, Pope Francis said the following in his weekly general audience:

“The path of salvation, through which the Church guides us and accompanies us with the power of the Gospel and the support of the Sacraments, gives us the ability to defend ourselves from evil. The Church has the courage of a mother who knows that she must protect her own children from the dangers resulting from the presence of Satan in the world, to bring them to the encounter with Jesus. This defense also consists of a call to vigilance: be on guard against the deception and seduction of evil. Because, even if God has conquered Satan, his temptations always return. We know this, we are all under attack. It is not for us to be naïve, but to be vigilant and stand firm in the faith, not to resist the advice of a mother, resist the help of mother Church.”

In his very first homily after being elected Pope, he said the following strong words to the Cardinals gathered in the Sistine Chapel: “When one does not profess Jesus Christ — I recall the phrase of Leon Bloy — ‘Whoever does not pray to God, prays to the devil.’ When one does not profess Jesus Christ, one professes the worldliness of the devil.” That’s pretty strong stuff.

As if to stave off any criticisms of speaking about Satan, Pope Francis said the following in one of his daily Mass homilies from last April:

“We are all tempted because the law of our spiritual life, our Christian life is a struggle: a struggle. That’s because the Prince of this world, Satan, doesn’t want our holiness, he doesn’t want us to follow Christ. Maybe some of you might say: ‘But Father, how old fashioned you are to speak about the devil in the 21st century!’ But look out because the devil is present! The devil is here… even in the 21st century! And we mustn’t be naïve, right? We must learn from the Gospel how to fight against Satan.”

Okay, so some of you might be thinking at this point, “Why is the archbishop dwelling on this topic in his column?” That’s a fair question. It is because, like our Holy Father, I want us to be keenly aware of the spiritual struggle we are in for the salvation of our souls. It is my responsibility as a shepherd to guard and protect the flock entrusted to my pastoral care. Some might find this kind of talk unsettling or uncomfortable. I hope so!
What is our defense, or even offense, against the evil that confronts us in this world? Pope Francis clearly hints at it in the homily quoted above. Satan does not want our holiness and does not want us to follow Christ. So striving for holiness and following Christ is exactly what we must do!

An author familiar to some of you, Dr. Peter Kreeft, wrote an interesting essay some time ago entitled “The Winning Strategy.” In it he makes three essential points: First, we are at war. Second, we must know who the enemy is. And third, what weapon will win this war.

One of my favorite lines from the essay is, “If you don’t know that our entire civilization is in crisis, I hope you had a nice vacation on the moon.” We are in a struggle, as our Holy Father points out as well. Pope Francis uses phrases like, “we are all under attack”, “our Christian life is a struggle” and “we must learn from the Gospel how to fight against Satan.” That gets to Dr. Kreeft’s second point: our enemy is Satan.

But it is Dr. Kreeft’s third point that is most important, i.e. the weapon to use in this struggle. It is holiness. It is the sincere effort to become a saint. This corresponds with Pope Francis’ own remarks about what the Evil One does not want in us — holiness and the following of Christ.

It is truly possible to become a saint. The only thing holding us back is ourselves. We fear the price. I am not pointing fingers. I include myself in that category. We fear to give 100 percent of ourselves to Christ and in service of the Gospel. But if we could each do it, if even one quarter of us would give ourselves COMPLETELY to God, we would change the world. At least we would change our small corner of the world in western Oregon.
Archbishop’s Sample schedule
Friday, Sept. 19 —Meeting of the Sharing our Faith Board, Pastoral Center, Portland, 10:30 a.m.

Saturday, Sept. 20 — Meeting of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, Pastoral Center, Portland, 9:30 a.m.

Sunday, Sept. 21 — Celebration of the Eucharist, Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows and 90th Anniversity, The Grotto, Portland, Noon

Tuesday, Sept. 23 — Celebration of the Eucharist, St. Therese School, Portland, 9 a.m.

Wednesday, Sept. 24 — Meeting of NABRS Oregon, Our Lady of Peace Retreat Center, Beaverton, 9 a.m.

Thursday, Sept. 25 — Catholic Charities Board Meeting, Clark Family Center, Portland, 4 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 26 — Celebration of the Eucharist and Inauguration of Rev. Mark Poorman, CSC, as President of University of Portland, Chiles Center, Portland 11:45 a.m.

Saturday, Sept. 27 — Luncheon Meeting with State Officers of Knights of Columbus, Portland, 11:30 a.m.

Saturday, Sept. 27 — Celebration of the Eucharist for their Annual Gathering of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Anthony Church, Tigard, 5 p.m.

Sunday, Sept. 28 — Celebration of the Eucharist and Dinner for annual gathering with Deacons and their wives, The Grotto, Portland, 4 p.m.

Thursday, Oct. 2 — St. Andrew Church Assembly, Portland, 7 p.m.

Friday, Oct. 3-Monday, Oct. 6 — Annual Meeting for the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre

Monday, September 8, 2014

Pope Pius X His "old" words on an Old Problem.

    "That We make no delay in this matter is rendered necessary especially by the fact that the partisans of error are to be sought not only among the Church's open enemies; they lie hid, a thing to be deeply deplored and feared, in her very bosom and heart, and are the more mischievous, the less conspicuously they appear.

    We allude, Venerable Brethren, to many who belong to the Catholic laity, nay, and this is far more lamentable, to the ranks of the priesthood itself, who, feigning a love for the Church, lacking the firm protection of philosophy and theology, nay more, thoroughly imbued with the poisonous doctrines taught by the enemies of the Church, and lost to all sense of modesty, vaunt themselves as reformers of the Church; and, forming more boldly into line of attack, assail all that is most sacred in the work of Christ, not sparing even the person of the Divine Redeemer, whom, with sacrilegious daring, they reduce to a simple, mere man."26

    Ever mindful of his humble origin, he stated, “I was born poor, I lived poor, I will die poor.”

    He was embarrassed by some of the pomp of the papal court. 

    “Look how they have dressed me up,” he said in tears to an old friend. 

    To another, “It is a penance to be forced to accept all these practices. They lead me around surrounded by soldiers like Jesus when he was seized in Gethsemani.” 

     Pope Pius X His "old" words on an old problem.

    Tuesday, September 2, 2014

    REMINDER. Saturday, September 6th, First Saturday Devotion for Reparation of Blessed Virgin Mary.

     Archbishop Sample Consecrated the Archdiocese of Portland to Our Lady of Fatima.  Let's join him this Saturday. 

    Join the Archdiocese of Portland on these Saturdays- July 5,  
    Aug. 2, Sept. 6, Oct. 4 and Nov. 1, 2014.

    These are suggested, but any five will bless our soul.
    The Faithful are asked to:

    1. Receive Holy Communion

    2. Go to Confession within eight (8) days after receiving Holy Communion.
    3. Pray the Rosary
    4. Meditate for 15 minutes on a mystery of the Rosary.

    All of these actions should be offered for the Intention of making Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    The Blessed Mother promised that for those who do this on the First Saturday of five consecutive months, she will assist them at the Hour of Death with all the Graces necessary for Salvation.

    Five - First Saturday Devotions to Mary? Why?

    He explained that it was because of five kinds of offenses and blasphemies against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, namely:

    1. blasphemies against her Immaculate Conception,
    2. against her perpetual virginity,
    3. against the divine and spiritual maternity of Mary,
    4. blasphemies involving the rejection and dishonoring of her images,
    5. and the neglect of implanting in the hearts of children a knowledge and love of this Immaculate Mother.

    (A holy card of Our Lady of Fatima in the home will remind us of this Consecration of our Archdiocese.)

    Monday, September 1, 2014

    "Edict still on hold for Catholic schools". Bishop Vasa, truly loving Santa Rosa students.


    Like the Santa Rosa Catholic Diocese itself, the teachers of St. Vincent de Paul High School seem to be backing away from a controversial contract clause suggested by Bishop Robert Vasa in 2013. 

    That spring, Bishop Vasa proposed a “morals addendum” for Catholic school teacher contracts, which would have required educators to sign a document stating that they personally accept Catholic doctrine in order to keep their jobs. 

    Teachers at St. Vincent de Paul High School who spoke to the Argus-Courier last year said they felt the new contract would force teachers to adopt traditional Catholic beliefs as their own.

    The addendum would have required teachers to believe, among other things, that contraception, abortion, homosexual marriage and euthanasia are “modern errors” that “gravely offend human dignity.” (VOCAL highlighted text)

    With many local teachers opposed to the addendum, there was a sense of relief when Bishop Vasa decided to postpone the edict until the spring of 2015, giving teachers time to find work elsewhere if they didn’t agree with its terms.

    With a prolonged timeline and a shifted focus on religious education programs, it seems that the “morals addendum” is out of sight and out of mind for the time being.

    Brian O’Neel, communications director for the Santa Rosa Catholic Diocese, said he did not know when the edict would next be discussed with teachers. 

    “There is no intention to not do this,” O’Neel said. “It will happen at some point, it’s just not going to happen this academic year. We don’t have a definite timeline.” 

    O’Neel said last year’s effort to enact the addendum was surrounded with confusion over what Bishop Vasa was asking of teachers. Vasa spoke to teachers from Santa Rosa, in an effort to explain why Catholic teachings cannot “be left up to a person’s own discretion.” 

    “(Bishop Vasa) quickly understood that he had to do a little preparatory work first, so that is still where we stand,” O’Neel said. “He is continuing to speak with educators and administrators so that the groundwork is laid.” 

    In the meantime, other diocese across the country, such as the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and the Diocese of Oakland, are adopting similar contract language for teachers. As of May, the revised contracts out of Cincinnati forbid practices such as extramarital sex, a gay “lifestyle” and abortions. 

    That same month, it was reported that several teachers quit their jobs at Oakland’s Bishop O’Dowd High School because of contract language dictating that in their personal lives they must “promote behavior in conformity with the teaching of the Roman Catholic faith in matters of faith and morals.” 

    O’Neel speculated that the implementation of the new contracts elsewhere may be due to other bishops across the country recognizing “where culture and society are heading.” 

    “They understand that steps need to be taken in order to safeguard the integrity of how the faith is presented and passed on in our parochial schools,” he said. 

    O’Neel said the Santa Rosa diocese is focusing on religious education, and currently has a joint effort with the St. Vincent parish to offer educational programs. 

    (Contact Allison Jarrell at allison.jarrell@argus courier.com)

    Friday, August 29, 2014

    La Raza Out of Catholic Campaign for Human Development.(a good thing) CCHD Recipients Still Lopsided for Same-Sex Marriage.(a bad thing)

    A local nonprofit that works on behalf of immigrant workers said Tuesday it refused to cut ties to another Latino group that supports same-sex marriage, cost it a $75,000 grant from a Roman Catholic organization.

    The Voz Workers' Rights Education Project, a Northeast Portland group that connects Latino immigrants with jobs, said it was a finalist for a top grant from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. But last month, the group said, the conference told it to sever ties with the National Council of La Raza, one of the nation's leading Latino rights groups, because the council advocates same-sex marriage.

    "Our board felt like what they were asking us to do was take a position on marriage equality," said Ranfis Villatoro, Voz's development director. Voz has never taken a public stance on the issue, he said, although it does offer services to gay and lesbian couples. Therefore, the board voted last month to reject the grant.

    The grant would have been a significant chunk of the nonprofit's $310,000 annual budget.

    "By making this decision, we run the risk of decreasing staff size and decreasing hours," Villatoro said.

    The group mostly helps male Latino immigrants who are struggling to find work in Portland, Villatoro said, including some who are undocumented or have criminal backgrounds.

    An official in the Conference of Catholic Bishops' Washington, D.C., office who said his name was Tony but declined to spell his last name, said he didn't have enough information to comment. Calls to the local office in Portland were not returned as of Tuesday evening.

    The Catholic group is a leading proponent of national immigration reform and has urged Congress to adopt a new legal path to citizenship. Most recently, the group has called on President Barack Obama to allow a flood of unaccompanied minors to remain in the U.S.

    Aside from same-sex marriage, La Raza has many of the same beliefs. The group routinely lobbies for a variety of national issues, including comprehensive immigration reform.

    La Raza announced its support for same-sex marriage in 2012, around the same time as Obama and the NAACP. On the local level, it provides training and resources for nonprofits to help Latino immigrants.

    "They're kind of multifaceted, technical assistants if you will," said Victor Merced, executive director of Hacienda, a Northeast Portland-based nonprofit that helps provide housing for low-income Latino families. "They're very powerful."
    ( http://www.archdpdx.org/newsrel/2013/jun13/CCHD_grants.html  VOCAL notes Hacienda CDC was also apast  recipient of CCHD part of the Office of Justice and Peace. )

    Hacienda also receives grant money from the Catholic Bishops group, Merced said, and leaders from the local chapter recently questioned him on Hacienda's relationship with La Raza. Once he explained that La Raza does not require affiliates to agree with its political ideology, the questions stopped.
    Leaders from the local chapter seemed embarrassed that they had to ask in the first place, he said.
    Voz, on the other hand, was dealing with leaders at the national level.

    Now, Voz plans to hold a news conference at its work center on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard on Wednesday with leaders of Oregon AFL-CIOBasic Rights Oregon and other civil and immigrant rights' groups who have come out in support of Voz.

    "They have made a really tough decision to uphold their values of justice and equality," said Jeana Frazzini, the executive director of Basic Rights Oregon. So far, Basic Rights has received nearly $10,000 in pledges from LGBT groups to support Voz.

    "We're very concerned," said Oregon AFL-CIO President Tom Chamberlain. "That work center is about some of the lowest-paid workers in the state that, for a number of reasons, can be taken advantage of."

    Voz, founded in 2000, has received two grants from the Catholic organization before. It was unclear what led to the conference's decision.

    "I just don't see how this litmus test is going to be helpful going forward," Merced said. "It's just kind of ridiculous."

    -- Ian K. Kullgren
