
Monday, December 14, 2009

Archdpdx CCHD $$ Given W/O Oversight Gone Forever/More Money Please.

Speaking up for Truth makes a difference. We thank Jim Welsh for speaking up for us and bringing this to light. But first a little background.

As we approach the Nativity of Our Lord, Catholics in Western Oregon have to keep on discernment caps. The "Catholic" Campaign for Human Development funds have been collected and now we await the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) for funds to be used in large part to meet payroll, and Pastoral Center staff's general budget.

Attached is last year's Archdiocesan "accounting". Not too long ago things were spelled out for us, now we only receive a general sense (or not) of where the Catholic collection plate money goes. It seems to me that if we give money, we should know how it's used. Discernment is really important because we become complicit with evil when our money is used improperly. We just can't pass the buck, or responsibility on, even to clergy who should know better.

In Western Oregon huge sums are paid for promoting CCHD and the upcoming Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA $345,000) Archbishop Vlazny is the Director of Collections for the USCCB.

This committee collects hundreds of millions of dollars from US Catholics through various campaigns. Sometimes those in charge count on their staff and trust in their judgement as to whether a group, as in the CCHD grantees, is worthy to receive the hard earned money from Catholics in the pews. Objectively, lack of judgement has been rampant for decades.

"Progressive" groups that support abortion, pro-homosexual activity and even anti-American sentiment are given hundreds of thousands of dollars over these years, like ACORN. These groups, Saul Alinsky in style, are alive and well-(funded) by Catholics in Oregon. Different names, but same modus operandi. Evil clothed in "moral garments".

For example, was there a conflict of interest between the almost constant grantee VOZ and an ex-employee of Catholic Charities, Francisco Lopez, who was still involved with CAUSA and VOZ affiliated with LA Raza (the race) at the time? VOZ has been given tens of thousands AGAIN this year in Oregon.

We're not privy to conflict of interest, but told only to pay up and don't ask questions. Here's the conversation I got the okay to distribute from Jim Welsh to Matt Cato, Sandy Mattingly-Paulsen and members of Reform CCHD Now. Let's pray that more light will be shed on where our money goes that's destined for things to help the Body of Christ and not line to pockets of those that work against HIM.


FYI ...Life News has the Breaking story in this link . However, in reading the conversations, you'll get a feel of how things work in the Archdpdx. To All, at ( ) .

A couple of weeks ago I emailed your organizations about the Archdiocese of Portland's 2009 CCHD grant to Children First for Oregon (CFFO). I questioned the propriety of granting funds to an organization that opposed parental notification to parents of minors seeking an abortion. The Archdiocese has finally responded.

This is a small victory but a victory at least. I tried for several weeks to get a response from the Portland Chancellery offices regarding CFFO. What turned this around I believe was a call yesterday to the area E (Western states) coordinator for CCHD, Sandy Mattingly-Paulen, expressing my frustration with the Portland Archdiocese CCHD office's lack of response to my questions.

I informed Ms. Mattingly that, lacking any response to my questions, I would have no recourse but to detail my findings to BellarmineVeritas for review and distribute those findings to the public. I have no doubt that the satisfactory resolution of this issue was due to previous embarrassing discoveries, by that group, of CCHD funding for organizations which openly support and promote positions opposed to Catholic doctrine and beliefs.

The last sentence of Mr. Cato's email says much about the screening process. It took me about 2 minutes on the internet (Google: Children First for Oregon Measure 43) to discover CFFO's opposition to parental notification. Sincerely, Jim Welsh

*********** Wednesday, December 09, 2009 7:40 AM CCHD: Children First For Oregon

Dear Mister Welsh, Re: the issue of the propriety of awarding CCHD grants to Children First For Oregon: please understand that the resolution took longer than one may have preferred because of both the Thanksgiving holiday and the need to investigate the facts. The investigation was necessary to reach a just conclusion.

This office concluded that CCHD cannot consider CFFO for future grants: "I regret to inform you that because of CFFO’s opposition to the Parental Notification Act, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development cannot consider you for future grants. The Catholic adamantly opposed to abortion and does not grant exceptions for pregnancies caused by rape or incest. "

Thank you for making me aware of this issue. None of the local CCHD committee were aware of CFFO's opposition.

Thank you Mister Welsh. Peace, Matt Cato Office of Justice and Peace/Respect Life Campaign for Human Development Archdiocese of Portland 2838 E. Burnside St. Portland, OR 97214

503.233.8361 ***************
Wed, December 09, 2009 From Jim Welsh to Matt Cato and Sandy Mattingly-Paulen (

  Matt, I understand that CCHD policy is to pursue (CCHD website funding FAQ) the reimbursement of such funds. Will the Archdiocese request these funds be reimbursed? Jim Welsh

From Matt Cato to Jim Welsh and Sandy Mattingly-Paulen (

Wednesday, December 09, 2009 4:10 PM RE: Children First For Oregon

Mister Welsh, You are correct that the National CCHD policy is to pursue reimbursement of such funds. The local CCHD committee, however, will not pursue reimbursement for the following reasons: 1. CFFO did not deceive the local CCHD committee in its application. The answers on the application were honest. The local application, however, was flawed in that it did not specifically ask for, for example, a list of all ballot measures that an applicant organization or its Executive Director publicly opposed or supported (which the local committee would then cross reference against positions publicly advocated by the Archdiocese).

As the new Diocesan Director for CCHD, I will change the application to better capture the public positions of an applicant organization. (To be determined: how many years back do we ask for such information? United Way, for example, has existed for 122 years. If United Way applied for a grant would we ask for a list of all public positions over 122 years)? 2. The grant year is almost complete and, like most nonprofits, CFFO has spent the funds that we have awarded them. 3. We have, however, removed CFFO from further consideration for grants. This is a significant penalty.

Thank you for checking on this matter. Peace, Matt Cato Office of Justice and Peace/Respect Life Campaign for Human Development Archdiocese of Portland

******************** From Jim Welsh, to Sandy Mattingly-Paulen ( and Matt Cato. Sunday, December 13, 2009 4:29 PM Re: Children First For Oregon Ms. Mattingly,

Regarding Matt Cato's response that the Archdiocese of Portland's will not seek reimbursement of funds granted to CFFO: Is there some reason why local CCHD grantees are not required to adhere to the same standards (affirmations that an organization is not opposed to Church teaching) and forms required of National CCHD grantees?

Matt Cato's response seems to indicate that is the case It seems the process should start with an affirmation by the prospective grantee that it does not hold positions (such as whether they support a woman's "right" to an abortion) that are opposed to Church teaching.

 The grant seeker should then be informed that full reimbursement will be required if the grantee is found to have falsified any information. There needs to be, for local CCHD grants, the same contractual relationship between grantor and grantee as exists with national level grantees. Inasmuch as the funds to be distributed are collected under the auspices of the National CCHD campaign I do not think it unreasonable that national guidelines be applied to local CCHD grantees.

 I think this is the crux of the problem with the Portland Archdiocese's local grant process. I think this will certainly help reduce the possibilities of monies being granted to organizations such as CFFO. I do not think that only the public positions of a grantee are the issue.

The main issue is whether or not a grantee holds positions, publicly or privately, contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church. A question such as "Does your organization publicly support a woman's right to have an abortion?" is not sufficient. The question must be "Does your organization support a woman's right to have an abortion?". No wiggle room here. In effect there needs to be a "litmus test".

The National guidelines seem to be sufficient when verified. A few minutes on Google will probably take care of the rest of the background investigative needs. In CFFO''s case it only took about 15 minutes to gather the necessary information regarding CFFO's positions. I think that is a relatively small amount of time to ensure that grants totaling thousands of dollars are properly disbursed. There is no need to go back 122 years or ask for all public positions.

We should only be interested in positions vis-a-vis Catholic teaching. I am still concerned about the grant to the Center for Intercultural Organizing (CIO). The RESIST grant is definitely problematic. And Kayse Jama's "overrun by white(s)" comment suggests some questions need to be asked about whether there are racist attitudes in CIO.

I cannot believe CCHD would ever fund an organization whose founder and director said that it needed to "reorganize" its membership because it was being overrun by too many (Choose one or more: Hispanics, Asians, Africans, Muslims, etc.) joining it ranks. Apparently "marginalization" is only permitted if it is practiced against Caucasians. Respectfully,

"Mister" Welsh aka Jim Welsh ************************************************************************************************************************ There needs to be transparency and a respect for the Catholics in the pews.

ur defense of the unborn is a first priority because lack of this can cause wars, as Mother Teresa said. We pray that the Office of Justice and Peace see this Truth.

If you send me a list of your favorite good charities that follow Catholic Church teachings as an alternative to these campaigns and to keep building up the body of Christ, please send them to me..I'll send them out anonymously.

God Bless you and yours, Carolyn

"No grant is made in any diocese without the approval of the local bishop." Archbishop Vlanzy, Catholic Sentinel, 11/19/09

"Hi Carolyn, I discussed the issue with Mary Jo (Tully) and came to the conclusion that we could not release the names of committee members without prior approval from them. We need to respect their privacy in the same way we would want ours respected." Thanks, David

6/29/06 (Office of Justice and Peace 2005-2007) David Carrier Office of Justice and Peace Campaign for Human Development * One life * One world * One human family

Friday, November 13, 2009


The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is almost upon us, Nov. 21-22. Our Catholic Collection Plate has been become a great pot of gold for anti-Catholic, pro-abortion/pro-homosexual and anti-American groups that benefit from the  USCCB CCHD grantees

Cat Willett, ex-director said this year that the CCHD funds organizations to buy land to developers to build houses for low income people. Are we doing what the government does and who is benefiting. We need to look into these things.

Here is a great read on CCHD and it's money laundering techniques, now forty years old.
11-12-09: “Money laundering and the CCHD”
By Stephanie Block
Money Laundering and the CCHD

Reform CCHD is a new alliance of Catholic pro-life groups such as Human Life International and American Life League (ALL) that are educating Catholics and the U.S. Bishops to rethink CCHD.

Tonight on EWTN on the World Over Live with Raymond Arroyo is the newly formed watchdog group Bellarmine Veritas Ministry spokesman and one from ALL. Remember you can see it on your computer at EWTN look for television and click.

There is a novena that starts tomorrow, November 14th leading that will keep us praying for the Bishops as they meet from November 16th-19th in Baltimore, MD and ending on November 22nd, last day of the collection. Here is the Novena

We must be good stewards of our money. The CCHD as is the Archbishops Annual Appeal NOT MANDATORY collections. The Archdiocese already gets 10% of every collection plate in Oregon at the least. Transparencies on whose in charge of choosing CCHD grantees why would make it easier to give those in charge their salaries and perks.

We cannot forget WHO the Church is really working for. He says don't worry about what you wear or eat, He will provide. If we really believe this, we'd help people Trust more in Christ to change their lives.

Matthew 6:24-34 "No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
16 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat (or drink), or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?
Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they?
Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span? 17
Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work or spin.
But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them.
18 If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith?
So do not worry and say, 'What are we to eat?' or 'What are we to drink?' or 'What are we to wear?'
All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
But seek first the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, 19 and all these things will be given you besides.
Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The CCHD in ARCHDPDX Keeps Rolling Along.....

Over the past six years you've been educated regarding ACORN/Saul Alinsky type groups that faithful Oregon Catholics have contributed to. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) November collection has sustained and built up anti-Catholic groups with Catholic collection plate money.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Monsignor, the Martini and the Better Business Bureau

Our Mission from Christ: "Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and simple as doves." Matthew 10:16

Dear Advocates for Life,

Christ calls for a heightened sense of discernment. Especially these days, we cannot lose our ability to discern truth from error but also to discern wolves from sheep. The aging population needs our protection. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

The rush to get House Bill 3200 through the U.S. House and Senate before the August recess didn't happen. The fear of "death panels" for the elderly was partly the reason. The Associate Press interviewed Monsignor Charles Fahey, Chairman of the Board of the National Council on Aging, an "advocacy" group for the elderly that's been around for decades with him at the helm in some capacity since the '60's. Monsignor Fahey is apparently in favor of rationed health care for the elderly and his comment on the end of life issues, in my opinion, doesn't show proper advocacy for them or Catholic Church teachings.

"What I have said is that if I cannot say another prayer, if I cannot give another hug, and if I cannot have another martini - then let me go."
Monsignor Charles Fahey

Is Monsignor Fahey's seeming cavalier attitude on life and his mission as a priest of Christ a loss of discernment: "MARTINI" instead of THE MASS?

A "buddist" leaning blogger shows how he picked up on this loss of discernment. Monsignor Fahey's statements were damaging to the Roman Catholic Church's truth on life furthering error to Catholics and non-Catholics. (VOCAL's comments in RED.)

Pulling the Plug on Grandma

Joseph Hoffman Catholic Confusion
"Unfortunately his view (Fahey) is not the view of his Church (bingo). For all his touted gifts and charisma, John Paul II turned the Catholic Church into a single social doctrine: respect for life from conception to natural death (Church teaching for two thousand years). His legacy is an endless debate over what constitutes “natural” death in a culture that values physician assisted prolongation of suffering but finds physician assisted end-of-life care abhorrent ("End of life care?" It's legalize ASSISTED MURDER in Oregon). What we remember of that legacy is the image of Terri Schiavo, her cognitive faculties shattered (her devoted family would argue that), and a depleted John Paul himself , one not clinging to life but having life imposed by a machine (Terri was not on a machine but starved to death), the other clinging to power as a symbol of the martyrdom of suffering (unbelievable anti-Catholic judgemental ignorance regarding power...replace Martyrdom used here negatively, with joining the True Dignity of any suffering with Christ)
No one bothered to tell them that the Christian martyrs didn’t die that way (ignorance repeated, Christian martyrs of any era died obeying the Commandments of Christ, machines or not) and had no access to the extraordinary benefits of technology and life-prolonging medicines. There was nobility in neither death. Whatever lesson was being taught was being promoted by false analogy........Thank God for priests like Father Fahey" end

Sadly this blogger's understanding of Monsignor Fahey's "progressive" anti-Catholic view on death, in my opinion, is shared by many, and the Associated Press regarding the elderly, doesn't have Real Catholics interviewed but Veneer Catholics expressing life and death opinions).

The Church's understanding "suffering" will be discussed in the Catholic Medical Associations 78th Annual Educational Conference, Oct. 24- 28th in Springfield, Illinois - "The Theology of Suffering". Their overview of this concept is shows purity and dignity.
Which seems to be lost on our blogger and the monsignor.

"Suffering is an intrinsic part of the clinical encounter, and of our experience of illness, injury and our journey toward death. Suffering is also an inescapable dimension of the mystery of salvation. Though suffering confronts each one of us as a difficult challenge, we also know that it can, and should, call forth loving care, excellence in treatment and research, and human solidarity."

Dear Monsignor Fahey,                                              October 7, 2009

With all due respect, your recent comments regarding supporting  a health care reform bill concerned me.   It brings to my mind a question of your true advocacy for the elderly and the Church.

There would be panels to determine what would be covered or not: rationed care.  We have this in Oregon with the Oregon Health Plan. This coupled with a proposed drop of half a trillion dollars in the care for the elderly should concern you.  Also, the elderly in Oregon WOULD be counseled regarding assisted suicide as a choice, since it is LEGAL in Oregon.

 As a priest you should be aware that your words carry weight.  The final bill isn't completed and so even abortion could be broadened.  With so many things up in the air it doesn't seem prudent for you to condone this ghost legislation.

It also concerns me you say as a priest, if you couldn't have a martini that would mean life wouldn't be worth living for you. 

"What I have said is that if I cannot say another prayer, if I cannot give another hug, and if I cannot have another martini - then let me go."

As a priest, it would be have been more comforting if you had said "celebrating mass" would be one the main reason in making life so uncomfortable you'd like to be "let go", although the Lord will take you when he wants.  Unless you've given up these tenets of the faith.

Also, I suggest your main focus on the National Council on Aging, is getting correct information on the impact to the elderly of this health care "reform", get the Councils finances in order (check the Better Business Bureau)  and revisit the “Theology of Suffering”.  There is a conference that would guide you back to Church teaching.
Catholic Medical Association
Better Buiness Bureau Charity Review

Maybe you should not use your Catholic titles when speaking for the Council on the Aging until these issues are addressed.

May God Bless you,


Better Business Bureau Charitable Network

BBB Wise Giving Report for National Council on Aging
BBB Wise Giving Report issued May 2009
BBB Wise Giving Report expires May 2011

Five Standards for Charity Accountability.

Standard 7: Board Approval of Written Report on Effectiveness - Submit to the organization's governing body, for its approval, a written report that outlines the results of the aforementioned performance and effectiveness assessment and recommendations for future actions.

· NCOA does not meet this Standard because although it has produced a written effectiveness assessment report, the report did not include recommendations for future actions and was not submitted for approval to the board of directors.

Standard 12: Detailed Functional Breakdown of Expenses - Include in the financial statements a breakdown of expenses (e.g., salaries, travel, postage, etc.) that shows what portion of these expenses was allocated to program, fund raising, and administrative activities. If the charity has more than one major program category, the schedule should provide a breakdown for each category.
NCOA does not meet this Standard because the organization's 2008 financial statements do not include a breakdown of natural expenses (e.g., salaries, travel, postage, etc.) that shows what portion of these expenses was allocated to program, fund raising, and administrative activities.
Standard 14: Budget - Have a board-approved annual budget for its current fiscal year, outlining projected expenses for major program activities, fund raising, and administration.
NCOA does not meet this Standard because the budget information provided by the organization does not clearly identify the projected amount to be spent on administrative activities.
Standard 16: Annual Report - Have an annual report available to all, on request, that includes: (a) the organization's mission statement, (b) a summary of the past year's program service accomplishments, (c) a roster of the officers and members of the board of directors, (d) financial information that includes (i) total income in the past fiscal year, (ii) expenses in the same program, fund raising and administrative categories as in the financial statements, and (iii) ending net assets.

· NCOA does not meet provision (d)(iii) of this Standard because its annual report does not identify its total end of year net assets

Standard 18: Privacy for Written Appeals & Internet Privacy - Address privacy concerns of donors by (a) providing in written appeals, at least annually, a means (e.g., such as a check off box) for both new and continuing donors to inform the charity if they do not want their name and address shared outside the organization, (b) providing a clear, prominent and easily accessible privacy policy on any of its websites that tells visitors (i) what information, if any, is being collected about them by the charity and how this information will be used, (ii) how to contact the charity to review personal information collected and request corrections, (iii) how to inform the charity (e.g., a check off box) that the visitor does not wish his/her personal information to be shared outside the organization, and (iv) what security measures the charity has in place to protect personal information.
NCOA does not meet provisions (b)(ii) and (iv) of this Standard since the privacy policy on its website,, does not include how to contact the charity to review personal information that the organization has collected about the individual and how to request corrections. The privacy policy also does not state what security measures the charity has in place to protect personal information provided by visitors.
NCOA meets the remaining provisions of this Standard.

In addition, the BBB Wise Giving Alliance requested but did not receive complete information on the organization’s finances and solicitation materials and is unable to verify the organization's compliance with the following 2Standards for Charity Accountability: 13 and 15.


Chief Executive : James P. Firman, President and CEO

Chair of the Board: Msgr. Charles Fahey
Chair's Profession / Business Affiliation: Priest

Board Size: 14
Paid Staff Size: 66

* 2007 salary Can you DISCERN where the TIP OF THE ICEBERG IS GOING?

NCOA aims to bring together non-profit organizations, businesses and government to develop solutions that improve the lives of all older adults. NCOA works with organizations across the country to help seniors live independently, find jobs and benefits, improve their health, live independently and remain active in their communities. The five impact areas in which NCOA focuses their efforts for all older adults, with special focus on those who are disadvantaged and/or vulnerable are: healthy aging, to improve health and reduce disability; workforce development to increase participation in meaningful and rewarding work; civic engagement, to increase community service that enriches participants and is productive for society.; access to benefits to increase access to public and private benefits and resources; and long-term services and supports to enhance capacity to live in communities with dignity, choice and financial security.


We are going to learn just HOW far our discernment has been out of whack. The National Council on Aging seems innocent it? What about it's associations? We'll look into this organizations and more. It is NOT too late. With the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we can serve Christ's mission.

God Bless you and yours,

'Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master's joy.'
Matthew 25-21

Thursday, September 17, 2009

We are ALL "Called to Protect"...Parents Know Best.

“If the policies and programs to protect children from sexual abuse you have adopted are to achieve their full purpose, they need to be placed in a wider context. Children have a right to be educated in authentic moral values rooted in the dignity of the human person. We need to reassess urgently the values underpinning society so that a sound moral formation can be offered to young people and adults alike. Every member of society can contribute to this moral renewal and benefit from it. Truly caring about young people and the future of our civilization means recognizing our responsibility to promote and live by the authentic moral values which alone enable the human person to flourish.”

Pope Benedict XVI to Catholic Bishops of the United States on April 16, 2008 regarding the issue of the clergy sexual-abuse scandal.

Because of the serious concerns regarding the sex education/safe environment programs in the Archdiocese of Portland I sent Cathy Shannon, the Child Protection Director an email. This was almost a month ago and these programs are being implemented. Our common quest to protect the innocence and souls of children of the Archdiocese of Portland might have fallen on deaf ears.

While praying and waiting for a response I do believe, that the Superintendent of School, Robert Mizia is the next step. In the interim there are on going training sessions for adults. I am sending part of the letter from Rome indicating that this Archdiocese has a parental opt out policy for children, just to remind the facilitators of this fact.

Below is a copy of the letter I sent Cathy Shannon and the letter to those contact people responsible for the meetings. All policies regarding our children should be offered, as well as a mention of the opt-out policy on the Archdiocesan web page.
Archdiocese of Portland chlid policies - Child Protection web page.

Dear Cathy,

Since you are getting started with your new school year and the child protection programs, I was wondering if you would please consider adding "Healthy Families, Safe Children" as an option to your list. Go to Healthy Families/Safe Children for clips and an overview. According to the "Charter", each diocese can choose and develop their own list as long as it is in compliance with the Charter. This is a wonderful option.

This series would educate parents in how to have healthy families and thus keep their children the title of the program states. Thus, the Archdiocese would be central in the Church's mission to help the family in their role, as stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

The folks that put this together are in Oregon: Bishop Robert Vasa, Dr. Lee Harrington, Dr. Lynn Bissonnett-Pitre to name a few. This shows how Oregon does care about her children.

And finally, it's a truly Catholic option. The other programs that are on the list are simply modified for "religious" organizations. They also are suspect in their foundations and content as being Catholic-friendly and Archbishop Vlazny has agreed that parents can opt-put of these existing programs.

Since the Archbishop has given an opt-out option, would you please include this in your website and let those giving the workshops this information? This happened in March and it has still not been "advertised".

Thanks for all you do and for your kind consideration to these requests.

Carolyn Wendell


Dear Facilitator for the Safe Environment Program,

Thank you for caring for the children of the Archdiocese of Portland. However, there are many parents in Oregon who feel that these particular "safe environment" programs do not conform with the directives of our Church to actually protect the innocence of children and ensure parental control. This is a nationwide problem.

Vatican on Parents and Children
Catechism of the Catholic Church - The Fourth Commandment - Life in Christ
2229 As those first responsible for the education of their children, parents have the right to choose a school for them which corresponds to their own convictions. This right is fundamental. As far as possible parents have the duty of choosing schools that will best help them in their task as Christian educators.38 Public authorities have the duty of guaranteeing this parental right and of ensuring the concrete conditions for its exercise.

To help parents and their concerns, the Archdiocese has a parental "Opt-Out" provision. This was confirmed in a February 2009 letter from Rome to a concerned parent. Since there is no mention of this opt-out provision on the Archdiocesan Child Protection web page or even in its March 2009 press release it seems necessary to make sure that you, the facilitators, are aware of the policy to be in compliance with the Archdiocese and Rome. Here is a portion of the letter. The entire letter is available if needed .

“It would appear that parents are able to seek an exemption from the Safe Touch programs offered in Catholic Schools within the Archdiocese of Portland on their own behalf and on behalf of their children, and that this is the policy of the Archdiocese.”
Archbishop Mauro Piacenza – Titular Archbishop of Vittoriana,
Secretary for Congregation of the Clergy.

Again, thank you for your dedication to the children of Oregon.

God Bless you,
Carolyn Wendell



Called to Protect Program Schedule Please check out the CYO web site link for additional training dates

Date Time Program Location Contact Person Contact Information

Sep 8 3:30 & 6:30 PM Parents and Ministries Queen of Peace School Debilyn Janota 503-362-3443
4227 Lone Oak Rd. SE.
Salem, OR 97302

Sep 10 4:00 PM Parents and Ministries St. Agatha School Sarah Lutz 503-234-5500
Must RSVP 7960 SE 15th Ave.
School Library Portland, OR 97202

Sep 12 12:00 PM Parents and Ministers St. Alice Church Jason Roebuck 541-747-7041
1520 F St.
Springfield, OR 97477

Sep 12 10:00 AM Parents and Ministries St. John the Baptist School Dana Day 503-654-0200
Video: School Library 10956 SE 25th Ave.
Milwaukie, OR 97222

Sep 12 6:30 PM Parents and Ministries Holy Trinity School Melissa Core 503-644-5748
Fireside Room 13755 SW Walker Rd.
Beaverton, OR 07005

Sep 13 11:00 AM Parents and Ministries Queen of Peace Church Tricia Boyle 503-364-7202
4170 Pullman Ave. SE.
Salem, OR 97302

Sep 13 1:00 PM Parents and Ministries Ascension Catholic Church Sharon Grigar 503-256-3897
Must RSVP 7507 SE Yamhill St.
Conference Room Portland, OR 97215

Sep 15 6:30 PM Parents and Ministries St. John the Baptist School Dana Day 503-654-0200
Video: School Library 10956 SE 25th Ave.
Milwaukie, OR 97222

Sep 16 4:00 PM Parents and Ministries St. Agatha School Sarah Lutz 503-234-5500
Must RSVP 7960 SE 15th Ave.
School Library Portland, OR 97202

Sep 16 6:30 PM Parents and Ministries St. John the Apostle Parish Mike Adams 503-742-8201
Parish Center 417 Washington St.
Oregon City, OR 97045

Sep. 16 7:00 PM Parents and Ministries St. Paul Church Mary Ann Lamb 541-686-2345
1201 Satre St.
Eugene, OR 97401

Sep 16 6:30 PM Parents and Ministries The Madeleine School/Parish Barbara Stanton 503-288-9197
Parish Hall 3123 NE 24th Ave.
Portland OR 97212

Sep 16 8:00 PM Parents and Ministries Queen of Peace School Dabilyn Janota 503-362-3443
4227 Lone Oak Rd. SE.
Salem, OR 97302

Sep. 17 9:00 AM Parents and Ministries Pastoral Center Ceil Fessler 503-233-8391
This class is in Spanish 2838 E. Burnside St. Sr. Guadalupe Medina
Room 8 Portland, OR 97214

Sep 17 6:30 PM Parents and Ministries Our Lady of the Mountain Evelyn Tucker 541-482-1146
This class is bilingual 987 Hillview Dr.
Parish Hall Ashland, OR 97520

Sep 19 11:30 AM Parents and Ministries St. Juan Diego Parish Bridget Becker 503-644-1617
St. Pius X Community Center 1280 NW Saltzman Rd.
Portland, OR 97229

Sep 20 12:00 PM Parents and Ministries St. Andrew Catholic Church April Sandoval 503-281-4429
St. Andrew Nativity School 806 NE Alberta St.
Portland, OR 97211

Sep 21 6:00 PM Parents and Ministries St. James Church Engracia Arellano 503-472-5232
This class is in Spanish 1145 NE First St.
Fireside Room McMinnville, OR 97128

Sep 22 6:00 PM Parents and Ministries St. Agatha School Sarah Lutz 503-234-5500
Must RSVP 7960 SE 15th Ave.
School Library Portland, OR 97202

Sep 22 6:00 PM Parents and Ministries St. James Church Sandra Van Bergen 503-472-5232
This Class is in English 1145 NE First St.
Fireside Room McMinnville, OR 97128

Sep 23 6:30 PM Parents and Ministries St. Andrew Catholic Church April Sandoval 503-281-4429
St. Andrew Nativity School 806 NE Alberta St.
Portland, OR 97211

Sep 23 7:00 PM Parents and Ministries St. Paul Church Mary Ann Lamb 541-686-2345
1201 Satre St.
Eugene, OR 97401

Sep. 24 2:00 PM Parents and Ministries Pastoral Center Ceil Fessler 503-233-8391
Room 4 2838 E. Burnside St.
Portland, OR 97214

Sep 30 1:30 PM Parents and Ministries St. John Fisher Merrit Holub 503-452-8570
Parish Center 7007 SW 46th Ave.
Portland, OR 97219

Sep 30 6:00 PM Parents and Ministries St. John Fisher Merrit Holub 503-452-8570
Parish Center 7007 SW 46th Ave.
Portland, OR 97219

Sep 30 6:30 PM Parents and Ministries La Salle College Prep. Mary Neil 503-496-1761
School Library 11999 SE Fuller Rd.
Milwaukie, OR 97222

Oct 6 6:00 PM Parents and Ministries St. Luke School Emily Humm 503-981-7441
529 Harrison St.
Woodburn, OR 97071

Oct 6 6:30 PM Parents and Ministries The Madeleine School/Parish Barbara Stanton 503-288-9197
3123 NE 24th Ave.
Portland, OR 97212

Oct 12 10:00 AM Parents and Ministries Pastoral Center Ceil Fessler 503-233-8391
Room 4 2838 E. Burnside St.
Portland, OR 97214

Oct 13 8:15 AM Parents and Ministries St. AnthonySchool School Office 503-639-4179
Video - Cafeteria 12645 SW Pacific Hwy.
Tigard, OR 97223

Oct 13 5:30 PM Parents and Ministries St. Anthony School School Office 503-639-4179
Video - Library 12645 SW Pacific Hwy
Tigard, OR 97223

Oct 22 4:00 PM Parents and Ministries St. Agatha School Sarah Lutz 503-234-5500
Must RSVP 7960 SE 15th Ave.
School Library Portland, OR 97202

Oct 27-28 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Train the Trainer Ceil Fessler 503-233-8391
Eugene, OR

Nov 1 9:15 AM English Parents Ascension Catholic Church Sharon Grigar 503-256-3897
Must RSVP 7507 SE Yamhill St.
Conference Room Portland, OR 97215

Nov 10 8:15 AM Parents and Ministries St. Anthony School School Office 503-639-4179
Video - Cafeteria 12645 SW Pacific Hwy
Tigard, OR 97223

Nov 10 5:30 PM Parents and Ministries St. Anthony School School Office 503-639-4179
Video - Library 12645 SW Pacific Hwy.
Tigard, OR 97223

Nov 10 2:30 PM Parents and Ministries Pastoral Center Ceil Fessler 503-233-8391
Room 4 2838 E. Burnside St.
Portland, OR 97214

Dec 4 10:00 AM Parents and Ministries Pastoral Center Ceil Fessler 503-233-8391
Room 4 2838 E. Burnside St.
Portland, OR 97214

Dec 15 4:00 PM Parents and Ministries St. Agatha School Sarah Lutz 503-234-5500
Must RSVP 7960 SE 15th Ave.
School Library Portland, OR 97202

Jan 7 6:30 PM Parents and Ministries The Madeleine School/Parish Susan Steele 503-288-9197
3123 NE 24th Ave.
Portland, OR 97212

Jan 17 9:45 AM Parents & Ministries Queen of Peace Church Tricia Boyle 503-364-7202
4170 Pullman Ave. SE.
Salem, OR 97302

Feb 2 6:00 PM Parents and Ministries St. Agatha School Sarah Lutz 503-234-5500
MUST RSVP 7960 SE 15th Ave.
School Library Portland, OR 97202

Apr 6 4:00 PM Parents and Ministries St. Agatha School Sarah Lutz 503-234-5500
Must RSVP 7960 SE 15th Ave.
School Library Portland, OR 97202

Friday, August 7, 2009

Archdpdx "Safe Touch" Opt-Out Documentation: Why Not Implement it? Great options part one.

“It would appear that parents are able to seek an exemption from the Safe Touch programs offered in Catholic Schools within the Archdiocese of Portland on their own behalf and on behalf of their children, and that this is the policy of the Archdiocese.”
Mauro Piacenza – Titular Archbishop of Vittoriana, Secretary for Congregation of the Clergy
Dear Advocates for Life,

Permission has been granted for any parents who want to opt out their children from the Archdiocese of Portland's "Safe Environments" programs. To be sent a complete copy of the original letter from Rome please email me.

These programs have caused much distress among many families throughout the United States. The great question is who is choosing these programs and why are they all NOT in compliance with the Catechism of the Catholic church's message and common sense of protecting the innocence of children. No matter what the culture of the day is.

Most (85%) of the sexual abuse cases levied at some priests and bishops of the Church are homosexual in nature and yet we see a homosexual connection in these programs that could be considered its promotion.

The USCCB website describes what is expected of all dioceses. The website for USCCB Office of Child and Youth Protection has many questions with answers, one is :

"Who evaluates the results of the background investigation and determines if the individual is suitable for work with children?"
Below are some of the programs used in the Archdiocese of Portland. Each has a problem recognized as inappropriate for the true safety of the innocence of children. Go to the Link above for more information on the pro-homosexual propaganda and suspect beginnings. These are just a sampling of what should have been sending up red flags to the USCCB. Are THEY doing any background investigation?


Jane Hickerson, PhD, Executive VP of Praesidium - co-authored a book on Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered persons, for graduate and undergraduate college students. Here are some links regarding her field of expertise.Homosexual Connections for kids?
More "gay" connections.tive-authors.html

"Armatus covers sensitive material, including sexual and physical abuse. If you find the content disturbing, please discuss your concerns with your supervisor. Thank you for your commitment to protecting those in your care."

Talk About Touching - Committee for Children

The genesis of the "Talking about Touching" curriculum provides a fascinating case study in how secular forces - and highly questionable forces at that come into play within a Catholic-school curriculum.

The curriculum was funded by the State of Washington and produced by the Seattle-based Committee for Children. This committee is a non-profit organization that grew out of 1970s group called Judicial Advocates for Women, which itself originally grew out of Seattle COYOTE, and whose initial mission was to "educate the public about the realities of prostitution."

In fact, COYOTE is an acronym for "Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics;" the group was founded in 1973 "to work for the repeal of the prostitution laws and an end to the stigma associated with sexual work." As of 1997, Seattle COYOTE's executive director was Catherine LaCroix, who billed herself as a "Dianic Wiccan priestess" and a "Shameless Sacred Whore."

In one scene, a kindergartener asks his mother, "Mommy, what is sex?," to which the celluloid mom responds, "Sex is when two people get undressed and rub their private parts together." One woman who attended the screening later voiced her disgust with chancery officials: "What is Catholic about this program?

See the links above - "Safe Touch - Talk about Touching"
Catholic Medical Association - "Talk about Touching "
Boy Scout Videos
Show scenarios of abuse which have caused distress in some children and were considered inappropriate by the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women in PDX in a letter to Archbishop Vlazny after a three month study.

VIRTUS - Protecting God's Children

The Abusing God's Children..Abusisng God's Children
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in 2006 responded to the primacy of parents to educate their children and help them as the parents feel is the correct way with this response:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a little-noticed, single paragraph released May 15 on its web site, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops reversed the policy adopted by numerous dioceses across America that had subjected Catholic schoolchildren to mandatory “sex-abuse-education” classes.

“New regulations issued May 15 by the U.S. bishops allow parents to remove their children from diocesan-sponsored training programs in child sex-abuse prevention,” said the announcement from the U.S. bishops’ Catholic News Service (CNS).

And the announcement appeared on the very day that the Vatican announced the acceptance by Pope Benedict XVI of the resignation of Washington’s Theodore Cardinal McCarrick, an outspoken supporter of those education programs.

In fact, Cardinal McCarrick had ordered all archdiocesan Catholic schools to expel any children whose parents refused to allow their children into the secular “Child Lures” program that was mandatory until the May 15 announcement apparently reversed it. 5-25-06

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cat Willett gone from Justice and Peace Office: A Chance for LIFE?

Dear Advocates for Life,

Catherine "Cat" Willett has left as director of the Office of Justice and Peace for the Archdpdx. By Monday, July 12th, it is said that a new person will take her place. This has not happened yet and I pray that Archbishop Vlazny and Mary Jo Tully will think about the need for a Respect Life Office and one for Marriage and Family Life.

For decades the "Justice and Peace" Office has been the depository of our Catholic collection plate monies with NO financial help, NO budget when Father Cihak was "Respect Life Director", no staff, no real "respect" for unborn life. Our families have not had a director since Jay Wonacott left many years ago.

Out of the Office of Justice and Peace has flowed the river of lopsided "justice", none for the weakest, the unborn. Through it we still link arms with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and other ultra liberal anti-Catholic groups that saps us of funds and strength. Regarding the "Catholic" Campaign for Human Development, this office still hasn't answered who's on the committee to choose groups that receive Catholic money. Over 90% of them aren't Catholic and we've given tens of thousands of dollars to ACORN and Saul Alinsky type groups over and over again. Is there a conflict, why the secrecy?

There is pending legislation on the Federal level regarding abortion, and last session in Oregon we had a man who was pro-abortion as the lobbyist for us. In this age of confusion regarding Life Issues and thus the loss of immortal Souls, the vast responsibility for this is falling on the priests, please pray for their continued holiness and conversion, as well as ours. May Christ's Light shine on those making decisions. There is so much at stake.

We pray for Cat Willett, that her life will be blessed and directed by the Holy Spirit.

"Better that only a few Catholics should be left, staunch and sincere in their religion, than that they should, remaining many, desire as it were, to be in collusion with the Church's enemies and in conformity with the open foes of our faith."
-St. Peter Canisius (1521-1597)

"When there is an imminent danger for the Faith, Prelates must be questioned,
even publicly, by their subjects."
-St. Thomas Aquinas

Jesus promised He would never leave us.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Is "John Stephen" considered a real boy to the 2009 Legislature?

Dear Advocates for Life, As the end of the 2009 Session ends it doesn't look like the bill to acknowledge a crime in which an unborn child is a victim of violence is going to make it off of the desk of Senator Devlin. John Stephen was cut from his mothers womb and both died by this action. His mother's death deemed murder, however, his life seems to be a vapor...The Majority of legislators in Salem don't see him as a real boy and feel any need to protect him. It is frightening to realize that these men and women are in charge of our lives, common sense is lost on them..they have hardened their.hearts. We can never lose hope so...please keep praying and let your those in power know how you feel. Like a drop of water that wears away a stone, may our prayers change their hearts to those of flesh. You can always go to and contact all the legislators. Their contact info is all there. I'll have a wrap up of the 2009 Session next week when SINE DIE should take place. (Lat. The final adjournment of a legislative session, without adjourning to a specific time or date;) Prayer request..Please pray for the 41st Battalion of the Oregon National Guard. They are going to deploy for Iraq from Ft. Stewart in Georgia. We don't have a priest for them, so they need our prayers for spiritual direction and protection. Our son is among the soldiers and I thank you for any prayers for them, especially for those who have no faith. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn Perseverance... keeps honor bright: to have done, is to hang quite out of fashion, like a rusty nail in monumental mockery. ~William Shakespeare

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Immediate Action Requested - "John Stephen" Cut Out of Womb Needs Our Voice

Dear Advocates for Life, The murder of 21 year old Heather Snively and her unborn child highlights a grave injustice in Oregon’s law. Korena Elaine Roberts is accused of killing Heather and cutting her unborn child from her womb. Both Heather and her unborn baby died from the attack but under Oregon law the District Attorney can not charge Roberts with the murder of the baby unless it is proven that the baby took a breath of air before dying. According to Oregonian report, the deputy state medical examiner, Dr. Christopher Young said, “both the mom and child appeared healthy, there was no other reason for them to die.” Senator Bruce Starr (R–Hillsboro) has requested a bill that will allow separate murder charges for the killing of an unborn child during a criminal act. “There is no doubt that there are two victims, two crimes and two instances where justice must be served,” said Starr. “The family of Heather Snively and her son John Stephens will always grieve for two, and the law should recognize that two lives were ended on Friday, not just one.” In 2005 the Oregon Legislature considered a similar bill. The bill passed in the House with bi-partisan support but was refused a vote in the Senate. HB 2020 Was the Laci/Connor Peterson Bill to expand criminal homicide to include causing death of unborn child. VOCAL at the time ....At that time the Oregon Catholic Conference did NO lobbying either with Bob Castagna at the helm...He is now at Kentucky Oregon Catholic Conference....some things never change...Catholics give good benefits and there is job security. 36 other states have similar unborn victims of violence laws. ACTION: Call the following Senators and ask them to support Sen. Starr’s bill. -Senate President Peter Courtney 503.986.1600 -Senate Majority Leader Richard Devlin 503.986.1700 The Oregon Legislature is scheduled to adjourn in a matter of days. Oregonians must act now, if the bill has any chance of becoming law. For More Information Roger Martin, the lobbyist for the Catholic Church, although he's not pro-life needs to get on this. It is frustrating for us who pay his wage and are for protecting innocent life to have him in such a position, but the Archdpdx hired him. (as a legistor he voted to legalize abortion in 1969 and it passed. he also sponsored a bill to eliminate parental/spousal notification before an abortion) Roger Martin and Associates (Martin & Associates) 525 1st St Ste 112, Lake Oswego, OR 97034-3100 Contact Phone:(503) 636-8188 God Bless you and yours, Carolyn “We shall be called to account not only for every idle word, but also for every idle silence.” St. Ambrose

Friday, May 22, 2009

Opt-Out for "Safe Environments" is Okayed by Archbishop Vlanzy/40 OR Catholics Rally/Rosary Success

 Two great success stories for you this day. The Archdiocese/Archbishop has officially approved "opting out" for parents of students in the "Safe Environment" programs at schools.

They/He are letting the schools take care of the opting out process and is agreeable with this. Opting out for children in RCIA should also be allowed..if you have a problem in either case, please let me know.
The documentation is a letter from has it's own special page under the VOCAL title.

There is a great program "Healthy Families/Safe Children" that can be used for adult education and true catechises. Go to Healthy Families/Safe Children

This official message is thanks to an Oregon Catholic family who contacted Rome and cleared up the question. Thank them in your prayers, the Dear Lord, knows them by name.

The Rally/Rosary in support of Pro-Life Notre Dame students held at the Cathedral on Sunday, May 17th was a great success with about 40 people, both Catholic and Protestant. Thanks go to Father Wolfe who gave his blessing and to the Archbishop for also allowing this testimony to truth. Thanks to Catholics4America, Kevin Hoar, for his leadership. Join in, there is a Seattle group forming also to turn hearts back to Christ and His Mission.

Below see the confusion that our Church is going through. The Gnostic's are delusional and are being lead away from Christ by the deceiver. God Forgive them, they know not what they do. Smirks and giddiness at this atrocity may well lead to the gnashing of teeth one day. Not my words, but Our Creator's.

"There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out." Luke 13:28

Saturday, May 16, 2009


RALLY/ROSARY TO STAND FOR LIFE AT THE CATHEDRAL IN PORTLAND 18th and Couch - 10:30 am List of Bishops Opposing the Notre Dame Invitation and Award to President Obama SOUTH BEND, Indiana, May 6, 2009 ( - Following is an alphabetical list of bishops who have so far expressed disapproval of the University of Notre Dame's invitation to President Obama to give the commencement speech and receive an honorary law degree May 17. Included are links to the original source as well as coverage. Current count: 79 bishops Bishop Joseph V. Adamec - Altoona-Johnstown, PA Statement: LSN Bishop John D'Arcy - Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN Statement: LSN Report: Bishop Samuel Aquila - Fargo, ND Statement: LSN: Bishop Gregory Aymond - Austin, TX Statement: LSN: Bishop Robert Baker - Birmingham, AL Statement: LSN: Bishop Gerald Barbarito - Palm Beach, FL Statement: LSN: Bishop Leonard Blair - Toledo, OH Statement: LSN: Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua (Archbishop Emeritus) - Philadelphia, PA Statement: LSN: Bishop Lawrence Brandt - Greensburg, PA Statement: LSN: Archbishop Daniel Buechlein - Indianapolis, IN Statement: LSN: Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz - Lincoln, NE Statement: LSN: Archbishop Eusebius Beltran - Oklahoma City, OK Statement: LSN: Auxiliary Bishop Oscar CantĂș - San Antonio, TX Statement: LSN: Archbishop-Elect Robert Carlson - St. Louis Statement: LSN: Archbishop Charles Chaput - Denver, CO LSN: Bishop Paul Coakley - Salina, KS LSN: Auxiliary Bishop James Conley - Denver LSN: Bishop Edward Cullen - Allentown, PA LSN: Bishop Frank J. Dewane - Venice LSN: Bishop Nicholas Di Marzio - Brooklyn, NY Statement: ) LSN: Cardinal Daniel DiNardo - Houston, TX Statement: LSN: Archbishop Timothy Dolan - New York, NY Statement: Bishop Thomas Doran - Rockford, IL Statement: LSN: Auxiliary Bishop John Dougherty - Scranton, PA Statement: LSN: Bishop Robert Finn - Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO Statement: LSN: Bishop Joseph Galante - Camden, NJ Statement: LSN: Bishop Victor Galeone - St. Augustine, FL LSN: Bishop John Gaydos - Jefferson City Statement: LSN: Cardinal Francis George - Chicago, IL; President, USCCB LSN: Bishop Gerald Gettelfinger - Evansville, IN Statement: Archbishop JosĂ© Gomez - San Antonio, TX Statement: LSN: Auxiliary Bishop Roger Gries - Cleveland, Ohio Bishop Bernard Harrington - Winona, MN Statement: LSN: Bishop Robert Hermann - St. Louis, MO Statement: Bishop William Higi - Lafayette, IN LSN: Archbishop Alfred Hughes - New Orleans, LA Statement: LSN: Bishop Michael O. Jackels - Wichita, KS Statement: LSN: Bishop Sam Jacobs - Houma-Thibodaux, LA Statement: LSN: Bishop James V. Johnston - Springfield-Cape Girardeau, MO LSN: Bishop Peter Jugis - Charlotte, NC Bishop Joseph Latino - Jackson, MS Statement: LSN: Bishop John LeVoir - New Ulm, MN Statement: LSN: Bishop Jerome Listecki - La Crosse, WI Statement: LSN: Bishop William E. Lori - Bridgeport, CT Statement: LSN: Bishop Paul Loverde - Arlington, VA Statement: LSN: Bishop George Lucas - Springfield, IL Statement: LSN: Bishop Robert Lynch - St. Petersburg, FL Statement: LSN: Bishop Joseph Martino - Scranton, PA LSN: Bishop John McCormack - Manchester, NH Statement: Bishop Robert Morlino - Madison, WI Statement: LSN: Bishop William Murphy - Rockville Centre, NY LSN: Bishop George Murry - Youngstown, OH Statement: LSN: Archbishop John J. Myers - Newark, NJ Statement: LSN: Archbishop Joseph Naumann - Kansas City, KS LSN: Bishop R. Walker Nickless - Sioux City, IA Statement: LSN: Archbishop John C. Nienstedt - St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN Statement: LSN: Archbishop Edwin O'Brien - Baltimore, MD Statement: LSN: Bishop Thomas Olmsted - Phoenix, AZ Statement: LSN: Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk - Cincinnati, OH Statement: LSN: Bishop Reymundo Pena - Brownsville, TX LSN: Bishop Glen Provost - Lake Charles, LA Statement: LSN: Bishop David Ricken - Green Bay, WI Statement: LSN: Cardinal Justin Rigali - Philadelphia, PA; Chairman, USCCB Pro-Life Committee LSN: Bishop Kevin Rhoades - Harrisburg, PA Statement: LSN: Bishop Alexander Sample - Marquette, MI Statement: LSN: Bishop Michael Sheridan - Colorado Springs, CO Statement: LSN: Bishop Edward J. Slattery - Tulsa, OK Statement: LSN: Bishop John Smith - Trenton, NJ Bishop Richard Stika - Knoxville, TN Statement: LSN: Bishop Anthony Taylor - Little Rock, AR Statement: LSN: Bishop George Thomas - Helena, MT Statement: LSN: Bishop Donald Trautman - Erie, PA Statement: LSN: Bishop Robert Vasa - Baker, OR LSN: Bishop Michael Warfel - Great Falls-Billings, MT Statement: LSN: Bishop Thomas Wenski - Orlando, FL Statement: LSN: Archbishop Donald Wuerl - Washington, D.C. Statement: LSN: Bishop Emeritus John Yanta - Amarillo, TX Statement: LSN: Bishop David Zubick - Pittsburgh, PA Statement: LSN: God Bless you and yours, Carolyn jesus says - Matthew 7 13 Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. 14 How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it! 15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

ALERT!!! Rally and Rosary at Cathedral in PDX on Sunday!!!!

For Immediate Distribution Rally and a Rosary at St. Mary Cathedral in Portland 10:30am May 17th in support of ND students protesting President Obama being honored at the University of Notre Dame commencement this Sunday. A Notre Dame Alumnus and others from a group of conservative Pro-Life Catholics calling itself Catholics4America will be holding a rally in solidarity with the Notre Dame students protesting the honoring of Pres. Obama at once devoutly Catholic university's commencement. Father Wolfe, the pastor of parish where the Rally and a Rosary will take place, St. Mary’s Cathedral in downtown Portland, has welcomed the group to share their message and say a the rosary at the Cathedral at 10:30am on Sunday morning May 17th. This time coincides with Pres. Obama giving the commencement address at Notre Dame in Indiana. One may well imagine the controversy and sadness this presents to our Catholic faith. Mass schedule allowing, Father Wolfe will try to join event, along with other invited Priests and Deacons from the area. He has asked if local Catholic laity would consider requesting a pulpit announcement to invite members of their own parish to join event. For more info, visit their Facebook page:

Friday, April 24, 2009

Archdpdx "Called to Protect" aka "Called to Infect" our Children? - WE DO HAVE A GREAT OPTION..

Dear Advocates for Life,

The Praesedium "Armatus" Called to Protect program used by the Archdpdx to help prevent sexual abuse of our children should raise red flags. For those who have expressed alarm, you're not alone (Praesidium 624 Six Flags Drive, Suite 110 Arlington, TX 76011 817.801.7773 800.743.6354 toll-free Praesudium for Archdiocese of Portland and US

* The senior Vice President of Praesedium, Jane C. Hickerson, Ph.D., has co-authored a book for the Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered etc. community. With her pro-homosexual activity promotion, according to the 'book review' below, it seems a poor choice for the USCCB and this Archdiocese. There are healthy options.

Book Review

Affirmative Practice: Understanding and Working With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Persons
by Ski Hunter and Jane C. Hickerson; Washington, D.C., NASW Press, 2003, 417 pages, $44.99

Jack Drescher, M.D.

Ski Hunter and Jane C. Hickerson are professor and assistant professor, respectively, in the School of Social Work at the University of Texas at Arlington. They have written Affirmative Practice: Understanding and Working With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Persons as a textbook for "graduate and undergraduate ... students in applied human services fields (for example, social work, counseling, mental health, nursing, psychology, sociology, and education).
.......The volume is unapologetically gay affirmative, which is its major strength but sometimes a weakness. Although the book is statistically informative, the authors are less then dispassionate when they touch on the subject of violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals. The authors often speak with the voice of forceful authority, which may be necessary in a text intended to help students decide how to think about a culturally charged subject. However, it can leave naive readers little room to question some of the authors' conclusions. For example, they cite one study to support the claim that people who hold anti homosexual values are "less empathic" or use "denial, isolate or turn from others, or look for blame outside themselves." Even to this sympathetic reader, that sounds like overkill. END.


* Children are NOT the problem. Parents should be educated and in turn help their children. This is Church Teaching.
* There is no solid Catholic componants to this program, Catholic dollars should be used to build up the Body of Christ, not the coffers of non-Catholics with questionable motives.

"Armatus covers sensitive material, including sexual and physical abuse. If you find the content disturbing, please discuss your concerns with your supervisor. Thank you for your commitment to protecting those in your care." From the website. If a child is exposed to this information and traumatized or has been abused and things "come out" ....the Archdiocese of Portland has no Catholic therapists or counselors available to cover this breech of innocence. Families are left on their own. This information received directly from the Child Protection Office.

It's important to be "in compliance" because of the homosexual scandal , but this program isn't better than the last the secular "Committee for Children" begun by advocates for prostitutes and also still used by some dioceses as an "in compliance" alternative.


Parents, here is - A Moral Option guaranteed to be in compliance with Church Teachings. Created by Most Reverend Robert F. Vasa, Diocese of Baker, Oregon and his excellent team of Catholic professionals.

HEALTHY FAMILIES - SAFE CHILDREN - The Power of Relationships. is the website.

Here are clips of the lessons. They are great for parents and just to learn about prayer, love and how a Catholic family grows into a healthy place to be. For twenty short clips to help families, and keep children safe:

Bishop Vasa and Panel of Healthy Families: Safer Children


The public schools accept that parents might want to "opt-out" their children from these types of programs. Two years ago after a meeting at the Pastoral Center, I had a question for Cathy Shannon, the Child Protection Director, about parents "opting out" their children of these "safe environment" programs. She told me there was NO opt out for children and directed me to Mr. Bob Mizia, school superintendent to ask why no opting out like public schools allow.

When I mentioned to his secretary the reason for my wanting a meeting was to have a forum of concerned Catholics to discuss the safe environments/opting out issues, she forced me to leave the Pastoral Center, "escorting me out". The reason for this rude action...."The Lawsuit"..aka bankruptcy. Hmm. Church teaching says that parents are the first teachers and they should be encouraged to be great parents. They should be respected for this vocation.

This is why I'm adding the affirmation of personal faith. Something we need to enforce or lose our children to an alternative Catholic faith with no foundation, and to also enforce our right to have those who live off of our collection plate actually believe in the True Catholic faith, not what they want it to be. The programs we pay for should also reflect this faith.

Remember, we still have NO Pro-life Budget in the Archdpdx: no protection for our youngest Oregon Catholic children subject to the ultimate child abuse. Archdpdx 503-234-5334.

Jesus says. "But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea." 
Matthew 18:6

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Beaverton Babies & 40 Days for Life/Oprah/Divine Mercy/Action Item

Dear Advocates for Life, Enjoy these photos of the Beaverton babies who brought their moms to fight for the right to life of their peers during 40 Days for Life. They joined the great team of dedicated workers for Life Thanks to these dedicated moms who show us that the future of the pro-life movement will continue until hearts and minds are opened as they teach their children well. Thanks to all who stood up for life around the state during these 40 Days and also when you are standing alone. ************************************************************************************************* Wonders never we have Oprah..our new pro-life lobbyist, she must have heard about our trouble with Roger Martin. Here's the link. Dr. Oz is explaining stems cells with Michael J. Fox, who was recently elated with Obama's tax payer funding for this "dead issue". If you have a problem, just google - oprah dr. oz stem cells. For those who have forgotten, Roger Martin is the Oregon Catholic Conference lobbyist who voted to legalize abortions and voted against parental/spousal notification when he was a legislator in 1969 and 1973. If you'd like me to re-send legislative records of this, please just ask. Remember we still have NO BUDGET for the Pro-Life Office. ***************************************************************************************************** Jesus asked that the Feast of the Divine Mercy be preceded by a Novena to the Divine Mercy which would begin on Good Friday. He gave St. Faustina an intention to pray for on each day of the Novena, saving for the last day the most difficult intention of all, the lukewarm and indifferent of whom He said: "These souls cause Me more suffering than any others; it was from such souls that My soul felt the most revulsion in the Garden of Olives. It was on their account that I said: 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass Me by.' The last hope of salvation for them is to flee to My Mercy." For complete information Lord have mercy on those who do not see your great handiwork in the unborn. ************************************************************************************************ NO OREGON TAXPAYER MONEY FOR ABORTIONS - No on SB 5529 Human Services Subcommittee Membership: Sen. Alan C Bates, Co-Chair, 503-986-1703 Rep. Tina Kotek, Co-Chair, 503-986-1444 Sen. Margaret Carter, 503-986-1722 Sen. Jackie Winters, 503-986-1710 Rep. Mitch Greenlick, 503-986-1433 Rep. Bill Kennemer, 503-986-1439 Rep. Dennis Richardson, 503-986-1404 Rep. Carolyn Tomei, 503-986-1441 Staffing: Sheila Baker - Phone: 986-1838, (person to call for info on hearings) Eric Sorenson Link to Representative phone numbers Link to Senator phone numbers Legislative website To look up SB 5529, (on the right side), click on "Specific Measure Search" Thanks Cheri. *********************************************************************************************** This Easter is the 25th anniversary of our family being Catholic. It has been the most wonderful adventure into Eternity. There are many things that I "thought" being a Catholic would mean which was a great joke on me. Like all Catholics believe the same thing. After 25 years we all love Her madly and thank the Good Lord for His Great Mercy in letting us in. "The Catholic Church is the only thing which saves a man from the degrading slavery of being a child of his age"--G. K. Chesterton God Bless you and yours, Carolyn "It is finished." John 19:30 VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-4767 Member of the Catholic Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

University of Portland Scandal joins Notre Dame's

Dear Advocates for Life, The University of Portland run by the same order of priests as Notre Dame, Holy Cross, and has a scandal of it's own. "Team Portland Tennis is proud to serve the Portland Metro area in promoting tennis in the gay and lesbian community. Through social and friendly competitive organization, we strive to create a supportive atmosphere for sports enthusiasts in the community. Indoor play is offered every Sunday from 8:00 am until 12:00 pm at the University of Portland. As our guest, your first visit is free and $7.00 thereafter. tennis team, using the University of Portland's tennis faciliites." As you may remember, University of Portland was having the "Vagina Monologues" connected with the campus until President Beauchamp put a stop to it with pressure from us. Our children are the fodder for those who would strip them of the faith, those who should be protecting them. Alumni should be contacted. The election of Obama couldn't have happened without the support of Obama Catholics. Now, to still fund their lives as they live off of our collection plate money they might seem a little more "Catholic". Let's continue to pray for them, but learn from the recent past. For information on the Notre Dame Scandal, having Obama speak and receive an award, here's a great place to bookmark for this and things affecting our Catholic colleges... To contact Notre Dame: Phone: (574) 631-5000 email form:>, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Notre Dame Fellows: Rev. E. William Beauchamp, C.S.C., President, U. of Portland (50... Patrick F. McCartan, Senior partner, Jones Day (21... Email: William M. Goodyear, CEO, Navigant Consulting main: (312) 583-5700 list of all Notre Dame Fellows: NOTRE DAME ALUMNI BOARD The first one is the board president, the remaining ones are the individual members. -------------------------------------,,, mailto:TTGEVENTSTTGEVENTS,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, To contact the USCCB: Cardinal Francis George, President Archdiocese of Chicago phone: 312-751- 8200 email: Most Rev. Robert J. McManus, Chairman, Committee on Education Diocese of Worcester phone: 508-791-7171 committee email: To contact Notre Dame's bishop: Bishop John D'Arcy, Fort Wayne-South Bend Diocese Fort Wayne Chancery phone: (260) 422-4611 For University of Portland contact... Archbishop John Vlazny 503... 2838 E. Burnside St. (certified is the best to know he's received it) Portland Oregon 97214 - 1895 Abp's secretary's email University of Portland 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Portland, OR 97203 503... President E. William Beauchamp, CSC (50... ********************************************************************************************** Oregon Catholics are on top of this. We cannot let those who receive our money deceive us or give scandal to others, students, but most of all Our Lady and Our Lord and the Holy Cross... God Bless you and yours, Carolyn Prayer to the Holy Cross Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered; and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke vanishes, let them vanish; and as wax melts from the presence of fire, so let demons perish from the presence of those who love God and who sign themselves with the sign of the Cross and say in gladness: Hail, most precious and life-giving Cross of the Lord, for Thou drivest away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified on thee, Who went down to hades and trampled on the power of the devil, and gave us thee, his venerable Cross, for driving away all enemies. O most precious and life-giving Cross of the Lord, help me, with our Holy Lady, the Virgin Mother of God, and with all the Saints throughout the ages. Amen. VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-4767 Member of the Catholic Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".

Friday, March 13, 2009

NEW!! OR group: Catholics4America and Father Cihak's RTL e-News

Dear Advocates for Life, Here is some wonderful news. Given the commission by our Lord to evangelize, there are many great folks who love Him enough to take a stand on a volunteer basis and bring his Culture of Life and Love and sanity to Oregon. Catholics4America, an awesome, enthusiastic team, expertly facilitated by Kevin Hoar, meets every other Sunday. To join this group...please email to introduce yourself. They are planning to have a Catholic lobby day at the Capital, something we need since our lobbyist seems to know very little about fighting for innocent human life, or the innocence of those living. This group is active and ready to meet you. It will seem like you're in heaven. There is a meeting every other Sunday and March 15th is a meeting date, so get involved, now. The Respect Life Office has no budget in the Archdiocese of Portland, yet those who don't even support innocent human life with OUR COLLECTION PLATE money and voted for the most pro-abortion man elected still know that it always is good for a financial campaign. (this is my opinion, not that of the Respect Life office...sorry) SO, saving the unborn, elderly and innocense of Oregon Catholic citizens is done by the laity. Diane and Mary do a beautiful job with this pro-life e-newsletter. Please note the red letter campaign and the wonderful Oregon Right to LIfe Convention that is only $25 for those who mention this newsletter. We also have Marie Barzen, Cheri Crocker, Bill Diss who are coordinating 40 Days for LIfe. Bill and Precious Children of Portland need our support. They don't get funding, to my knowledge from the Archdiocese of PDX either. Contact Diane so that you can get these inspiring reminders and updates on so many people who follow the teachings of the Church and love our Lord. Email Just a note on the red letter campaign and why it is STILL important. Even though FOCA is not a bill, it can pass through in one week very easily. Our Bishops DID start the postcard campaign late although they knew about it for years. We can surmise that the wanted Obama to win and whatever their reason for not responding sooner, this tends to make most of us sick. Daily we see years of sacrifice to save the helpless overturned by Obama, their messiah? Now we have to clean up the mess of these "gnostic" Catholics who seem to follow the party line more than Our Lord's teachings in His Holy Roman Catholic Church. So, the Bishops were late AND only three postcards were sent. This happened when the Bishops finally got on board with the Partial Birth Abortion Ban postcard campaign during Bill Clinton's administration. THEY FORGOT THE FOURTH POSTCARD TO THE PRESIDENT. The president can veto, so he is the last word in the long line of legislative voting. So we need to send SOMETHING to the President. SO...the red postcard campaign does get their attention, gets us to participate in the process, remember we are already paid ACORN through the Campaign for Human Development to shot ourselves in the foot. SO...let's get our priorites straight. We need to be faithful and leave the success up to the Lord. As Diane, the editor of this says.....All for Jesus! Whether we have been doing this for years, or just's All For Jesus. We are in this together. You are NOT alone. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of the one who sent me and to finish his work. Do you not say, 'In four months the harvest will be here'? I tell you, look up and see the fields ripe for the harvest. The reaper is already receiving his payment and gathering crops for eternal life, so that the sower and reaper can rejoice together. For here the saying is verified that 'One sows and another reaps. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for; others have done the work, and you are sharing the fruits of their work."

Friday, March 6, 2009

Archdpx Appeal Money Promotes Embryonic Stem Cell Research at Capitol

Dear Advocates for Life,

Before I write to the Archbishop and Mary Jo Tully, who hired Roger Martin, our Oregon Catholic Conference lobbyist, I need to let you know what happened this week at the Capitol.

Both people recruited by Roger Martin to speak against HB 2598 the Embryonic Stem Cell Bill, were FOR IT!!!! One was a student from Central Catholic High School, Jake Guth. To hear his testimony from Tuesday log on 2009 Session...

Listen at the Legislature Sustainability and Economic Development
3/3/09 Go to 1:08:17 to hear Jake Guth.

The pro-embryonic stem-cell testimony of today, Thursday, has yet to be archived. Roger Martin testified against the bill, saying that the Catholic Church was against it, but gave NO reasons to embolden the reason. His recruits had lots of reasons in SUPPORT of the bill.
He did no research, and seems not to care. Why did Mary Jo Tully hire him?

Catholic collection plate money from the Archbishop's Catholic Appeal pays Martin's salary. Almost $40,000 from the Appeal goes to the Oregon Catholic conference. Maybe those that testified received our money too. Remember that the Respect Life Office still has NO BUDGET. This in itself is amazing since the Archbishop gives pro-life speeches.

Why don't we have any funds to save children from the hands of abortionists and their mothers from a life believing that there are no other options. It seems that the Catholic Church in Oregon holds no hope for the unborn from those who hold the pursestrings.

God Bless you and yours,

Give not that which is holy (appeal money?) to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you.
Matthew 7:6
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Member of the Catholic Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Holy Communion: Poison for Some?

Ash Wednesday I was late for noon mass and ended up in the vestibule, so I could see who was going up for Holy Communion. I noticed Senate President Peter Courtney, known as a NARAL supporter, going up the center aisle.

I watched and he was given Our Lord in the Eucharist and went back to his seat. I have known him and his position for twenty-five years since our children went to first grade together but maybe he had changed his position. To avoid assumption, as he was leaving, I held out my hand which he hesitantly took, saying, "Hello Peter, do you still support abortion rights?"..."yes, I do." My next question was...."Then why did you just receive Communion?" As he pulled his hand away, and hurriedly left, I followed him and asked, "Why did you put Father in such a position? ....Why are you bringing scandal to others." He walked back to the Capitol. I told the priest that he hadn't changed his ways.

To not speak to Peter Courtney would have been a sin of omission for me. We need to protect the Lord and the person. Some clerics say that "they would never withhold" Holy Communion from anyone, but it that a loving thing to do?

When we joined the Church, we weren't allowed to Receive and were even taken out of Church before the Liturgy of the Eucharist began. This lasted from November until April. There was pain involved but a chance to learn and love the Source and Summit of our Faith. It was a loving act for us not participate until we were in union with the Church.

After the Ash Wednesday event, it became very clear to me, that for a priest to give Our Lord, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity to someone like Peter Courtney, is actually giving him POISON. To say, "oh he/she might have changed their mind" isn't enough anymore. They need to read the Holy Scriptures and not condemn themselves by giving them Holy's very clear.

Our Lord can bring Grace to those who receive "worthily" and a curse/poison to those who receive "unworthily". Politicians who have changed their minds on abortion need to publicly announce their conversion, since their abortion views were known publicly and they used their political power to kill children through abortion.

The laity has to be open for the Lord to ask US to protect our brothers and sisters in Christ, both laity and religious. To have these "opportunities" and not act is a sin of omission. Just open your mouths and He'll give you the words, it's scary, only when you think about it and let doubt/Satan creep in.

Happy Lent

I Corinthians 11
26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes.
27 Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord.
12 28 A person should examine himself,
13 and so eat the bread and drink the cup.
29 For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment 14 on himself.
30 That is why many among you are ill and infirm, and a considerable number are dying.