Back from a trip to California, where they still kneel after the Agnus Dei and are "turning toward Rome" in their hearts. Even the confused peace and justice folks are feeling the change. Thank God for His Goodness.
Oregon news:
The list of Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) grantees 2012 is a slap in the face to faithful Catholics from the hierarchy: Office of Justice and Peace, lead by Mary Jo Tully and Matt Cato.
Springtime of the you "feel' it coming? |
It is a good-bye present to us all and hopefully confirms we might have an Archbishop with backbone to look into the faithful actions of his hired help to see if they are faithful to the "whole" Catholic community and not just liberal, "we know better than the Church" people.
They put their money where their heart is, which seems to fund abortion and active homosexuality organizations taking Catholic monies for decades.
Just a little look into the list shows us the links they have with each other: tax exempt organizations that are parasites celebrating their salaries off of faithful hard working folks and having "above it all" mentalities.
I know this is a harsh post..Harsher still is the lack of understanding of the Church and her Life in Christ.
CCHD Grants 2012 Archdiocese of Portland
The three National Catholic Campaign for Human Development Grants were awarded to:
Organization: Community Alliance of Tenants
Project: Housing Justice Program and Just Cause Campaign
Location: Portland,OR
Funding: $50,000
Community Alliance of Tenants is an established community organization working on tenants' rights. It is the only membership-controlled, tenants-rights community organization in Oregon.Affordable housing that is safe and clean has always been a significant issue, and the Great Recession has reduced the supply of such housing and, specifically in Portland, pushed tenants to the outskirts of Portland.
This CCHD grant will fund CAT’s Housing Justice Program where low-income renters are organized to directly challenge unsafe housing conditions in members' buildings and new leaders are supported to guide important changes to housing policies.
This year, the Housing Justice Program will confront the impacts of unjust housing policy and build the power of low-income tenants to direct solutions.
The goal of the upcoming Just Cause campaign is to end the practice of no-cause evictions in Oregon.
Organization:Hacienda Community Development Corporation
Project: Mercado
Location: Portland,OR
Funding: $50,000
Hacienda Community Development Corporation was formed in 1993 in response to the declining standard of living among Hispanic immigrants in Portland's lower-income communities. Hacienda's mission is to develop affordable housing and build thriving communities in support of working Latino families and others in Oregon by promoting healthy living and economic advancement.
Hacienda CDC has been supporting the work of an established group of approximately 30 low-income Latino entrepreneurs to create an entrepreneurs’ co-operative (the Co-op) that will direct the development and operation of Portland’s first Latino Public Market. The Market is currently in a start-up phase.
This CCHD grant will fund the development of the Mercado.
While most of the Latino-focused CCHD-funded organizations in Portland work on metro, county and state immigrant rights—all legislative issues—Hacienda CDC works on issues of economic opportunity for working Latino families and others in Oregon by promoting healthy living and economic advancement.
Organization: MACG Vision
Project: Latino Organizing Project
Location: Portland,OR
Funding: $45,00
MACG Vision is a subsidiary of Metropolitan Alliance for Common Good (MACG) formed to outreach to institutions that represent a majority of low income, minority, or underserved populations.
This CCHD grant will fund MACG Vision’s outreach to Latino members of metropolitan Catholic parishes to build relationships with the intention of seeking opportunities for bringing about institutional change that affects the Latino immigrant population. The targeted populations – Latinos and the diverse East Portland residents are poor. Hispanic household median income is 30% less than white households yet the voices of these Hispanic households are rarely heard.
MACG Vision will train individuals from member institutions of MACG Vision's partner organization, MACG, or prospective institutions in the tools of relational organizing – relational meetings, listening campaigns, and issue development – that will be led entirely by the individuals directly affected by the problems that surface during the listening sessions.
MACG Vision is the only established community organization with an identifiable faith-based—Catholic—element.
The six local Catholic Campaign for Human Development grants were awarded to:
Organization:Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon: Interfaith Food and Farm Partnership
Project: Rockwood Community Voices for Food Justice
Location: Rockwood,OR
Funding: $5000
In Gresham, many working class people are living without access to healthy affordable food. Grocery stores are too far away and the nearest food vendors are fast food chains.
The goal of the Rockwood Community Voices for Food Justice program is to build the capacity of low-income residents of the Rockwood neighborhood of Gresham, OR for improved access to healthy, affordable food through organizing and leading a grassroots food assessment. This CCHD grant will partially fund this assessment, which will be lead by a Neighborhood Assessment Team composed of low-income community members.
A food assessment is a participatory method of identifying the food assets and needs of a community. The assessment will identify new ways to connect local food producers and low-income consumers; identify economic opportunities for local residents to grow, process, sell and distribute food; and, build capacity to address food issues through advocacy for institutional and governmental policies.
Interfaith Food and Farms Partnership is a project of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon's Interfaith Network for Earth Concerns, with experience in conducting food assessments.
Organization: Huerto de la Familia (The Family Garden)
Project: Cambios (Change) Micro-Development Program
Location: Eugene,OR
Funding: $5000
Huerto de la Familia works to expand opportunities and training in organic agriculture and business creation to families with the least access, but who have great potential to benefit.
This CCHD grant will partially fund the Cambios Micro Development Program which offers business training and business counseling to Spanish-speaking individuals who want to create or enhance food and farm businesses. The program supports individuals in developing the following assets: education and training, financial reputation (credit), and financial reserves. The program hopes to support individuals to transition from being laborers to being business owners.
The goal of Cambios is to increase financial stability and food security among participants by helping entrepreneurial Latinos capitalize on solid business ideas and opportunities by providing the support and training they need to successfully run and grow the businesses on their own
Organization: New City Initiative
Project: New City Kitchen
Location: Portland,OR
Funding: $5000
The mission of the New City Initiative is to build bridges between the faith community and the non-profit, business, and public sectors towards the goal of ending homelessness.
The New City Kitchen, a social enterprise in collaboration with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and DePaul Industries, will train 20 workforce trainees through a 100-hour program at Ecumenical Ministries’ Patton Kitchen, and then placing them in “workplace internships” with local food service employers.
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development grant will help develop a catering arm of the New City Kitchen, using “Delicioso Catering” as a basis. The catering operation will employ people who are significantly challenged in the traditional labor market, providing “second chance” employment opportunities for employment to people who go through the New City Kitchen program.
Organization: OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon
Project: Bus Riders Unite and East Portland Bus Stop Project
Location: Portland,OR
Funding: $5000
OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon (OPAL) is a grassroots community-based organization working to educate, engage and empower low-income communities of color to build leadership and capacity to effectively participate in the civic process to protect their community health and interests. OPAL is the only membership-controlled, environmental justice organization supported by CCHD.
CCHD funds will be used to support OPAL’s Bus Riders United! membership program and transit justice campaign work, focused specifically on leadership development and the East Portland Bus Stops project. This project seeks to educate and mobilize transit-dependent riders in East Portland – predominantly low-income communities of color – to engage in a community-driven project to increase the accessibility, safety and connectivity of transit, and to build awareness of the connections between transit and positive health outcomes.
The project will create opportunities for meaningful engagement in local decision-making and advocate for prioritizing the needs of transit-dependent communities
Organization:San Martin de Porres
Project: Social Justice Ministry/Community Outreach
Location: Dayton,OR
Funding: $5000
The majority of the parishioners of San Martin de Porres Catholic Church are low-income Latinos living in rural Oregon. San Martin's Social Justice Ministry advocates for the Latino immigrant community by providing the knowledge regarding local resources, civil rights, and leadership skills necessary to become contributing members of society. Members strive to listen to the needs of the community and advocate for civic involvement in areas where there is underrepresentation of the Latino community, e.g., legislation and education.
This CCHD grant will fund an annual immigration conference, intended as an educational event for both the Latino and Anglo communities; citizenship/civic classes to benefit current residents in our community seeking to gain citizenship; Know Your Rights workshop to educate its community regarding their constitutional rights and what to expect when encountering government immigration or law enforcement officials.
The San Martin de Porres’ social justice ministry is the only Catholic community organization in the Archdiocese of Portland supported by either a local or national CCHD grant.
Organization:Salem-Keizer Coalition for Equality
Project: Parent Organizing Project: Leadership Development
Location: Salem,OR
Funding: $5000
Salem-Keizer Coalition for Equality organized in the Latino migrant community to develop meaningful parental involvement to increase the graduation rate for, and educational outcomes of, low income and minority students in Salem-Keizer.
This CCHD grant will partially fund continued training of nine new parent facilitators and providing professional development opportunities for its seven-member senior facilitation team.
Equipped trainers offer workshops for Spanish-speaking parents at its community-based organization. SKCE parent facilitators teach workshops for Spanish-speaking immigrant parents, design new units, coordinate advocacy around school funding and programs for English Language Learners, and provide ongoing support for families.
SKCE is located in Salem, with workshops in Corvallis and Southern Oregon.
Regional Organizations
National Organizations